ASTRON JIVE Daily Image Archive Search results

Searched on:

  • 29-08-2024
  • Shooting stars and northern lights - the movie
  • Paul Boven
  • 16-08-2024
  • Taking care of colleagues!
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 15-08-2024
  • Canada Excellence Research Chair in Transient Astrophysics
  • Jason Hessels
  • 14-08-2024
  • Perseïden-meteorenzwerm
  • Iris Nomden
  • 13-08-2024
  • Enjoying the flora and fauna around ASTRON
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 09-08-2024
  • Road trip
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 01-08-2024
  • Summer students 2024
  • Alexander Kutkin
  • 30-07-2024
  • Bob Ross Moment
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 25-07-2024
  • A Very Disco Outfit
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 24-07-2024
  • Dwingeloo featured in musical
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 23-07-2024
  • Toolbox Session: Unlock the Secrets to Effective Communication!
  • Andre Gunst
  • 08-07-2024
  • André Gunst celebrating 25 years at ASTRON.
  • I&S
  • 05-07-2024
  • Cool Stars
  • Rob Kavanagh
  • 04-07-2024
  • Colloquium: Pulsar Scintillation and Interstellar Lenses
  • Tim Sprenger
  • 03-07-2024
  • Transformer models for astrophysical time series
  • Joeri van Leeuwen and Oli Boersma
  • 02-07-2024
  • LOFAR e-learning course
  • Emma van der Wateren
  • 01-07-2024
  • Ambient-L: an ambient-temperature L-band receiver for the Westerbork radio telescope
  • David Prinsloo & Jason Hessels
  • 28-06-2024
  • Astropy Goes Dutch
  • John Swinbank
  • 27-06-2024
  • [Colloquium] WRC-23 key outcomes related to radio astronomy
  • Waleed Madkour (JIVE)
  • 26-06-2024
  • No strings attached
  • Derkjan Pepping
  • 25-06-2024
  • SRCNet PI planning goes Gothenburg
  • Janneke de Boer
  • 24-06-2024
  • Videowall upgrade Control room - LOFAR 2.0 Operations
  • Henk Mulder
  • 21-06-2024
  • New aerial image of the superterp
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 20-06-2024
  • [Colloquium] From birth to maturity: tracing the evolution and impact of radio galaxies
  • Pranav Kukreti (Heidelberg University, Germany)
  • 19-06-2024
  • Extra colloquium (Wednesday) - The enigmatic long-period radio transients
  • Natasha Hurley-Walker
  • 18-06-2024
  • PhD defence Emma van der Wateren
  • Gemma Janssen & Cees Bassa
  • 17-06-2024
  • A Needle in a Cosmic Haystack: A Review of FRB Search Techniques - II
  • Joeri van Leeuwen and Kaustubh Rajwade
  • 13-06-2024
  • Colloquium: Galaxy Clusters at Low Radio Frequencies
  • Reinout van Weeren
  • 11-06-2024
  • A Needle in a Cosmic Haystack: A Review of FRB Search Techniques - I
  • Joeri van Leeuwen and Kaustubh Rajwade
  • 10-06-2024
  • LOFAR welcomed into the ERIC family
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 30-05-2024
  • Colloquium: What can we learn from radio magnetars?
  • Gregory Desvignes
  • 28-05-2024
  • Planar view of 90 pulsar profiles from the European Pulsar Network database
  • Dany Vohl
  • 27-05-2024
  • SKAO Speaker Series
  • Jason Hessels
  • 24-05-2024
  • Opening Hallenhoes
  • Ellemijn Oosterhuis
  • 23-05-2024
  • Colloquium: Astronomical and Engineering Developments Through Establishing Thai National Radio Astronomy Observatory at NARIT
  • Koichiro Sugiyama (Chief Scientist of TNRO, NARIT)
  • 22-05-2024
  • Birth and Evolution of Fast Radio Bursts
  • Joeri van Leeuwen and Yuyang Wang
  • 17-05-2024
  • A special lens for Jekels Jacht
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 09-05-2024
  • Dwingeloo Telescope postcard 1955
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 07-05-2024
  • Sharpest decameter images with LOFAR LBA
  • Christian Groeneveld
  • 02-05-2024
  • Colloquium: The origins of solar energetic particles in the heliosphere revealed by radio observations
  • Diana Morosan
  • 30-04-2024
  • Michael Mesarcik - Machine learning-based anomaly detection for radio telescopes
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 29-04-2024
  • April as World Autism Acceptance Month
  • Equity and Inclusion Committee
  • 25-04-2024
  • Colloquium: The first inroads into the low-frequency gravitational wave spectrum
  • Aditya Parthasarathy
  • 24-04-2024
  • ASTRON's Radio Stars Shine at MIT Haystack
  • Cristina-Maria Cordun
  • 23-04-2024
  • ASTRON celebrates its 75th birthday!
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 22-04-2024
  • Over 100 bright bursts from a hyperactive fast radio burst source
  • Jason Hessels, Omar Ould-Boukattine et al.
  • 18-04-2024
  • Sangeeth Kochanthara wins one of the Best PhD Thesis Awards by the Dutch National Association for Software Engineering !🎓ðŸ†
  • Sangeeth Kochanthara
  • 17-04-2024
  • 7th LOFAR Data School is on the way!
  • Vlad Kondratiev on behalf of the LOC of the LDS2024
  • 16-04-2024
  • Radio telescopes on the cover of Nature Astronomy
  • Jason Hessels
  • 12-04-2024
  • Solar eclipse in Mississippi
  • Timothy Shimwell
  • 11-04-2024
  • Monitoring workshop @ WSRT
  • Rene Lourens
  • 09-04-2024
  • Dwingeloo Telescope observes Fast Radio Burst
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Thomas Telkamp
  • 08-04-2024
  • SRCNet Shanghai workshop
  • Janneke de Boer
  • 05-04-2024
  • SCRNet team Tangerine plannend again!
  • Janneke de Boer
  • 04-04-2024
  • Colloquium: Dynamic Pulsar Timing Array data combinations
  • Rutger van Haasteren
  • 03-04-2024
  • NGC 5068: a MHONGOOSE mystery
  • Julia Healy
  • 29-03-2024
  • Wolfsbos visits ASTRON
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 28-03-2024
  • Colloquium: Modern Python development, working smarter not harder
  • Corné Lukken
  • 26-03-2024
  • Data Intensive Astronomy Centres in the Netherlands
  • John Swinbank
  • 25-03-2024
  • MICADO pupilwheel mechanism - warm tests
  • Annemieke Janssen
  • 22-03-2024
  • LOFAR FM radio
  • Menno Norden
  • 21-03-2024
  • Colloquium: Dwarf Galaxies as Probes of Star Formation Regulation on Galactic Scales
  • Erin Kado-Fong
  • 20-03-2024
  • XCEPTION making waves at the WSRT
  • Henk Mulder
  • 19-03-2024
  • SKA-LOW Operator Visits ASTRON: Take 2
  • Charlotte Sobey
  • 14-03-2024
  • Documentary Film Crew Visits the LOFAR Lightning group at ASTRON
  • Brian Hare
  • 13-03-2024
  • Colloquium: Émilie Du Châtelet and the foundations of physics
  • Jan-Willem van Holten
  • 12-03-2024
  • SKA-LOW Operator Visits ASTRON!
  • Riley Keel
  • 11-03-2024
  • Direction finding of amateur radio stations using AZELGEO support in TMSS
  • Corne Lukken
  • 08-03-2024
  • Meidendag and Girls' Day
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 07-03-2024
  • Colloquium: Goodbye darkness, my old friend
  • Hannah Dalgliesh
  • 06-03-2024
  • ICD EMC^2 peers at Wireless Data Lab
  • Johan Pragt
  • 04-03-2024
  • Interview on Radio Swammerdam
  • Jason Hessels
  • 01-03-2024
  • Milliarcsecond Localisation of the Hyperactive Repeating FRB 20220912A
  • Danté Hewitt, Shivani Bhandari, Benito Marcote, Jason Hessels et al.
  • 29-02-2024
  • Colloquium: New insights into Jovian auroral radio emissions from Juno observations: focus on satellite-magnetosphere interaction
  • Corentin Louis
  • 27-02-2024
  • Pushing Limits
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 23-02-2024
  • Guest lesson at the Roelof van Echten College
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 22-02-2024
  • Colloquium: Investigating magnetic launching of black hole jets at multiple scales
  • Georgios Filippos Paraschos
  • 20-02-2024
  • Goodbye AGILE!
  • Benito Marcote
  • 19-02-2024
  • SKA Science Data Challenge 3a
  • John Swinbank
  • 16-02-2024
  • ILT visit DE601 Effelsberg
  • Ronald
  • 15-02-2024
  • Colloquium: Fast radio burst and Magnetar observations at Astropeiler Stockert
  • Wolfgang Herrmann
  • 14-02-2024
  • The EVN Seminars are back!
  • Benito Marcote
  • 12-02-2024
  • A bright burst detection from FRB 20240114A at P-band using Westerbork RT-1
  • Omar Ould-Boukattine, Richard Blaauw & Jason Hessels
  • 09-02-2024
  • Improved version: giant pulse on two bands
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Paul Boven, Thomas Telkamp, CAMRAS
  • 08-02-2024
  • First LOFAR2.0 fringes!
  • Cees Bassa, on behalf of the LOFAR2.0 team
  • 07-02-2024
  • The SPECTRUM Project kicks off
  • John Swinbank
  • 06-02-2024
  • Co-workers to be extra proud of
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 05-02-2024
  • Astron/Leiden student Rafaël Mostert successfully defended his thesis
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 01-02-2024
  • Colloquium: Uncovering the diversity of fast radio bursts
  • Ziggy Pleunis
  • 31-01-2024
  • Another look at M87*
  • Des Small
  • 30-01-2024
  • Giant pulse on two bands
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Thomas Telkamp, Michel Arts, CAMRAS
  • 29-01-2024
  • Give students of RSG Wolsbos in Hoogeveen a look into the world of radio astronomy
  • Lisa Oosterhof
  • 26-01-2024
  • TMSS v1.0
  • Rene Lourens
  • 25-01-2024
  • Colloquium: The LOFAR view of ram-pressure stripping in the Virgo cluster
  • Henrik Edler
  • 23-01-2024
  • LOFAR ERIC: Distributed Research Infrastructure for European Astronomical Research Launched
  • Rene Vermeulen
  • 22-01-2024
  • Dwingeloo receives UHF from Japanese Moon rover
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, on behalf of CAMRAS
  • 18-01-2024
  • Colloquium: The pattern speed of the stellar bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud measured with Gaia data
  • Laurent Chemin
  • 16-01-2024
  • Archive: 18 years of Telescopium
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 15-01-2024
  • Lunar occultation of Sagittarius A
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Thomas Telkamp, Ard Hartsuijker
  • 12-01-2024
  • Message from 1987
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 11-01-2024
  • 2nd year research practicum at ASTRON/UvA
  • Jason Hessels
  • 08-01-2024
  • LOFAR long-term monitoring of the periodically active FRB 20180916B
  • Akshatha Gopinath & Jason Hessels
  • 05-01-2024
  • Keeping watch over AAS material
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 04-01-2024
  • Connecting repeating and non-repeating fast radio bursts via their energy distributions
  • Jason Hessels, Franz Kirsten, Omar Ould Boukattine
  • 03-01-2024
  • Our fastest computer ever
  • John Romein
  • 02-01-2024
  • LOFAR Space Case
  • Johan Pragt
  • 23-12-2023
  • Happy Holidays
  • ASTRON communications team
  • 22-12-2023
  • Purple Friday
  • Mirka Maresca
  • 21-12-2023
  • 30 years JIVE
  • JIVE Communications
  • 20-12-2023
  • Public lecture by Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell
  • Jason Hessels
  • 19-12-2023
  • Science at Low Frequencies IX - the end of an era
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 18-12-2023
  • LOFAR Data Reduction Reference Manual
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 15-12-2023
  • Radio bursts from Jupiter as seen with the LOFAR2.0 Test Station
  • Cees Bassa
  • 14-12-2023
  • TMSS User Manual
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 13-12-2023
  • Inflatable Antenna
  • Sjouke Kuindersma
  • 12-12-2023
  • LOFAR Uncovers a twisted AGN radio remnant in Abell 1318
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 11-12-2023
  • PSR J0210+5845; An ultra wide binary pulsar with a B6V main-sequence star companion
  • Emma van der Wateren
  • 08-12-2023
  • Kootwijk Würzburg restored
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 07-12-2023
  • A new captain of Astrolunch
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 05-12-2023
  • From the archive: Sinterklaas at ASTRON
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 04-12-2023
  • MSc thesis prize for David Konijn
  • Jason Hessels
  • 01-12-2023
  • Oli Boersma successfully defends thesis
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 30-11-2023
  • Daniëlle Futselaar's astronomy art inducted into the collection of Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
  • Jason Hessels
  • 29-11-2023
  • Aftermovie Klokhuis Vragendag 2023
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 28-11-2023
  • Astron/Kapteyn student Pranav Kukreti successfully defended his thesis
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 23-11-2023
  • Colloquium: Exploring the radio emission of Ultracool Dwarfs with VLBI
  • Rob Kavanagh
  • 22-11-2023
  • "See you soon" party for John McKean
  • Jason Hessels
  • 16-11-2023
  • Colloquium: AT2023fhn (“the Finch”) and other animals
  • Ashley Chrimes
  • 14-11-2023
  • LOFAR meets Euclid
  • Frits Sweijen
  • 13-11-2023
  • PhD defense Kasia Beser
  • Maaijke Mevius
  • 09-11-2023
  • Making the workplace a vibrant space
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 31-10-2023
  • 150 tours in the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, CAMRAS
  • 26-10-2023
  • Het Geheime Heelal (The Secret Universe)
  • Jason Hessels
  • 25-10-2023
  • ASTRON/JIVE Astrofest returns!
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 24-10-2023
  • 100,000x faster than the blink of an eye
  • Jason Hessels
  • 23-10-2023
  • Another filming crew at the WSRT
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 20-10-2023
  • ASTRON colleagues forfeit in fight for Olympic gold
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 19-10-2023
  • Cleaning the Superterp
  • Henk Mulder and Gemma Janssen
  • 18-10-2023
  • Luminous LOFAR compact radio sources in low mass galaxies
  • Dany Vohl
  • 17-10-2023
  • SD Day 2023
  • Tom Kamphuis
  • 16-10-2023
  • Seeing the trees through the forest
  • Jason Hessels
  • 13-10-2023
  • A wonderful open day at the LOFAR superterp
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 12-10-2023
  • Colloquium: The Faraday sky and the Galactic magnetic field
  • Sebastian Hutschenreuter
  • 10-10-2023
  • A happy little magnetar
  • Jason Hessels
  • 09-10-2023
  • There is no party like WSRT pizza party
  • Henk Mulder
  • 06-10-2023
  • Open dag 2023
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 04-10-2023
  • Worskhop Vilten
  • Anja van Veen
  • 03-10-2023
  • SRCnet Tangerine planning at IAA
  • Janneke de Boer
  • 28-09-2023
  • Colloquium: An updated mass-radius analysis of the 2017-2018 NICER data set of PSR J0030+0451
  • Serena Vinciguerra
  • 26-09-2023
  • Filming documentary 'The Night of your Life' at the WSRT
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 22-09-2023
  • Astrophysics of Fast Radio Bursts II
  • Jason Hessels
  • 21-09-2023
  • Colloquium: LSSW: an experiment about Health, Lifestyle and Work-Life Balance.
  • Alicia Berciano Alba
  • 20-09-2023
  • Open Source Hardware Conference and ESO visit in Munich
  • Reinier van der Walle & Steven van der Vlugt
  • 14-09-2023
  • Colloquium: Gamma-ray Pulsars with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
  • David Smith
  • 07-09-2023
  • Summer project: Holographic station calibration for LOFAR LBA
  • Paul Otieno Akumu
  • 04-09-2023
  • Arecibo Observatory closes science operations - at least for the time being
  • Jason Hessels
  • 01-09-2023
  • New maintenance engineers
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 31-08-2023
  • A study of the local environment of FRB 20181030A (R4) using VLBI
  • Lasse Thiellesen
  • 30-08-2023
  • Summer students flag planting ceremony
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 24-08-2023
  • Behind the scnene of Klaas kan alles
  • Fanna Lautenbach
  • 23-08-2023
  • MeerKAT’s new insight on accretion and AGN feedback from nearby star forming spiral galaxy NGC5643.
  • Karina Santana
  • 18-08-2023
  • A novel radio imaging method for physical spectral index modelling
  • André Offringa
  • 16-08-2023
  • Spatio-temporal correlators for lightning physics
  • Akshat Ahuja
  • 08-08-2023
  • Public lectures at Open Science Hub
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 31-07-2023
  • Choco-bursts!
  • Jason Hessels
  • 28-07-2023
  • Group 7 lights up @ ASTRON
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 27-07-2023
  • AMD Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) workshop
  • Steven van der Vlugt
  • 18-07-2023
  • First simultaneous LBA and HBA all-sky images with LOFAR2.0!
  • Cees Bassa
  • 17-07-2023
  • Scaling up towards LOFAR2.0!
  • The LOFAR2.0 Station team
  • 14-07-2023
  • Tour around the garden
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 12-07-2023
  • KHMW Prize for Dr. Katharine Mulrey
  • Jason Hessels
  • 11-07-2023
  • The workshop group working together
  • Corne Lukken
  • 10-07-2023
  • Apertif Fast Radio Bursts: From sketch to movie
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 07-07-2023
  • Kerastari meeting 2023
  • Pikky Atri
  • 06-07-2023
  • Colloquium: Observables for moving, extremely charged and massive primordial black holes
  • Jenny Wagner
  • 05-07-2023
  • LOFAR Family Meeting 2023
  • Irene Bonati
  • 04-07-2023
  • ASTRON Bike To Work Day(s) 2023
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 03-07-2023
  • SRCnet team Tangerine at SKAO HQ
  • Janneke de Boer
  • 30-06-2023
  • Pulsar clocks open new window on gravitational waves
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 29-06-2023
  • Colloquium: The cold molecular medium around high-redshift radio galaxies: environmental impact on galaxy evolution
  • Bjorn Emonts
  • 28-06-2023
  • Rainbow reaches its 1000th ticket
  • Yan Grange
  • 27-06-2023
  • Oratie Prof. dr. Marijke Haverkorn
  • Jason Hessels
  • 26-06-2023
  • SRCnet Program Forum
  • Janneke de Boer
  • 22-06-2023
  • Colloquium: Cosmos and Canvas: Using Data Visualization to Explore and Communicate Your Science
  • Jayanne English
  • 21-06-2023
  • ASTRON at Alles Kids Festival in Emmen
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 20-06-2023
  • JIVE hosts the third CASA VLBI workshop
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 19-06-2023
  • SDC community day 2023
  • Janneke de Boer
  • 16-06-2023
  • See the new LOFAR crew..!
  • Arno Schoenmakers, Marco Drost, Gerda Sikken, Joanne Jager, Zabbet Ahmed
  • 15-06-2023
  • The MICADO atmospheric dispersion corrector
  • Joost van den Born
  • 14-06-2023
  • New data release of Apertif
  • Alexander Kutkn
  • 13-06-2023
  • A new pulsar model for the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 12-06-2023
  • Dynamically Scheduling LOFAR Cycle 20!
  • Team Ruby and Gemma Janssen
  • 09-06-2023
  • First release of the Rapthor pipeline!
  • André Offringa
  • 08-06-2023
  • Colloquium: The BlackGEM telescopes – Hunting for optical counterparts of gravitational wave sources
  • Steven Bloemen
  • 06-06-2023
  • The rapid removal of HI from dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster
  • Dane Kleiner
  • 05-06-2023
  • Guest lessons at Stad&Esch Diever
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 23-05-2023
  • Looking at JUICE with PRIDE
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 18-05-2023
  • Finding the interference at 1421.015 MHz
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 17-05-2023
  • ‘Meet METIS’- a New NOVA mini-Documentary
  • Jeff Lynn
  • 16-05-2023
  • Goodbye to Gert Kruithof
  • Roelien Attema and Mark Bentum
  • 15-05-2023
  • How ARTS Finds FRBs III -- Don't blink: the FRB sky in sharp view with WSRT.
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 12-05-2023
  • In Memoriam: Reltje (Bob) Rijf (1936 - 2023)
  • Sieds Damstra
  • 11-05-2023
  • Colloquium: Chandrashekar Murugeshan
  • Chandrashekar Murugeshan
  • 10-05-2023
  • How will the #BiggestEyeOnTheSky explore the Universe?
  • Jeannet Molema
  • 04-05-2023
  • Colloquium: Cold gas dynamics in high-z galaxies
  • Federico Lelli
  • 02-05-2023
  • Extended neutral hydrogen filamentary network in NGC 2403
  • Simone Veronese
  • 26-04-2023
  • PV welding workshop
  • Michel Arts, Jürgen Morawietz and Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 21-04-2023
  • Blast from the Past
  • Jan Noordam, Ger van Diepen
  • 20-04-2023
  • Colloquium: Tying glitch phenomenology to neutron star physics
  • Danai Antonopoulou
  • 19-04-2023
  • JUICE on its way to Jupiter
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 18-04-2023
  • A week of hydrogen
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 14-04-2023
  • Second place in Rotary Pub Quiz
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Michiel Brentjens, Lute van de Bult, Roelien Attema
  • 13-04-2023
  • Colloquium: Diffuse radio emission from galaxy clusters at high definition
  • Andrea Botteon
  • 06-04-2023
  • Special colloquium: Explaining life-cycle adaptation of migratory birds to global climate change
  • Christiaan Both
  • 04-04-2023
  • Artisanal poster of unique masers and observations at the IAUS 380
  • Gabor Orosz
  • 03-04-2023
  • Waving “Course bye” to our RF lecturers
  • Ronald Halfwerk and Simone Kajuiter
  • 31-03-2023
  • ERC Advanced Grant for Jason Hessels - EuroFlash: exploring the origins of fast radio bursts using a network of European radio telescopes
  • Jason Hessels
  • 30-03-2023
  • Colloquium: Supermassive Binary Black Holes at the Horizon
  • Silke Britzen
  • 27-03-2023
  • Team Tangerine plans in Lausanne
  • Yan Grange
  • 17-03-2023
  • WSRT in the snow
  • Rene Lourens
  • 16-03-2023
  • Colloquium: First JWST results on Galaxy Evolution in the Early Universe
  • Karina Caputi
  • 15-03-2023
  • Testing the Ford Focus Wagon 1.0 EcoBoost Hybrid
  • Martijn Tilma
  • 14-03-2023
  • LOFAR core from space
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 13-03-2023
  • The building of LOFAR Latvia from space
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 10-03-2023
  • Orion rising over the LOFAR station in Unterweilenbach
  • Steven Hämmerich
  • 09-03-2023
  • Colloquium: Cosmological studies with strong lensing and VLBI
  • Cristiana Spingola
  • 07-03-2023
  • Placing white stickers on the HBA's
  • LOFAR becomes art
  • 06-03-2023
  • Sterrenkijkdagen 2023
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, CAMRAS
  • 03-03-2023
  • An ASTRON life in laptops
  • Jason Hessels
  • 02-03-2023
  • Colloquium: WEAVE: Designing, building, and using the next-generation spectroscopic survey facility for the Northern Sky
  • Scott Trager
  • 28-02-2023
  • The winter sky above the LOFAR antenna near Unterweilenbach
  • Philipp Weber
  • 27-02-2023
  • Inés Pastor-Marazuela successfully defends thesis
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 24-02-2023
  • Roadmap Netherlands Instrumentation for the European Extremely Large Telescope
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 23-02-2023
  • Colloquium: Supernova remnants and their environments
  • Maria Arias
  • 22-02-2023
  • Original ASTRON typewriter from 1956
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 21-02-2023
  • New Flexbuff WSRT
  • Richard Blaauw
  • 17-02-2023
  • Virtual tour around the Milky Way
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Marco de Vos, Paul Steward
  • 16-02-2023
  • Colloquium: Astrochemistry and the Origin of Life
  • Veronica Allen
  • 15-02-2023
  • New Klokhuis with Our Telescopes Premieres Tomorrow
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 09-02-2023
  • Colloquium: Tectonics and magma oceanography of rocky exoplanets
  • Tim Lichtenberg
  • 06-02-2023
  • It's raining bursts
  • Jason Hessels
  • 02-02-2023
  • Colloquium: The carbon footprint and energy consumption of LOFAR
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 27-01-2023
  • Green surprise
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 26-01-2023
  • Colloquium: Blazar scam above redshift 4
  • Krisztina Gabányi
  • 24-01-2023
  • ASTRON at the American Astronomical Society Meeting (AAS241)
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 23-01-2023
  • Award ceremony at New Year's speeches
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 19-01-2023
  • Colloquium: Novel views on planet formation and dust evolution: connecting protoplanetary disk demographics with exoplanet populations and atmospheres
  • Nienke van der Marel
  • 17-01-2023
  • 2nd year research practicum at ASTRON
  • Jason Hessels
  • 16-01-2023
  • Michiel Brentjens wins Teacher of the Year 2022 award
  • Mark Bentum
  • 13-01-2023
  • Rudolf le Poole turns 80
  • Jan Noordam
  • 12-01-2023
  • Colloquium: Updates from the NOVA optical-infrared instrumentation group in Dwingeloo
  • Annemieke Janssen
  • 03-01-2023
  • Prestigious Chinese award for Richard Strom
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 02-01-2023
  • Congratulations Dr. Alex Cooper!
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 24-12-2022
  • Season's Greetings
  • ASTRON communications team
  • 23-12-2022
  • ESCAPE to the future.
  • Yan Grange
  • 22-12-2022
  • TMSS and agile software development
  • Tom Kamphuis
  • 21-12-2022
  • L2TS sky image of Cas A
  • Paulus Kruger, on behalf of the LOFAR2.0 Development team
  • 20-12-2022
  • Francisco “Paco†Colomer farewell message
  • Francisco Colomer
  • 19-12-2022
  • Regiostars Award 2022
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 16-12-2022
  • van Swinderen Prize for Pavel Mancera Piña
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 15-12-2022
  • The new Telescope Manager and Specification System for LOFAR
  • Sander ter Veen
  • 14-12-2022
  • Purple Friday 2022
  • John D. Swinbank
  • 13-12-2022
  • Spot the difference!
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 12-12-2022
  • SKA featured in Kidsweek
  • Jason Hessels
  • 09-12-2022
  • Tracking a Moon mission with the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, almost all of CAMRAS
  • 08-12-2022
  • Colloquium: How diverse are the faintest dwarf galaxies
  • Martin Rey
  • 07-12-2022
  • Farewell Franz (kind of...)
  • Jason Hessels
  • 06-12-2022
  • Prof. dr. Michael Wise
  • Jason Hessels
  • 05-12-2022
  • New cooling machine installed at ASTRON
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 02-12-2022
  • SDCO group uitje
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 01-12-2022
  • Colloquium: The MeerKAT Fornax Survey: ubiquitous HI tails and clouds in the Fornax cluster
  • Paolo Serra
  • 28-11-2022
  • ESCAPE ESAP Training Workshop
  • John D. Swinbank
  • 25-11-2022
  • Meet Your Future @Windesheim
  • Fanna Lautenbach
  • 18-11-2022
  • ALMA Advanced GPU Correlator Study Kick-off
  • Andre Gunst
  • 17-11-2022
  • Colloquium: A Magnetic Connection from Stars to Planets
  • Sebastian Pineda
  • 15-11-2022
  • AstroFlash visits SURF
  • Jason Hessels
  • 14-11-2022
  • LDV gets busy
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 11-11-2022
  • Jess @Westerbork & Lofar
  • Denis Schrama
  • 10-11-2022
  • Colloquium: Unveiling the Cosmic Dawn with the AARTFAAC Cosmic Explorer
  • Bharat Kumar Gehlot
  • 09-11-2022
  • Apertif imaging data release papers are published by A&A
  • Alexander Kutkn
  • 08-11-2022
  • Magnetic fields and relativistic electrons fill entire galaxy cluster
  • Andrea Botteon
  • 07-11-2022
  • Happy 10th birthday to "The Repeater", FRB 121102
  • Jason Hessels
  • 04-11-2022
  • DANTE preliminary design review
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 03-11-2022
  • Colloquium: GPUs in Radio Astronomy
  • John Romein
  • 02-11-2022
  • SD-Day 2022
  • Tom Kamphuis
  • 01-11-2022
  • Concrete blocks experiment
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 31-10-2022
  • New aerial images of ASTRON
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 28-10-2022
  • A year with a yagi
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Cees Bassa, Simon Bijlsma
  • 25-10-2022
  • New aerial images of superterp
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 24-10-2022
  • SHEIRA: using LOFAR data in a space weather product demonstrator
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 21-10-2022
  • Dwingeloo Bright Pulsar Survey, take 2
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 20-10-2022
  • Colloquium: Revealing the interstellar medium and the magnetic fields with LOFAR
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 19-10-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 analog beamformer test using satellites
  • Paulus Kruger & the LOFAR2.0 team
  • 17-10-2022
  • Radio quiet zones
  • Henk Mulder
  • 14-10-2022
  • Motorcycle Tour - Diversity
  • Anne Veendijk
  • 10-10-2022
  • Open Day October 2nd, 2022
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 06-10-2022
  • Colloquium: Dark matter and angular momentum in nearby disc galaxies
  • Pavel Mancera Pina
  • 03-10-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 DTS in Contact magazine
  • Jason Hessels
  • 27-09-2022
  • Unstuck in time in a ticking cosmos
  • Jason Hessels
  • 26-09-2022
  • Astron/Kapteyn student Nika Jurlin defends her thesis
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 22-09-2022
  • Introducing... Dr. Kenzie!
  • Jason Hessels (promotor), also on behalf of copromotors Benito Marcote and Zsolt Paragi
  • 21-09-2022
  • Deep learning in high angular-resolution radio interferometry
  • Samira Rezaei
  • 19-09-2022
  • How ARTS Finds FRBs - II: Intertwined Beamforming & Dedispersion
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 16-09-2022
  • Cabinet roof tops
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 15-09-2022
  • Colloquium: The birth and death of massive galaxies: insights from strong gravitational lensing and ALMA
  • Hannah Stacey
  • 14-09-2022
  • Four months of DTS…!
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 12-09-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 team achieves digital beamforming
  • Arno Schoenmakers, on behalf of the LOFAR2.0 Development team
  • 30-08-2022
  • Cygnus-A
  • Albert van Duin
  • 29-08-2022
  • Testing Radio Continuum Emission As a Star Formation Tracer in Dwarf Galaxies
  • Vasu Dipakkumar Pipwala
  • 24-08-2022
  • The anisotropy of the diffuse radio background
  • Fraser J Cowie
  • 23-08-2022
  • Saturn near opposition
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 22-08-2022
  • Perseids 2022
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 19-08-2022
  • A field trip for the summer students
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 18-08-2022
  • Going home
  • Eric Muires
  • 17-08-2022
  • Absolute calibration of an LBA dipole
  • Cristina-Maria Cordun
  • 16-08-2022
  • Forecasting Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) by combining SXR and low frequency radio observations
  • Liam Clarke
  • 15-08-2022
  • Summer Student Project: HI gas in the heart of 3C 84
  • Claire Cook
  • 12-08-2022
  • ASTRON livens up exhibition of Nebra sky disc
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 10-08-2022
  • WSRT at dawn
  • Lute van de Bult
  • 08-08-2022
  • Strong RFI source found nextdoor
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Michiel Brentjens, Albert van Duijn
  • 01-08-2022
  • 15th EVN Symposium & Users' Meeting
  • Benito Marcote on behalf of the LOC
  • 06-07-2022
  • Colloquium: The complex process to protect radio astronomy from harmful interferences
  • Gyula Jozsa
  • 05-07-2022
  • Lorentz Centre
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 01-07-2022
  • Looking inside the accretion disc around a supermassive black hole
  • Willem Baan
  • 28-06-2022
  • Visualizing RFI with AARTFAAC
  • Bharat Kumar Gehlot
  • 27-06-2022
  • How ARTS Finds FRBs - I: Innovative Hierarchical Beamforming
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 24-06-2022
  • Renewed Melkwegpad completed
  • Comms team
  • 23-06-2022
  • Colloquium: The evolution of the atomic gas reservoir of star-forming galaxies in the past four billion years
  • Apurba Bera
  • 22-06-2022
  • Back to the beginning with MeerGas
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 21-06-2022
  • LOFAR Family Meeting 2022
  • Irene Bonati
  • 17-06-2022
  • Full subband correlator test for a LOFAR2 Station
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 16-06-2022
  • Colloquium: Masers and Dense molecular gases in active galactic nuclei
  • Yoshiaki Hagiwara
  • 09-06-2022
  • Colloquium: Imaging with FARSIDE: A Radio Telescope on the Lunar Farside
  • Nivedita Mahesh
  • 08-06-2022
  • Special astrolunch: Illustrating the Universe
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 07-06-2022
  • Testing with the Dwingeloo Test Station (DTS)
  • LOFAR2.0 DTS
  • 03-06-2022
  • Klokhuis
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 01-06-2022
  • New ASTRON Science website live!
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 31-05-2022
  • EVN Users' Training Event
  • B. Marcote
  • 30-05-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 Dwingeloo Test Station opening event
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 26-05-2022
  • ICD LOFAR Field Trip
  • Johan Pragt & Lonneke Kerkhoff
  • 24-05-2022
  • LOFAR 2.0 Dwingeloo Test Station First Fringes
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 23-05-2022
  • The quiet Sun image in multiple frequencis
  • A deep look at the Sun in the full radio window
  • 20-05-2022
  • EXPOWER’s Ice Breaker: 'Unleashing the power of exponential functions'
  • David Prinsloo, Annie Cuyt (University of Antwerp)
  • 19-05-2022
  • Colloquium: The fast rotating and not-so-turbulent discs of high-redshift galaxies
  • Filippo Fraternali
  • 16-05-2022
  • Dandelion
  • Denis schrama
  • 12-05-2022
  • Colloquium: Raining onto Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes
  • Massimo Gaspari
  • 09-05-2022
  • A new HBA LOFAR 2.0 tile in Dwingeloo
  • Sjouke Kuindersma, Zabet Ahmadi, Mark Ruiter
  • 05-05-2022
  • [Thursday 5 May] EVN Seminar: Intermediate-mass black holes in the era of radio astronomy
  • Benito Marcote (on behalf of the EVN Seminars O.C.)
  • 04-05-2022
  • Scaled LOFAR map
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 03-05-2022
  • EVN Users' Training Event
  • Benito Marcote
  • 02-05-2022
  • First public images of MIRI
  • Lars Venema
  • 28-04-2022
  • Colloquium: NRAO530: Not a boRing cAlibratOr
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 26-04-2022
  • SKA construction kickoff at the TOPIC headquarters
  • Daniel van der Schuur
  • 25-04-2022
  • Kootwijk Würzburg found!
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Ger Geertsma, Ard Hartsuijker, Frans de Jong
  • 22-04-2022
  • Earth Day 2022: what can YOU do?
  • Arno Schoenmakers and the Sustainability Committee
  • 21-04-2022
  • Colloquium: The physics behind the low-frequency emission from massive stars
  • Santiago del Palacio
  • 15-04-2022
  • Building cabinet shelters
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 14-04-2022
  • Fast radio bursts at the dawn of the 2020s
  • Jason Hessels
  • 13-04-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 Station FPGA firmware implementation cake moment
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 08-04-2022
  • The Leiden LOFAR group visits ASTRON
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 07-04-2022
  • The EVN archive: now officially part of the VO
  • Mark Kettenis
  • 06-04-2022
  • Need a tool? Make a tool!
  • Lute van de Bult
  • 05-04-2022
  • LOFAR image of M51
  • Jebin Larosh Jervis
  • 04-04-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 Team outing to .... LOFAR!
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 01-04-2022
  • The WSRT gives an HI perspective on galaxies 2.5 billion years ago
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 31-03-2022
  • Colloquium: How Bright is the Radio Sky? We Don't Know…yet
  • Jack Singal
  • 30-03-2022
  • End of Apertif Observing
  • Betsey Adams
  • 28-03-2022
  • Milliarcsecond Localization of the Repeating FRB 20201124A
  • Nimmo, Hewitt, Hessels, Kirsten, Marcote et al.
  • 25-03-2022
  • Bachelor Students Applied Physics on Safari in Innovative Northern Netherlands
  • Johan Pragt
  • 24-03-2022
  • Colloquium: Improved Limits on the Reionization 21 cm Power Spectrum with HERA and Constraints on IGM Heating
  • Nicholas Kern
  • 23-03-2022
  • Irradiated but not eclipsed, the case of PSR J0610-2100
  • Emma van der Wateren
  • 21-03-2022
  • Astrocoffee: live in Dwingeloo this Wednesday!
  • Jason Hessels
  • 18-03-2022
  • Telescope Puzzle Route WSRT published
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 17-03-2022
  • Colloquium: Algorithms for radio interferometric imaging
  • André Offringa
  • 16-03-2022
  • Effelsberg
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 11-03-2022
  • Update on Upgrade Milky Way Path
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 10-03-2022
  • Colloquium: AGN-Galaxy Interaction: Studying Highly Absorbed Compton Thick AGNs with Chandra’s high-resolution X-ray spectral imaging
  • Giuseppina Fabbiano
  • 04-03-2022
  • Katholieke Illustratie, 1955
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 03-03-2022
  • Colloquium: Probing relativistic gravity with radio astronomy
  • Michael Kramer
  • 01-03-2022
  • Apertif overview paper published in A&A
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 28-02-2022
  • Burst timescales and luminosities as links between young pulsars and fast radio bursts
  • Kenzie Nimmo, Jason Hessels, Franz Kirsten, Aard Keimpema et al.
  • 25-02-2022
  • A repeating fast radio burst source in a globular cluster
  • Franz Kirsten, Benito Marcote, Kenzie Nimmo, Jason Hessels et al.
  • 24-02-2022
  • Colloquium: A new look at Centaurus A: Multiscale feeding and feedback
  • Ben McKinley
  • 23-02-2022
  • Storm repairs
  • Mr Observer
  • 17-02-2022
  • Colloquium: Life as an Autistic Astronomer - a post-apocalyptic survival training
  • Caterina Tiburzi
  • 16-02-2022
  • Little radio jets that may!
  • Suma Murthy & Raffaella Morganti
  • 15-02-2022
  • Suma Murthy thesis defence
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 10-02-2022
  • Colloquium: LIFT: Lightning corona Imaging From a radio Telescope
  • Brian Hare
  • 09-02-2022
  • Telescopes Puzzle route number 2: ASTRON
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 03-02-2022
  • Colloquium: A multifaceted view of the interplay between gas and radio AGN
  • Suma Murthy
  • 02-02-2022
  • Getting LOFAR coordinates from the air
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Merijn Mertens, Mark Ruiter
  • 01-02-2022
  • Inflows and outflows in Centaurus A
  • André Offringa
  • 31-01-2022
  • Astrophysical Lunar Observatory (ALO)
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 28-01-2022
  • Friday's EVN Seminar: High resolution observations of magnetic fields in the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center
  • Benito Marcote
  • 20-01-2022
  • Colloquium: The Canadian Hydrogen Observatory and Radio-transient Detector (CHORD)
  • Keith Vanderlinde
  • 19-01-2022
  • Satellite drift scans with the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 14-01-2022
  • Two ERC Starting Grants awarded to (space) weather research projects with the LOFAR radio telescope
  • Mark Bentum
  • 12-01-2022
  • A year-long keogram
  • Cees Bassa
  • 27-12-2021
  • Happy Holidays from ASTRON
  • 26-12-2021
  • A messy but tasty end of the year
  • Agnes Mika
  • 25-12-2021
  • Webb Space Telescope - Go for launch!
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 24-12-2021
  • Happy Holidays from ASTRON
  • 23-12-2021
  • Purple Friday at ASTRON/JIVE/NOVA
  • Pikky Atri (on behalf of the Diversity Committee)
  • 22-12-2021
  • The beauty of winter - just around the corner
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 20-12-2021
  • The heat is on!
  • Arno Schoenmakers and the LOFAR2.0 Station Team
  • 16-12-2021
  • Colloquium: Sciencehub de Oerknal - a playful way to learn about the Start, State and Future of the universe.
  • Robin Brouwer
  • 15-12-2021
  • Science at Low Frequencies VIII Wraps Up
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 13-12-2021
  • Imaging meteors with LOFAR / AARTFAAC
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Cees Bassa, Mark Kuiack, Felix Bettonvil et al.
  • 10-12-2021
  • New guides trained for guided LOFAR tours
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 09-12-2021
  • Colloquium: Aurorae – the faintest and the brightest: from Ganymede to Brown Dwarfs
  • Joachim Saur
  • 02-12-2021
  • Colloquium: Periodic variability of 6.7GHz methanol maser emission in high mass star-forming regions
  • Mateusz Olech
  • 26-11-2021
  • A visit to Formnext 2021 Frankfurt
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 25-11-2021
  • Colloquium: The 100m Effelsberg Radio Telescope: Serving Astronomy for 50 Years
  • Uwe Bach
  • 24-11-2021
  • Imaging Solar Wind Scintillation
  • Richard Fallows
  • 22-11-2021
  • In Memoriam: Henny Lem (1938-2021)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 19-11-2021
  • Results from the Sustainability Committee Commuting Poll
  • Olga Bayandina, Arno Schoenmakers and the Sustainability committee
  • 18-11-2021
  • Colloquium: Setting the sails for CMB spectral distortions
  • Jen Chluba
  • 17-11-2021
  • Weighing the Milky Way? Yes we CAN!
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 16-11-2021
  • New aerial image of the WSRT
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 11-11-2021
  • New aerial image of superterp
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 05-11-2021
  • Graduation of Eline Klomp
  • Mirka Maresca
  • 04-11-2021
  • Colloquium: A Next-Generation Very Large Array: Overview and Project Update
  • Eric Murphy
  • 01-11-2021
  • Mark Bentum wins Bachelor Teacher of the Year Award
  • ASTRON Communications Team
  • 29-10-2021
  • ADASS 2021
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-10-2021
  • Colloquium: Star Formation and ISM Dynamics
  • Ralf Klessen
  • 27-10-2021
  • LOFAR4SW CDR: Important milestone achieved!
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 26-10-2021
  • Celebrating 'Darkrai', the LOFAR2.0 test subrack
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 21-10-2021
  • Colloquium: Full of Orions? Pushing the resolution and bandwidth limits in studies of high-z dusty galaxies.
  • Matus Rybak
  • 14-10-2021
  • Radio studies of strongly-magnetized accreting neutron stars
  • Pikky Atri
  • 13-10-2021
  • Cas A supernova remnant
  • Albert van Duin
  • 12-10-2021
  • Goodbye Leon
  • André Gunst
  • 08-10-2021
  • Flying the rainbow flag for Diversity Day & Coming Out Day
  • Communications
  • 07-10-2021
  • Colloquium: The zoo of brightness temperature distribution in parsec-scale AGN jets
  • Evgeniya V. Kravchenko (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
  • 06-10-2021
  • Honorary Professor appointment at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of the University of Groningen for Erwin de Blok
  • Mark Bentum
  • 05-10-2021
  • The baryonic Tully-Fisher relation over the last billion years
  • Betsey Adams
  • 04-10-2021
  • Exit words master/slave from our code
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 01-10-2021
  • Telescopen Puzzelroute LOFAR
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 30-09-2021
  • Radio interferometry with microarcsecond resolution: beyond RadioAstron and EHT
  • Leonid Gurvits (JIVE, Delft University of Technology)
  • 29-09-2021
  • Anchoring LBA and HBA antennas
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 28-09-2021
  • Kelly Gourdji successfully defends thesis
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 27-09-2021
  • Eco antennas on the testfield
  • Roel Witvers
  • 24-09-2021
  • "Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike"
  • Arno Schoenmakers (and fellow cyclists)
  • 23-09-2021
  • Colloquium: Cold gas and star formation of galaxies in the local Universe
  • Barbara Catinella
  • 16-09-2021
  • Colloquium: Astronomy and climate crisis: are we part of the problem or part of the solution?
  • Victoria Grinberg
  • 14-09-2021
  • Reaching the skies
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 09-09-2021
  • RadioAstron observations of the H2O maser emission in the star forming region W49N
  • Nadya Shakhvorostova
  • 07-09-2021
  • New HBA tile prototype... it works!
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 03-09-2021
  • Some shadow for LOFAR cabinets, please..!
  • Arno Schoenmakers and the LOFAR2.0 Cabinet Team
  • 01-09-2021
  • LOFAR2.0 Timing Distributor CDR
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 27-08-2021
  • Continuum demos with the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 26-08-2021
  • Apertif and LOFAR uncover a Fast Radio Burst
  • Inés Pastor-Marazuela, Liam Connor, Joeri van Leeuwen, Yogesh Maan, Sander ter Veen et al.
  • 25-08-2021
  • A goodbye to Tim Berends
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 02-08-2021
  • Charging an electric car
  • Menno Norden
  • 29-07-2021
  • Ghana's first Astronomer Dr. Bernard Asabere
  • Mr. Observer
  • 12-07-2021
  • CNC-milling a corrugated horn antenna
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 09-07-2021
  • EVN Seminar: Tying the Sky to the Ground
  • Benito Marcote on behalf of the EVN Seminars O.C.
  • 08-07-2021
  • Colloquium: Searching for fast radio bursts with MeerKAT
  • Dr. Manisha Caleb
  • 30-06-2021
  • Upgrade Melkwegpad
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 25-06-2021
  • Online escape room The Great Escape
  • Mischa Brendel
  • 24-06-2021
  • Colloquium: Stellar interactions & transients
  • Dr. Silvia Toonen
  • 23-06-2021
  • Model Dwingeloo telescope in the Science Hub
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 19-06-2021
  • Our King Willem-Alexander opens largest solar park
  • Menno Norden
  • 17-06-2021
  • Live-streaming the partial solar eclipse
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Hans van der Meer
  • 16-06-2021
  • Rebuild CS026
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 14-06-2021
  • Smart Back-end Demo Meetings
  • André Gunst & Walter Jansen
  • 09-06-2021
  • [Wednesday at 10:00] EVN Seminar: X-ray binaries unveiled by very high resolution radio imaging
  • Benito Marcote on behalf of the EVN Seminars O.C.
  • 07-06-2021
  • Mastery in communication workshop
  • André Gunst
  • 03-06-2021
  • Colloquium: Journey with Maser Variability to Research High-mass Star Formation and Key Science Topics with Forthcoming 40-m Thai National Radio Telescope
  • Koichiro Sugiyama
  • 28-05-2021
  • Facility maintenance using classic Landrover
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 26-05-2021
  • Check: update CRM completed!
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 21-05-2021
  • Smart data processing in radio astronomy
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Ian Avruch
  • 18-05-2021
  • Cobalt 2.0 phase 2 project finalised
  • Chris Broekema on behalf of the Cobalt 2.0 team
  • 15-05-2021
  • The localization of FRB 20201124A gets precise with PRECISE
  • Benito Marcote on behalf of the PRECISE Collaboration
  • 07-05-2021
  • First release renewed Confluence and new intranet
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 06-05-2021
  • Colloquium: Thai National Radio Observatory: Current Progress and Plan
  • Phrudth Jaroenjittichai
  • 30-04-2021
  • ASTRON building as Faraday cage
  • Paulus Kruger & Mark Ruiter
  • 29-04-2021
  • Colloquium: The JUICE mission
  • Olivier Witasse
  • 26-04-2021
  • EUCARA-2021
  • Paul Boven, Tammo Jan Dijkema, Hans van der Meer, Harm Munk, Sigrid Witteveen
  • 23-04-2021
  • An Apertif search for radio emission from a double neutron-star merger
  • Oliver Boersma
  • 22-04-2021
  • Colloquium: Of Bubbles, Filaments, Echoes and Eruptions: First Results from eROSITA on SRG
  • Andrea Merloni
  • 21-04-2021
  • Arrival of the t4Science iMASER3000
  • Welcome to our new MASER
  • 16-04-2021
  • In Memoriam: Tony Foley (1957 - 2021)
  • Jan Noordam, Sharmila
  • 15-04-2021
  • Colloquium: How to publish (and write) an impactful paper in Nature Astronomy
  • Marios Karouzos
  • 08-04-2021
  • Colloquium: star formation signposts archive and statistical analysis tool
  • Dmitry A. Ladeyschikov
  • 06-04-2021
  • Confluence training with Avisi
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 02-04-2021
  • EUCARA 2021
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Paul Boven
  • 01-04-2021
  • Colloquium: Astrophysical Sciences with African Instruments: Bent Jets and Double-scythe Structures Seen by MeerKAT
  • James O. Chibueze
  • 31-03-2021
  • Peter Maat <--> Photonics @ASTRON
  • Johan Pragt
  • 30-03-2021
  • International Women’s Day 2021
  • Comms
  • 26-03-2021
  • #Guess-Who?
  • Lonneke Kerkhoff
  • 24-03-2021
  • An up to date view on TMSS progress: TMSS Infographics
  • Roberto Pizzo, Marco Iacobelli, Auke Klazema, Jan David Mol, Sander ter Veen on behalf of the TMSS team
  • 23-03-2021
  • Ice sculpting
  • Henk Mulder
  • 18-03-2021
  • Colloquium: Astronomical discovery in the era of Big Data
  • Pikky Atri
  • 11-03-2021
  • Colloquium: Finding and Observing Pulsars in the Galactic Centre
  • Ralph Eatough
  • 05-03-2021
  • New aerial picture of superterp
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 04-03-2021
  • Colloquium: High-resolution study with interstellar lenses
  • Dongzi Li
  • 03-03-2021
  • LOFAR2.0: DTS ready to rock 'n roll
  • Arno Schoenmakers, Mark Ruiter
  • 26-02-2021
  • LED there be light!
  • Derkjan Pepping
  • 25-02-2021
  • Colloquium: A Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS)
  • Di Li
  • 24-02-2021
  • LOFAR from space
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 23-02-2021
  • Low-frequency monitoring of flare star binary CR Draconis: Long-term electron-cyclotron maser emission
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 22-02-2021
  • AJDI Image of the Year Award 2020
  • 19-02-2021
  • Cygnus X-1 contains a 21-solar mass black hole
  • B. Marcote (Miller-Jones et al.)
  • 18-02-2021
  • Colloquium: Origin of pulsar radio emission
  • Pikky Atri
  • 17-02-2021
  • Climate neutral by 2030
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 16-02-2021
  • Winterwonderland
  • Merijn Martens
  • 15-02-2021
  • Resolving the extreme collision of stellar winds at the heart of Apep
  • Benito Marcote
  • 12-02-2021
  • Last Time to See?
  • Jan Noordam
  • 11-02-2021
  • Colloquium: Recent activities of the Maser Monitoring Organisation
  • Ross A. Burns
  • 10-02-2021
  • A welcome wobble
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 09-02-2021
  • Code Red - LOFAR pictures
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 08-02-2021
  • A new year, a new project
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 05-02-2021
  • EVN Seminar (Friday 5 at 15:00): Distance of optically-obscured evolved stars
  • Benito Marcote on behalf of the EVN Seminars O.C.
  • 04-02-2021
  • (Colloquium) SETI: Going beyond a signal search
  • Seth Shostak
  • 03-02-2021
  • Radiosterrenkunde in Dwingeloo 1979-1984
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 01-02-2021
  • NenuFAR strides towards imaging observations with NICKEL
  • C. Viou, E. Tremou, A. Loh and J. Girard (on behalf of NenuFAR team)
  • 29-01-2021
  • In Memoriam: Prof Ir Cees van Schooneveld (1933-2021)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-01-2021
  • Colloquium: The Deep Synoptic Array program
  • Vikram Ravi
  • 27-01-2021
  • First confirmation of Solar-wind variability in pulsar timing
  • Caterina Tiburzi
  • 22-01-2021
  • Detection of radio emission from the Tau Bootis system by LOFAR
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier, Jake Turner, Philippe Zarka
  • 21-01-2021
  • Colloquium: The astrophysics of black hole jets
  • Monika Moscibrodzka (Radboud University)
  • 14-01-2021
  • Goodbye Aspirant Senior Paul
  • Henk Mulder
  • 12-01-2021
  • European Microwave Week 2020
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 11-01-2021
  • 360 panoramas of the superterp
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 08-01-2021
  • Installing a smart e-meter
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 31-12-2020
  • Happy Holidays from ASTRON
  • 28-12-2020
  • Chris Broekema wins Young eScientist 2020 award
  • Chris Broekema
  • 24-12-2020
  • Solargraph at the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 21-12-2020
  • LOFAR4SW 2020 highlights
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 18-12-2020
  • ESCAPE data lake dress rehearsal.
  • Yan Grange
  • 16-12-2020
  • LOFAR detection and frequency-dependent activity of a repeating fast radio burst
  • Ziggy Pleunis, Daniele Michilli, Cees Bassa, Jason Hessels, Arun Naidu
  • 15-12-2020
  • Startrails at the institute
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 11-12-2020
  • Science at Low Frequencies VII Wraps Up
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 10-12-2020
  • Today's colloquium: SunDish Project: Single-Dish Solar Imaging with INAF Radio Telescopes
  • Alberto Pellizzoni (INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari)
  • 09-12-2020
  • Today's EVN Seminar (10:00): Galactic Maser Astrometry with VLBI: Current Status and Beyond
  • Mareki Honma (NAOJ)
  • 08-12-2020
  • Nobel week: discovery of black hole awarded
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 07-12-2020
  • Excavation effort
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 03-12-2020
  • Colloquium: What can the spider web tell us ? A new pulsar story
  • Guillaume Voisin (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics)
  • 24-11-2020
  • National Geographic Prize Photo
  • Jan Noordam, Ireen van der Knoop
  • 20-11-2020
  • A fast radio burst source in our own Milky Way?
  • Jason Hessels
  • 19-11-2020
  • Colloquium (19 November 2020): Evan Keane (SKA Organisation)
  • Evan Keane
  • 16-11-2020
  • The CASA-VLBI workshop goes virtual
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 13-11-2020
  • First direct radio discovery of a brown dwarf
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 12-11-2020
  • Colloquium: The Atomic Gas Mass of Star-forming Galaxies at High Redshifts
  • Nissim Kanekar (NCRA)
  • 11-11-2020
  • Data release from the first year of the Apertif imaging surveys
  • Betsey Adams
  • 10-11-2020
  • LOFAR 2.0 RCU2-H prototype
  • Paulus Kruger
  • 09-11-2020
  • Precise radio astrometry and new developments for the next-generation instruments
  • Maria J. Rioja
  • 04-11-2020
  • STELLAR Project Kick Off
  • Pietro Zucca
  • 29-10-2020
  • Practical issues at ASTRON/JIVE in corona time
  • Anne Veendijk
  • 23-10-2020
  • EVN Symposium: Pin-pointing the positions of repeating Fast Radio Bursts
  • Jason Hessels
  • 22-10-2020
  • Today's Colloquium: Taking the temperature of the ISM with deep learning
  • Claire Murray (John Hopkins University / STSci)
  • 21-10-2020
  • Hardware Acceleration meetup
  • Steven van der Vlugt
  • 20-10-2020
  • Goodbye Computing Group
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 19-10-2020
  • Cloud-cloud collision in Sgr B2
  • Helga Denes
  • 16-10-2020
  • Last week's Colloquium: Observing galaxy clusters with LOFAR & LoTSS
  • Anna Bilous
  • 15-10-2020
  • Colloquium: Quasar Feedback Survey : The prevalence of radio AGN and the impact on the host galaxies
  • Christopher Harrison (New Castle University)
  • 14-10-2020
  • Tango Controls chosen for LOFAR2.0 Monitor & Control
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 13-10-2020
  • Postcards of the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 12-10-2020
  • ASTRON2.0
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 06-10-2020
  • National Diversity Day
  • MT & Diversity Committee
  • 01-10-2020
  • Jonghe Doctor Broekema
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 25-09-2020
  • DISTURB-1: a solar spectrograph design
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 24-09-2020
  • Colloquium (24 September 2020): Maxim Lyutikov (Purdue University)
  • Maxim Lyutikov
  • 23-09-2020
  • CMEchaser, Detecting Line-Of-Sight Occultations Due To Coronal Mass Ejections
  • Golam Shaifullah
  • 18-09-2020
  • Software lifecycle in particle physics and astronomy
  • Yan Grange
  • 17-09-2020
  • Colloquium 17 Sept 2020: How fast are the black hole X-ray binary jets
  • Payaswini Saikia (NYU, Abu Dhabi)
  • 14-09-2020
  • In Memoriam: Prof Govind Swarup (1929-2020)
  • Richard Schilizzi, Jan Noordam
  • 11-09-2020
  • In Memoriam: Prof Hugo van Woerden (1926-2020)
  • Jan Noordam, Wim Brouw
  • 10-09-2020
  • Colloquium 10 September 2020 - Hannah Stacey (MPA Garching)
  • Hannah Stacey
  • 06-09-2020
  • Fun with the AJDI Archive (IV)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 04-09-2020
  • In Memoriam: Jeanette (Jet) Katgert-Merkelijn (1943-2020)
  • Tony Willis, Jan Noordam
  • 03-09-2020
  • Colloquium 3 September 2020 - Jonathan Nichols (University of Leicester)
  • Jonathan NIchols
  • 02-09-2020
  • LOFAR 2.0 RCU2-L prototype
  • Paulus Kruger
  • 31-08-2020
  • Fun with the AJDI Archive (III)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 27-08-2020
  • In Memoriam: Lloyd Higgs (1937-2020)
  • Tony Willis, Jan Noordam
  • 25-08-2020
  • In Memoriam: Prof Ron Allen (1940-2020)
  • Jan Noordam, Wim Brouw, Tony Willis
  • 24-08-2020
  • Goodbye DESP
  • Andre Gunst
  • 21-08-2020
  • A day at the office
  • Johan Pragt
  • 18-08-2020
  • Accessible 3D printing of stainless steel
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 09-08-2020
  • Fun with the AJDI Archive (II)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 30-07-2020
  • Fun with the AJDI Archive
  • Jan Noordam
  • 27-07-2020
  • Magnetic Field of the Spiral Galaxy NGC 4217
  • Dr. Yelena Stein
  • 24-07-2020
  • Ghayoor Gillani thesis defence: approximate computing
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 22-07-2020
  • Release of AOFlagger 3.0
  • André Offringa
  • 20-07-2020
  • The first Clock-board prototype for LOFAR2
  • Albert van Duin
  • 15-07-2020
  • A bright comet
  • Cees Bassa
  • 14-07-2020
  • The first new receiver prototypes have been assembled for LOFAR2
  • Albert van Duin
  • 13-07-2020
  • Live streaming the Sun from the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 10-07-2020
  • Leon Oostrum successfully defends thesis -- at Westerbork
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 09-07-2020
  • Colloquium 9 July 2020 - Katharina Lutz (CDS - Centre de Donnees astronomique de Strasbourg, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg)
  • Katharina Lutz
  • 08-07-2020
  • ASTRON 1980
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 07-07-2020
  • Little Planet WSRT
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 06-07-2020
  • LOFAR Mega Mode
  • René Kaptijn
  • 03-07-2020
  • A 3D printed RFI enclosure
  • Lesley Goudbeek
  • 02-07-2020
  • Colloquium: The ALMA Spectroscopic Deep Field (ASPECS)
  • Chris Carilli (NRAO)
  • 30-06-2020
  • The beautiful mess in Abell 2255
  • Andrea Botteon
  • 29-06-2020
  • LOFAR EoR plenary
  • André Offringa
  • 26-06-2020
  • Virtual tour of the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 25-06-2020
  • Aperiodic and Periodic Radio Bursts from Young Precessing Magnetars
  • Anna Bilous, on behalf of Jim Cordes
  • 24-06-2020
  • Open source software development pays off
  • Yan Grange
  • 23-06-2020
  • A new leap in RFI mitigation
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 18-06-2020
  • Deep Learning Assisted Data Inspection for Radio Astronomy
  • Misha Mesarcik
  • 16-06-2020
  • 3d-printing metal with Binder 3D
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 15-06-2020
  • Open source in action: ASTRON gateware FFT ported to CASPER
  • Daniel van der Schuur
  • 11-06-2020
  • Colloquium 11 June 2020: Bradley Frank (University of Cape Town)
  • Bradley Frank
  • 09-06-2020
  • WSRT-Apertif Surveys to continue throughout 2021
  • Betsey Adams & Emanuela Orrù
  • 08-06-2020
  • METIS Instrument Passes PDR!
  • Jef Lynn
  • 04-06-2020
  • Colloquium 4 June 2020: Florent Mertens (University of Groningen)
  • Florent Mertens
  • 02-06-2020
  • LOFAR on OpenStreetMap
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 28-05-2020
  • Colloquium: Active galactic nuclei in the multi-messenger era
  • Bindu Rani (KASI & NASA-GSFC)
  • 26-05-2020
  • Single pulse modeling and the bi-drifting subpulses
  • Andrzej Szary
  • 25-05-2020
  • 3d point cloud of the LOFAR core
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 22-05-2020
  • AIPS++, a Necessary Project
  • Jan Noordam
  • 18-05-2020
  • Virtual Observatory meets virtually.
  • Yan Grange
  • 15-05-2020
  • Where are we now? Celebrating John Romein 25 year at ASTRON/NWO
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra and Walter Jansen
  • 14-05-2020
  • Colloquium 14 May 2020: Samayra Straal (NYU Abu Dhabi) - Pulsar wind nebulae as multi-facetted Astronomy probes
  • Samayra Straal
  • 13-05-2020
  • In Memoriam Wout Beerekamp (1941-2020)
  • Jan Noordam, Jaap Baars
  • 12-05-2020
  • Imaging RFI issues at RS210
  • Menno Norden & Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 08-05-2020
  • Commemorating war victims with the Westerbork telescope
  • ASTRON Communications Team
  • 07-05-2020
  • Colloquium: The Molecular torus of NGC1068
  • Violette Impellizzeri (ALMA)
  • 06-05-2020
  • Casacore 3.3.0 released
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 30-04-2020
  • The GLEAM 4-Jy (G4Jy) Sample: the ‘brightest’ radio-sources in the southern sky
  • Sarah White, Thomas Franzen, Joseph Callingham, Carole Jackson, André Offringa, and co-authors
  • 29-04-2020
  • Predictions for prompt low-frequency radio emission from gamma-ray bursts
  • Rhaana L.C. Starling
  • 24-04-2020
  • Guiding users on the scheduling of EVN observations
  • Benito Marcote & Katharina Immer
  • 23-04-2020
  • An AJDI integration for Slack
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 22-04-2020
  • Thumbs up for TMSS!
  • TMSS team
  • 21-04-2020
  • The Galaxy Group HI Mass Function
  • Kelley Hess on behalf of Mike Jones and fellow co-authors
  • 20-04-2020
  • LOFAR4SW reaches an important milestone
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 17-04-2020
  • Queen Juliana on the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 16-04-2020
  • National Secretary Day
  • Diana Verweij
  • 15-04-2020
  • Unknown unknowns: MeerKAT discovers strange filaments connecting the radio lobes of ESO 137-006
  • Mpati Ramatsoku and co-authors
  • 14-04-2020
  • Working@home lunch walk
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 09-04-2020
  • Venus passes the Pleiades above Dwingeloo
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 08-04-2020
  • The timing stability of three Black Widow pulsars
  • Cees Bassa
  • 07-04-2020
  • ERC Advanced Grant for Erwin de Blok
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 06-04-2020
  • Lunar craters
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 03-04-2020
  • Luis Henry Quiroga-Nuñez defended his thesis in style
  • Huib Jan van Langevelde
  • 02-04-2020
  • Virtual ASTRON office with virtual LOFAR room
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 01-04-2020
  • LOFAR maintenance @ safe distance
  • Lute van de Bult
  • 31-03-2020
  • End of EMBRACE
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 30-03-2020
  • Collaboration tools in the LOFAR2.0 Station Team
  • Arno Schoenmakers, René Kaptijn, Johan Boekema, Auke Klazema, Reinoud Bokhorst
  • 27-03-2020
  • No fever for Gemini-XH amidst Corona Virus
  • Leon Hiemstra / Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 26-03-2020
  • Triple FRB detection weekend at Apertif
  • ALERT Team
  • 25-03-2020
  • A clear night in Dwingeloo
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 24-03-2020
  • Prototyping @home
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 23-03-2020
  • First Virtual Astro Coffee
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 20-03-2020
  • Bertine 12.5 year anniversary
  • Edward Damman
  • 19-03-2020
  • Coronavirus measures for ASTRON and JIVE
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 17-03-2020
  • Diffuse Galactic Emission around the North Celestial Pole with NenuFAR
  • Florent Mertens
  • 16-03-2020
  • Energy flow and costs of utilities ASTRON Dwingeloo.
  • Alex Benjamins
  • 13-03-2020
  • 25 anniversary civil service Ina Lenten
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 12-03-2020
  • Colloquium: How to make astrophysical jets - MHD simulations of accretion and ejection
  • Christian Fendt (MPIA, Heidelberg)
  • 11-03-2020
  • LOFAR images cosmic radio monsters
  • Francesco de Gasperin
  • 10-03-2020
  • Realising the next Telescope Manager Specification System for LOFAR
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 09-03-2020
  • The making of…A pyramidal sinuous antenna for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 06-03-2020
  • Improved upper limits on the 21-cm signal power spectrum of neutral hydrogen at z ≈ 9.1 from LOFAR
  • Florent Mertens
  • 05-03-2020
  • Colloquium (5 March 2020): Robert Main - Using pulsar scintillation as an interstellar interferometer
  • Robert Main
  • 04-03-2020
  • Programming FPGAs in a High-Level Language
  • John Romein (on behalf of the Triple-A 2 / DEEP-EST teams)
  • 03-03-2020
  • First OPC-UA-based prototype monitoring interface for a LOFAR2.0 Station
  • Arthur Coolen, Thijs Snijder, Leon Hiemstra, Arno Schoenmakers
  • 02-03-2020
  • Successful demonstration of ASTRONs Compact Receiver technology at the final DISPERSE project review
  • Peter Maat, Lesley Goudbeek, Leon Hiemstra, Roel Witvers
  • 28-02-2020
  • All hands on deck, Ciara!
  • Henk Mulder
  • 27-02-2020
  • RadioHDL on OpenCores with a DOI
  • Eric Kooistra, Daniel van der Schuur, Yan Grange
  • 26-02-2020
  • The Launch of LOFAR Radio Galaxy Zoo
  • Timothy Shimwell
  • 25-02-2020
  • Some statistics after 100 proposals submitted
  • Benito Marcote
  • 24-02-2020
  • Veni, vidi, vici
  • Jason Hessels
  • 21-02-2020
  • The ESCAPE Virtual Observatory (VO) tech forum.
  • Yan Grange
  • 20-02-2020
  • Colloquium (20 Feb 2020): Liam Connor - An update on, and forecast for, the fast radio burst field
  • Liam Connor
  • 19-02-2020
  • The hunt for exo-aurorae
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 18-02-2020
  • Colloquium : The X-ray view of interstellar dust
  • Elisa Costantini (SRON, Utrecht)
  • 17-02-2020
  • RadioHDL on OpenCores with a DOI
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 13-02-2020
  • Constraining galaxy and black hole binary mergers with pulsars (Colloquium, Siyuan Chen, CNRS Orléans)
  • Siyuan Chen
  • 11-02-2020
  • Smart Frontend: 3D-MID by 3D-printing
  • Johan Pragt
  • 10-02-2020
  • ASTRON booth at AAS 235
  • Betsey Adams
  • 06-02-2020
  • Colloquium - Auroral radio emissions: a tool to probe planetary magnetospheres of the solar system and beyond
  • Laurent Lamy
  • 03-02-2020
  • Can low-frequency pulsar emission escape M31 unharmed?
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 30-01-2020
  • Kick starting water-cooling Gemini SKA
  • Sven Franken
  • 29-01-2020
  • Plenary talk at AAS 235
  • Jason Hessels
  • 28-01-2020
  • Colloquium - Off-axis relativistic jets and electromagnetic counterparts to NS mergers
  • Resmi Lekshmi
  • 27-01-2020
  • Press conference at AAS 235
  • Jason Hessels
  • 24-01-2020
  • Academy president Bai Chunli presents Richard Strom with the CAS gold medal on 17 January.
  • Richard Strom
  • 23-01-2020
  • Colloquium - Linear polarization in radio galaxies at low frequencies
  • Vijay Mahatma
  • 21-01-2020
  • GRATE project: phased array system to mitigate interference
  • Koos Kegel
  • 20-01-2020
  • The AJDI Treasure
  • Jan Noordam
  • 17-01-2020
  • First LOFAR2.0 LBA Spectrum
  • Jonathan Hargreaves / Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 16-01-2020
  • Colloquium - Identifying AGN in the faint radio sky
  • Jack Radcliffe
  • 15-01-2020
  • LOFAR Unified Calculator for Imaging (LUCI)
  • Sarrvesh S Sridhar
  • 14-01-2020
  • AJDI Image of the Year Award 2019
  • 10-01-2020
  • New aerial picture of superterp
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 09-01-2020
  • CORTEX Kicked off!
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 08-01-2020
  • Gala van de Sterrenkunde
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 07-01-2020
  • A repeating fast radio burst source localized to a nearby spiral galaxy
  • B. Marcote, K. Nimmo, J. Hessels.
  • 20-12-2019
  • Happy Holidays from ASTRON
  • 19-12-2019
  • SAGECal on a NVIDIA Jetson Nano
  • Hanno Spreeuw
  • 18-12-2019
  • Dwingeloo primary school visits telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema & Cees Bassa
  • 17-12-2019
  • ASTRON/JIVE/NOVA mid-winter walk
  • Ina Lenten & Marleen Rohmensen
  • 16-12-2019
  • Jan Geralt bij de Vaate receives his PhD degree.
  • Mark Bentum
  • 13-12-2019
  • General Affairs @ ASTRON
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 12-12-2019
  • Retirement(Teun Grit); Exit(43 years at ASTRON);
  • Teun Grit, Adriaan Renting, Arno Schoenmakers
  • 11-12-2019
  • Pulses from the Crab Pulsar, as seen with LOFAR
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 10-12-2019
  • Control-room Posters
  • Henk Mulder
  • 06-12-2019
  • Gremlins
  • Henk Mulder
  • 03-12-2019
  • What will we do without Henri Meulman
  • Mr. Observer
  • 02-12-2019
  • A LOFAR search for pulsars in M31
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 29-11-2019
  • PV Telescooploop with goat’s cheese
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 28-11-2019
  • Colloquium - Rapidly Evolving Episodic Outflow in the Fastest Water Fountain
  • José-María Torrelles
  • 27-11-2019
  • NWA-ORC program Kickoff Meeting with CORTEX
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 25-11-2019
  • A spatially resolved CO outflow in IRAS 08572+3915
  • Annemieke Janssen
  • 22-11-2019
  • Once upon a Time in the North
  • Jan Noordam
  • 21-11-2019
  • What does Gender have to do with Physics? (Colloquium by Prof. Tomas Brage)
  • Tomas Brage
  • 20-11-2019
  • Apertif at AstroFest
  • Betsey Adams
  • 19-11-2019
  • An order of magnitude improvement: lessons from Australia on Epoch of Reionization analyses (Colloquium)
  • Nicole Barry
  • 15-11-2019
  • OLFAR at the 70th Astronautical Congress
  • Mark Ruiter
  • 14-11-2019
  • TOPCAT for working with catalogues (Colloquium: Mark Taylor, University of Bristol)
  • Mark Taylor
  • 13-11-2019
  • Gemini-XH in production
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 12-11-2019
  • CHIME - the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
  • Keith Vanderlinde
  • 11-11-2019
  • ASTRON/JIVE Astrofest 2019
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 08-11-2019
  • Pacman Nebula in Hubble palette
  • Albert van Duin
  • 07-11-2019
  • Colloquium: The formation of (very) slowly rotating stars
  • Henk Spruit (MPA, Garching)
  • 06-11-2019
  • Public release of Apertif SVC data
  • Betsey Adams
  • 05-11-2019
  • Nacht van de Nacht bij de radiotelescoop
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 04-11-2019
  • Pacman Nebula NGC281
  • Albert van Duin
  • 01-11-2019
  • ARTAMIS on a Mission
  • Arno Schoenmakers, Henk Mulder, Arthur Coolen
  • 31-10-2019
  • Colloquium - The effect of the Galactic magnetic field on gas accretion
  • Asger Grannow
  • 25-10-2019
  • Weekend van de Wetenschap 2019
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 23-10-2019
  • Probing the cosmic web with SKA
  • Robin Kooistra, Kelley Hess
  • 22-10-2019
  • Colloquium : Black hole X-ray binaries- accurate distances and natal kicks
  • Pikky Atri (ICRAR - Curtin)
  • 17-10-2019
  • Colloquium - Jan Hendrik Oort: Master of the Galactic System
  • Piet van der Kruit
  • 15-10-2019
  • Scintillation from two Layers in the Ionosphere
  • Richard Fallows
  • 14-10-2019
  • HARPS3 FDR, the Terra Hunting Experiment and the Nobel Prize
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 10-10-2019
  • LOFAR early-time search for coherent radio emission from GRB 180706A
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 09-10-2019
  • The Netherlands hosting ADASS XXIX
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 07-10-2019
  • LOFAR 2.0 Stage 1 Station & Timing Distributor passed PDR!
  • René Kaptijn
  • 04-10-2019
  • Diversity day at Astron
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema on behalf of the Diversity Committee
  • 03-10-2019
  • The ILT reaches the Baltic Sea!
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 02-10-2019
  • ADASS2019 conference in Groningen coming soon!
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 01-10-2019
  • Henk Vosmeijer – 40 years anniversary working at ASTRON
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 30-09-2019
  • Colloquium: Sub-milliarcsecond astronomy with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
  • Tarek H.
  • 27-09-2019
  • Royal couple visits ASTRON
  • Communications
  • 26-09-2019
  • LOFAR4SW project passed the Mid Term Review
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 25-09-2019
  • RCU2.0 Design by INAF and ASTRON
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 24-09-2019
  • Colloquium - How exoplanets are affected by their host stars
  • Aline Vidotto
  • 18-09-2019
  • Cake to celebrate the Royal Visit today
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 17-09-2019
  • Colloquium - General relativistic modeling of extragalactic jet formation
  • Oliver Porth
  • 13-09-2019
  • Precision requirements for Epoch of Reionization imaging
  • The LOFAR EoR team
  • 12-09-2019
  • Can radio astronomy improve machine learning?
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 11-09-2019
  • LofarDag 2019
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 10-09-2019
  • Correspondence Oort - Grote Reber
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 09-09-2019
  • Exploring the Galactic foreground of the gamma ray burst GRB070508
  • Helga Denes
  • 06-09-2019
  • Pedestal or Paddenstoel
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 05-09-2019
  • Galaxy 3C 236 as seen by LOFAR
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 04-09-2019
  • LOFAR as a passive radar, part two
  • Albert Jan Boonstra and Mattheijs Eikelboom
  • 03-09-2019
  • The evolution of the Westerbork Corner
  • Henk Mulder
  • 02-09-2019
  • Summer opening of the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • CAMRAS (Tammo Jan Dijkema)
  • 30-08-2019
  • Discovery of a new systematic effect in LOFAR LBA data
  • Francesco de Gasperin
  • 29-08-2019
  • Correcting for Direction-dependent Effects in LOFAR Data with Screens
  • David Rafferty
  • 28-08-2019
  • Data compression aided AI for LOFAR system health management
  • Maurine Santigny and Albert Jan Boonstra
  • 27-08-2019
  • Pulsars as tools to study turbulence in the interstellar medium
  • M. A. Krishnakumar and Yogesh Maan
  • 26-08-2019
  • Netherlands first country to ratify SKA Observatory Convention
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 23-08-2019
  • Summary of 2nd ASTRON/JIVE Traineeship in Science Operations with Massive Arrays
  • Thomas Franzen
  • 22-08-2019
  • Maser astrometry in CASA
  • Sophia Vaughan
  • 21-08-2019
  • Constraining Inclinations of Black Widow Pulsars
  • Caroline El Khoury
  • 20-08-2019
  • Latvian LOFAR station LV614 passed the Site Acceptance Test!
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 19-08-2019
  • Employing AARTFAAC as an ionospheric instrument
  • Arianna Saba
  • 16-08-2019
  • Constraining coherent low frequency radio flares from compact binary mergers
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 15-08-2019
  • A man in a logarithmic scale: Nikolai Kardashev, 1932–2019
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 14-08-2019
  • Comparing LOFAR Epoch of Reionization target fields using 21-cm power spectra
  • Jishnu Nambissan Thekkeppattu
  • 13-08-2019
  • Listening to meteors
  • Cees Bassa
  • 12-08-2019
  • HI in Fornax with MeerKAT
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 09-08-2019
  • The Inner Jet of the Blazar OJ287
  • John Martin Hunter
  • 08-08-2019
  • Milky way and radio telescope
  • Peijin Zhang
  • 07-08-2019
  • HI imaging of candidate Local Group dwarf galaxies
  • Lilly Bralts-Kelly
  • 06-08-2019
  • Stellar systems at low radio frequencies: possible exoplanet hosts?
  • Ivey Davis
  • 05-08-2019
  • MAMMOET: A hobby that got out of hand
  • René Kaptijn
  • 02-08-2019
  • A Mechanical Workshop milestone
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 01-08-2019
  • Extragalactic megahertz-peaked spectrum radio sources at milliarcsecond scales
  • Michael Alan Keim
  • 31-07-2019
  • 'Code oranje'
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 30-07-2019
  • The LOFAR observation of Type III radio burst
  • Peijin Zhang
  • 29-07-2019
  • Impact of interference on 21-cm EoR analyses
  • André Offringa
  • 26-07-2019
  • Successful Veni Grant for Joe Callingham
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 25-07-2019
  • New pulsars discovered with LOFAR
  • Cees Bassa
  • 24-07-2019
  • ASTRON News Summer 2019
  • 23-07-2019
  • Visit to SURFsara
  • Chanka Noah
  • 22-07-2019
  • Bonn-Dwingeloo meeting
  • Dhanya Nair
  • 19-07-2019
  • Training the next generation of support scientists
  • Katharina Immer
  • 18-07-2019
  • Dwingeloo downloads solar eclipse image from lunar orbit
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Cees Bassa & Paul Boven
  • 17-07-2019
  • Origin of the off-pulse emission from pulsars!
  • Benito Marcote & Yogesh Maan
  • 16-07-2019
  • COBALT2.0 is ready for use
  • René Kaptijn
  • 15-07-2019
  • Students developing
  • Johan Pragt
  • 12-07-2019
  • "Detailed studies of low-redshift AGN" Meeting in Ireland
  • Sean Mooney
  • 11-07-2019
  • Goodbye Jan Slagter, goodbye friend
  • Roelof Boesenkool
  • 10-07-2019
  • Tomorrow's Colloquium (11 July 2019): Simulating VLBI observations of black holes from space and from the ground
  • Freek Roelofs
  • 09-07-2019
  • SCADA Conference Europe 2019 (Milan)
  • Henk Mulder
  • 08-07-2019
  • First-light for the NenuFAR Cosmic Dawn KSP
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 05-07-2019
  • WEAVE Large Integral Field Unit
  • Remko Stuik
  • 04-07-2019
  • Colloquium (4th July 2019): Gravitational lensing science challenges in the era of all-sky surveys
  • Giorgos Vernardos (University of Groningen)
  • 03-07-2019
  • AARTFAAC sees a lightning storm
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 02-07-2019
  • There and back again
  • Harish Vedantham
  • 01-07-2019
  • Apertif surveys starting today!
  • Betsey Adams, Vanessa Moss, Emanuela Orru
  • 28-06-2019
  • Building a LOFAR station, one stick at a time
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 27-06-2019
  • Galaxy clusters caught in the first moment of collision
  • Timothy Shimwell
  • 26-06-2019
  • Veder prize for Wim van Cappellen
  • Mark Bentum
  • 25-06-2019
  • An orphan gamma-ray burst afterglow
  • Benito Marcote, Kenzie Nimmo, et al.
  • 24-06-2019
  • LOFAR2.0 System Review
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 21-06-2019
  • From Spartan battles to modern radio telescopes
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 20-06-2019
  • Colloquium (20 June 2019): Tracing Galactic magnetic fields with diffuse radio polarisation
  • Alec Thomson (ANU)
  • 19-06-2019
  • APERTIF 10000!
  • Nico Vermaas
  • 18-06-2019
  • Colloquium - The next phase of time domain astronomy
  • Shri Kulkarni
  • 17-06-2019
  • Apertif Compound Beam Shapes
  • Kelley M. Hess on behalf of Apertif Imaging Commissioning Team
  • 14-06-2019
  • Visit to LOFAR core and Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
  • Sumit Kumar Jaiswal
  • 13-06-2019
  • Colloquium (13 June 2019): Exoplanet Atmospheres at High Spectral Resolution
  • Jayne Birkby
  • 12-06-2019
  • CORTEX: Self-learning machines hunt for explosions in the Universe
  • Joeri van Leeuwen and Antonia Rowlinson
  • 11-06-2019
  • Apertif is ours now!
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 10-06-2019
  • Real-time interference mitigation with ARTS
  • D. Vohl
  • 07-06-2019
  • Italian ambassador visits ASTRON/JIVE
  • PR Team
  • 06-06-2019
  • Colloquium - Characterizing Exoplanets’ Atmospheres to Unveil Planetary Origins, Climate and Habitability
  • Jean-Michel Désert
  • 05-06-2019
  • Special colloquium 5 June - Development of Thai National Radio Telescope, and Prospects for Astronomy Development in Thailand
  • Saran Poshyachinda and Busaba Kramer
  • 29-05-2019
  • Firmware testing of ARTS SC4 IQUV output
  • Jonathan Hargreaves
  • 28-05-2019
  • Cooling electronics with a waterkruik
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 27-05-2019
  • The Making Of..!
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 24-05-2019
  • Goodbye, Jacob!
  • Agnes Mika on behalf of the Apertif team
  • 23-05-2019
  • LOFAR Science 2019
  • Pietro Zucca
  • 22-05-2019
  • Warm-starting Apertif: Improved Images
  • Betsey Adams
  • 21-05-2019
  • Dwingeloo Telescope model for Science Hub 'de Melkweg'
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 17-05-2019
  • Goodbye Monique Sluiman
  • Andre Gunst
  • 16-05-2019
  • Colloquium - Young radio sources: from newly born to short-lived objects
  • Monica Orienti
  • 15-05-2019
  • FPGA firmware in Apertif and Arts
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 14-05-2019
  • RadioAstron AGN working group meeting in Dwingeloo
  • Gina Maffey and Leonid Gurvits
  • 13-05-2019
  • Eradicate data loss of the APERTIF Data Writer for Imaging
  • Marcel Loose
  • 10-05-2019
  • May the Force be with You, SEPMaster!
  • Agnes Mika on behalf of the SEPM group
  • 09-05-2019
  • Multi-Scale Jet Feedback (Colloquium)
  • Dr. Dipanjan Mukherjee
  • 08-05-2019
  • APERTIF commissioning as seen from ATDB
  • Nico Vermaas
  • 07-05-2019
  • ASTRON at Expeditie Next
  • Communications
  • 02-05-2019
  • Approaching the mystery of HeII with MUSE (2nd May 2019 Colloquium by Themiya Nanayakkara)
  • Themiya Nanayakkara (Leiden University)
  • 01-05-2019
  • Minor planet 12656 gerdebruyn
  • Yan Grange and Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 30-04-2019
  • The purpose of chocolate
  • Agnes Mika
  • 29-04-2019
  • Optimising transient searches in radio images with machine learning
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 26-04-2019
  • The Cool Guy(s)
  • Agnes Mika
  • 25-04-2019
  • Extended radio AGN at 3-GHz VLA-COSMOS (Vardoulaki et al. 2019)
  • Dr. Eleni Vardoulaki
  • 24-04-2019
  • Acronym hunters wanted!
  • Agnes Mika
  • 23-04-2019
  • ADASS XXIX coming to the Netherlands
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 19-04-2019
  • Astronomers capture first image of a black hole
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 18-04-2019
  • Colloquium - PAFs and polarisation and radio galaxies, oh my!
  • Craig Anderson
  • 17-04-2019
  • National Secretary Day
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 16-04-2019
  • M87 from low to high frequency
  • Francesco de Gasperin
  • 15-04-2019
  • NGC4725 and its neighbour
  • Albert van Duin
  • 12-04-2019
  • Sunspot 2738
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 11-04-2019
  • Girlsday 2019
  • PR
  • 10-04-2019
  • Apertif sees Perytons in real time
  • Vanessa Moss
  • 09-04-2019
  • PV trip to Elburg
  • Ger van Diepen
  • 08-04-2019
  • ESCAPE kicking off
  • Yan Grange
  • 05-04-2019
  • Willem Wever Woos Westerbork
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 04-04-2019
  • Colloquium - A Relativistic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) Pair Plasma Jet Simulation
  • Nicholas MacDonald
  • 03-04-2019
  • Congratulations Tatiana Bocanegra!
  • Gina Maffey
  • 02-04-2019
  • SKA article in NRC featuring ASTRON scientists
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 01-04-2019
  • Meet the new R&D MT
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 29-03-2019
  • Farewell to ASTRON and the Dwingelderveld
  • Jess Broderick
  • 28-03-2019
  • Colloquium - The First Large Absorption Survey in HI: A history of cold gas in the Universe
  • James Allison
  • 27-03-2019
  • PhD Defense Samayra Straal
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 26-03-2019
  • First Pick&Place machine test
  • Albert van Duin
  • 25-03-2019
  • All hands on deck!
  • Agnes Mika
  • 22-03-2019
  • NGC3486 automatic colour calibration
  • Albert van Duin
  • 21-03-2019
  • Colloquium - Gravitational lensing at milliarcsecond angular resolution
  • Cristiana Spingola
  • 20-03-2019
  • A busy year for the PV
  • Jürgen Morawietz
  • 19-03-2019
  • An HBA as seen through the eyes of Rembrandt
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 18-03-2019
  • Founding Members sign SKA Observatory treaty
  • Alice Spruit
  • 15-03-2019
  • Butterfly effect on International Women's Day
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 14-03-2019
  • Colloquium - Short lived accretion states in magnetic cataclysmic variables (and other systems)
  • Mark Kennedy
  • 13-03-2019
  • Late Dutch winter: a chance of rainbows
  • Thomas Juerges
  • 12-03-2019
  • PV skiing event Winterberg 2019
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 08-03-2019
  • Building a new brain for LOFAR
  • Cees Bassa
  • 07-03-2019
  • Today's colloquium: Diet for the monsters: molecular tori in active galaxies
  • Leonard Burtscher
  • 05-03-2019
  • A pyramid and a telescope
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 04-03-2019
  • LFAA CDR: the panel, the consortium and the SKAO
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 01-03-2019
  • LOFAR Surveys paper splash gives rise to media splash
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 28-02-2019
  • Today's colloquium: Statistical Modelling of the High-Latitude Ionosphere
  • Garreth Dorian & Alan Wood
  • 27-02-2019
  • Customisable antenna array for SILIKA
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 26-02-2019
  • On apple mass and other matters
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 25-02-2019
  • Lunar farside and Earth in the media
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 22-02-2019
  • The aftermath of an explosion
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 21-02-2019
  • The First Westerbork HALOGAS Data Release
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 20-02-2019
  • Monitoring sky brightness
  • Paco Colomer
  • 19-02-2019
  • The first data release from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS)
  • Timothy Shimwell
  • 18-02-2019
  • AARTFAAC2.0 Workshop
  • Maaijke Mevius
  • 15-02-2019
  • Kleibrink about Grote Reber
  • Harm-Jan Stiepel & Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 14-02-2019
  • Today's colloquium: Globular clusters in the Gaia era
  • Alice Zocchi
  • 13-02-2019
  • First detection of chromatic DM in pulsar observations
  • Caterina Tiburzi
  • 12-02-2019
  • Keeping an Eye on the Sky with I-LOFAR
  • David McKenna
  • 11-02-2019
  • Moon behind the focus
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 07-02-2019
  • Colloquium - Exoplanet radio searches
  • Philippe Zarka
  • 06-02-2019
  • Sport and games evening
  • Ger van Diepen
  • 05-02-2019
  • A silent Tribute to the Power Woman
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 04-02-2019
  • The Netherlands will partner to build the largest radio telescope in the world
  • 01-02-2019
  • Time to look for White Rabbits
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 31-01-2019
  • Colloquium - The Magnetic Field of the Milky Way
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 30-01-2019
  • Gert Kruithof leaves the R&D nest
  • André Gunst
  • 29-01-2019
  • Efficient Deep Learning programme kick-off
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 28-01-2019
  • PCIe on Uniboard2
  • Dehim Verveen, Thijs Snijder and Leon Hiemstra
  • 25-01-2019
  • The True Master Blaster
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 24-01-2019
  • How nature builds planets
  • Matthijs van der Wiel
  • 23-01-2019
  • A decade of Astrolunch
  • Jason Hessels
  • 22-01-2019
  • Automated cable layout for LOFAR fields
  • Thomas Tijsma
  • 21-01-2019
  • Chang'e-4 relay satellite and NCLE scale model
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 18-01-2019
  • Celebrating 10 years of digital leave requests
  • Diana Verweij
  • 17-01-2019
  • Today's colloquium: Radio and laser tracking of planetary missions: past, present and future
  • Dominic Dirkx
  • 16-01-2019
  • View from the focus
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 15-01-2019
  • Knowing the APERTIF room team
  • Ger van Diepen
  • 14-01-2019
  • Behind the Scenes: Mechanical Riddle solution
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 11-01-2019
  • LOFAR Minecraft - LOFAR Enters the Virtual Universe
  • Peter Gallagher
  • 10-01-2019
  • Last DESP Project Progress Meeting of 2018
  • Andre Gunst
  • 09-01-2019
  • BALTICS final Conference and Workshop
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 08-01-2019
  • ASTRON at AAS 233
  • Alice Spruit
  • 07-01-2019
  • Scattering features and variability in the Crab pulsar
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 02-01-2019
  • ASTRON News Winter edition
  • 24-12-2018
  • ASTRON Season's Greetings
  • 21-12-2018
  • 25th anniversary of JIVE
  • Katharina Immer
  • 20-12-2018
  • PhD Defence Shahrzad Naghibzadeh
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 19-12-2018
  • SKA LFAA scale model
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 18-12-2018
  • End-to-end Testing of the ARTS Firmware
  • Jonathan Hargreaves & Pieter Donker
  • 17-12-2018
  • UniBoard2 ready for ARTS
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 14-12-2018
  • Building High-performing Campus Infrastructures for Research
  • Yan Grange
  • 13-12-2018
  • Today's colloquium: Early galaxy formation and its large-scale effects
  • Pratika Dayal
  • 12-12-2018
  • Lankhorst Engineering visit to ASTRON
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 11-12-2018
  • Today's colloquium: New insights into AGN, via their radio emission
  • Sarah White
  • 10-12-2018
  • Polarized imaging with the Image Domain Gridder
  • André Offringa
  • 09-12-2018
  • Goodbye Ruud
  • Andre Gunst
  • 07-12-2018
  • LOFAR LBA maintenance
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 06-12-2018
  • Today's colloquium: The physical and chemical structure of SgrB2. Studying the most massive cloud in the Galaxy
  • Álvaro Sanchez-Monge
  • 05-12-2018
  • Klim Mikhailov, PhD
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 04-12-2018
  • Radio Astronomy Meets Cybersecurity
  • Andre Gunst
  • 03-12-2018
  • The Small Magellanic Cloud imaged by ASKAP
  • Helga Denes
  • 30-11-2018
  • Wintersleep Tonjes Jipping
  • Henk Mulder
  • 29-11-2018
  • Colloquium - Radio-wavelength searches for the basis of dark matter
  • Vikram Ravi
  • 28-11-2018
  • A tree-like deep neural network for FRB classification
  • Liam Connor
  • 27-11-2018
  • Colloquium - The bright FRB population
  • JP Macquart
  • 26-11-2018
  • The 2018 LOFAR Surveys Key Science Project Meeting.
  • Tim Shimwell
  • 23-11-2018
  • Creativity in birthday ageing riddles
  • Yan Grange
  • 22-11-2018
  • Today's colloquium: Towards Understanding Black Hole Accretion and Jet Launching
  • Monika Moscibrodzka
  • 21-11-2018
  • Low Frequency Astronomy and the LOFAR observatory
  • Roberto Pizzo, George Heald, John McKean
  • 20-11-2018
  • Cosmic serpent reveals new way massive stars die
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 19-11-2018
  • Impressie Telescooploop 2018
  • Telescooploop 2018
  • 16-11-2018
  • ADASS coming to the Netherlands in 2019!
  • Roberto Pizzo, Yan Grange
  • 15-11-2018
  • Colloquium - Late-phase radiative transfer of Type Ia supernovae
  • Luke Shingles
  • 14-11-2018
  • LOFAR strides towards Mega-Mode Operations (and more!) with its new correlator (COBALT 2.0)
  • V.N. Pandey, Jan David, Cees Bassa, Jason Hessels, Rene Kaptijn on behalf of COBALT2.0 Team
  • 13-11-2018
  • Science is Oerol
  • Jason Hessels
  • 12-11-2018
  • Prototype of the MICADO Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector
  • Annemieke Janssen
  • 09-11-2018
  • "Let's Gro To The Moon"
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 08-11-2018
  • ASTRON/UvA 2nd Year Research Practicum
  • Jason Hessels
  • 07-11-2018
  • Inaugural speech prof. Bentum
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 06-11-2018
  • ASTRON's Sarrvesh Sridhar successfully defends his PhD thesis
  • Joseph Callingham
  • 05-11-2018
  • Weighing planets and asteroids using pulsars
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 02-11-2018
  • LOFAR Station Upgrade Architecture Review
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra and René Kaptijn
  • 01-11-2018
  • Colloquium - EVN-(e)MERLIN Stokes-I contour maps of the 1665-MHz flaring emission towards o Ceti
  • Sandra Etoka
  • 31-10-2018
  • Farewell Truus van den Brink
  • Diana Verweij
  • 30-10-2018
  • cuFFS: A GPU-accelerated code for Fast Faraday Rotation Measure Synthesis
  • Sarrvesh S Sridhar
  • 29-10-2018
  • Non-Iterative Radio Telescope Design
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra and Ronald Nijboer
  • 26-10-2018
  • Uniboard Firmware Training
  • Leon Hiemstra
  • 25-10-2018
  • Colloquium - A low-frequency radio perspective on AGN
  • Leah Morabito
  • 24-10-2018
  • 14th EVN Symposium and Users meeting
  • Katharina Immer
  • 23-10-2018
  • It's good to take it slow
  • Jason Hessels
  • 22-10-2018
  • Dr. Daniele Michilli
  • Jason Hessels
  • 19-10-2018
  • Christiaan Huygens prijs
  • Jason Hessels
  • 18-10-2018
  • Colloquium - What Happened in 774 CE? Investigating the Largest Cosmic Radiation Strikes in Human History
  • Mike Dee
  • 17-10-2018
  • First meetup of the Dutch Research Software Engineering community
  • Yan Grange
  • 16-10-2018
  • The Earth and the far side of the Moon
  • Cees Bassa & Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 15-10-2018
  • Beginning of the first APERTIF shakedown!
  • Vanessa Moss + APERTIF team
  • 12-10-2018
  • PR
  • 11-10-2018
  • The Big Wipe
  • Reinoud Bokhorst
  • 10-10-2018
  • Taking a look around a LOFAR international station in VR
  • Robert Schulz
  • 09-10-2018
  • Weave Lens Alignment Tool
  • Menno Schuil
  • 08-10-2018
  • The second HI absorption workshop
  • Robert Schulz & Raffaella Morganti
  • 05-10-2018
  • Open Dag / Open Day
  • Iris Nijman / Gina Maffey
  • 04-10-2018
  • Colloquium - Energetics and lifecycles of radio galaxies: what can models tell us?
  • Stas Shabala
  • 03-10-2018
  • Astronomy at the IAC
  • Phil Crosby (CSIRO)
  • 02-10-2018
  • Symposium: The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
  • Giuseppe Cimo', Christine Werkhoven
  • 01-10-2018
  • NWO-Groot Grant Awarded for DUPLLO
  • Jason Hessels
  • 28-09-2018
  • First e-EVN + e-MERLIN + SRT science
  • Aard Keimpema and Benito Marcote
  • 27-09-2018
  • Changing sky colors during a lunar eclipse
  • Cees Bassa
  • 26-09-2018
  • Beamforming video
  • PR
  • 25-09-2018
  • SWENED Collaboration
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 24-09-2018
  • 50 years Westerbork Radio Observatory. A continuing Journey to Discoveries and Innovations
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 21-09-2018
  • Looking at FRB 121102 at very high energy and optical wavelengths
  • Benito Marcote
  • 20-09-2018
  • New activity at ASTRON funded by ESA
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 19-09-2018
  • Microserver Datacenter delivered at EnTranCe
  • René Kaptijn
  • 18-09-2018
  • 5th LOFAR Data School
  • Data school LOC and SOC
  • 17-09-2018
  • LOFAR MSSS reveals low-frequency spectra of nearby galaxies
  • Krzysztof T. Chyzy, George Heald, Jess Broderick
  • 14-09-2018
  • The Oort-Cloud fountain, Franeker
  • Roy de Goei
  • 13-09-2018
  • Westerbork Radio Telescope's major upgrade enlarges field of view 37 times
  • PR
  • 12-09-2018
  • thermal Graduate
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 10-09-2018
  • Integrated Photonics for Radio Telescopes
  • Peter Maat and Roy van der Werp
  • 07-09-2018
  • LOFAR from a hot air balloon
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 06-09-2018
  • Colloquium - The nexus of Australian marsupials and broadband radio polarimetry
  • George Heald
  • 05-09-2018
  • YERAC 2018!
  • Gina Maffey
  • 04-09-2018
  • Phase screen on long baselines of LOFAR
  • Neal Jackson, for the LOFAR Long Baseline Working Group
  • 03-09-2018
  • ASTRON/JIVE Traineeship in Science Operations with Massive Arrays
  • Emmanuel Bempong-Manful
  • 31-08-2018
  • Dwingeloo has fringes (again) !
  • Paul Boven
  • 30-08-2018
  • The duty cycle of the radio galaxy B2 0258+35
  • Marisa Brienza and Raffaella Morganti
  • 29-08-2018
  • LOFAR Interferometric Observation of a group of Type III Solar Radio Bursts.
  • Anshu Kumari
  • 28-08-2018
  • VLBI fringes with MeerKAT
  • Harro Verkouter
  • 27-08-2018
  • Shock signature in the Solar Corona with LOFAR
  • Pietro Zucca
  • 24-08-2018
  • Parker Solar Probe makes a star of Richard Fallows
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 23-08-2018
  • A better radio view of M81 and M82
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 22-08-2018
  • A repeating fast radio burst and its persistent radio counterpart
  • Alexander Plavin
  • 21-08-2018
  • Scintillation based search for off-pulse emission from pulsars
  • Iuliana Nitu
  • 20-08-2018
  • ARTAMIS (All-Round Telescope Array Monitoring and Information System)
  • Henk Mulder
  • 17-08-2018
  • A Dutch Summer
  • ASTRON/JIVE Summer Students 2018
  • 16-08-2018
  • Today's Colloquium
  • Sergei Gulyaev
  • 15-08-2018
  • A Summer Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 14-08-2018
  • Total Lunar Eclipse 2018
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 13-08-2018
  • Space Studies Programme visited Dwingeloo
  • Local organising committee SSP
  • 10-08-2018
  • Waiting for Wetter Times
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-08-2018
  • Summer Saturn
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 08-08-2018
  • Twinkle, Twinkle, little Quasar - Observing the Solar Wind with LOFAR
  • David McKenna
  • 07-08-2018
  • Finding Pulsars in the LOFAR Imaging Survey
  • Amy Tuson
  • 06-08-2018
  • How to become the Coolest Guy in the Building
  • Henk Mulder
  • 03-08-2018
  • ASTRON in Noord-Brabant?
  • Michel Arts
  • 02-08-2018
  • Evidence of life in the ALTA team
  • Nico Vermaas
  • 01-08-2018
  • Summer Student Project: Zeeman splitting in OH EGOs
  • Daysi Quinatoa
  • 31-07-2018
  • ASTRON/JIVE summer students visit WSRT and LOFAR
  • Cees Bassa
  • 30-07-2018
  • Student project: radio telescope for amateur astronomers
  • Peter Maat and Roel Witvers
  • 27-07-2018
  • Open for Business again
  • Jan Noordam
  • 26-07-2018
  • The jet-driven outflow in the young radio galaxy PKS B1934-63: one more piece in the puzzle of cold gas formation.
  • Francesco Santoro
  • 25-07-2018
  • Preserving NEWSTAR
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema & Wim Brouw
  • 24-07-2018
  • ASTRON @ Zwarte Cross
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 23-07-2018
  • ASTERICS European Data Provider Forum
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 20-07-2018
  • Bedtime story for a windy day
  • Agnes Mika
  • 19-07-2018
  • Proposal Tool Workshop at ESO
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 18-07-2018
  • LOFAR's first automatic response to an astrophysical transient
  • Antonia Rowlinson
  • 17-07-2018
  • Scaling SAGECal to SKA
  • Hanno Spreeuw, Ben van Werkhoven and Sarod Yatawatta
  • 16-07-2018
  • Do objects with extreme gravity fall the same way as normal ones?
  • Anne Archibald
  • 13-07-2018
  • Hier... Radio-Melkweg!
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 12-07-2018
  • Einstein’s theory still passes the test
  • Iris Nijman
  • 11-07-2018
  • LOFAR MSSS: searching for peaked-spectrum sources
  • Christiaan Bozon, Joe Callingham, Jess Broderick
  • 10-07-2018
  • LOFAR 2.0 Busy weeks
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 09-07-2018
  • The optical side of RadioLife
  • Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 06-07-2018
  • Frederik Kaiser, a nearly forgotten Dutch astronomy legend
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 05-07-2018
  • Colloquium - Gamma-ray emission from pulsars and their environments: an experimental perspective
  • Roberta Zanin
  • 04-07-2018
  • Mapping the neutral atomic hydrogen gas outflow in the restarted radio galaxy 3C 236
  • Robert Schulz, Raffaella Morganti
  • 03-07-2018
  • ASTRON supports!
  • Daniel van der Schuur
  • 02-07-2018
  • LAB survey (and many more) in Stellarium
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 29-06-2018
  • The ASTRON/JIVE summer students of 2018
  • Cees Bassa
  • 28-06-2018
  • Colloquium - X-ray, mm and radio wavelength observations of the nuclear activity in lensed dusty star forming galaxies
  • Marcella Massardi
  • 27-06-2018
  • RadioAstron in Dwingeloo
  • Gina Maffey and Leonid Gurvits
  • 26-06-2018
  • An early start to planet formation
  • Matthijs van der Wiel
  • 25-06-2018
  • Roadtripping Mechanical Groupies
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 22-06-2018
  • Klokhuis Vragendag (Question Day) 2018 @ NEMO
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 21-06-2018
  • Colloquium - Active Galaxies in the local Universe
  • Rebecca McElroy
  • 20-06-2018
  • Curiouser and curiouser : Multifrequency behaviour of the anomalous events of PSR J0922+0638
  • Golam Shaifullah
  • 19-06-2018
  • SOS Team's Visit to SURFsara in Amsterdam
  • Bernard Asabere
  • 18-06-2018
  • Arts Tabs First Light
  • Jonathan Hargreaves
  • 15-06-2018
  • The external tour for the interns
  • Channah Vogel
  • 14-06-2018
  • Today's colloquium: Knottiness of X-ray jets: testing the obstacle-in-jet model
  • Sarka Wykes
  • 13-06-2018
  • The organiser of the Applied Radio Frequency technology course
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 12-06-2018
  • Visit Minister Van Engelshoven
  • PR
  • 11-06-2018
  • Experiential learning!
  • Menno Norden
  • 08-06-2018
  • Taking the JIVE experience
  • Ross Burns
  • 07-06-2018
  • Today's colloquium: eROSITA - The Next X-ray All Sky Survey
  • Joern Wilms
  • 06-06-2018
  • Jan-Willem Steeb wins URSI Student Paper Competition!
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 05-06-2018
  • A new road map for the Radio Observatory processing pipelines
  • Emanuela Orru
  • 04-06-2018
  • PV Event: Drone Clinic (23-05-2018)
  • Merijn Martens
  • 01-06-2018
  • Systems Engineering Course
  • Andre Gunst
  • 31-05-2018
  • Colloquium - Measuring spatial scales in the line-to-continuum ratio from cosmic reionization in redshifted 21 cm interferometer experiments
  • Nithyanandan Thyagarajan
  • 30-05-2018
  • ARP117 (IC983) and ARP79 (NGC5490C)
  • Albert van Duin
  • 29-05-2018
  • 2018 SKA-NL Science Meeting
  • Jess Broderick
  • 28-05-2018
  • First SKA-Low Prototype Station Completed On Site
  • 25-05-2018
  • e-ASTROGAM: A space mission for MeV-GeV gamma-ray astrophysics
  • Benito Marcote
  • 24-05-2018
  • En route for NCLE
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 23-05-2018
  • NCLE towards the moon (May 21st, 2018)
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 22-05-2018
  • Recipe for a successful brainstorm
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 18-05-2018
  • The effect of the ionosphere on ultra-low frequency radio-interferometric observations
  • F. de Gasperin and M. Mevius
  • 17-05-2018
  • Today's colloquium: The different regimes of accretion and feedback in compact objects
  • Tobias Beuchert
  • 16-05-2018
  • LOFAR data quality inspection using machine learning
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 15-05-2018
  • Supporting radio astronomy in Ghana
  • Ross Burns and Jay Blanchard
  • 14-05-2018
  • Het Logboek is doing well in Australia
  • Jan Noordam
  • 11-05-2018
  • Dwingeloo - Westerbork 1977-1978
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 10-05-2018
  • First observations through a tied-array beam of Apertif
  • Yogesh Maan and Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 09-05-2018
  • Farewell Ronald Nijboer
  • Gert Kruithof & Jan Noordam
  • 08-05-2018
  • 'top astronomy requires top technics' - internship event Innovation Cluster Drachten
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 07-05-2018
  • Beware of the PV, it locks its members up!
  • Agnes Mika
  • 04-05-2018
  • Thailand is building a radio telescope!
  • Willem Baan
  • 03-05-2018
  • 8 eyes of hairy inspiration
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 02-05-2018
  • ASTRON Hackathon
  • Joseph Callingham and Amruta Jaodand
  • 01-05-2018
  • The Artefact
  • Joeri van Leeuwen & Daniël van der Schuur
  • 30-04-2018
  • A workshop on energetics and life cycle of radio galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti for the LOC
  • 27-04-2018
  • Girlsday 2018
  • Iris Nijman
  • 26-04-2018
  • Today's colloquium - Testing General Relativity Using a Pulsar in a Triple System
  • Anne Archibald
  • 25-04-2018
  • Kick-off PV activities 2018
  • Agnes Mika on behalf of the PV board
  • 24-04-2018
  • The story of just another day at the office
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 23-04-2018
  • Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2018
  • Gina Maffey and Iris Nijman
  • 20-04-2018
  • JIVE confirms first interferometric fringes with the Colombo radio telescope (Azores islands)
  • Gina Maffey
  • 19-04-2018
  • Today's colloquium: The role of gas flows in regulating galaxy evolution
  • Amelie Saintonge
  • 18-04-2018
  • AENEAS all-hands meeting in Nice, France
  • Rob van der Meer
  • 17-04-2018
  • What can VLBI do for your Research?
  • Gina Maffey
  • 16-04-2018
  • R&D department outing 2018
  • Monique Sluiman & Pieter Benthem
  • 13-04-2018
  • A LOFAR map of W50 and SS433
  • Jess Broderick
  • 12-04-2018
  • Today's colloquium: Make your code famous! (Or at least discoverable)
  • Alice Allen
  • 11-04-2018
  • Running LOFAR imaging pipelines in a docker container
  • Sarrvesh Sridhar
  • 10-04-2018
  • Today's Colloquium: Low-frequency polarimetry on the path to the SKA: the POGS project
  • Christopher Riseley
  • 09-04-2018
  • WinCC OA, The Navigator
  • Henk Mulder
  • 06-04-2018
  • ASTERICS All-Hands meeting
  • Giuseppe Cimo' and Christine Werkhoven
  • 05-04-2018
  • Mechanical Riddle
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 04-04-2018
  • Signal Processing - an intensive course, part 2
  • Roel Witvers, Ronald de Wild
  • 03-04-2018
  • ARP286 (NGC 5566 & 5560)
  • Albert van Duin
  • 02-04-2018
  • Another RadioLife (and LOFAR) thesis!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 01-04-2018
  • Apertif Tracking Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster
  • Henk Mulder
  • 30-03-2018
  • Another RadioLife (and LOFAR) thesis!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 29-03-2018
  • Colloquium - Cold gas in the center of radio-loud galaxies: New perspectives on triggering and feedback from HI absorption surveys and molecular gas.
  • Filippo Maccagni
  • 28-03-2018
  • "No exceptions"
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 27-03-2018
  • Prospects of a future LOFAR station in Spain
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 26-03-2018
  • Life-cycle workshop 2018
  • Raffaella Morganti, Joe Callingham for the LOC
  • 22-03-2018
  • AstroFest 2018
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 21-03-2018
  • Strong Gravitational Lensing
  • Albert van Duin
  • 20-03-2018
  • Discovery of a Highly Relativistic Double Neutron Star
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-03-2018
  • Today's colloquium: VLBI scintillometry
  • Ue-Li Pen
  • 16-03-2018
  • The LAB
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 15-03-2018
  • Today's colloquium: Blunders and Failures
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-03-2018
  • EDU robotics
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 13-03-2018
  • Close-up of the Moon
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 12-03-2018
  • First time cool & right, right?:)
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 09-03-2018
  • Successful review of DISPERSE project
  • Peter Maat
  • 08-03-2018
  • Colloquium - Galaxy clustering in the near- and far-infrared
  • William Cowley
  • 07-03-2018
  • ARGO: the Apertif Radio - Gravitational wave Observatory
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 06-03-2018
  • Putting the Dwingeloo telescope to use: a Bright Pulsar Survey
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema & Cees Bassa
  • 05-03-2018
  • The (nearly) infinite possibilities of 3d printing
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 02-03-2018
  • AJDI Awards 2017
  • Carole Jackson & Francisco Colomer
  • 01-03-2018
  • Today's colloquium - Radio galaxies: Models and Reality
  • Martin Hardcastle
  • 28-02-2018
  • LUnar Cubesats for Exploration (LUCE) Review
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 27-02-2018
  • Shanghai Correlator Firmware Development at Jive
  • Jonathan Hargreaves
  • 26-02-2018
  • Heating up Gemini LRU
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek / Leon Hiemstra / Sjouke Kuindersma
  • 23-02-2018
  • MATISSE Ready!
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 22-02-2018
  • Today's colloquium Growing massive black holes in the high redshift Universe
  • Tiago Costa
  • 21-02-2018
  • ASTRON NCLE Analogue Flight Hardware Delivered
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 20-02-2018
  • Behind the scenes of The Big Bang Theory
  • Georgina Maffey
  • 19-02-2018
  • Thank you, Ronald
  • Gert Kruithof / Monique Sluiman
  • 16-02-2018
  • ARTS opening strikes a Chord
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 15-02-2018
  • Today's Colloquium - Approaching a second Renaissance in the studies of globular cluster pulsars
  • Andrea Possenti
  • 14-02-2018
  • Ferocious Concentration
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-02-2018
  • JIVE Director handover event
  • Yvonne Kooi, Jan Noordam
  • 12-02-2018
  • Guest lecture at the Storkschool in Dwingeloo
  • Annemieke Janssen
  • 09-02-2018
  • Catch them young (jong geleerd, is oud gedaan)
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 08-02-2018
  • Today's Colloquium - Multi-Messenger EM-GW Astronomy: The View from the Radio End of the EM Spectrum
  • Dale Frail
  • 07-02-2018
  • Goodbye SD&I
  • Andre Gunst
  • 06-02-2018
  • Discovering a resurrected NASA space probe
  • Cees Bassa
  • 05-02-2018
  • LOFAR4SW - Excellent kickoff meeting
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 02-02-2018
  • The Dwingeloo RT in the snow
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 01-02-2018
  • Deconvolution
  • Albert van Duin, Jan Noordam
  • 31-01-2018
  • Online CAMRAS software defined radio 'meteor scatter' receiver.
  • Simon Bijlsma
  • 30-01-2018
  • Magnetised, masering methanol molecules
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 29-01-2018
  • COBALT2.0 Phase 1 Kickoff meeting
  • Rene Kaptijn
  • 26-01-2018
  • ALMA observations of AGN fuelling: the case of PKS B1718-649
  • Filippo Maccagni, Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 25-01-2018
  • Colloquium - Probing cosmic magnetic fields with observations of high-energy particles
  • Justin Bray
  • 24-01-2018
  • 400 mm F/13 telescope with built-in Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 23-01-2018
  • LOFAR4SW Kickoff meeting
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 22-01-2018
  • Commodity trading at AAS
  • Carole Jackson
  • 19-01-2018
  • A new twist in the story of the repeating FRB
  • Jason Hessels
  • 18-01-2018
  • Colloquium - Learning lots from LoTSS: Getting from visibilities to astrophysics
  • Kenneth Duncan
  • 17-01-2018
  • The LOFAR Imaging Cookbook v.22
  • Sarrvesh Sridhar
  • 16-01-2018
  • Improving pipeline description methods, take 2
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Yan Grange, Hanno Holties, Emanuela Orru
  • 15-01-2018
  • A New Year, a renewed Mechanical Group at ASTRON R&D department
  • Johan Pragt
  • 12-01-2018
  • The fun is starting...
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 11-01-2018
  • Joint effort in the construction of a Meccanoid XL personal robot 2.0
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 10-01-2018
  • The marvel of low-tech
  • Agnes Mika and Marcel Loose
  • 09-01-2018
  • Some changes at the R&D department of ASTRON
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 05-01-2018
  • Stewing White Rabbits
  • Paul Boven
  • 04-01-2018
  • Hiddo Hanenburg retired
  • Johan Pragt
  • 03-01-2018
  • Jan Idserda retired
  • Johan Pragt
  • 02-01-2018
  • Milky Way simulations at SKA Calendar for December 2017
  • Luis Henry Quiroga Nunez
  • 26-12-2017
  • Season's Greetings from JIVE
  • Gina Maffey
  • 22-12-2017
  • ASTRON Season's Greetings
  • 21-12-2017
  • An unexpected Christmas package
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 20-12-2017
  • Ger's Twinkling Quasar
  • Tom Oosterloo (for Apertif Commissioning Team)
  • 19-12-2017
  • The view of Centaurus A from the Murchison Widefield Array
  • Ben McKinley, Raffaella Morganti
  • 18-12-2017
  • A tale of Two Worlds
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 15-12-2017
  • Perentie - SKA Low Correlator and Beamformer
  • Koos Kegel
  • 14-12-2017
  • Westerbork milestone!
  • Henk Mulder
  • 13-12-2017
  • Paco Colomer to take over as JIVE director
  • Gina Maffey
  • 12-12-2017
  • Next generation distributed software and processing for LOFAR
  • Raymond Oonk
  • 11-12-2017
  • One of the Apertif heroes
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 08-12-2017
  • Testing water blocks for the SKA
  • Sjouke Kuindersma & Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 07-12-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: WEAVE: The next-generation spectroscopic survey facility for the Northern Sky
  • Scott Trager
  • 06-12-2017
  • First science image from the CASA VLBI tools
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 05-12-2017
  • An Influential Friend
  • Jan Noordam
  • 04-12-2017
  • First Light!
  • Albert van Duin
  • 01-12-2017
  • Improving pipeline description methods
  • Yan Grange
  • 30-11-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Binary neutron stars and gravitational waves: The dawn of multi-messenger astronomy
  • Chris Van Den Broeck
  • 29-11-2017
  • Combining X-ray and HI
  • Luisa Ostorero and Raffaella Morganti
  • 28-11-2017
  • AENEAS all-hands meeting in Granada
  • Yan Grange
  • 27-11-2017
  • Sunset
  • Marjan Timmer
  • 24-11-2017
  • Giant radio jets as seen by LOFAR
  • Volker Heesen, Judith Croston, Raffaella Morganti
  • 23-11-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: BeSSeL, masers, a forest of lines and a dash of Diazenylium - a tale of star formation in four acts
  • Katharina Immer (JIVE)
  • 21-11-2017
  • 60 Second Adventures in Collaborative Science
  • Giuseppe Cimo'
  • 20-11-2017
  • How to serve a dozen dishes
  • Hanno Holties on behalf of the ALTA team
  • 17-11-2017
  • Highschool students observe the Crab pulsar in Dwingeloo
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, CAMRAS
  • 16-11-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Galaxy clusters in the LOFAR Two Metre Sky Survey
  • Tim Shimwell
  • 15-11-2017
  • Jubilee day
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 14-11-2017
  • ASTRON site back on the power grid!
  • Eric Kooistra, Anne Veendijk
  • 13-11-2017
  • Apertif imaging of the hydrogen in galaxies
  • Tom Oosterloo (for the Apertif Commissioning Team)
  • 10-11-2017
  • Blind self-calibration
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 09-11-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Discovering the origin and nature of jets from accreting stellar-mass black holes
  • Thomas Russell
  • 08-11-2017
  • MATISSE ships to Chile
  • Felix Betonvil
  • 07-11-2017
  • BALTICS RF course given in Latvia
  • Roel Witvers, Juergen Morawietz
  • 06-11-2017
  • One swallow does not a summer make, but it makes a nice photo!
  • Thomas Jurges
  • 03-11-2017
  • A team - that's how it works!
  • Gina Maffey
  • 02-11-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Extremely Metal-Poor Dwarf Galaxies
  • Mercedes Filho
  • 01-11-2017
  • Responsive Telescope
  • Jasper Annyas & Auke Klazema
  • 31-10-2017
  • Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Director-General updates ASTRON about the SKA project
  • Joe Callingham
  • 30-10-2017
  • I-LOFAR now officially a member of ILT organization
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 27-10-2017
  • 100 G flowing through the ASTRON building
  • Leon Hiemstra, Gijs Schoonderbeek, John Romein
  • 26-10-2017
  • Dwingeloo 1 & 2 are still there!
  • Tom Oosterloo (for the Apertif Commissioning Team)
  • 25-10-2017
  • 1 + 1 > 2
  • Tom Oosterloo (for Apertif Commissioning Team)
  • 24-10-2017
  • When a jet hits a cloud
  • Tom Oosterloo & Raffaella Morganti
  • 23-10-2017
  • Food for thought...
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 20-10-2017
  • Dedication of the de Bruyn Office at the Kapteyn Institute
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 19-10-2017
  • Recombination lines with Apertif
  • Tom Oosterloo (for Apertif Commissioning Team)
  • 18-10-2017
  • CASA VLBI workshop 2017
  • Gina Maffey
  • 17-10-2017
  • Radio telescopes zoom in gravitational wave counterpart
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 16-10-2017
  • September 13th: submission on a dead line
  • Sander ter Veen
  • 13-10-2017
  • Unboxing the GAME
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 12-10-2017
  • ASTRON proud member of Innovation Cluster Drachten
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 11-10-2017
  • Particle Rejuvenation In Distant Galaxy Clusters
  • Timothy Shimwell
  • 10-10-2017
  • Hajee's career move
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 09-10-2017
  • Kick-off in the new APERTIF room
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 06-10-2017
  • The Square Kilometre Array and the origins of life
  • Matthijs van der Wiel
  • 05-10-2017
  • Photo impression labs session MSc students RuG at NOVA-ASTRON
  • Willem Jellema
  • 04-10-2017
  • Understanding the nature of drifting subpulses in pulsars.
  • Andrzej Szary
  • 03-10-2017
  • Moonset from La Palma
  • Cees Bassa
  • 02-10-2017
  • RFoF Environmental test
  • Lesley Goudbeek
  • 29-09-2017
  • Treasures of the Wiskunde Boek
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-09-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Wide-field VLBI observations of the COSMOS field
  • Noelia Herrera
  • 27-09-2017
  • Open Monumentendag at the Dwingeloo Radiotelescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 26-09-2017
  • RU Groningen Honours Master students at ASTRON
  • Peter Maat and Roel Witvers
  • 25-09-2017
  • Lofar Long-Baseline Working Group Busy Week, 11-15 September
  • Neal Jackson, for the Long-Baseline Working Group
  • 22-09-2017
  • The first RadioLife student leaves the nest!
  • Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 21-09-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Radioastrometry in post-Gaia epoch
  • Leonid Petrov
  • 20-09-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Multiwavelength Studies of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar
  • Natalia Lewandowska
  • 19-09-2017
  • Dying radio galaxies in the LOFAR sky
  • Marisa Brienza, Raffaella Morganti & Leith Godfrey
  • 18-09-2017
  • In Memoriam: Nan Rendong (1945-2017)
  • Wim Brouw
  • 15-09-2017
  • The Lockman Hole as seen by Apertif
  • Tom Oosterloo (for Apertif Commissioning Team)
  • 12-09-2017
  • Central Works Council visit ASTRON/JIVE.
  • 11-09-2017
  • The Groningen expedition to the Great American Eclipse (and Jacqueline van Gorkom's meeting)
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 08-09-2017
  • Looking for broad HI absorption with Apertif
  • Apertif Commissioning Team
  • 07-09-2017
  • Detections of low-frequency radio recombination lines with the EDA, an SKA1-Low prototype
  • Emma Alexander
  • 06-09-2017
  • Microserver T4240 Standalone version.
  • Sieds Damstra
  • 05-09-2017
  • Software development harmonization and improvement
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 04-09-2017
  • Archaeology of active galaxies across the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 01-09-2017
  • A Dwingeloo background for Stellarium
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 31-08-2017
  • MeerLICHT installed!
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 30-08-2017
  • A LOFAR/MSSS view of extended radio sources
  • Chen Xie
  • 29-08-2017
  • MeasurementSet
  • Ger van Diepen
  • 28-08-2017
  • In Memoriam: Johanna Noordam (1946-2017)
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 25-08-2017
  • Interactive LOFAR Map
  • Vanessa Moss
  • 24-08-2017
  • 3c196 Flanking Field
  • Nivedita Mahesh
  • 23-08-2017
  • Maser Bowshocks in a Water Fountain Outflow: A Case of IRAS 18043-2116
  • Ann Njeri
  • 22-08-2017
  • Jet kinematics of NGC 660
  • Avni Paresh Parmar
  • 21-08-2017
  • Perseid Meteor Shower
  • Chen Xie
  • 18-08-2017
  • IE613 joins regular LOFAR operations
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 17-08-2017
  • Hoisting the antenna
  • Lesley Goudbeek
  • 16-08-2017
  • The parsec-scale jet of a young gamma-ray bright AGN
  • Yennifer Angarita
  • 15-08-2017
  • Hanny's Voorwerp revisited
  • Albert van Duin
  • 14-08-2017
  • ASTRON/JIVE Summer Students Exploring Westerbork
  • Joe Callingham
  • 11-08-2017
  • Maturation
  • Tony Willis, Jan Noordam
  • 10-08-2017
  • Group photo, take 2
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 09-08-2017
  • Peak spectrum sources and galaxy evolution: Modeling gigahertz-peaked spectrum sources over many magnitudes of frequency
  • Mel J Rose
  • 08-08-2017
  • Watercolor LOFAR
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 07-08-2017
  • Testing Gemini LRU
  • Gijs Schooderbeek (Astron) / Leon Hiemstra (Astron) / Andrew Brown CSIRO
  • 04-08-2017
  • Before Saying Cheese
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 03-08-2017
  • NCLE: First Light
  • David Prinsloo
  • 02-08-2017
  • Sky and ground imaging with LOFAR LBA
  • Vanessa Moss
  • 01-08-2017
  • The Group Photo
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 31-07-2017
  • Liquid Cooling Distribution
  • Andre Gunst (on behalf of Gijs, Hiddo and Sjouke)
  • 28-07-2017
  • Sharpest groundbased images of jupiter and Saturn
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 27-07-2017
  • Irish LOFAR station IE613 successfully passed the SAT
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 26-07-2017
  • 1st Light for LOFAR station IE613 ! (I-LOFAR at Birr, Ireland)
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 25-07-2017
  • First HI images with Apertif
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 24-07-2017
  • WimSym77: Our Wizard and his Wife
  • Jan Noordam
  • 21-07-2017
  • Dipole United
  • Jeremy Harwood
  • 20-07-2017
  • PhD defence Erik Vermij
  • Erik Vermij
  • 19-07-2017
  • Session on roles and interactions for smooth LOFAR DRAGNET operations
  • Alexander S. van Amesfoort, on behalf of the DRAGNET team
  • 18-07-2017
  • RO Uitje 2017
  • SOS
  • 17-07-2017
  • AJDI winner 2016: Paula Fusiara
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-07-2017
  • In memoriam: Ger de Bruyn (1948-2017): More than Tall
  • Jan Noordam, V.N.Pandey
  • 12-07-2017
  • Apertif Imaging Early Science Workshop
  • Betsey Adams
  • 11-07-2017
  • The hidden life of a radio galaxy
  • Leith Godfrey and Raffaella Morganti
  • 10-07-2017
  • Engineering of a cryogenic filter mount for MICADO
  • Niels Tromp
  • 07-07-2017
  • Zooming in on the host galaxy of the repeating fast radio burst
  • Cees Bassa
  • 06-07-2017
  • Today and tomorrow: WimSym77
  • Jan Noordam
  • 05-07-2017
  • First Light of APERTIF Delay Compensation and Fringe Stopping!
  • Boudewijn Hut for the APERTIF team
  • 04-07-2017
  • NCLE Radio Receiver proceeding to the next phase
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 03-07-2017
  • DRAGNET enters operations to participate in LOFAR observations
  • Alexander S. van Amesfoort, on behalf of the DRAGNET team
  • 30-06-2017
  • The Broad Impact of Low Frequency Observing & the 4th LOFAR Users Meeting
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 29-06-2017
  • Far-infrared emission in luminous quasars accompanied by nuclear outflows
  • Natasha Maddox
  • 28-06-2017
  • The Leiden Radio Astronomy class of 2017
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 27-06-2017
  • HI absorption surveys: ready to start!
  • Raffaella Morganti, Robert Schulz
  • 26-06-2017
  • The ASTRON/JIVE summer students of 2017
  • Cees Bassa
  • 23-06-2017
  • SKA Advanced Instrumentation Program (AIP) meeting at ASTRON
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 22-06-2017
  • WSRT Holography Mode Available (again)!
  • Boudewijn Hut
  • 21-06-2017
  • It's LOFAR Pulsar Observing Time!
  • Alexander S. van Amesfoort
  • 20-06-2017
  • Ghosts on the moon??
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 19-06-2017
  • Unboxing a Mysterious Parcel from the UK
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 16-06-2017
  • Mapping LOFAR
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 15-06-2017
  • Griffon Vultures (Vale Gieren) spotted in Exloo
  • Anneke Steenbergen
  • 14-06-2017
  • HI absorption 2017: a workshop preparing for the upcoming absorption surveys
  • Raffaella Morganti & Tom Oosterloo
  • 13-06-2017
  • Building a remote station
  • Albert van Duin
  • 12-06-2017
  • Successful upgrade of CEP3
  • Jasper Annyas
  • 09-06-2017
  • Dome symposium, paths towards exascale in radio astronomy
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 08-06-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: MultiView: High Precision Astrometry at Low Frequencies
  • Gabor Orosz
  • 07-06-2017
  • Anne Koster retires
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 06-06-2017
  • Lunar images
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 02-06-2017
  • Local interest in our new Director
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-06-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: A white dwarf pulsar
  • Thomas Marsh
  • 31-05-2017
  • Dr Oleg Strangelove hits town
  • Jan Noordam
  • 30-05-2017
  • A successful last survey of the 'old' Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
  • Filippo Maccagni, Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 29-05-2017
  • EC FP7 Biostirling for SKA project
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 26-05-2017
  • Purple Stork
  • Dan Stinebring, Jan Noordam
  • 25-05-2017
  • WEAVE slit head interface plate
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 23-05-2017
  • Supernova 2017eaw in NGC 6946
  • Albert van Duin
  • 22-05-2017
  • BALTICS LOFAR training
  • Menno Norden
  • 19-05-2017
  • A glimpse of Ghana's future in radio astronomy
  • Gina Maffey
  • 18-05-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: X-raying the clumpy winds of giant stars
  • Victoria Grinberg
  • 17-05-2017
  • RFoF In-house production tool
  • Lesley Goudbeek
  • 16-05-2017
  • Glass plate negatives of the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope
  • Michel Arts
  • 15-05-2017
  • PV: Popular Scientific Lectures in Dutch attract wide Interest
  • Juergen Morawietz, Ger van Diepen
  • 12-05-2017
  • Announcing WimSym77: 6/7 July 2017
  • Jan Noordam
  • 11-05-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: The HI4PI Survey
  • Benjamin Winkel
  • 10-05-2017
  • More Apertif
  • Apertif Team
  • 09-05-2017
  • Towards the origin of the radio emission in AR Sco, the first radio-pulsing white dwarf binary
  • Benito Marcote
  • 08-05-2017
  • Making custom designs is FUN :)
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 04-05-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: The first Be/BH binary system in context: discovery, evolution and accretion/ejection coupling
  • Marc Ribó
  • 03-05-2017
  • LOFAR container sailing to Ireland
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 02-05-2017
  • NGC 5395 and NGC 5394 - the Heron Galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 01-05-2017
  • Testing Gemini POC
  • Leon Hiemstra (Astron) / Andrew Brown CSIRO / Gijs Schooderbeek (Astron)
  • 27-04-2017
  • The King's 50th birthday
  • Jan Noordam
  • 26-04-2017
  • Wurzburg radar dishes
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 25-04-2017
  • Oort Lecture to be given by Imke de Pater
  • Jan Noordam
  • 24-04-2017
  • Measuring UniBoard2
  • Sjouke Kuindersma & Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 21-04-2017
  • I-LOFAR skid frames halfway through production
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 20-04-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Magnetic fields in the multi-phase interstellar medium
  • Andrew Fletcher
  • 19-04-2017
  • This year's Cascade Run participants (well, most of them)
  • Ruud Beukema
  • 18-04-2017
  • Welcome to our new Director
  • Roy van der Werp, Jan Noordam
  • 17-04-2017
  • VLBI: when people care about picoseconds, but can't remember the date
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 14-04-2017
  • Girlsday 2017
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema / Diversity Committee
  • 13-04-2017
  • 50 years of VLBI!!
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 12-04-2017
  • TMS III is out!
  • Ronald Nijboer, Jan Noordam
  • 11-04-2017
  • Department of Space Engineering at TU Delft visits JIVE
  • Gina Maffey
  • 10-04-2017
  • Vapour Phase Soldering
  • Albert van Duin
  • 07-04-2017
  • R&D team outing 2017 to NEWAYS Ljouwert
  • Mark Ruiter
  • 06-04-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Athena, the Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics
  • Jan-Willem den Herder
  • 05-04-2017
  • Octopus with vacuum tentacles
  • Johan Pragt
  • 04-04-2017
  • Twins of the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 03-04-2017
  • INAOE in Mexico starts Mirror Polishing for WEAVE Spectrograph
  • Johan Pragt
  • 31-03-2017
  • Old news: newspapers about building the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 30-03-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Molecular gas in typical low-mass star-forming galaxies
  • Claudia Cicone
  • 29-03-2017
  • First light with JIVE Uniboard Correlator!
  • Benito Marcote
  • 28-03-2017
  • The heart of the Soul Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 27-03-2017
  • CEP2, The end of an unruly workhorse
  • Jasper Annyas
  • 24-03-2017
  • BlackGEM prototype being tested in Nijmegen
  • Steven Bloemen
  • 23-03-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: The quest for particle-accelerating colliding-wind binaries across the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Michaël de Becker
  • 22-03-2017
  • Cloudify Casa with Jupyter
  • Aard Keimpema
  • 21-03-2017
  • The heart of the Orion Nebula
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 20-03-2017
  • Best paper award at the IEEE Aerospace conference in Big Sky, Montana, USA
  • Mark Bentum
  • 17-03-2017
  • APERCAL Unleashed!
  • Apertif Imaging Commissioning Team
  • 16-03-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Radio emission of binary stars in the AB Doradus moving group
  • Rebecca Azulay
  • 15-03-2017
  • EPED assignment for Hanzehogeschool
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 14-03-2017
  • Black Hole X-ray Binary XTE J1908+094 shows spectacular outburst
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 13-03-2017
  • Training Ondernemingsraad
  • Arno Gregoor, Marcel Loose, Ingrid Arling, Yan Grange, André Offringa, Adriaan Renting
  • 10-03-2017
  • JUMPING JIVE kicks off
  • Gina Maffey
  • 09-03-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: The High-resolution View of Radio Jets in the Southern Sky
  • Cornelia Mueller
  • 08-03-2017
  • Ajinkya Patil defends his thesis on the LOFAR EoR project
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 07-03-2017
  • Simultaneous radio/X-ray detection of the first Be/BH binary MWC 656
  • Benito Marcote
  • 06-03-2017
  • De Inrichting van de Hemel
  • Michel Arts
  • 03-03-2017
  • Famous in the Donald Duck
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 02-03-2017
  • The Making of...
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 01-03-2017
  • Operations BoF at the ADASS
  • Yan Grange
  • 28-02-2017
  • NGC 6951
  • Albert van Duin
  • 27-02-2017
  • Cleanroom prepared for WEAVE Spectrometer
  • Johan Pragt
  • 24-02-2017
  • Polygoonjournaal april 1956
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 23-02-2017
  • Measuring RF shielding cans of the MFAA LNA
  • Michel Arts & Martijn Brethouwer
  • 22-02-2017
  • First ARTS busy week
  • R.H.vandenBrink/J.vanLeeuwen
  • 21-02-2017
  • LOFAR observations of decameter carbon radio recombination lines towards Cassiopeia A
  • Raymond Oonk
  • 20-02-2017
  • NWO Special Interest Group on Software Engineering visits ASTRON
  • Ronald Nijboer
  • 17-02-2017
  • Resolved magnetic structures in the disk-halo interface of NGC 628
  • David Mulcahy, George Heald
  • 16-02-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Cosmic tsunamis and tornadoes
  • Andra Stroe
  • 15-02-2017
  • Systematic effects on LBA phases
  • Francesco de Gasperin - Maaijke Mevius
  • 14-02-2017
  • Characterising pipeline workloads
  • Yan Grange
  • 13-02-2017
  • SKA Software Architecture Workshop
  • Agnes Mika
  • 10-02-2017
  • LOFAR MSSS: Discovery of a 2.56 Mpc giant radio galaxy associated with a disturbed galaxy group
  • Alex Clarke, George Heald, Jess Broderick
  • 09-02-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: First results from the analysis of the Gaia Data Release 1: A box full of chocolates
  • Amina Helmi
  • 08-02-2017
  • The Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102 as Seen on Milliarcsecond Angular Scales
  • Benito Marcote
  • 07-02-2017
  • Maser jets in a massive star forming region
  • Ross A. Burns
  • 06-02-2017
  • Maria Arias
  • 03-02-2017
  • The AARTFAAC sky
  • Mark Kuiack
  • 02-02-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: How cosmic rays shape galaxies
  • Christoph Pfrommer
  • 01-02-2017
  • Zooming in on an old AGN remnant with LOFAR
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 31-01-2017
  • First image with Apertif: a new life for the Westerbork radio telescope
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 30-01-2017
  • A direct localization of a fast radio burst and its host
  • Benito Marcote
  • 27-01-2017
  • Radio receiver geared to going to the Moon
  • Jeanette Bast and Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 26-01-2017
  • Today's Colloquium: Blazar jet physics through variability studies and direct imaging
  • Vassilis Karamanavis
  • 25-01-2017
  • 6th Long-Baseline Busy Week: First long-baseline maps produced entirely through a pipeline.
  • Marco Iacobelli
  • 24-01-2017
  • Observing GSH 006-15+7 with the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Vanessa Moss
  • 23-01-2017
  • Tiny pcb's for Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Aleksei Dubok (TU/e)
  • 20-01-2017
  • In Memoriam: Arie Hin (1927-2016)
  • Albert Jan Boonstra, Jaap Baars, Wim Brouw, Jan Noordam
  • 19-01-2017
  • CEP4 in production
  • Jasper Annyas
  • 18-01-2017
  • DIY Aperture Arrays
  • David Prinsloo
  • 17-01-2017
  • OLFAR PhD defence Steven Engelen
  • Mark Bentum
  • 16-01-2017
  • Presentations Project Management
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 13-01-2017
  • Who was Who in postwar Dutch astronomy
  • Jan Noordam
  • 12-01-2017
  • ASTRON RFoF purchased by the MWA
  • Pieter Benthem, on behalf of the ASTRON RFoF team
  • 11-01-2017
  • Het Logboek -> The Journal
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 10-01-2017
  • Whisper Dish stolen (and returned)
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 09-01-2017
  • Filming @ ASTRON for Biostirling for SKA
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 06-01-2017
  • Dwingeloo Radio Telescope on popular science TV-show Galileo
  • Michel Arts
  • 05-01-2017
  • The Precise Localization and Host of Fast Radio Burst FRB121102: A Triptych
  • Adams, Bassa, Hessels, van Langevelde, Maddox, Marcote & Paragi
  • 04-01-2017
  • BALTICS DSP course week in Latvia
  • Roel Witvers
  • 03-01-2017
  • Speeding things up with 3D printing
  • vandenBrink / Kuindersma / Morawietz
  • 02-01-2017
  • The schaatsen of Jan Oort
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-12-2016
  • Happy holidays from JIVE
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 23-12-2016
  • ASTRON Season's Greetings
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 22-12-2016
  • Christmas Market
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 21-12-2016
  • 7.33 years At ASTRON
  • Harm Munk
  • 20-12-2016
  • The age, dynamics, and energetics of FR II radio galaxies
  • Jeremy Harwood
  • 19-12-2016
  • Another 12,5-year anniversary at the R&D department of ASTRON
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 16-12-2016
  • The launching point of a protostellar outflow resolved
  • Matthijs H.D. van der Wiel
  • 15-12-2016
  • MFAA development - system integration test
  • Martijn Brethouwer, David Prinsloo
  • 14-12-2016
  • Unboxing New RFI shielding cans
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 13-12-2016
  • APERTIF busy weeks
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 12-12-2016
  • Replacing the LOFAR station Control Units (LCUs)
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 09-12-2016
  • The LOFAR search for radio pulsars and fast transients in nearby galaxies M33, M81 & M82
  • Klim Mikhailov and Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 08-12-2016
  • Welcome to JIVE, Latvia!
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 07-12-2016
  • Sjouke's Golem
  • Andre Gunst
  • 06-12-2016
  • Discovery of five low luminosity active galactic nuclei at the centre of the Perseus cluster
  • S. Park, J. Yang, R. Oonk, Z. Paragi
  • 05-12-2016
  • The Terrors of Sinterklaas
  • Jan Noordam
  • 02-12-2016
  • Telescooploop 2016
  • Ger van Diepen
  • 01-12-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Cosmic magnetism in the era of broad-band spectro-polarimetry
  • Aritra Basu (MPIfR Bonn)
  • 30-11-2016
  • Dutch Embassies visit ASTRON
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 29-11-2016
  • Leah Morabito succesfully defends her PhD thesis
  • Raymond Oonk, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Raffaella Morganti
  • 28-11-2016
  • Dome Seminar Design for Testability, November 17th
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 25-11-2016
  • The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) preliminary data release
  • Timothy Shimwell
  • 24-11-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Shedding new light on star formation in the early Universe
  • Jacqueline Hodge (Leiden Observatory)
  • 23-11-2016
  • Revision of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope 2013-2016
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 22-11-2016
  • Radio jets in IC 5063 are observed to drive a warm and dense molecular outflow
  • K. M. Dasyra, F. Combes, T. Oosterloo, J. B. R. Oonk, R. Morganti, P. Salome', and N. Vlahakis
  • 21-11-2016
  • Inter-FPGA communication with Compaan
  • Bas Priest
  • 18-11-2016
  • The Rise of ILOFAR
  • Joe Mcauley
  • 17-11-2016
  • The voice of...
  • Hans van der Marel
  • 16-11-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Recent advances in the theory of pulsar magnetospheres
  • Andrey Timokhin (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • 15-11-2016
  • Carbon and hydrogen radio recombination lines from the cold clouds towards Cassiopeia A
  • J. B. Raymond Oonk
  • 14-11-2016
  • The European VLBI Network welcomes VIRAC as a new member
  • Antonis Polatidis
  • 11-11-2016
  • The quiet force behind a hard-working R&D department
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 10-11-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Highlights of a PhD in Galactic Maser VLBI
  • Ross Burns (JIVE)
  • 09-11-2016
  • OLFAR PhD defence Raj Thilak Rajan
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 08-11-2016
  • There was a time...
  • Jan Noordam
  • 07-11-2016
  • State visit to Australia
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 04-11-2016
  • Very-wide-field VLBI-imaging with LOFAR
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 03-11-2016
  • Retirement of Sjouke Zwier and Hans Tenkink
  • Andre Gunst & Bob Campbell
  • 02-11-2016
  • Tomorrow's Colloquium: Getting close to black holes with X-ray spectral-timing
  • Phil Uttley
  • 01-11-2016
  • Visit of the Chinese Society of Astronautics to ASTRON
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 31-10-2016
  • Measuring dielectric properties of materials
  • Michel Arts
  • 28-10-2016
  • Jacqueline van Gorkom: 2016 Jansky Lecturerer
  • Jan Noordam
  • 27-10-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: The impact of warm outflows in rapidly evolving galaxies in the local universe
  • Clive Tadhunter
  • 26-10-2016
  • Stefan Wijnholds: Professor Extraordinary
  • Jan Noordam
  • 25-10-2016
  • Horsehead Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 24-10-2016
  • 3D-printed focus for Gridpix detector
  • Johan Pragt
  • 21-10-2016
  • Not every piece of sky is the same: the LOFAR Lockman Hole project
  • Elizabeth Mahony & Raffaella Morganti
  • 20-10-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: AGN jets and neutrinos: multimessenger studies of blazars
  • Felicia Krauss
  • 19-10-2016
  • Terrestrial visit
  • Henri Meulman
  • 18-10-2016
  • MeerKAT & Milky Way (MeerMelkweg?)
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 17-10-2016
  • SKA.SaDT EMC emission measurements at ASTRON
  • Mark Ruiter
  • 14-10-2016
  • FAME - Freeform Active Mirror Experiment
  • Gabby Aitink-Kroes
  • 13-10-2016
  • 12.5 year anniversary of Renate van Dalen!
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 12-10-2016
  • Summer student map 2016
  • Natasha Maddox
  • 11-10-2016
  • Harry turns 80
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-10-2016
  • A visit to the beautiful Observatorio de Yebes (Spain)
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 07-10-2016
  • Cooperatively extinguishing radio "flames"
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 06-10-2016
  • Today's colloquium: Measuring the outflow of cosmic-ray electrons in star-forming and radio galaxies
  • Volker Heesen
  • 05-10-2016
  • Goodbye to the old ASTRON radio LAB
  • Mark Ruiter
  • 04-10-2016
  • Identifying galaxy candidates in WSRT HI imaging of ultra-compact high velocity clouds
  • Betsey Adams
  • 03-10-2016
  • Never too Young for Science
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 30-09-2016
  • Dwingeloo-1 revisited
  • Albert van Duin
  • 29-09-2016
  • Company visit by EUMA Netherlands
  • Truus van den Brink-Havinga
  • 28-09-2016
  • Traffic Signs In The Hallway -- What Do You Think?
  • Derk Kuipers & Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 27-09-2016
  • Twin jets pinpoint the heart of an active galaxy
  • Robert Schulz
  • 26-09-2016
  • APERTIF Milestone BBQ
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 23-09-2016
  • Rik Jongerius' defense: the SKA computing challenge
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 22-09-2016
  • Astronomy in high-school education
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 21-09-2016
  • ASTRON variation to The Great Dutch Bake Off!
  • Diana Verweij
  • 20-09-2016
  • Localizing Millisecond Timescale Pulses with EVN
  • Yuping Huang
  • 19-09-2016
  • IC342, a dusty spiral
  • Albert van Duin
  • 16-09-2016
  • The 4th LOFAR Data Processing School
  • Roberto Pizzo & Emanuela Orru'
  • 15-09-2016
  • MeerLICHT telescope achieved first light
  • Dirk Lesman
  • 14-09-2016
  • CEP4 Pulsar pipeline is ready!
  • Vlad Kondratiev & Jan David Mol
  • 13-09-2016
  • Summertime
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 12-09-2016
  • A LOFAR Census of Millisecond Pulsars
  • Vlad Kondratiev and LOFAR PWG
  • 09-09-2016
  • LOFAR's view on pulsar sky
  • Anna Bilous & Vlad Kondratiev
  • 08-09-2016
  • Mid-Frequency Aperture Array (MFAA) successfully passed System Requirements Review (SRR)
  • Wim van Cappellen on behalf of the AAMID Consortium
  • 07-09-2016
  • Measuring the image size of a gamma-ray burst, to the diffraction limit and beyond!
  • Floor Broekgaarden
  • 06-09-2016
  • The Cat's Eye Nebula NGC6543
  • Albert van Duin
  • 05-09-2016
  • CSIRO - ASTRON Collaboration Update
  • Andre Gunst
  • 02-09-2016
  • A thank you to Roy Smits
  • Astronomy Group
  • 01-09-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Fast Radio Bursts - What we know and what we don't
  • Simon Johnston
  • 31-08-2016
  • Farewell, tot kijk!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 30-08-2016
  • Dubbel feest!
  • Richard Strom
  • 29-08-2016
  • Wadlopen Day: stay clean, or not.
  • Benito Marcote
  • 26-08-2016
  • A very inclusive picture
  • Jan Noordam
  • 25-08-2016
  • Searching for gravitational wave radio counterparts with LOFAR
  • Anjali A A Piette
  • 24-08-2016
  • Best of luck Adam!
  • Michael Wise
  • 23-08-2016
  • HIZOA J0836-43: A Remarkable HI Massive Galaxy
  • 22-08-2016
  • LOFAR wandeling
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 19-08-2016
  • First light for ARTS, the new radio transient system at the WSRT.
  • Roy Smits
  • 18-08-2016
  • ''Super-sequence'': Emission Patches from PSR B0809+74 at the Low Frequencies
  • Xiaoxi Song
  • 17-08-2016
  • ASTRON/JIVE summer students visit WSRT and LOFAR
  • Cees Bassa
  • 16-08-2016
  • Subtle Disincentives
  • Jan Noordam
  • 15-08-2016
  • LOFAR universe
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 12-08-2016
  • Arcsecond-resolution LBA image of 4C 43.15, a radio galaxy at z=2.4.
  • Leah Morabito
  • 11-08-2016
  • SKA SDP: Face-to-Face meeting on Malta
  • Yan Grange
  • 10-08-2016
  • Giethoorn invasion by ASTRON/JIVE astronomers.
  • Floor Broekgaarden
  • 09-08-2016
  • A glitch in a millisecond pulsar
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 08-08-2016
  • Bikers had fun at ASTRON-JIVE tour.
  • Anne Veendijk
  • 05-08-2016
  • AENEAS H2020 project on SKA Regional Centres approved
  • Michael Wise
  • 04-08-2016
  • Another low frequency array in the Netherlands
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 03-08-2016
  • SKA-TSM environmental test
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 02-08-2016
  • A rare example of low surface-brightness radio lobes in a gas-rich early-type galaxy: the story of NGC 3998
  • Raffaella Morganti & Tom Oosterloo
  • 01-08-2016
  • Testing APERTIF DCU boards
  • Sieds Damstra
  • 29-07-2016
  • Slicing through Jupiter's cloudy veil
  • Richard Strom
  • 28-07-2016
  • In Memoriam Karin Spijkerman (1963-2016)
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 27-07-2016
  • Fringe-fitting in CASA
  • Des Small
  • 26-07-2016
  • Satellite rescue by CAMRAS
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 25-07-2016
  • Traditional MIDPREP summer pancake dinner
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 22-07-2016
  • Long-baseline images of a Survey field from the Long-Baseline Busy Week
  • Neal Jackson
  • 21-07-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: MeerKAT status update
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 20-07-2016
  • Pokemon at ASTRON
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema & Rik Jongerius
  • 19-07-2016
  • The Connecting Strength of Big Science Projects
  • Truus van den Brink-Havinga
  • 18-07-2016
  • Another piece of the puzzle: the fast HI outflow in Mrk 231
  • Raffaella Morganti & Tom Oosterloo
  • 15-07-2016
  • The missing link: tracing molecular gas in the Outer Filament of Centaurus A
  • Raffaella Morganti & Tom Oosterloo
  • 14-07-2016
  • Good to see an old friend
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-07-2016
  • MICADO Consortium Meeting at NOVA-ASTRON
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 12-07-2016
  • The new generation
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 11-07-2016
  • ASTRON new analog lab environment
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 08-07-2016
  • M13 through the eye of the Lynx
  • Albert van Duin
  • 07-07-2016
  • ASTRON/JIVE Summer Students visit the ESA/ESTEC
  • Benito Marcote
  • 06-07-2016
  • Jacki Gilmore awarded PhD for her work on Dense Dipole Arrays
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 05-07-2016
  • MacAstron lilts a knobbly-kneed Goodbye
  • Jan Noordam
  • 04-07-2016
  • Engineering Companies Tour
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 01-07-2016
  • Dutch Eyes on the Skies at the SPIE 2016, Edinburgh
  • Ramon Navarro, Ronald Halfwerk
  • 30-06-2016
  • Farewell Symposium Mike
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 29-06-2016
  • Dutch radio antenna to depart for the moon on Chinese mission
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 28-06-2016
  • NGC 3718 and NGC 3729
  • Albert van Duin
  • 27-06-2016
  • Non-parametric estimation of morphological lopsidedness
  • Nadine Giese
  • 24-06-2016
  • A small step for the telescopes, a giant leap for the e-EVN
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 23-06-2016
  • Pancakes
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 22-06-2016
  • The LOFAR Imaging Cookbook v.19 is out!
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 21-06-2016
  • CEP3 cluster changes access policy
  • Marco Iacobelli
  • 20-06-2016
  • LFAA AAVS1 concrete bases - site arrival
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 19-06-2016
  • Astronomy Concert
  • Mark Kettenis
  • 17-06-2016
  • An extraordinary binary system
  • Cees Bassa
  • 16-06-2016
  • Live fringe-plots for Jive Uniboard Correlator
  • Des Small, Harro Verkouter
  • 15-06-2016
  • LOFAR Ionospheric Workshop in Poland
  • Maaijke Mevius, Emanuela Orru, Richard Fallows
  • 14-06-2016
  • 3C196 @171MHz at a resolution of 0.25 arcsec
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 13-06-2016
  • Black Hole Fed by Cold Intergalactic Deluge
  • J. B. Raymond Oonk
  • 10-06-2016
  • ALFALFA Discovery of the most metal-poor gas-rich galaxy known: AGC 198691
  • Betsey Adams
  • 09-06-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: The too-big-to-fail problem is too-persistent-to-die: new constraints from nearby field dwarfs
  • Manolis Papastergis
  • 08-06-2016
  • ASTRON bikes in the rain
  • Jan Noordam
  • 07-06-2016
  • MFAA environmental prototypes, 2 years later.
  • Robert van der Horn
  • 06-06-2016
  • ASTRON colleagues crammed together like sardines
  • Andre Gunst
  • 03-06-2016
  • New Distance Record Promises Important Tool for Studying Galaxies
  • Tom Oosterloo (for CHILES)
  • 02-06-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: The Large Binocular Telescope - the telescope, its instrumentation and scientific perspective
  • Jochen Heidt
  • 01-06-2016
  • An online tutorial for TaQL
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 31-05-2016
  • GUIs for UniBoard
  • Hajee Pepping
  • 30-05-2016
  • LFAA AAVS1 fibre deployment
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 27-05-2016
  • Touching base: Grant Hampson
  • Jan Noordam
  • 26-05-2016
  • Keeping track of ASTRON R&D boards
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 25-05-2016
  • Giant solar radio source
  • Eduard Kontar
  • 24-05-2016
  • Farewell Erik vd Wal
  • Radio group
  • 23-05-2016
  • APERTIF-12 FrontEnds ready for installation
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 20-05-2016
  • Dissolution of the Dutch Electronics and Radio Society
  • Michel Arts & Arnold van Ardenne
  • 19-05-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Optical Pulsars: Current and Future Polarimetry
  • Andrew Shearer
  • 18-05-2016
  • First byte: Poznan joins the LOFAR Long-Term Archive
  • Yan Grange
  • 17-05-2016
  • A star is born!
  • Raffaella Morganti & Francesco Santoro
  • 16-05-2016
  • UniBoard2: Ready for shipping
  • Sjouke Zwier
  • 13-05-2016
  • UK-NL cooperation
  • Wim Brouw (with the aid of Hette Weijma)
  • 12-05-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Effects of embedded planets in protoplanetary disks: Models vs. Observations
  • Paola Pinilla
  • 11-05-2016
  • A novel fibre-chip coupling technique at the Hannover Messe
  • Peter Maat
  • 10-05-2016
  • A possible link between a blazar outburst and a neutrino detection
  • Robert Schulz
  • 09-05-2016
  • APERTIF optical fibre labelling
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 06-05-2016
  • Drone measurements on LOFAR
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 05-05-2016
  • e-EVN measurement of the FRB 150418 host galaxy candidate
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 04-05-2016
  • ARTS: A new radio transient detection system at Westerbork.
  • The ARTS team
  • 03-05-2016
  • HESS J1943+213: a non-classical high-frequency-peaked BL Lac object
  • Samayra Straal and Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 02-05-2016
  • In Memoriam: Per-Simon Kildal (1951-2016)
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 29-04-2016
  • FAST approaching filled surface
  • Nan Rendong, Wim Brouw and Leonid Gurvits
  • 28-04-2016
  • Full Dual-Pol Backend for the APERTIF Feed!
  • Boudewijn Hut for the APERTIF team
  • 27-04-2016
  • Kids Universe
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 26-04-2016
  • Collaboration on Big Data for Radio Astronomy (COBRA)
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 25-04-2016
  • In Memoriam Kurt Weiler (1943-2016)
  • Friends of Kurt
  • 22-04-2016
  • Real-time dedispersion for fast radio transient surveys, using auto tuning on many-core accelerators
  • Alessio Sclocco
  • 21-04-2016
  • Dwingeloo telescope and ASTRON on SchoolTV
  • Samayra Straal, Roy Smits and Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 20-04-2016
  • Girlsday Drawings 2016
  • Roy Smits
  • 19-04-2016
  • First LOFAR millisecond pulsar discovery
  • Ziggy Pleunis
  • 15-04-2016
  • Today: Showing the film of the restoration of the 25m DRT
  • Michel Arts and Ard Hartsuijker
  • 14-04-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Planet formation in the ALMA era: gas and dust in protoplanetary disks
  • Nienke van der Marel
  • 13-04-2016
  • The LOFAR Collaboration Meeting 2016
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 12-04-2016
  • Jason Hessels joins De Jonge Akademie
  • Michael Garrett
  • 11-04-2016
  • APERTIF-12 LOG racks ready
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 08-04-2016
  • The Dishwasher
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 07-04-2016
  • 3rd MIDPREP/AAMID workshop in Cape Town
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 06-04-2016
  • Joining up with BALTICS
  • Emanuela Orru
  • 05-04-2016
  • Team ASTRON / SKA SA-NL Finished Cape Epic 2016
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 04-04-2016
  • National SETI meeting - presentations online.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 01-04-2016
  • EUCARA 2016
  • Paul Boven, Harm Munk
  • 31-03-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: High Resolution Imaging of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
  • Tony Mroczkowski
  • 30-03-2016
  • LFAA AAVS1 groundplane deployment
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 29-03-2016
  • Feeding a newly born radio source
  • Filippo Maccagni
  • 28-03-2016
  • A Harbinger of Spring
  • Jan Noordam
  • 25-03-2016
  • In memoriam Roel Gathier 1953-2016
  • Harry van der Laan
  • 24-03-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: The cold molecular medium around high-z radio galaxies: cold accretion and jet-triggered feedback on scales of giant galaxy halos
  • Bjorn Emonts
  • 23-03-2016
  • How they see us
  • Sjouke Zwier / Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 22-03-2016
  • The sunny face of ASTRON
  • Jan Noordam
  • 21-03-2016
  • Evacuation Drills and Fire-Fighting at ASTRON
  • Anne Veendijk
  • 18-03-2016
  • A LOFAR project for Dan
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 17-03-2016
  • LOFAR operations: towards the SKA
  • Marco Iacobelli & Roberto Pizzo
  • 16-03-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: The Breakthrough Listen Initiative: Our Boldest Effort to Answer Our Oldest Question
  • Andrew Siemion
  • 15-03-2016
  • Dutch National SETI meeting - ASTRON: 15th & 16th of March 2016.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 14-03-2016
  • Northern Lights seen from Zuidwolde (Gr, March 6, 2016)
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 11-03-2016
  • Harvey Butcher visiting ASTRON
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 10-03-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Search for a variation of fundamental constants from astronomical observations
  • Wim Ubachs (Amsterdam)
  • 09-03-2016
  • APERTIF-6 Software ready
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 08-03-2016
  • This year's Kluyver Visitor: Imke de Pater
  • Jan Noordam
  • 07-03-2016
  • MFAA development - the testing of mounting options
  • Martijn Brethouwer
  • 04-03-2016
  • SKA CSP Low.CBF dPDR succesfully passed
  • Andre Gunst
  • 03-03-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Detecting Gravitational Waves with Millisecond Pulsars
  • Paul Demorest
  • 02-03-2016
  • Ready to shoot...
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 01-03-2016
  • What's going on here?
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 29-02-2016
  • SKALA2 antenna assembly
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 26-02-2016
  • The host galaxy of a fast radio burst
  • Emily Petroff
  • 25-02-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Catching Quenching Galaxies: Following the Roads Less Traveled to Galaxy Transformation
  • Katherine Alatalo
  • 24-02-2016
  • Ghost hunting
  • Stefan Wijnholds, Trienko Grobler and Oleg Smirnov
  • 23-02-2016
  • LOFAR Science Highlights
  • Richard Fallows
  • 22-02-2016
  • Proper SKA footwear
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 19-02-2016
  • ASTERICS and a new era of multi-wavelength/multi-messenger astronomy
  • Michael Garrett
  • 18-02-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Characterizing the Epoch of Planet Formation in Circumstellar Disks
  • Laura Perez
  • 17-02-2016
  • All-Sky HBA movie with Polish station Baldy PL612
  • Menno Norden
  • 16-02-2016
  • 9th meeting of ASTRON's Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Michael Garrett
  • 15-02-2016
  • APERTIF DCU Powercard
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 12-02-2016
  • Albert van Duin
  • 11-02-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: The Radio Time Domain with the Murchison Widefield Array and Beyond
  • David Kaplan
  • 10-02-2016
  • The Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey
  • George Heald
  • 09-02-2016
  • Big step forwards towards 2 Gbit/s e-VLBI
  • Mark Kettenis
  • 08-02-2016
  • Visit to ASTRON by students of the Universities for Applied Sciences in the Northern Netherlands
  • Ronald de Wild
  • 05-02-2016
  • A thin meniscus shaped parabolic mirror
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 04-02-2016
  • Today's Colloquium: Peering through Jupiter's Clouds with the Upgraded Very Large Array
  • Imke de Pater
  • 03-02-2016
  • Winner - ASTRON-JIVE Daily Image 2015
  • Michael Garrett
  • 02-02-2016
  • Get-together of the LOFAR nearby AGN group
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 01-02-2016
  • APERTIF-12 FrontEnds waiting for assembly
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 29-01-2016
  • Shaping the Future in New Mexico
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 28-01-2016
  • Nowhere to Hide - Radio Quiet AGN in the HDF-N
  • Jack Radcliffe
  • 27-01-2016
  • MFAA environmental prototypes - going strong.
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 26-01-2016
  • Up Close & Personal with 3C293
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 25-01-2016
  • Mounting the APERTIF DCU backplane
  • Anne Koster
  • 22-01-2016
  • South-Africa-Dutch SKA data science partnership seek to address Big Data conundrum
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 21-01-2016
  • Rick Perley hounoured with Van Biesbroeck Prize
  • Jan Noordam
  • 20-01-2016
  • The Wideband Low Noise Tile - The HI-line over five days
  • Martijn Brethouwer, Bert Woestenburg, Roel Witvers
  • 19-01-2016
  • SKA1_LOW precursor, AAVS1 station clearing
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 18-01-2016
  • APERTIF-6 hardware in place
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 15-01-2016
  • Jobs at ASTRON website
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 14-01-2016
  • 2016 New Year's Speeches
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 13-01-2016
  • LOFAR to extend into Ireland
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 12-01-2016
  • SDSS versus BDSS
  • Albert van Duin
  • 11-01-2016
  • RF cabling APERTIF-6
  • Raymond van den Brink
  • 08-01-2016
  • CSIRO - ASTRON Collaboration Gets in Shape
  • Andre Gunst
  • 07-01-2016
  • AARTFAAC 12-station correlator commissioned
  • Peeyush Prasad, for the AARTFAAC team
  • 06-01-2016
  • Sander ter Veen: a new 'Doctor' in the LOFAR Science Support group
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 05-01-2016
  • The East Asian Observatory
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 04-01-2016
  • APERTIF-6 FrontEnds
  • Raymond van den Brink
  • 28-12-2015
  • Happy Holidays from JIVE !
  • Aukelien van den Poll
  • 24-12-2015
  • Season's Greetings from ASTRON
  • Season's Greetings from ASTRON
  • 23-12-2015
  • In memoriam Dan Harris 1934-2015
  • Jan Noordam
  • 22-12-2015
  • 'Audio' meets 'Ultra-Mega-High Hertz'
  • Erik van der Wal
  • 21-12-2015
  • APERTIF-6 first-fringe party
  • Raymond van den Brink
  • 18-12-2015
  • The International LOFAR Telescope family has been extended!
  • Rob van der Meer
  • 17-12-2015
  • Christmas High Tea
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 16-12-2015
  • Our Commissioning team at work in LOFAR station Borowiec (PL610)
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 15-12-2015
  • ASTRON/JIVE scientists, looking the part
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-12-2015
  • UniBoard2 has arrived
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 11-12-2015
  • Sampling the Ionosphere with Rigid Floating Groups (RFG)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-12-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe
  • Erik Verlinde
  • 09-12-2015
  • LOFAR Dynamic Spectrum Art
  • Menno Norden
  • 08-12-2015
  • Neutral atomic hydrogen in Hickson Compact Group 44
  • Sahba Yahya
  • 07-12-2015
  • Cool
  • Erik van der Wal
  • 04-12-2015
  • Bootes field with LOFAR @ 150 MHz
  • Duy Hoang
  • 03-12-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Seeing through clouds: the role of radio astronomy in modern Dutch astronomy
  • David Baneke
  • 02-12-2015
  • Open Day prize winners visit the DRT
  • Yan Grange
  • 01-12-2015
  • Searching for pulsars with coherent dedispersion
  • Cees Bassa
  • 30-11-2015
  • A new full member of IAA
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 27-11-2015
  • Three new LOFAR stations will connect to the ILT on 1 January 2016
  • Rob van der Meer
  • 26-11-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: The "BAaDE" SiO maser survey in the Galactic Bulge
  • Lorant Sjouwerman (NRAO)
  • 25-11-2015
  • Tonight on TV: The last episode of Klokhuis Heelal
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 24-11-2015
  • First bright fireball captured by BINGO!
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 23-11-2015
  • Still going strong: Henk (94) and Willy (89) Sieders
  • Jan Noordam
  • 20-11-2015
  • Broadband radio emission from Kardashev Type II civilisations.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 19-11-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: How to SPAM the 150 MHz sky
  • Huib Intema
  • 18-11-2015
  • In Memoriam: Prof. Rod Davies CBE, FRS (1930-2015)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 17-11-2015
  • Software Architecture Course at ASTRON
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 16-11-2015
  • First Light of the APERTIF Correlator!
  • Boudewijn Hut and Hajee Pepping for the APERTIF team
  • 13-11-2015
  • Dominic Dirkx, PhD Cum Laude!
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 12-11-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: Big and young SMBHs in the early Universe
  • Tullia Sbarrato
  • 11-11-2015
  • First 2 Gbit/s e-EVN fringes
  • Mark Kettenis
  • 10-11-2015
  • LOFAR discovers mysterious structures in our Galaxy
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 09-11-2015
  • LFAA AAVS1 Detailed Design Review
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 06-11-2015
  • In memoriam Bill Erickson 1930-2015
  • Johan en Jornarose Hamaker
  • 05-11-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: Observing nearby spiral galaxies with a new generation of radio telescopes
  • David Mulcahy
  • 04-11-2015
  • LOFAR Holographic Station Calibration
  • David Bordenave, Michiel Brentjens
  • 03-11-2015
  • Neighbours
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 02-11-2015
  • TV: Zapp Wetenschapsweek: "Ontdek de Ruimte"
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 01-11-2015
  • Bus of stiltemeter put schools to work
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 30-10-2015
  • Alternative uses for the LOFAR LBA
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 29-10-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: A Multi-Wavelength View of Nearby Galaxies
  • Liese van Zee
  • 28-10-2015
  • LOBOS mini survey - challenging the LOFAR system
  • Emanuela Orru'
  • 27-10-2015
  • searching for cool neutral meduim in UCHVCs
  • Bahar Bidaran, Betsey Adams
  • 26-10-2015
  • E-ELT from LEGO bricks
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 25-10-2015
  • Heel Nederland Kijkt Sterren 2015
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 23-10-2015
  • The Existence of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence: The Idea Behind SETI
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 22-10-2015
  • Real-time recording of IVS R1 observations
  • Simone Bernhart, Stuart Weston, Harro Verkouter
  • 21-10-2015
  • Goodbye to Rob (and Janni) Millenaar
  • Arnold van Ardenne, Jan Noordam
  • 20-10-2015
  • Klokhuis "Universe" series: every Wednesday in November
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-10-2015
  • ASTRON/JIVE Open Day great success!
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 16-10-2015
  • The spectacular halos of spiral galaxies
  • George Heald
  • 15-10-2015
  • WEAVE Spectrograph Production started
  • Johan Pragt
  • 14-10-2015
  • Calibratability fundamentals (4): psf sidelobe noise in LOFAR
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 13-10-2015
  • Remnant radio galaxies in the LOFAR sky
  • Marisa Brienza
  • 12-10-2015
  • Excellent AAVS1 LINFRA progress in Australia
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 09-10-2015
  • Sorama visiting Astron
  • Floris Driessen
  • 08-10-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: Far-infrared fine-structure line studies of early galaxies: Where are we? Where do we need to go?
  • Carl Ferkinhoff
  • 07-10-2015
  • VLBI goes on at the WSRT - First fringes with the DBBC and a single radio telescope
  • Antonis Polatidis
  • 06-10-2015
  • TAQL gem
  • Ger van Diepen
  • 05-10-2015
  • Smoke and Mirrors
  • Tony Willis
  • 02-10-2015
  • ASTRON/JIVE Open Day (Dwingeloo) and LofarDag (Exloo)
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 01-10-2015
  • WSRT steering and power distribution upgrade
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 30-09-2015
  • The DRAGN is breathing fire
  • Vikram Singh, Minnie Mao, Zsolt Paragi
  • 29-09-2015
  • Agreement signed for METIS Instrument E-ELT
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 28-09-2015
  • Today Signing of Agreement METIS Instrument for E-ELT
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 25-09-2015
  • Colloquium (next week tuesday!) Data and Data Services at TACC
  • Niall Gaffney
  • 24-09-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: Zooming in on the planet-forming zones of disks: Sweet Results from ALMA
  • Ewine van Dishoeck
  • 23-09-2015
  • Local gas, global meeting
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 22-09-2015
  • The ``shook up`` galaxy NGC 3079
  • Nebiha Shafi (Witwatersrand and Hartebeesthoek), Tom Oosterloo, Raffaella Morganti
  • 21-09-2015
  • AG to the Efteling
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 18-09-2015
  • VLBI observations of ESA's MEX flying-by Phobos
  • Joseph Kania
  • 17-09-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Follow the chirp: seeing and listening to the transient Universe
  • Samaya Nissanke (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • 16-09-2015
  • It happens all the time...
  • Jan Noordam
  • 15-09-2015
  • Good night, sleep tight!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 14-09-2015
  • Experiments in Face Recognition
  • Minnie Mao, Jan Noordam
  • 11-09-2015
  • First SKALA2 antenna on the MRO site
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 10-09-2015
  • ATESE: An ATCA survey for Extreme Scattering Events
  • Keith Bannister
  • 09-09-2015
  • First MSSS paper and data available online!
  • George Heald
  • 08-09-2015
  • Feasibility test of FRB searching and localization with the EVN
  • Zhigang Wen
  • 07-09-2015
  • Boards ready for Apertif Correlator Subrack testing.
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 04-09-2015
  • Greetings from the Southern Hemisphere!
  • Amidou Sorgho, Erwin de Blok, Claude Carignan & Tom Oosterloo
  • 03-09-2015
  • (Almost) perfect prediction of antenna behaviour
  • Michel Arts
  • 02-09-2015
  • Waveguide for Chalmers University of Technology
  • Johan Pragt, Menno Schuil
  • 01-09-2015
  • Walking the Course
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 31-08-2015
  • The Art of making name badges
  • Liesbet Elpenhof and Marjan Tibbe
  • 28-08-2015
  • The Zoo of Accreting Compact Objects
  • Jason Hessels, Caroline D'Angelo, Cees Bassa & Ale Patruno
  • 27-08-2015
  • Dreamy but not Dreaming
  • Jan Noordam
  • 25-08-2015
  • Children used the LOFAR telescope to generate their first astronomical image.
  • Nicolas Vilchez
  • 24-08-2015
  • The International LOFAR Telescope now has more than 100.000 dipole antennas!
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 21-08-2015
  • ASTRON News Summer 2015 edition
  • ASTRON News Editorial Team
  • 20-08-2015
  • SKA Board meeting No. 18
  • Michael Garrett
  • 19-08-2015
  • Annual ASTRON JIVE softball match
  • Des Small
  • 18-08-2015
  • A fast molecular outflow as seen by ALMA
  • Raffaella Morganti & Tom Oosterloo
  • 17-08-2015
  • Muddy Feet (but not of Clay)
  • Minnie Mao
  • 14-08-2015
  • Large Prototype of a Dual-Polarized Dense Dipole Array Manufactured
  • Jacki Gilmore
  • 13-08-2015
  • ASTRON/JIVE Nearest Neighbours
  • Juergen Morawietz
  • 12-08-2015
  • Building Bridges (pun intended)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 11-08-2015
  • Cool and warm gas in nearby galaxies
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 10-08-2015
  • First ever on-site assembled LOFAR High Band Antenna touched down in Baldy, Poland
  • Leszek Blaszkiewicz & Ronald Halfwerk
  • 07-08-2015
  • Endorsement that money can't buy
  • Teun Grit, Jan Noordam
  • 06-08-2015
  • Quad-mode antenna for sparse L-band tiles
  • David Prinsloo
  • 05-08-2015
  • Neutron stars strike back at black holes in jet contest
  • Adam Deller
  • 04-08-2015
  • AGC 226067: A possible interacting low-mass galaxy
  • Betsey Adams
  • 03-08-2015
  • Automated low noise test system
  • Emiel Brommer
  • 31-07-2015
  • First light of the Kapteyn Radio Telescope
  • John McKean
  • 30-07-2015
  • Running the Mad MeerKAT Dash and the Losberg Loop
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 29-07-2015
  • The LOFAR Imaging Cookbook v.17 is out!
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 28-07-2015
  • Summer student party
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 27-07-2015
  • AAVS1 System Requirements Review
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 24-07-2015
  • DRAGNET GPU Cluster Delivered
  • The DRAGNET Team
  • 23-07-2015
  • Breaking the 1Tbps barrier with UniBoard2
  • Leon Hiemstra, Jonathan Hargreaves and Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 22-07-2015
  • Apertif Radio Transient System passes PDR
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 21-07-2015
  • LOFAR sees lightning
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 20-07-2015
  • SKA Science Data Processor consortium all-hands meeting
  • Chris Broekema
  • 17-07-2015
  • A black hole comes back to life
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 16-07-2015
  • AAVS1 detailed design meeting
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 15-07-2015
  • Goodbye to our friend Kees van het Klooster (ESTEC)
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 14-07-2015
  • Meet Pluto in the van der Hulst auditorium today !
  • Michael Garrett
  • 13-07-2015
  • "First light" in ILT Container for new Polish station Baldy
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 10-07-2015
  • Giant gas reservoir around an old lenticular galaxy
  • Mustafa Yildiz & Tom Oosterloo
  • 09-07-2015
  • MFAA FrontEnD meeting
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 08-07-2015
  • Dome Seminar on Quality in Electronic Design and Manufacturing
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 07-07-2015
  • Antenna measurements at ASTRON by students from University of Twente
  • Michel Arts & Mark Bentum
  • 06-07-2015
  • LOFAR first DIRECT lightning strike in LBA array
  • Menno Norden and Jaap Bregman
  • 03-07-2015
  • Hunting for the Black Hole: workshop on mm-VLBI
  • Ilse van Bemmel & Des Small
  • 02-07-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Taking the pulse of the gamma-ray sky
  • Lucas Guillemot (LPC2E / Université d'Orléans)
  • 01-07-2015
  • POLFAR subrack assembly and testing
  • Menno Norden
  • 30-06-2015
  • How do you build a galaxy cluster?
  • Kelley Hess
  • 29-06-2015
  • In Memoriam Cees Boon (1943-2015)
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 26-06-2015
  • Afscheid Henny van Haarst
  • Frits Moller, Jan Noordam
  • 25-06-2015
  • The End of an Era, the Beginning of the Next
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 24-06-2015
  • More deep HI observations with KAT-7: The nearest starburst galaxy NGC 253
  • Claude Carignan & Tom Oosterloo
  • 23-06-2015
  • Aurora Display 1989 revisited
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 22-06-2015
  • ASTRON/JIVE Summer Student Pancake Welcome Party
  • Michael Wise
  • 19-06-2015
  • Leiden (radio) astronomy students field trip
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 18-06-2015
  • Research Collaboration between NOVA and TATA Steel
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 17-06-2015
  • The Mission of the Digital and Embedded Signal Processing group (DESP)
  • Andre Gunst
  • 16-06-2015
  • New Quasars in the Near-Infrared
  • Natasha Maddox
  • 15-06-2015
  • Go-ahead for APERTIF-10 approved!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-06-2015
  • Tracing the gas with a stacking experiment with the WSRT
  • Katinka Gereb, Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 11-06-2015
  • Today's colloquium: The Planck 2015 Cosmology Results
  • Jörg Rachen (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • 10-06-2015
  • The '2nd LOFAR Users Meeting' and the '2015 LOFAR Science Workshop'
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 09-06-2015
  • LOFAR discovery of a quiet emission mode in PSR B0823+26
  • Charlotte Sobey
  • 08-06-2015
  • Final locations of the ASTRON/JIVE library
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 05-06-2015
  • Casacore 2.0 was released
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 04-06-2015
  • ASTERICS Kick-off meeting 26/27 May 2015
  • Rob van der Meer
  • 03-06-2015
  • Best Paper Award at the 2015 International Conference on Computing Frontiers
  • Leandro Fiorin
  • 02-06-2015
  • WSRT mosaic for Apertif
  • Mpati Ramatsoku; Davide Punzo; Marc Verheijen
  • 01-06-2015
  • UniBoard2 first blinking LED
  • Sjouke Zwier & Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 29-05-2015
  • The Netherlands Astronomy Conference 2015
  • Joeri van Leeuwen & Marjan Tibbe
  • 28-05-2015
  • Today's colloquium: The mm-VLBI view of Gamma-ray blazars.
  • Jeff Hodgson (MPIfR)
  • 27-05-2015
  • Fringe rate and delay mapping of LOBOS long-baseline data
  • Neal Jackson
  • 26-05-2015
  • Draco Triplet
  • Albert van Duin
  • 25-05-2015
  • A Sharp Straight Edge over the Dwingeloo Veldt
  • Jan Noordam
  • 22-05-2015
  • Solar Eclipse through Radio Eyes
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 21-05-2015
  • VICI grant for Apertif research
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 20-05-2015
  • Fact Finding Mission
  • Jan Noordam
  • 19-05-2015
  • Apertif Correlator Firmware Update
  • Hajee Pepping & Daniel van der Schuur
  • 18-05-2015
  • Calibratability Fundamentals (3): the PSF sidelobe troubles of radio astronomy
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 15-05-2015
  • UvA Radio Astronomy Field Trip
  • Jason Hessels, Joeri van Leeuwen, Michael Wise
  • 14-05-2015
  • Quiet Satisfaction for the Old Gang
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-05-2015
  • Nepal Earthquake also hits Astronomy Group in Kathmandu
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 12-05-2015
  • 2nd MIDPREP workshop at MAAD2015 in Aveiro
  • Arnold van Ardenne/Jan Geralt bij de Vaate/Truus van den Brink
  • 11-05-2015
  • Beating the Drum (literally!)
  • Juergen Morawietz
  • 09-05-2015
  • Dutch-RSA Radio Continuum Science Workshop in Cape Town
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 07-05-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Black Holes in Globular Clusters
  • Craig Heinke (University of Alberta)
  • 06-05-2015
  • The restarted radio galaxy 4C 35.06 as seen by LOFAR
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 04-05-2015
  • House Preservation
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-05-2015
  • Visit of the Winner of the National Science contest junior 2014
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 30-04-2015
  • You gotta love you job!
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 29-04-2015
  • The Wideband Low Noise Tile - A detection of the HI-line
  • Bert Woestenburg, Roel Witvers
  • 28-04-2015
  • ASTRON-SHAO Radio Astronomy Science Data Centres Collaboration
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 27-04-2015
  • Suffused by Golden (orange) Light
  • Jan Noordam
  • 24-04-2015
  • ASTRON/DOME at the Hannover Messe 2015
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 23-04-2015
  • Girlsday 2015
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 22-04-2015
  • What's in a name?
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 21-04-2015
  • An invitation
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 20-04-2015
  • JIVE VLBI School 1995
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 17-04-2015
  • When water and EM waves meet
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 16-04-2015
  • Today's colloquium: The Tenacious Helical Magnetic Fields of AGN Jets
  • Denise Gabuzda (University College Cork)
  • 15-04-2015
  • LOFAR LBA amplitude solutions with LoSoTo
  • Francesco de Gasperin
  • 14-04-2015
  • WEAVE Spectrograph Final Design Review
  • Johan Pragt
  • 13-04-2015
  • The Wideband Low Noise Tile - The effect of RFI on noise measurements
  • Bert Woestenburg, Roel Witvers
  • 10-04-2015
  • LOFAR Discovers its First RRAT
  • Daniele Michilli
  • 09-04-2015
  • Today's colloquium: The phase-lag technique: Distance determinations of obscured red giants
  • Dieter Engels
  • 08-04-2015
  • Phase solution of LOFAR LBA stations plotted with LoSoTo
  • Francesco de Gasperin
  • 07-04-2015
  • Today's colloquium: How stars from out of molecular gas in spiral galaxies
  • Eva Schinnerer (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
  • 06-04-2015
  • Dome face-to-face meeting (reschedule)
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra and Ton Engbersen
  • 03-04-2015
  • Observing the onset of outflow collimation in a massive protostar
  • Gabriele Surcis
  • 02-04-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Sub-Eddington accretion in neutron-star X-ray binaries
  • Rudy Wijnands (Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy)
  • 01-04-2015
  • Mock-up boards for the Apertif correlator subrack
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 31-03-2015
  • Candi2 - LOFAR Discovers a Pulsar in a Targeted Search of the 3C196 EOR Field
  • Vlad Kondratiev, Ger de Bruyn, Jason Hessels, Vibor Jelic, Michiel Brentjens, Cees Bassa, and Vishambhar Pandey
  • 30-03-2015
  • Dwingeloo wildlife
  • Tom Oosterloo/Cees Bassa
  • 28-03-2015
  • Astron timeline of Key Events
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 27-03-2015
  • ASTRON timeline - 65+ years of making discoveries in radio astronomy happen!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 26-03-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Polarization as a probe of magnetized gas in and around galaxies
  • Ann Mao (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy)
  • 25-03-2015
  • Deploying the RFoF upgrade on AAVS0.5
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 24-03-2015
  • Data rates during ILT survey observation at LOFAR Onsala
  • Henrik Olofsson
  • 23-03-2015
  • The Low Noise Tile - Bandwidth extension
  • Bert Woestenburg, Roel Witvers
  • 20-03-2015
  • WSRT in the snow.
  • Richard Blaauw
  • 19-03-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Understanding the Plasma-physical Processes Behind Pulsar Radiation
  • Joanna Rankin (University of Vermont)
  • 18-03-2015
  • Immersed grating Demonstrator Delivered to NOVA-ASTRON
  • Lars Venema
  • 17-03-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Four years of detecting cosmic rays with LOFAR
  • Anna Nelles (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • 16-03-2015
  • Today, official opening of the new ASTRON building
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 13-03-2015
  • SETI reloaded: Next Generation Radio Telescopes, Transients and Cognitive Computing
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-03-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: Scattering in the turbulent and ionised intergalactic medium: Have we detected it and can we?
  • Kevin Koay (University of Copenhagen)
  • 11-03-2015
  • Poppy Martin
  • 10-03-2015
  • Dutch Astronomy in the 20th Century
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-03-2015
  • How Truly Great Inventions are made
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 06-03-2015
  • Of Beams & Blue Ribands II: Depths and DoFs
  • Modhurita Mitra, Sphesihle Makhathini, Griffin Foster, Rick Perley, Oleg Smirnov
  • 05-03-2015
  • Digging up LOFAR in Finland
  • Anna Scaife
  • 04-03-2015
  • Meetings are better when people stand up
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-03-2015
  • Near-Earth asteroid flyby
  • Cees Bassa
  • 02-03-2015
  • LOFAR data goes public
  • Wilfred Frieswijk
  • 27-02-2015
  • Symbionos: Test of Simultaneous Observations
  • Jan Noordam
  • 26-02-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Investigating high energy particle acceleration and neutron star formation using pulsar wind nebulae
  • Joseph Gelfand (NYU Abu Dhabi)
  • 25-02-2015
  • Sneeuwpret
  • Jan Noordam
  • 24-02-2015
  • Comet Lovejoy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 23-02-2015
  • United we stand: get-together of LOFAR nearby AGN group
  • Jeremy Harwood, Raffaella Morganti
  • 20-02-2015
  • Klokhuis 2015
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-02-2015
  • Today's colloquium: Continuing the search for fast radio bursts
  • Laura Spitler (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy)
  • 18-02-2015
  • New LOFAR PhD thesis: AGN relics in the radio sky
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 17-02-2015
  • The outer filament of Centaurus A as seen by MUSE
  • Santoro, Oonk, Morganti, Oosterloo
  • 16-02-2015
  • UvA 2nd year research practicum - 2015 Edition
  • Jason Hessels
  • 13-02-2015
  • LOFAR's record-sharp view of the starburst galaxy M 82
  • Eskil Varenius
  • 12-02-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: The Inner Workings of Mechanical AGN Feedback
  • Alexander Wagner (University of Tsukuba)
  • 11-02-2015
  • The 6th German LOFAR station now in production observing
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 10-02-2015
  • Winner - ASTRON-JIVE Daily Image 2014
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-02-2015
  • Jan Idserda 40 years at Astron
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 06-02-2015
  • Assembly instructions for a LOFAR station
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 05-02-2015
  • Today's colloquium: On the Propagation Effects in the Pulsar Magnetosphere
  • Vasily Beskin (Lebedev Physical Institute & Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
  • 04-02-2015
  • Mapping pulsar polarisation across 3 octaves in frequency
  • Aristeidis Noutsos
  • 03-02-2015
  • DSL2015 Science Workshop
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 02-02-2015
  • Apertif Correlator Progress
  • Hajee Pepping and Daniel van der Schuur
  • 30-01-2015
  • APERTIF Beamforming
  • Boudewijn Hut for the APERTIF team
  • 29-01-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: Probing the Galactic Magnetic Field using the Gum Nebula
  • Cormac Purcell (Sydney Uni)
  • 28-01-2015
  • Symbionos: Using LOFAR data to improve GNSS accuracy
  • Jan Noordam
  • 27-01-2015
  • ASTRON Pulsar Group meetings
  • Anne Archibald
  • 26-01-2015
  • World Map of VLBI Telescopes
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 23-01-2015
  • Over 100,000 Views for Pulsar Animation
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 22-01-2015
  • Today's Colloquium: Radio-loud AGN -- fuelling and triggering
  • Clive Tadhunter
  • 21-01-2015
  • The jet-ISM interaction in the Outer Filament of Centaurus A
  • Francesco Santoro & Raffaella Morganti
  • 20-01-2015
  • Today's colloquium: The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
  • Steve Kahn (Stanford University)
  • 19-01-2015
  • Panta Rhei, also @ R&D
  • Ronald Nijboer
  • 16-01-2015
  • The 26th Solvay Conference
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 15-01-2015
  • Singing in the Rain
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-01-2015
  • Searches for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with the SKA: Detectability of Terrestrial Analogues
  • Andrew Siemion
  • 13-01-2015
  • AJDI of the Year (2014)
  • AJDI editors
  • 12-01-2015
  • The New Year's Speeches
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-01-2015
  • The Sheep of Obi-Wan
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 08-01-2015
  • Today's colloquium: The Era of Time Domain Radio Astronomy
  • Assaf Horesh (Weizmann Institute of Science)
  • 07-01-2015
  • Mapping the LOFAR antennas
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 06-01-2015
  • An Extreme Scattering Event of the Crab Pulsar
  • Laura Driessen
  • 05-01-2015
  • ASTRON RFoF towards AAVS0.5
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 02-01-2015
  • We welcome the ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture
  • Jan Noordam
  • 24-12-2014
  • Season's Greetings from ASTRON
  • Season's Greetings from ASTRON
  • 23-12-2014
  • JIVE goes ERIC in 23 languages!
  • Aukelien van den Poll, Huib van Langevelde
  • 22-12-2014
  • Preparing AARTFAAC hardware for six additional LOFAR stations
  • Andre Gunst
  • 19-12-2014
  • AGC198606: A gas-bearing dark matter minihalo?
  • Betsey Adams
  • 18-12-2014
  • Successful hand-over of the new International LOFAR station Norderstedt
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 17-12-2014
  • Kijk eens wat verder dan de Sterren
  • Mark Bentum
  • 16-12-2014
  • ERIC decision for JIVE
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 15-12-2014
  • Speed Up Firmware Development
  • Andre Gunst
  • 12-12-2014
  • Calibratability Fundamentals (2): Impact of observing frequency on apparent source statistics
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 11-12-2014
  • AARTFAAC takes another step towards real-time deployment
  • Peeyush Prasad, for the AARTFAAC team
  • 10-12-2014
  • First Prototype of a Dense Dipole Array for MFAA
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 09-12-2014
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 08-12-2014
  • H2020 EXTRIMA proposal submitted
  • G.H.Kruithof
  • 05-12-2014
  • The Low Noise Tile (LNT): Measurements at Parkes (1)
  • Roel Witvers, Bert Woestenburg, Pieter Benthem en Mark Ruiter
  • 04-12-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Tracing the Structure and Kinematics of the Milky Way through Astrometric VLBI Measurements
  • Alberto Sanna (MPIfR)
  • 03-12-2014
  • Heel Nederland Kijkt Sterren
  • Heel Nederland Kijkt Sterren
  • 02-12-2014
  • The HI absorption Zoo
  • Katinka Gereb
  • 01-12-2014
  • HuDaGa: Hunt for the Darkest Galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 28-11-2014
  • Meet the Radio Life team!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 27-11-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The evolving polarised jets of stellar mass black holes
  • Peter Curran (ICRAR/Curtin University)
  • 26-11-2014
  • The AARTFAAC correlator is ready to go!
  • Daniel van der Schuur and Peeyush Prasad
  • 25-11-2014
  • The Third LOFAR Data Processing School
  • R. F. Pizzo
  • 24-11-2014
  • The Periphery of Disks
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 22-11-2014
  • Sinterklaas, the Children's Friend
  • Jan Noordam
  • 21-11-2014
  • The deepest look of the WSRT
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 20-11-2014
  • The lonely life of PSR J1745-2900
  • Adam Deller
  • 19-11-2014
  • Released version 15.0 of the LOFAR Imaging Cookbook
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 18-11-2014
  • Today's colloquium: But wait! There's more!: A wealth of science from millisecond pulsars
  • Scott Ransom (NRAO, USA)
  • 17-11-2014
  • SKA MFAA frontend review meeting
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 14-11-2014
  • The Low Noise Tile's Reproducibility and averaged results
  • Bert Woestenburg, Roel Witvers and Mark Ruiter
  • 13-11-2014
  • Today's colloquium: Formation of neutron stars: Ultra-stripped supernovae and other hot scenarios
  • Thomas Tauris (AIfA/MPIfR)
  • 12-11-2014
  • Philae's landing - today, live in the auditorium!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 11-11-2014
  • LOFAR station DE609 (Hamburg) extending the ILT
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 10-11-2014
  • MFAA analog beamformer testboard
  • Anne Koster
  • 07-11-2014
  • APERTIF successfully passed its Critical Design Review
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 06-11-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: BlackHoleCam: Zooming in onto the Galactic Center Black Hole
  • Heino Falcke (Radboud University Nijmegen & ASTRON)
  • 05-11-2014
  • Another pretty picture of LOFAR
  • Jan Noordam
  • 04-11-2014
  • A Dwarf in Detail
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 03-11-2014
  • Tackling the puzzle of pulsar emission with LOFAR
  • Maura Pilia
  • 31-10-2014
  • Calibratability Fundamentals (1): Apparent source statistics
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 30-10-2014
  • Today's colloquium: Conducting the deepest all-sky radio pulsar survey: The High Time Resolution Universe survey
  • Cherry Ng (MPIfR)
  • 29-10-2014
  • Dome Open Users Platform Event: where science and SME's meet
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 28-10-2014
  • LOFAR discovers largest carbon atoms outside our Milky Way
  • Leah Morabito
  • 27-10-2014
  • FAST track to completion!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 24-10-2014
  • The pulsar population detected with LPPS
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 23-10-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The light and the dark: Can the super-massive black hole at the Galactic centre dominate the Galaxy?
  • David Jones (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • 22-10-2014
  • Shared Sky
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 21-10-2014
  • Gravitational lensing at the highest angular resolution (II)
  • John McKean
  • 20-10-2014
  • 12th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting
  • Gabriele Surcis
  • 17-10-2014
  • Gravitational lensing at the highest angular resolution
  • John McKean
  • 16-10-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Jetted Ultra- and Hyperluminous X-ray sources
  • David Cseh (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • 15-10-2014
  • We welcome another NOVA Fall School
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-10-2014
  • Summer student project: HI in the star forming ring around UGC 9519
  • Maolin Zhang
  • 13-10-2014
  • Working in Shifts for UniBoard^2
  • Andre Gunst
  • 10-10-2014
  • DSL team at the 2nd ESA-CAS workshop in Copenhagen
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 09-10-2014
  • Sharp radio images unravel the mystery of gamma rays in stellar explosions
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 08-10-2014
  • Katinka Gereb awarded PhD for her thesis on HI stacking analysis of WSRT data
  • Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 07-10-2014
  • New member of IAA and vice-chair of the SETI Permanent Committee
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 06-10-2014
  • Measuring dielectric constant and loss of foam materials
  • Michel Arts
  • 03-10-2014
  • The first low-frequency limit on Fast Radio Bursts
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, Jason Hessels, Vlad Kondratiev et al.
  • 02-10-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Quantifying the feedback from radio AGN
  • Stas Shabala
  • 01-10-2014
  • The SKA Architecture Group steps out
  • Jan Noordam
  • 30-09-2014
  • Radio Waves
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 29-09-2014
  • Wise oversight for the new Radome of the 20m at Onsala Space Observatory
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 26-09-2014
  • Michael Garrett
  • 25-09-2014
  • Today's colloquium: Resolved stellar populations in the nearby Local Group dwarf galaxies
  • Eline Tolstoy (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen)
  • 24-09-2014
  • SKA LFAA antenna pattern measurements using Uniboard processing in Cambridge
  • Leon Hiemstra
  • 23-09-2014
  • North America and the Pelican
  • Albert van Duin
  • 22-09-2014
  • Dome face-to-face meeting in Zurich
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 19-09-2014
  • First 10 LOFAR pulsar discoveries
  • Sally Cooper
  • 18-09-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The power of maser Zeeman splitting: today and in the era of the SKA
  • Jimi Green (SKA Organization)
  • 17-09-2014
  • LOFAR Imaging Busy Week XXI
  • George Heald
  • 16-09-2014
  • Launch of Het Logboek by Anke den Duyn
  • Truus van den Brink
  • 15-09-2014
  • M101 observed with the WSRT (again)
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 14-09-2014
  • Het Logboek
  • Anke den Duyn
  • 12-09-2014
  • PSR B0823+26: Emission modes in single pulses
  • Charlotte Sobey
  • 11-09-2014
  • Today's colloquium: Science with the first station of the Long Wavelength Array and beyond
  • Frank Schinzel (University of New Mexico)
  • 10-09-2014
  • What triggers a radio AGN? The intriguing case of PKS B1718-649
  • Filippo Maccagni, Raffaella Morganti and Tom Oosterloo
  • 09-09-2014
  • To Save the Rhinos
  • Jan Noordam
  • 08-09-2014
  • DOME Users Platform PCB Workshop
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 05-09-2014
  • Using Art to Reveal Science in Astronomy Public Outreach Images
  • Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 04-09-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The Physics of Angular Momentum Radio
  • Bo Thide (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)
  • 03-09-2014
  • AstroFest 2014
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 02-09-2014
  • Low Frequency Science and Technology Symposium
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 01-09-2014
  • ASTRON News summer edition 2014
  • Roy van der Werp
  • 29-08-2014
  • The Great and the Good
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-08-2014
  • World largest Microphone phased array
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 27-08-2014
  • Mode-switching pulsar B0943+10 holds yet another surprise
  • Anna Bilous
  • 26-08-2014
  • Dust as Food for Galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 25-08-2014
  • Attention to Detail
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 22-08-2014
  • EWASS 2014 Symposium on Low-frequency Radio Astronomy
  • Michael Wise
  • 21-08-2014
  • M51 observed at 151 MHz with LOFAR
  • David Mulcahy
  • 20-08-2014
  • Probing the gas content of radio galaxies through HI absorption stacking
  • Katinka Gereb
  • 19-08-2014
  • A day in the life of a millisecond pulsar
  • Cees Bassa, Gemma Janssen, Vlad Kondratiev, Jason Hessels, Roy Smits
  • 18-08-2014
  • Einstein cake and more
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 15-08-2014
  • An unknown hydrogen cloud near spiral galaxy NGC 2403
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 14-08-2014
  • Becoming a H.I.T.
  • Ronald de Wild
  • 13-08-2014
  • The APERTIF Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Unit
  • J. Morawietz, R. van den Brink on behalf of the LOG team
  • 12-08-2014
  • A Deep 20-GHz Survey in the South
  • Elizabeth Mahony
  • 11-08-2014
  • ALMA Band 5 Mirrorblock Production
  • Johan Pragt
  • 08-08-2014
  • Millisecond Pulsar Scintillation Studies with LOFAR: Initial Results
  • Anne Archibald
  • 07-08-2014
  • Connecting with the Portuguese for SKA Aperture Array developments
  • ASTRON SKA team
  • 06-08-2014
  • Scintillation Arcs in the Ionosphere
  • Richard Fallows
  • 05-08-2014
  • A contingent from South Africa's RATT group
  • Griffin Foster
  • 04-08-2014
  • MATISSE N-band shipped to Nice
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 01-08-2014
  • Astronomy Pretty Poster Pageant (APPP) 2014
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 31-07-2014
  • LOFAR images of polarized emission from our Galaxy
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 30-07-2014
  • LOFAR's Calibration & Imaging Tiger Team (CITT) reflects on a Year of Progress
  • George Heald
  • 29-07-2014
  • Twinkle, twinkle, little star...
  • Adam Deller
  • 28-07-2014
  • LED it be - 3D prototyping
  • Johan Pragt / Ronald Halfwerk
  • 25-07-2014
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 24-07-2014
  • Get-together of the PhD students
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 23-07-2014
  • The Standalone Selfcal Tool (SST)
  • Nicolas Vilchez
  • 22-07-2014
  • Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing: coming to an observatory near you!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 21-07-2014
  • The Nature of Filamentary Cold Gas in the Core of the Virgo Cluster
  • Raymond Oonk
  • 18-07-2014
  • South African delegation visit Dwingeloo
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 17-07-2014
  • Apertif QDR correlator ready for testing
  • DESP
  • 16-07-2014
  • Dutch Ambassador visits ICRAR to talk about SKA
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 15-07-2014
  • ASTRON Bike To Work Day 2014
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 14-07-2014
  • Best paper award at ISC 2014
  • Erik Vermij
  • 13-07-2014
  • Meeting of Minds
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 11-07-2014
  • The Disturbed Galaxy NGC 4414
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 10-07-2014
  • Hardware for APERTIF
  • Sieds Damstra
  • 09-07-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The Jodrell Bank 966 MHz Survey and Optical Identifications
  • Richard Porcas (MPIfR)
  • 08-07-2014
  • ASTRON Mid-term Report (2014) - Front cover
  • Michael Garrett
  • 07-07-2014
  • A supermassive black hole blasting molecular gas from a galaxy at one million kilometers per hour
  • Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo & Raymond Oonk
  • 04-07-2014
  • The GBNCC pulsar survey
  • Anne Archibald
  • 03-07-2014
  • DOME Microserver Premiere
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 02-07-2014
  • 12 Meuro for Netherlands contribution to design of the Square Kilometre Array
  • Michiel van Haarlem/Truus van den Brink-Havinga
  • 01-07-2014
  • Cobalt project finished
  • Michiel Brentjens on behalf of the Cobalt team
  • 30-06-2014
  • A Nice Stroll with our Neighbours
  • Ina Lenten/Truus van den Brink
  • 27-06-2014
  • So close...
  • Jan Noordam
  • 26-06-2014
  • Trio of supermassive black holes shakes space-time
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 25-06-2014
  • Sunflower Galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 24-06-2014
  • Today's Colloquium at 11:00: The Chinese Space Science Programme & The Dark Age Interferometric Array
  • Prof. Ji Wu & Dr. Jingye Yan (National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • 23-06-2014
  • Prototyping plastic conductive parts
  • Raymond van den Brink
  • 20-06-2014
  • Goodbye to Pavillion West
  • Jan Noordam
  • 19-06-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Numerical Simulations of Relativistic AGN Jets at Different Scales: Spectral Evolution of Blazar Jets and Heating of the Intracluster Medium
  • Manel Perucho (Universitat de Valencia)
  • 18-06-2014
  • Yearly ASTRON R&D outing
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema & Sjouke Kuindersma
  • 17-06-2014
  • Successful SKA meeting in Sicily
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 16-06-2014
  • The Dwingeloo Complex
  • Patricia Breman, Jan Noordam
  • 13-06-2014
  • Dutch Camelopardalids
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 12-06-2014
  • ASTRON & POLFAR sign for three new Polish LOFAR antenna stations
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 11-06-2014
  • ASTRON Bike To Work Day -- Monday June 16
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 10-06-2014
  • New ASTRON Board Member - Albertiene Hadders
  • Michael Garrett
  • 06-06-2014
  • Close-up of the Moon
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 05-06-2014
  • MATISSE LM Cold Optics Bench at MPIA
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 04-06-2014
  • Artificial Intelligence finds six new pulsars in Arecibo data.
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 03-06-2014
  • Presidential Decoration for Raffaella Morganti
  • Astron
  • 02-06-2014
  • A-MKID warm mirrors for SRON
  • Johan Pragt
  • 28-05-2014
  • MSSS-HBA observations are complete!
  • George Heald
  • 27-05-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Gamma-Ray Bursts from GeV to GHz and Beyond
  • Alexander van der Horst (API)
  • 26-05-2014
  • The Low Noise Tile: Full array results
  • Bert Woestenburg, Roel Witvers, Mark Ruiter and Pieter Benthem
  • 23-05-2014
  • Tribute to Wubbo Ockels
  • Nico Vermaas
  • 22-05-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: From Hertz to the Herschel Telescope - Development of the reflector antenna in radio astronomy
  • Jacob Baars (MPIfR)
  • 21-05-2014
  • Out of Paviljoen West
  • Ger van Diepen on behalf of the PWT software group
  • 20-05-2014
  • Radio astronomy at ICASSP 2014
  • Rik Jongerius
  • 19-05-2014
  • Girlsday Drawings
  • Roy Smits
  • 16-05-2014
  • Girl's Day 2014: Finding the future Engineer PowerWoman
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 15-05-2014
  • Evidence for magnetically arrested accretion disks across the black hole mass scale
  • Eric Clausen-Brown (MPIfR)
  • 14-05-2014
  • Proven reliability of large structure simulations
  • Benedetta Fiorelli
  • 13-05-2014
  • A special Bospub lunch for the pulsar group
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 12-05-2014
  • APERTIF LO-Generator Control board
  • Sieds Damstra
  • 09-05-2014
  • At the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (IAR), a personal account
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 08-05-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: ESO - Present and Future
  • Tim de Zeeuw (ESO)
  • 07-05-2014
  • The Scintillating Crab
  • Richard Fallows
  • 06-05-2014
  • HI discs in real and simulated early-type galaxies
  • Paolo Serra, Tom Oosterloo & Raffaella Morganti
  • 05-05-2014
  • 1st MIDPREP workshop at ASTRON
  • Truus van den Brink-Havinga
  • 04-05-2014
  • A site visit to WSRT, EMBRACE and LOFAR
  • Truus van den Brink-Havinga
  • 02-05-2014
  • Resisting Interference
  • Anne Archibald
  • 01-05-2014
  • Astron astronomer featuring in film for national celebration of Liberation Day
  • Peter Bennema/Tom Oosterloo
  • 30-04-2014
  • The new ASTRON Photonics Lab
  • Klaas Dijkstra
  • 29-04-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The cold ISM in massive early-type galaxies: origin, morphology, kinematics, and black-holes
  • Timothy Davis (ESO)
  • 28-04-2014
  • It has pleased His Majesty...
  • Jan Noordam
  • 25-04-2014
  • The first infrared fringes with MATISSE
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 24-04-2014
  • Today's NOVA colloquium: Unlocking Secrets of Pulsars with the Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope
  • Alice Harding (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • 23-04-2014
  • First fringes with APERTIF ALPHA-3
  • Boudewijn Hut and Wim van Cappellen for the APERTIF team
  • 22-04-2014
  • Shipping UniRacks for AAVS
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 21-04-2014
  • Whistling to Work
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 18-04-2014
  • Being Interviewed: All part of the job.
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 17-04-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The Role of Molecular Gas in Outflows
  • Kalliopi Dasyra (Observatoire de Paris)
  • 16-04-2014
  • Gabby Aitink-Kroes wins Engineer PowerWoman Award 2014
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 15-04-2014
  • The Birth of Dutch Radio Astronomy: 70 years ago!
  • Richard Strom
  • 14-04-2014
  • Very Small Board
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 11-04-2014
  • LOFAR Science Week 2014
  • Michael Wise et al.
  • 10-04-2014
  • ASTRON extends LOFAR telescope with new antenna station near Hamburg
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 09-04-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Seeing double - looking for dual active galactic nuclei with VLBI
  • Sandor Frey (FOMI)
  • 08-04-2014
  • Almost invisible heroes
  • Wim van Cappellen for the APERTIF team
  • 07-04-2014
  • Dwingeloo Telescope re-opened
  • Jan Noordam
  • 04-04-2014
  • Joe Taylor is Back!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-04-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Waterfalls, fountains and water bombs: infall, outflows and shocks in solar-mass protostars traced by rotational lines of water
  • Joseph Mottran (Leiden Observatory)
  • 02-04-2014
  • MFAA environmental prototypes realized!
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 01-04-2014
  • UniBoard in combination with the UniServer
  • Vereese van Tonder
  • 31-03-2014
  • SKA MFAA All-Hands
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 30-03-2014
  • Another "amateur" image: Messier 81
  • Albert van Duin
  • 28-03-2014
  • New EVN baselines
  • Sergei Pogrebenko
  • 27-03-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The ALFALFA Census of Gas-Bearing Galaxies at z=0
  • Martha Haynes (Cornell University)
  • 26-03-2014
  • Arctic storm damage at KAIRA
  • Derek McKay-Bukowski
  • 25-03-2014
  • Discovery of a Super-Powered Black Hole in the Nearby Galaxy M83
  • Leith Godfrey
  • 24-03-2014
  • Stargazing event organized by the PV
  • Lesley Goudbeek / Albert van Duin / Marchel Gerbers
  • 21-03-2014
  • The Low Noise Tile: First array results
  • Bert Woestenburg, Roel Witvers, Mark Ruiter
  • 20-03-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Science with the Murchison Widefield Array
  • Lister Staveley-Smith
  • 19-03-2014
  • The hardware for APERTIF ALPHA-3 is coming in
  • Wim van Cappellen for the APERTIF team
  • 18-03-2014
  • The Lessons of History
  • Jan Noordam
  • 17-03-2014
  • Where to place the MFAA environmental prototypes?
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 14-03-2014
  • M15A pulse profile with Earth-sized phased array
  • Aard Keimpema, Mark Kettenis, Huib Jan van Langevelde, and Arpad Szomoru.
  • 13-03-2014
  • Today's colloquium: Detecting Gravitational Waves with Pulsars: Taming the Interstellar Medium
  • Dan Stinebring (Oberlin College & ASTRON)
  • 12-03-2014
  • What is the weather like at the LOFAR core?
  • Anna Nelles
  • 11-03-2014
  • Professor Huib Jan van Langevelde
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-03-2014
  • MFAA environmental prototypes on their way to the South Africa Karoo SKA site.
  • Marco Drost
  • 07-03-2014
  • A scintillating radio movie
  • Ger de Bruyn and the LOFAR EoR team
  • 06-03-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Jet production in the nearby universe: testing feedback across the Eddington scale
  • Anthony Rushton (Oxford University)
  • 05-03-2014
  • First EVN fringes to new NASA JPL digital backend
  • Mark Kettenis
  • 04-03-2014
  • Inauguration of Marco de Vos at the Hanze University
  • Gert Kruithof
  • 03-03-2014
  • A Moonbounce Wedding by the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-02-2014
  • Ghostbusted
  • Trienko Grobler, Ridhima Nunhokee & Oleg Smirnov
  • 27-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Harvesting ALFALFA: The Faint End of the Galaxy Luminosity Function
  • John Cannon (Macalester College)
  • 26-02-2014
  • LOFAR HBA repair
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 25-02-2014
  • Im Memoriam Lambert Nieuwenhuis (1946-2014)
  • Bert Woestenburg et al
  • 24-02-2014
  • Olympic Excitement in Dwingeloo
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 21-02-2014
  • Low Noise Tile
  • Roel Witvers, Mark Ruiter, Bert Woestenburg
  • 20-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The Galactic Center Weather Forecast
  • Monika Moscibrodzka (Nijmegen University)
  • 19-02-2014
  • Optical spectra from the millisecond pulsar triple system
  • Anne Archibald
  • 18-02-2014
  • Changing your profile
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 17-02-2014
  • PhD thesis defence of Gregory Hellbourg (Orleans)
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 14-02-2014
  • Cobalt sees a Pulsar
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 13-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The Use of the Moon as a Particle Detector
  • Justin Bray (University of Southampton)
  • 12-02-2014
  • Extra Colloquium Today: The Virtual Observatory and Why It Matters To You
  • Markus Demleitner (Universitaet Heidelberg)
  • 11-02-2014
  • First Results from the APERTIF ALPHA-3 Correlator
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek for the APERTIF team
  • 10-02-2014
  • Storm-damaged HBA tile in transit
  • Marchel Gerbers, Nico Ebbendorf
  • 07-02-2014
  • Of Beams and Blue Ribands
  • Oleg Smirnov & Rick Perley
  • 06-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Searching for protoclusters in the far-infrared with Herschel/SPIRE
  • Emma Rigby (Leiden Observatory)
  • 05-02-2014
  • What does the presence of grating lobes do to your effective area - part II
  • Michel Arts & Stefan Wijnholds
  • 04-02-2014
  • Crippled by unenlightened Nature
  • Daniela Mikkers & Ronald Halfwerk
  • 03-02-2014
  • Winter Wildlife in the LOFAR Core
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 31-01-2014
  • StefStefCal edging into the Mainstream
  • Jan Noordam
  • 30-01-2014
  • Supernova 2014J in M82
  • Albert van Duin
  • 29-01-2014
  • What does the presence of grating lobes do to your effective area - part I
  • Michel Arts & Stefan Wijnholds
  • 28-01-2014
  • UvA 2nd year research practicum
  • Jason Hessels
  • 27-01-2014
  • A SKA First for LFAA
  • Andre van Es
  • 24-01-2014
  • The power of wimpy radio sources
  • Raffaella Morganti, Kristina Nyland (New Mexico Tech/NRAO)
  • 23-01-2014
  • Tracking tied-array beam wobble
  • Wilfred Frieswijk, Jason Hessels & Vlad Kondratiev
  • 22-01-2014
  • Visit from Hoogeschool Windesheim
  • Rik Jongerius
  • 21-01-2014
  • Discovery of Carbon Radio Recombination Lines in absorption towards Cygnus A
  • Raymond Oonk
  • 20-01-2014
  • In memoriam: Peter Fridman (1940-2014)
  • Jan Noordam (ed.)
  • 17-01-2014
  • The Hendrik C. van de Hulst Auditorium
  • Michael Garrett
  • 16-01-2014
  • 4th NL SKA Industry Information meeting
  • Michiel van Haarlem
  • 15-01-2014
  • Four new participants DOME Users Platform
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 14-01-2014
  • "If you want to predict the Future, you will have to invent it"
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-01-2014
  • Apertif DCU sub-rack
  • Erik van der Wal
  • 10-01-2014
  • A New Broom presents himself
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-01-2014
  • LOFAR Honey
  • Anna Scaife
  • 08-01-2014
  • Observation of HI absorption line by APERTIF UniBoard
  • Boudewijn Hut for the APERTIF team
  • 07-01-2014
  • Pulsar with two white dwarf companions promises to test theories of gravity
  • Anne Archibald and Jason Hessels
  • 06-01-2014
  • Thijs Coenen awarded PhD for thesis "Searching for pulsars with LOFAR"
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 03-01-2014
  • Seating Patterns II
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 02-01-2014
  • Getting in the Mood for 2014
  • Jan Noordam
  • 25-12-2013
  • Season's Greetings from ASTRON
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 24-12-2013
  • Sinterklaas had gifts for LOFAR too on 5 December
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 23-12-2013
  • X-rays from the state-changing PSR J1023+0038
  • Anne Archibald
  • 21-12-2013
  • 1993-2013: 20 years of supporting VLBI in Europe
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 20-12-2013
  • The LOFAR core, on your desktop
  • George Heald
  • 19-12-2013
  • 1993-2013: 20 years of supporting VLBI in Europe
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 18-12-2013
  • Low Noise Tile project, first frontend results
  • Roel Witvers, Mark Ruiter, Bert Woestenburg
  • 17-12-2013
  • Pulsars/Westerbork on VPRO's Labyrint
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 16-12-2013
  • Bonn-Dwingeloo Neighbourhood Meeting 2013, Bonn
  • Zsolt Paragi and Leonid Gurvits
  • 13-12-2013
  • MSSS-HBA is nearing completion!
  • George Heald
  • 12-12-2013
  • Today's colloquium: The e-MERGE Star-formation Survey
  • Tom Muxlow (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics)
  • 11-12-2013
  • APERTIF UniBoard observes pulsar over 300 MHz
  • Wim van Cappellen for the APERTIF team
  • 10-12-2013
  • PSR J1023+0038: The missing link gone missing (part 1)
  • G. Janssen, C. Bassa, A. Archibald, J. Hessels, A. Patruno
  • 09-12-2013
  • Sliding Optics
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 06-12-2013
  • ALERT -- The Apertif-LOFAR Exploration of the Radio Transient Sky
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 05-12-2013
  • Today's colloquium: More than LESS: First results from the ALMA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South
  • Alexander Karim (Argelander Institute, Univ. of Bonn)
  • 04-12-2013
  • Aperture Array Design and Construction consortium meeting
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 03-12-2013
  • The Eclipsing Pulsar PSR J1023+0038
  • Anne Archibald
  • 02-12-2013
  • Optics Galore
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 29-11-2013
  • Low Frequency Aperture Arrays
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 28-11-2013
  • Today's colloquium: Tuning in to the Radio Sun
  • Peter Gallagher (Trinity College Dublin)
  • 27-11-2013
  • Burgeoning Astronomy in Gabon
  • Patrice OKOUMA
  • 26-11-2013
  • Red galaxies in the Lockman Hole: gas properties from an HI stacking experiment
  • Katinka Gereb, Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo
  • 25-11-2013
  • The Radio Universe @ Ger's wavelength
  • Vibor Jelic, Wim Brouw, Saleem Zaroubi and Raffaella Morganti
  • 24-11-2013
  • Mercury, ISON and Spica
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 22-11-2013
  • Visitors @ ASTRON in 2013!
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 21-11-2013
  • Today's colloquium: From HI measurements to the nature of dark matter - can it be done?
  • Andrew Pontzen
  • 20-11-2013
  • Harm-Jan Stiepel Retires
  • Harm Munk
  • 19-11-2013
  • Thermal analysis of a SKA AA MID antenna in the desert
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 18-11-2013
  • The first LOFAR operational observing Cycle
  • Roberto Pizzo
  • 17-11-2013
  • Ghost Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 15-11-2013
  • Nature pulls a fast one!
  • George Heald
  • 14-11-2013
  • (no) Sun Outage for Geostationary Satellite
  • Koos Kegel
  • 13-11-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Early Science Results of the RadioAstron Space VLBI mission
  • Yuri Kovalev
  • 12-11-2013
  • Wide-field EVN imaging of the Perseus Cluster core and the detection of an over-massive black hole in NGC 1277
  • Jun Yang (for Songyoun Park)
  • 11-11-2013
  • Spinning Wheels at 38K?
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 08-11-2013
  • GerFeest
  • Jan Noordam
  • 07-11-2013
  • Directors of regional Dutch radio & TV stations tour ASTRON
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 06-11-2013
  • First fringes with Cobalt
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 05-11-2013
  • New Horizons Message Initiative
  • Michael Garrett
  • 04-11-2013
  • MATISSE Slit and Pinhole Slider
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 03-11-2013
  • Space Invaders
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 01-11-2013
  • Cooling a low noise amplifier with a micromachined cryogenic cooler
  • Roel Witvers
  • 31-10-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: The Location of the High-Energy Emission Region in AGN Blazars with VLBI and Multi-Messenger Observations
  • Ivan Agudo
  • 30-10-2013
  • AARTFAAC and the Ionosphere
  • Peeyush Prasad
  • 29-10-2013
  • Aperture Array Polarization performance
  • B. Fiorelli, M. Arts
  • 28-10-2013
  • Focus and Concentration in the Clean Room
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 25-10-2013
  • MIDPREP kicks off in Mauritius
  • Arnold van Ardenne and Andre van Es
  • 24-10-2013
  • Today's colloquium: Probing inner NGC 4258: Warped, Unstable and Eccentric?
  • Elizabeth Humphreys (ESO)
  • 23-10-2013
  • LOFAR Imaging Busy Week 19
  • Annalisa Bonafede and the Imaging Busy Week Team
  • 22-10-2013
  • Official opening of the Sardinia Radio Telescope
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 21-10-2013
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 20-10-2013
  • Early morning Jupiter with Io and Europa
  • Pieter Benthem on behalf of Emil Kraaikamp
  • 18-10-2013
  • Our new Auditorium - open for business!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 17-10-2013
  • EMBRACE receives SAR signals from a Galileo satellite
  • Dion Kant
  • 16-10-2013
  • In Praise of (technical) Students
  • Johan Pragt
  • 15-10-2013
  • Inclusive SKA Engineering Meeting
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-10-2013
  • Time lapse Nieuwbouw ASTRON
  • Ingrid Arling
  • 11-10-2013
  • To boldly detect polarization where none was known before...
  • George Heald
  • 10-10-2013
  • LOFAR Open Day
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 09-10-2013
  • Defocussing due to the Ionosphere
  • Bill Cotton
  • 08-10-2013
  • URSI's long arm stretches to Mauritius
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 07-10-2013
  • MATISSE first light in the NOVA-ASTRON clean room
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 04-10-2013
  • Peter Millenaar: (Junior) World Champion
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-10-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Moonbounce and Brain Waves in Art
  • Daniela De Paulis (Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam)
  • 02-10-2013
  • The ring beam support of the FAST
  • Wim Brouw
  • 01-10-2013
  • Changes in the Dwingeloo Landscape
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 30-09-2013
  • Fireworks galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 27-09-2013
  • Flying over the Moon
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 26-09-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: A millisecond pulsar being born
  • Anne Archibald
  • 25-09-2013
  • NEXPReS project gets
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 24-09-2013
  • FIfth European Radio Interferometry School
  • Roberto Pizzo, Zsolt Paragi, Liesbet Elpenhof, Sandra Mellema, Fritz Moller, Gabriele Surcis, Carmen Toribio
  • 23-09-2013
  • Claudio Maccone - new SETI Permanent Committee Chief.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 20-09-2013
  • Unveiling the Invisible Universe!
  • Monique Ankone, Pedro Russo, Femke Boekhorst, Kristine Yun
  • 19-09-2013
  • First-ever 4Gbps real-time fringes with the EVN
  • European VLBI Network
  • 18-09-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Supernova 1987A seen through ALMA's baby eyes
  • Jon Marcaide (Univ. of Valencia)
  • 17-09-2013
  • Summerstudent project: Ionospheric Faraday Rotation
  • David Starkey
  • 16-09-2013
  • WSRT, spotlight on!
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 13-09-2013
  • A polarised view of Exoplanets
  • Johan Pragt
  • 12-09-2013
  • The class of '88
  • Huib, Leonid, Mike, Raffaella, René
  • 11-09-2013
  • Water-skiing 2013
  • Harm-Jan Pepping
  • 10-09-2013
  • Almost 3D
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 09-09-2013
  • Anchor test setup at SKA South Africa Karoo site
  • Marco Drost
  • 06-09-2013
  • It takes jet power to clean a galaxy!!
  • Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo & Zsolt Paragi
  • 05-09-2013
  • ASTRON Board chair visits Nancay
  • Michael Garrett
  • 04-09-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Booms, Burps & Bangs: The Dynamic Universe
  • Shri Kulkarni (Caltech)
  • 03-09-2013
  • Dedication of UK LOFAR station as The Rawlings Array
  • Michael Garrett
  • 02-09-2013
  • AstroFest 2013
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 30-08-2013
  • The end of Komkommer Time
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 29-08-2013
  • Wadlopen 2013
  • Summer students 2013
  • 28-08-2013
  • Hunting for radio-loud gravitational lenses
  • Minju Lee
  • 27-08-2013
  • The 6.7-GHz methanol maser in the high mass star forming region G213.70-12.6
  • Maria Grazia Blasi, Gabriele Surcis
  • 26-08-2013
  • LOFAR Stone Art
  • Peter Bennema
  • 23-08-2013
  • The Einstein @ Home discovery of pulsar J2007+2722
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, George Heald & Jason Hessels
  • 22-08-2013
  • Vivaldi at SKA Karoo site
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 21-08-2013
  • Midsummer Caption Competition
  • AJDI editors
  • 20-08-2013
  • First optical test on Matisse hardware
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 19-08-2013
  • Shelling a galaxy
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 16-08-2013
  • Pulsar beacon shines light on black hole diet
  • Adam Deller
  • 15-08-2013
  • Young children obtain proof that the Earth is round !
  • Nicolas Vilchez
  • 14-08-2013
  • SKA Board meets (July 2013)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 13-08-2013
  • Holland Doc: Radio-quiet Zone
  • Roy Smits
  • 12-08-2013
  • Searching for maximum flux density.
  • Michel Arts
  • 09-08-2013
  • ERC Advanced Grant for Ger de Bruyn
  • Michael Garrett
  • 08-08-2013
  • LEAPing with 5 Telescopes
  • Roy Smits
  • 07-08-2013
  • Field of Dreams (II)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 06-08-2013
  • Pictures LOFAR Expeditie
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 05-08-2013
  • High Fidelity pays off!
  • A. van Ardenne
  • 02-08-2013
  • The WSRT - boldy going where no radio telescope has gone before...
  • Michael Garrett
  • 31-07-2013
  • The LOFAR Expedition has kicked off!
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 30-07-2013
  • HALOGAS - NGC 5023: galactic tomography
  • Gyula I. G. Jozsa
  • 29-07-2013
  • A spider's web in the early morning dew with the Dwingeloo telescope in the background
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 26-07-2013
  • Veni grant awarded to astronomer Vibor Jelic'
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 25-07-2013
  • HI in HO: a myth debunked
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 24-07-2013
  • Evidence for jet-driven outflows of cold gas: the case of 3C293
  • Elizabeth Mahony
  • 23-07-2013
  • Studying the ASTRON/SRZM archive
  • David Baneke
  • 22-07-2013
  • Who knows what LOFAR is?
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 19-07-2013
  • Snapshot Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Sun with LOFAR
  • Richard Fallows
  • 18-07-2013
  • Educational visit: students from the Electrical Engineering faculty of the Technical University of Eindhoven
  • Monique Ankona
  • 17-07-2013
  • Is GBT1355+5439 a dark galaxy?
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 16-07-2013
  • AARTFAAC Hardware Tests
  • Andre Gunst
  • 15-07-2013
  • We want you as the new recruit!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-07-2013
  • The LOFAR Skyline
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 11-07-2013
  • Summer Student Garden Party - 2013
  • Michael Garrett
  • 10-07-2013
  • 2013 Mountainbike afternoon
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 09-07-2013
  • Fáilte! - the I-LOFAR event at Space EXPO
  • Michael Garrett
  • 08-07-2013
  • SKA outreach: A Global Enterprise
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 05-07-2013
  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pulsar
  • Tom Hassall, Jess Broderick, Adam Stewart and Rob Fender (On behalf of 4 Pi Sky and the LOFAR Transients KSP)
  • 04-07-2013
  • Astronomy, Radio Sources and Society: The Wonderful Century
  • Wendy Williams
  • 03-07-2013
  • How large do HI disks grow?
  • Gyula I. G. Józsa on behalf of the Bluedisk team
  • 02-07-2013
  • Official Opening of KAIRA
  • Derek McKay-Bukowski
  • 01-07-2013
  • ASTRON Newsletter Summer 2013 is out
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 30-06-2013
  • ASTRON/JIVE Summer Students 2013
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-06-2013
  • Faint radio sources in the HDF-N - Seungyoup Chi et al. 2013
  • Michael Garrett
  • 27-06-2013
  • Colloquium: Recent developments in the QUBiC4 platform
  • Saswata Bhaumik
  • 26-06-2013
  • ERC grant for ASTRON astronomer Jason Hessels
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 25-06-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: CTA and the future of extreme astronomy
  • David Berge (Univ. of Amsterdam)
  • 24-06-2013
  • APERTIF phased array prototype ready!
  • Mark Ruiter on behalf of the APERTIF team
  • 23-06-2013
  • Behold, the first EVN Uniboard Fringes!
  • Harro Verkouter
  • 21-06-2013
  • AERAP honours Arnold van Ardenne
  • Truus van den Brink
  • 20-06-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: A long wavelength view of low-mass star formation
  • Anna Scaife
  • 19-06-2013
  • Demonstration of dynamic Bandwidth on Demand at TNC2013
  • Kristine Yun
  • 18-06-2013
  • Astronomers use precision pulsar positions to break record
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 17-06-2013
  • SKA MFFA (mechanical) prototypes at the WSRT
  • Marco Drost
  • 14-06-2013
  • Bert Woestenburg retires with moderate noise
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 13-06-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Probing the dark Universe with optical imaging surveys
  • Filipe Abdalla (UCL)
  • 12-06-2013
  • Nederlandse Astronomen Conferentie 2013
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 11-06-2013
  • Proper Motion of the Young Pulsar in the Supernova Remnant 3C58
  • Vlad Kondratiev
  • 10-06-2013
  • New LOFAR guides complete training course
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 07-06-2013
  • Royal Visit(s) to Dwingeloo
  • Peter Bennema
  • 06-06-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Relativistic jets: Some unconventional notions; An annoying X-ray problem; and how LOFAR might help
  • Dan Harris (CfA)
  • 05-06-2013
  • A new frontend for APERTIF
  • Mark Ruiter on behalf of the APERTIF team
  • 04-06-2013
  • The GBT 350 MHz drift-scan survey, and the massive relativistic pulsar J0348+0432.
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, Vlad Kondratiev & Jason Hessels
  • 03-06-2013
  • Dwingeloo-live expands
  • Roy Smits
  • 31-05-2013
  • UniBoard accelerates radio astronomy
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 30-05-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Radio-FIR correlation: A probe to interplay between star formation and interstellar medium
  • Fatemeh Tabatabaei (MPIA)
  • 29-05-2013
  • Arnold retires, at least formally
  • Harvey Butcher
  • 28-05-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Enabling discoveries - instruments for radio-astronomy
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 27-05-2013
  • LOFAR overview paper accepted
  • Michael Wise
  • 24-05-2013
  • SKA1 Baseline Design - Speak now or forever hold your peace.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 23-05-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: A VLBIer's view to the structure and formation of relativistic jets
  • Tuomas Savolainen (MPIfR)
  • 22-05-2013
  • Vidi grant for Jason Hessels
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 21-05-2013
  • MATISSE backbones completed
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 20-05-2013
  • Girlsday Drawings
  • Roy Smits
  • 17-05-2013
  • Four score years ago...
  • Zsolt Paragi and Madroon E.J. (for Leonid Gurvits)
  • 16-05-2013
  • HALOGAS reveals extraplanar gas in NGC 3198
  • George Heald
  • 15-05-2013
  • "Locating Astrophysical Transients"
  • Joeri van Leeuwen & Zsolt Paragi
  • 14-05-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Probing the Milky Way's dark-matter distribution with tidal streams
  • Robyn Sanderson Grier (Kapteyn Institute)
  • 13-05-2013
  • Cold Chopper Demonstrator Hardware Ready
  • Lars Venema
  • 10-05-2013
  • Girlsday 2013
  • Monique Ankone
  • 08-05-2013
  • Orange webs
  • Ger de Bruyn, Vibor Jelic and Hans van Someren Greve
  • 07-05-2013
  • "Radio Astronomy" MSc course at U. Amsterdam
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, Mike Wise & Jason Hessels
  • 05-05-2013
  • Special message received by LOFAR
  • Henri Meulman
  • 03-05-2013
  • First solar radio burst observed by LOFAR test array at Birr Castle, Ireland
  • Peter T Gallagher
  • 02-05-2013
  • Karting, karting, karting,.... Rawhide!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-05-2013
  • IAUS291
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 30-04-2013
  • Royal Patronage
  • Jan Noordam
  • 29-04-2013
  • Comet meets Galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 26-04-2013
  • Prof. Steve Rawlings SKA Board Room
  • Michael Garrett
  • 25-04-2013
  • Physics Teacher of the Year: award for former educational coordinator ASTRON
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 24-04-2013
  • Successful integration and test of new APERTIF receivers
  • Wim van Cappellen for the APERTIF team
  • 23-04-2013
  • Third DOME face-to-face meeting: progress and plans
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra, Ton Engbersen
  • 22-04-2013
  • UCU students visit WSRT and LOFAR
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 19-04-2013
  • SKA - One View of the LFAA
  • Peter Hall
  • 18-04-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Detecting accreting HI gas between galaxies
  • Attila Popping (ICRAR)
  • 17-04-2013
  • NWO-M grant for ARTS - the Apertif Radio Transient System
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 16-04-2013
  • OPTICON FP7 phase 2: WP5 kicked-off
  • Lars Venema
  • 15-04-2013
  • Visit from the Harm Smeengeschool from Beilen
  • Monique Ankone
  • 12-04-2013
  • Holland High-Tech: Top Talent for Top Performance
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 11-04-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: The Bologna Complete Sample update: results on compact and faint nuclear sources.
  • Elisabetta Liuzzo
  • 10-04-2013
  • Apertif digital beamformer gets final shape
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 09-04-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Understanding the evolving galaxies in the Local Universe
  • Ivy Wong (ATNF)
  • 08-04-2013
  • Irbene first e-VLBI fringes with the e-EVN
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 05-04-2013
  • Greening LOFAR toward Green Science operation
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 04-04-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Unveiling the nature of the unidentified gamma-ray sources: blazar counterparts at low radio frequencies
  • Francesco Massaro (Stanford University)
  • 03-04-2013
  • Green Science
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 02-04-2013
  • The Royal Eise Eisinga Planetarium
  • Roy Smits
  • 29-03-2013
  • Image processing of M51
  • Albert van Duin
  • 28-03-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Unveiling the high-frequency radio source population with the AT20G survey
  • Elizabeth Mahony (ASTRON)
  • 27-03-2013
  • Building 1980, starting almost from scratch
  • Anne Veendijk & Diana Verweij
  • 26-03-2013
  • To the Jovian Moons, with PRIDE.
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 25-03-2013
  • The effect of Wet Snow on the WSRT
  • Harm Munk, Geert Kuper
  • 22-03-2013
  • A LOFAR PhD thesis in Bologna
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 21-03-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Galaxies in 21-cm absorption at 0 < z < 3.5
  • Neeraj Gupta (ASTRON)
  • 20-03-2013
  • The first source discovered by MSSS: a new giant radio galaxy!
  • George Heald
  • 19-03-2013
  • WEAVE for the William Herschel Telescope at La Palma
  • Johan Pragt
  • 18-03-2013
  • A long-standing relationship with the JCMT comes to an end
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 17-03-2013
  • Comet PANSTARRS and Crescent Moon
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 16-03-2013
  • Comet PanSTARRS C/2011 L4
  • Albert van Duin
  • 15-03-2013
  • The Heart Nebula
  • Adam Stewart
  • 14-03-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: High-redshift proto-cluster radio galaxies: an ATCA search for molecules in the Early Universe
  • Bjorn Emonts (CSIRO, Australia)
  • 13-03-2013
  • On-wafer Noise characterization of SiGe QUBiC4XI process of NXP Semiconductors
  • Saswata Bhaumik
  • 12-03-2013
  • Work, Finish, Publish!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 08-03-2013
  • DOME at CeBIT
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 07-03-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Synchronous X-ray and Radio Mode Changing in a Pulsar: a challenge for all proposed pulsar emission theories
  • Wim Hermsen (SRON & UvA)
  • 06-03-2013
  • MOONS for the VLT at Paranal
  • Johan Pragt
  • 05-03-2013
  • 4MOST for the VISTA telescope at Paranal
  • Johan Pragt
  • 04-03-2013
  • Imaging Busy Week 16
  • Emanuela Orru'
  • 01-03-2013
  • Tracing the extreme interplay between radio jets and the ISM in IC 5063
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 28-02-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: The Scintillating Solar System
  • Richard Fallows
  • 27-02-2013
  • It came from the Pulsar Magnetosphere!!
  • Tom Hassall
  • 26-02-2013
  • MSSS-HBA 6-field mosaic
  • George Heald
  • 25-02-2013
  • Cryogenic testing for MATISSE
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 22-02-2013
  • Bringing LOFAR into the classroom
  • Femke Boekhhorst
  • 21-02-2013
  • A beautiful barred spiral galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 20-02-2013
  • Beam Verification of EMBRACE
  • Dion Kant
  • 19-02-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Here Be Dragons: The Dynamic Radio Sky
  • Geoffrey Bower (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
  • 18-02-2013
  • Temporary Hooghoudt and Minnaert meeting rooms
  • Anne Veendijk & Diana Verweij
  • 15-02-2013
  • Training to be a LOFAR guide
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 14-02-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Chasing AGN at z>1: a New IR Diagnostic
  • Karina Caputi (Univ. of Groningen)
  • 13-02-2013
  • Phase calibration transfer for International LOFAR
  • Adam Deller (for the long baseline working group)
  • 12-02-2013
  • LOFAR phase systematic effects
  • Francesco de Gasperin
  • 11-02-2013
  • Building apace
  • Jan Noordam
  • 08-02-2013
  • SKA Board Meets at new HQ for the first time.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 07-02-2013
  • This week's colloquium: Cosmology in the radio: from LOFAR to the SKA
  • Mario Santos (CENTRA, Istituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon)
  • 06-02-2013
  • APERTIF Telescope Cabins have arrived
  • Wim van Cappellen for the APERTIF team
  • 05-02-2013
  • Investigating compact ultra-steep spectrum radio souces with e-VLBI
  • Megan Argo
  • 04-02-2013
  • Herschel reveals a web of cold gas in Perseus
  • Raymond Oonk
  • 03-02-2013
  • Ijspret 2013
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-02-2013
  • The AJDI Archive
  • AJDI editors
  • 31-01-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Orion BN/KL: A laboratory for high-mass star formation.
  • Ciriaco Goddi
  • 30-01-2013
  • ASTRON visits Long Beach!
  • George Heald
  • 29-01-2013
  • The LOFAR view of the Galactic foreground toward the Fan region.
  • Marco Iacobelli
  • 28-01-2013
  • NOVA-ASTRON finishes milling MATISSE reimagers
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 25-01-2013
  • Synchronous X-ray and Radio Mode Switches: a Rapid Transformation of the Pulsar Magnetosphere
  • Joeri van Leeuwen & Jason Hessels
  • 24-01-2013
  • Today's Colloquium: Interactions between radio galaxies and their environments
  • Martin Hardcastle
  • 23-01-2013
  • JIVE coffee: then and now
  • Kristine Yun
  • 22-01-2013
  • First fringes at Metsahovi with the new dBBC
  • Guifre Molera and Juha Kallunki
  • 21-01-2013
  • A Charming Ritual
  • Jan Noordam
  • 18-01-2013
  • WSRT versus LOFAR
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 17-01-2013
  • The structured magneto-ionic medium toward the Fan region: unveiling nearby screens and bubbles by RM-synthesis
  • Marco Iacobelli
  • 16-01-2013
  • New mast and test transmitter at the LOFAR station in Onsala
  • Henrik Olofsson
  • 15-01-2013
  • Weekendschool in Groningen
  • Roy Smits
  • 14-01-2013
  • Today 10:30-12:00: The New Year's Speeches
  • Jan Noordam
  • 11-01-2013
  • The Stuff of Poetry
  • Peter Barthel
  • 10-01-2013
  • The last JIVE MT 80's style
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 09-01-2013
  • First steps in Liquid Cooling of UniBoard
  • Uniboard Team
  • 08-01-2013
  • Full chain APERTIF digital beamformer demonstrated
  • Andre Gunst
  • 07-01-2013
  • Songs of Praise
  • Jan Noordam
  • 04-01-2013
  • The ASTRON News winter edition is out
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 03-01-2013
  • RTS 2012 - Proceedings online
  • Michael Garrett
  • 02-01-2013
  • Workshop in Portugal; more European Interest for SKA?
  • Arnold van Ardenne, Domingos Barbosa
  • 01-01-2013
  • Yes, but what if...?
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 28-12-2012
  • Season's Greetings from JIVE
  • Kristine Yun
  • 24-12-2012
  • Season's Greetings from ASTRON
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 21-12-2012
  • (LOFAR) Pulsars on the Cover of Zenit
  • Jason Hessels
  • 20-12-2012
  • Transfer of the New Wing of the ASTRON Building
  • Jan Buiter
  • 19-12-2012
  • SKA-Low Test Array at the MRO
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 18-12-2012
  • Special Colloquium
  • Dr Ir Jaap Bregman
  • 17-12-2012
  • Expansion and Diversity of the ASTRON Board
  • Michael Garrett
  • 14-12-2012
  • The Deed is Done
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-12-2012
  • Today's Colloquium: MeerKAT and radio transients: the ThunderKAT Large Survey Project
  • Patrick Woudt
  • 12-12-2012
  • ASTRON on Klokhuis
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 11-12-2012
  • Evacuation Drill
  • Michel Arts
  • 10-12-2012
  • Today's colloquium: Searches for Exotic Radio Sources and Intelligent Life on Other Worlds
  • Andrew Siemion (UC Berkeley)
  • 07-12-2012
  • Timeless Beauty
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 06-12-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Magnetic fields and radio emission in galaxy clusters
  • Annalisa Bonafede
  • 05-12-2012
  • A globular cluster?
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 04-12-2012
  • Sinterklaas_2012
  • Sjouke Zwier
  • 03-12-2012
  • Dwingeloo Dish hoisted back onto its Mount
  • Jan Noordam
  • 30-11-2012
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 29-11-2012
  • Today's Colloquium: SRT: the new large single dish in Sardinia
  • Andrea Possenti (OAC)
  • 28-11-2012
  • Fall fashions
  • George Heald
  • 27-11-2012
  • Telescooploop 2012
  • Ger van Diepen
  • 26-11-2012
  • Euler's identity in ASTRON Tele-course on complex numbers
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 25-11-2012
  • Rollicking Jupiter
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 23-11-2012
  • Diffuse radio emission detection around B2 0258+35
  • Aleksandar Shulevski
  • 22-11-2012
  • Today Colloquium: The Cartographer and the Buccaneer: Transients in the Age of Discovery
  • Dale Frail
  • 21-11-2012
  • Tied-Array Beams Combining the Full LOFAR Core - Part I
  • Jason Hessels
  • 20-11-2012
  • OLFAR at International Astronautical Congress
  • David Smith
  • 19-11-2012
  • APERTIF Telescope Cabins have been ordered
  • Wim van Cappellen for the APERTIF team
  • 17-11-2012
  • Dwingeloo 25m Dish to be remounted again
  • peter bennema
  • 16-11-2012
  • Astronomy and Computing: A New Journal for the Astronomical Computing Community
  • Michael Wise
  • 15-11-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Foregrounds for future cosmology radio surveys
  • Clive Dickinson
  • 14-11-2012
  • Roll-out of LOFAR station RS310 (Zuidveen/Onna)
  • Marchel Gerbers / Nico Ebbendorf
  • 13-11-2012
  • Doctor Dmitry Duev
  • Tatiana Bocanegra Bahamon
  • 12-11-2012
  • A new clock system for the LOFAR core
  • Peter Maat
  • 09-11-2012
  • Building in progress
  • Anne Veendijk & Diana Verweij
  • 08-11-2012
  • 45 years of YERAC
  • Jan Noordam
  • 07-11-2012
  • Accepting applications: Helena Kluyver Female Visitor Programme
  • Kristine Yun
  • 06-11-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: The Atlas3D project: observing galaxies in 3D
  • Michele Cappellari (Oxford)
  • 05-11-2012
  • TC-SKAR project succesfully closed
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 02-11-2012
  • Visit of Ana Arana-Antelo (Head of Unit B3 Research Infrastructures, DG Research & Innovation)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 01-11-2012
  • Radio pulses from Andromeda?
  • Eduardo Rubio-Herrera, B.W. Stappers, J.W.T. Hessels & R. Braun
  • 31-10-2012
  • LOFAR Observations of Solar Type III Radio Bursts
  • Frank Breitling
  • 30-10-2012
  • Claudio Maccone
  • 29-10-2012
  • Dutch eyes on the skies
  • Femke Boekhorst & Ronald Halfwerk
  • 26-10-2012
  • iSPEX winnaar Academische Jaarprijs 2012
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 25-10-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Gas around galaxies
  • Joop Schaye
  • 24-10-2012
  • LOFAR detected the last echo of Virgo A
  • Emanuela Orru
  • 23-10-2012
  • Summer Students 2012: Low-frequency radio source properties from MSSS
  • Patricia Carroll
  • 22-10-2012
  • SKA AA-low mechanical optimization
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 19-10-2012
  • Todays (extra) Colloquium: Which Galaxies Produce Gamma-Ray Bursts? New Clues from EVLA Observations
  • Daniel Perley (CalTech)
  • 18-10-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: The Jansky Very Large Array: Current Status and some Recent Results
  • Rick Perley (NRAO)
  • 17-10-2012
  • Official opening of the Exascale Center
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 16-10-2012
  • LOFAR receiver synchronization
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 15-10-2012
  • ERC Advanced Grant for Raffaella Morganti
  • 12-10-2012
  • Visit of the Italian Ambassador to ASTRON/JIVE
  • Raffaella Morganti for the italian ASTRON/JIVE community
  • 11-10-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Scaling the heights of accretion with ultra-luminous X-ray sources
  • Matt Middleton
  • 10-10-2012
  • Vote for iSPEX in the Labyrinth Academic Award 2012
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 09-10-2012
  • Octocopter in action above LOFAR
  • Menno Norden, Wilfred Frieswijk, the CR group and the Octocopter team
  • 08-10-2012
  • Yvonne is a Top Secretary
  • Kristine Yun
  • 05-10-2012
  • NEXPReS rates "excellent"!
  • Kristine Yun
  • 04-10-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Gamma-ray binaries as seen by VLBI arrays
  • Javier Moldon
  • 03-10-2012
  • ALMA, Star gazing in the Andes
  • Johan Pragt and Ramon Navarro
  • 02-10-2012
  • AstroFest 2012
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 01-10-2012
  • Pillar of creation
  • Albert van Duin
  • 28-09-2012
  • A new member of the International Academy of Astronautics
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 27-09-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Exoplanet Imaging Challenges with an APP Coronagraph
  • Matthew Kenworthy (Leiden Observatory)
  • 26-09-2012
  • 2 Millisecond Pulsars; 1 Mass Measurement
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, Jason Hessels
  • 25-09-2012
  • Toward Greening the power of Radio Astronomy
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 24-09-2012
  • ASTRON's new building takes shape
  • Michael Garrett
  • 21-09-2012
  • MATISSE delivers first hardware to MPIA Heidelberg
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 20-09-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: An extreme IDV quasar and a peculiar Seyfert galaxy: Clues about their nature from VLBI
  • Preeti Kharb (Rochester Institute of Technology)
  • 19-09-2012
  • A rotating gas disk at z=4
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 18-09-2012
  • Going the Extra Mile to Find Distant Millisecond Pulsars
  • Jason Hessels and Froney Crawford
  • 17-09-2012
  • Summer student project: Detecting the IGM-ISM interface with the WSRT
  • Andreas Johansson
  • 16-09-2012
  • Lucky Jupiter
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 15-09-2012
  • Leaving the Nest
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 14-09-2012
  • The Ghost of Tycho
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 13-09-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Seeing Sagittarius through the bulge: tracing stellar-stream stars in OGLE
  • Shoko Jin (Kapteyn Institute)
  • 12-09-2012
  • NWO Vrije Competitie Award for Pulsar Timing with LOFAR
  • Jason Hessels
  • 10-09-2012
  • Current status and imaging performance of LOFAR
  • Roberto Pizzo, George Heald, Wojciech Jurusik, Emanuela Orru', Vibor Jelic, Alexander van der Horst
  • 07-09-2012
  • EVN exhibits at IAU
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 06-09-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: Understanding and observing simulated universes.
  • Marcel Haas (STScI)
  • 04-09-2012
  • Summer students 2012: EVN observations of maser polarization in the masssive star-forming region IRAS22272+6358A
  • Luis Henry Quiroga-Nunez
  • 03-09-2012
  • Next Generation Space VLBI initiative: a Chinese start
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 31-08-2012
  • Summer @ the Astronomy Group
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 30-08-2012
  • CHANG-ES on the cover of AJ!
  • George Heald
  • 29-08-2012
  • Summer students 2012: Properties of faint sources in the LOFAR-EoR oberving windows
  • Saavidra Perera
  • 28-08-2012
  • LOFAR dominates IAUS291 programme
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 27-08-2012
  • European Commissioner for Regional Policy visits Dwingeloo
  • Michael Garrett
  • 24-08-2012
  • PV rondrit Mt. VAMtoux
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 22-08-2012
  • LOFAR Booth at IAU open for business
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 20-08-2012
  • IAU Symposium 291 -- Neutron Stars and Pulsars: Challenges and Opportunities after 80 years
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-08-2012
  • Hotel ASTRON
  • Rainer Beck
  • 17-08-2012
  • Gauging the status of AA calibration
  • Stefan Wijnholds, on behalf of the LOC/SOC
  • 16-08-2012
  • Combining LOFAR superterp stations for imaging observations
  • George Heald and Joris van Zwieten
  • 15-08-2012
  • Summerstudent project: Gas Properties of M87 and NGC 6166.
  • Janez Kos
  • 14-08-2012
  • Celebrating knowledge from Radio Astronomy
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 13-08-2012
  • Our summer 2012
  • The summer Students
  • 10-08-2012
  • HI outflows in the young radio galaxy 4C12.50 (summer project)
  • Judit Fogasy (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary), Raffaella Morganti (Astron), Zsolt Paragi (JIVE)
  • 09-08-2012
  • In Sync (not to be confused with *NSYNC)
  • Jason Hessels and Vlad Kondratiev on behalf of the LOFAR PWG
  • 08-08-2012
  • In Memoriam: Prof. Sir Bernard Lovell OBE FRS, 1913-2012.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 05-08-2012
  • Here's to Curiosity!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 03-08-2012
  • Klokhuis @ LOFAR, WSRT and Dwingeloo
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 02-08-2012
  • Children Group 7 Stork School Dwingeloo 'on tour' at ASTRON
  • Frederiek Westra van Holthe
  • 01-08-2012
  • Summer students visited the LOFAR radio telescope
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 31-07-2012
  • PSR B2111+46 is Far Out
  • Jason Hessels and Ben Stappers on behalf of the LOFAR PWG
  • 30-07-2012
  • THINGS Super Profiles
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 27-07-2012
  • Mapping LOFAR grating lobes
  • George Heald
  • 26-07-2012
  • Phased Arrays - Beyond Radio Astronomy (2)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 25-07-2012
  • AVO vacuum tube tests
  • Koos Kegel
  • 24-07-2012
  • JIVE: the movie
  • Kristine Yun
  • 23-07-2012
  • Busy with busy weeks
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 20-07-2012
  • Observing the Sun Through a Thunderstorm
  • Richard Fallows
  • 19-07-2012
  • Phased Arrays - Beyond Radio Astronomy (1)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 18-07-2012
  • Discovery of a giant gas tail in the galaxy group HCG 44
  • Paolo Serra
  • 16-07-2012
  • The Ulrich J Schwarz Radio Interferometer
  • Sander ter Veen and Marijke Haverkorn
  • 13-07-2012
  • Lifting the Ionospheric Veil for Precision RM Measurements
  • Carlos Sotomayor, Charlotte Sobey and Jason Hessels
  • 12-07-2012
  • Building, building, building...
  • Jan Noordam
  • 11-07-2012
  • ASTRON Ancestor Veneration Program
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 10-07-2012
  • Plus ca change...
  • Attila Jasko
  • 09-07-2012
  • MEGASTRON - the last concert
  • MEGASTRON - Argo, Hellbourg, Duev, van Langevelde, Jozsa
  • 06-07-2012
  • A magnetic chimney in NGC 6946
  • George Heald
  • 05-07-2012
  • ASTRON Student Mini-Symposium and BBQ
  • Jason Hessels
  • 04-07-2012
  • M31 in HDR
  • Albert van Duin
  • 03-07-2012
  • Sweden signs up to the SKA
  • Michael Garrett
  • 02-07-2012
  • Universe Awareness office at ASTRON/JIVE
  • Frederiek Westra van Holthe
  • 29-06-2012
  • Discovery of the Gamma-ray & Optical Counterpart to an Eclipsing Millisecond Pulsar
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 28-06-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: The solution to interference in radio-astronomical observations
  • Andre Offringa
  • 27-06-2012
  • First the Core, then the World
  • Jason Hessels, Vlad Kondratiev, and Michiel Brentjens
  • 26-06-2012
  • Constraining the variation of fundamental constants of physics using 21-cm absorbers
  • Neeraj Gupta
  • 25-06-2012
  • ASTRON/JIVE summer students arrived!
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 22-06-2012
  • African-European Radio Astronomy Platform: Leveraging objectives of the European Parliament's Written Declaration 45/2011
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 21-06-2012
  • Stars in their eyes (2012)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 20-06-2012
  • ASTRON/JIVE MTB outing 2012
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-06-2012
  • Search for cold gas in strong MgII absorbers (Wr>1A) at 0.5 < z < 1.5: nature and evolution of 21-cm absorbers
  • Neeraj Gupta
  • 18-06-2012
  • The annular solar eclipse of 20 May 2012
  • George Heald
  • 17-06-2012
  • 360 degree photo's of the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 16-06-2012
  • Dwingeloo Dish Reburbishment - The Movie
  • Kelley M. Hess
  • 15-06-2012
  • JanFest
  • Bob Fosbury/Tom Oosterloo
  • 14-06-2012
  • Colloquium: The Fermi Bubbles/WMAP Haze: signs of higher activity from the Galactic centre or long timescale star-formation driven wind outflows?
  • David Jones
  • 13-06-2012
  • Soccer unites colleagues,
  • Henri Meulman
  • 12-06-2012
  • Colloquium: The Expanded Very Large Array Project: From the VLA to the JVLA
  • Emmanuel Momjian
  • 11-06-2012
  • e-MERLIN and VLBI observations of the luminous infrared galaxy IC883: a nuclear starburst and an AGN candidate revealed
  • Megan Argo
  • 08-06-2012
  • RTS 2012 - Resolving The Sky - Radio Interferometry: Past, Present and Future
  • Michael Garrett
  • 07-06-2012
  • Unidentified flying object?
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 06-06-2012
  • The Westerbork Coma Survey begins!
  • Paolo Serra
  • 05-06-2012
  • Colloquium: In search of near-pristine gas at intermediate redshifts
  • Max Pettini (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • 04-06-2012
  • Dwingeloo Dish temporarily dismantled
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 01-06-2012
  • "European" radio astronomy transcends borders
  • Kristine Yun
  • 31-05-2012
  • Colloquium: From gamma-rays to radio: the quest to understand pulsars emission mechanisms
  • Maura Pilia (ASTRON)
  • 30-05-2012
  • Dr. Bourke delivers! (then leaves..)
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 29-05-2012
  • Time for a Tune-Up
  • Jason Hessels, Olaf Wucknitz, and Ben Stappers on behalf of the LOFAR PWG
  • 28-05-2012
  • ASTRON chip design
  • Koos Kegel
  • 25-05-2012
  • ASTRON Student Meet & Greet
  • Jason Hessels
  • 24-05-2012
  • MATISSE passes Final Design Review successfully
  • Felix Bettonvil
  • 23-05-2012
  • Vector Network calibration with a 75 Ohm reference impedance
  • M. Ruiter & E. vd. Wal
  • 22-05-2012
  • Colloquium: Thermal and Dynamical Evolution Studies of the Electron Distribution in the Galactic Disk (Miguel A. de Avillez, TU Berlin, University of Evora)
  • Miguel A. de Avillez (TU Berlin, University of Evora)
  • 21-05-2012
  • Onsala receives funds for two new radio telescopes for geodetic VLBI
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 19-05-2012
  • Meer dan 800 bezoekers op kijkdag bij ASTRON
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 18-05-2012
  • Exploring the radio bimodality of QSOs.
  • Elizabeth Mahony
  • 17-05-2012
  • Girlsday Artwork
  • Roy Smits
  • 16-05-2012
  • Little monsters: An active galactic nucleus in a dwarf starburst galaxy
  • Adam Deller
  • 15-05-2012
  • Colloquium: 'The ionized Galactic disk - Radio Recombination Line survey at 1.4 GHz with HIPASS'
  • Marta Alves (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Paris)
  • 14-05-2012
  • Girlsday 2012
  • Diversity Committee
  • 13-05-2012
  • Jan Noordam turns 65 and is appointed Resident Visionary
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 11-05-2012
  • 12 mei: kijkdag bij de grootste telescoop ter wereld!
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 10-05-2012
  • Colloquium: Unwinding the secrets of thermal pulses and sculpted winds in AGB stars with ALMA
  • Matthias Maercker
  • 09-05-2012
  • First Glimpse at LOFAR's High-Precision Pulsar Timing Capabilities
  • Joris Verbiest, Jason Hessels, and Ben Stappers on behalf of the LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 08-05-2012
  • EMBRACE Demonstrates Stability
  • The EMBRACE Team
  • 07-05-2012
  • Agile software development at ASTRON with Scrum
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 06-05-2012
  • Mars captured under strange seeing conditions
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 05-05-2012
  • WSRT on Queen's Day
  • Attila Jasko
  • 04-05-2012
  • High day for radio astronomy space applications
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 03-05-2012
  • Ionized and Molecular Gas Dynamics in High-Mass Star Forming Regions
  • Pamela Klaassen
  • 02-05-2012
  • Plasma rotation and drifting subpulses in pulsars
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 01-05-2012
  • Building photos are available
  • Anne Veendijk & Diana Verweij
  • 30-04-2012
  • Astron Poker Clinic
  • Harm Jan Pepping
  • 27-04-2012
  • Wide-band simultaneous observations of pulsars
  • Tom Hassall
  • 26-04-2012
  • A systematic variation of the stellar mix in early-type galaxies
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 25-04-2012
  • Today's colloquium: The Milky Way laboratory: from Near to Far-Field Cosmology
  • Stefania Salvadori
  • 24-04-2012
  • Astronomy students visit ASTRON with former colleague: Marijke Haverkorn
  • Annette de Boer
  • 23-04-2012
  • Non-thermal extended X-ray source in the COSMOS field
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 20-04-2012
  • The First Fringes to Irbene
  • Yurii Pidopryhora
  • 19-04-2012
  • Today's colloquium: TROPOMI: The latest Dutch satellite instrument for Earth observation
  • Colloquium
  • 18-04-2012
  • Successfull polarimetric observations with APERTIF Phased Array Feed
  • Wim van Cappellen on behalf of the APERTIF team
  • 17-04-2012
  • Foreground removal using FastICA: A Showcase of the LOFAR-Epoch of Reionization experiment
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 16-04-2012
  • Gamma-Ray Observations of the Youngest Known Pulsar
  • Maura Pilia
  • 13-04-2012
  • X-ray/Radio Correlation of Crab Pulsar Giant Pulses
  • Vlad Kondratiev
  • 12-04-2012
  • Today's colloquium: The SAFARI Imaging Spectrometer for the SPICA space observatory.
  • Colloquium
  • 11-04-2012
  • Work on ASTRON's new building starts today!
  • Diana Verweij
  • 10-04-2012
  • NGC 3801: classical radio source propagating into outer H I disc
  • Bjorn Emonts, Raffaella Morganti
  • 09-04-2012
  • Spring season also started for the LOFAR roll-out
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 06-04-2012
  • The proper motion of the magnetar J1550-5418 measured with VLBI
  • Adam Deller
  • 05-04-2012
  • Today's colloquium: Exoplanet atmospheres and the search for extraterrestrial life
  • Colloquium
  • 04-04-2012
  • Demonstrating array bootstrapping using EMBRACE
  • Dion Kant and Erik van der Wal
  • 03-04-2012
  • PRIDE (Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment) featuring on the Dutch astronomical magazine ZENIT
  • Giuseppe Cimo
  • 02-04-2012
  • Neutral and Molecular Gas in Galaxies
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 30-03-2012
  • Attack of the Gamma-Ray Spiders from Space
  • Jason Hessels
  • 29-03-2012
  • The future looks bright for JIVE!
  • Kristine Yun
  • 28-03-2012
  • A broadband flux scale for low frequency radio telescopes
  • George Heald
  • 27-03-2012
  • APERTIF beams take shape
  • Stefan Wijnholds, Wim van Cappellen
  • 26-03-2012
  • Excursion for high school students
  • Annette de Boer
  • 23-03-2012
  • Preparing Apertif science: The Bluedisk project
  • Gyula I.G. Jozsa for the Bluedisk team
  • 22-03-2012
  • RadioAstron fringes on 220,000 km baselines
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 21-03-2012
  • Differential Faraday rotation measured through beam mapping
  • George Heald
  • 20-03-2012
  • Dutch Astronomy Olympiad 2012
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-03-2012
  • Artie sniffing for bugs on the first AARTFAAC hardware
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 18-03-2012
  • Spring is in the air
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 17-03-2012
  • After the storm
  • Derek McKay-Bukowski & Caroline Callard
  • 16-03-2012
  • Largest entrepreneur organisation in Northern Holland visits ASTRON
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 15-03-2012
  • Today's colloquium: Polarimetry of (exo-)planetary atmospheres
  • Colloquium organisers
  • 14-03-2012
  • Differential Faraday rotation at LOFAR
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 13-03-2012
  • Start of the Building Project
  • Anne Veendijk & Diana Verweij
  • 12-03-2012
  • The Effelsberg station calibration challenge
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 11-03-2012
  • Moonlit night at Westeinde
  • Saswata Bhaumik
  • 09-03-2012
  • Show people about astronomy: Start with young people!
  • Annette de Boer
  • 08-03-2012
  • Today's colloquium: The distribution of star-forming regions in the Milky Way
  • Colloquium organisers
  • 07-03-2012
  • Prof. Steve Rawlings (1961-2012)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 06-03-2012
  • Scintillation study using spacecraft signals
  • Sergei Pogrebenko
  • 04-03-2012
  • VLBI measures the depth of the Cygnus X star-forming region
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 02-03-2012
  • Aboriginal Art in The Hague
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 01-03-2012
  • Colloquium Today:'Methanol masers and millimetre lines: a common origin in protostellar envelopes'
  • Colloquium
  • 29-02-2012
  • Mapping LOFAR beams
  • George Heald
  • 28-02-2012
  • Noto is back!
  • Gabriele Surcis
  • 27-02-2012
  • intro for 'sterrenkijkavond'
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 24-02-2012
  • Supernova 2011fe revisited
  • Albert van Duin
  • 23-02-2012
  • LOFAR tiles in the Arctic
  • Derek McKay-Bukowski
  • 22-02-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: 'The HERACLES and THINGS View on Gas and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies'
  • Colloquium
  • 21-02-2012
  • Perfecting the Timing of Millisecond Pulsars, Nature's Near-Perfect Clocks
  • Jason Hessels and Vlad Kondratiev on behalf of the LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 20-02-2012
  • ASTRON/UvA research practicum - 2012 edition
  • Jason Hessels
  • 17-02-2012
  • A renewed Melkwegpad
  • Roy Smits & Femke Boekhorst
  • 16-02-2012
  • Todays Colloquium: 'Hydrodynamical models of pulsar glitches'
  • Colloquium
  • 15-02-2012
  • Bright astrophysics in Stellenbosch
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 14-02-2012
  • High school students Esdal college learn about LOFAR
  • Annette de Boer
  • 13-02-2012
  • ASTRON booth at AAS2012
  • George Heald
  • 11-02-2012
  • Near and Far
  • Albert van Duin
  • 10-02-2012
  • The March of Progress
  • Charles Yun
  • 09-02-2012
  • Dutch Delights: An acquired taste
  • Tom Oosterloo/Jan Noordam
  • 08-02-2012
  • LOFAR Special Session at AAS
  • Jason Hessels on behalf of the LOFAR AAS contingent
  • 07-02-2012
  • Johan Hamaker turns 75
  • Jan Noordam
  • 06-02-2012
  • Today's colloquium: LSST: a digital color movie of the Universe
  • Colloquium
  • 05-02-2012
  • Icy Report
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-02-2012
  • CAMRAS 5 years old
  • Andre' van Es
  • 02-02-2012
  • Today's colloquium: The impact of dust on interstellar gas: from H2 to more complex molecules (Stephanie Cazaux, University of Groningen)
  • Colloquium
  • 01-02-2012
  • LOFAR data archive outgrowing ATLAS
  • Hanno Holties
  • 31-01-2012
  • Today's colloquium: HI measurements of Andromeda galaxy: peeking at our neighbour (Frans de Jong, CAMRAS)
  • Colloquium
  • 30-01-2012
  • A Cum Laude for Reinout's clusters!
  • Raffaella Morganti, Raymond Oonk
  • 27-01-2012
  • Balcony scene with attendees of the SKA-AAVP workshop in Dwingeloo
  • ASTRON SKA Programme Office
  • 26-01-2012
  • Today's colloquium: What is an AARTFAAC anyway, and what does it do? (Ralph Wijers & Peeyush Prasad, University of Amsterdam)
  • Colloquium
  • 25-01-2012
  • AARTFAAC's first transient detection
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 24-01-2012
  • A correlator world record (?)
  • John Romein
  • 23-01-2012
  • LOFAR press Conference at the AAS in Austin
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 20-01-2012
  • Dark dwarf galaxy found at a cosmological distance
  • John McKean
  • 19-01-2012
  • Today's Colloquium: A model-based approach to measuring disk galaxy structure (Kristine Spekkens, Royal Military College of Canada)
  • colloquium
  • 18-01-2012
  • ASTRON: teaching high-school teachers
  • Roy Smits & Annette de Boer
  • 17-01-2012
  • LOFAR survived the storm
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 16-01-2012
  • On this date in e-VLBI history
  • Kristine Yun
  • 13-01-2012
  • APERTIF-UniBoard backplane carries a terabit per second
  • Daniel van der Schuur
  • 12-01-2012
  • Today's Colloquium: Strong Lensing at High Angular Resolution - Simona Vegetti (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)
  • colloquium
  • 11-01-2012
  • A newly developed mirror-mounting clip for Matisse.
  • Martijn Zijlstra
  • 10-01-2012
  • LEAP: Coherent sum of pulsar B1937+21
  • Roy Smits
  • 09-01-2012
  • Alas, your AJDI Queue is Empty!
  • Mr AJDI
  • 06-01-2012
  • Lunar eclipse over LOFAR
  • Megan Argo
  • 05-01-2012
  • The last round of Herschel observations.
  • J.B. Raymond Oonk
  • 04-01-2012
  • MATISSE MAIV planning gets consolidated
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 03-01-2012
  • Apertif Digital Beamformer gets into Shape
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 02-01-2012
  • The Four Tenors of Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • Michael Garrett
  • 01-01-2012
  • As Good as it Gets
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 25-12-2011
  • Season's Greetings from ASTRON and JIVE
  • 24-12-2011
  • Merry X-Mas office humour
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 23-12-2011
  • The Smiling Face of ASTRON
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 22-12-2011
  • ASTRON News December edition is out!
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 21-12-2011
  • Doctor Kalle Torstensson
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 20-12-2011
  • RS409 Fochteloo
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 19-12-2011
  • Hans van Someren Greve turns 70
  • Jan Noordam
  • 16-12-2011
  • 10th e-VLBI Workshop
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 15-12-2011
  • Christmas High Tea
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 14-12-2011
  • SKA Organisation makes an important step forward.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 13-12-2011
  • Fire-Fighting at ASTRON
  • Anne Veendijk
  • 12-12-2011
  • The making of the ASTRON Christmas card 2011
  • Michael Garrett
  • 10-12-2011
  • Lunar Eclipse on 10th December 2011
  • Sandeep Parkhi
  • 09-12-2011
  • MSSS begins!
  • George Heald
  • 08-12-2011
  • Today's colloquium: Hunting for Fast Radio Transients - is it worth the effort? (Jean-Pierre Macquart, Curtin University)
  • Colloquium
  • 07-12-2011
  • An improved map of the Galactic Faraday sky
  • George Heald
  • 06-12-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: The Simple Structure but Puzzling Evolution of Massive Galaxies - Matthew Auger (University of Cambridge)
  • colloquium
  • 05-12-2011
  • Saint Nicolas at Astron 2011
  • Sjouke Zwier
  • 02-12-2011
  • ET calling LOFAR?
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 01-12-2011
  • Today's colloquium: The importance of radio-mode feedback in massive galaxy formation (Vernesa Smolcic, AIfA-Bonn)
  • Colloquium
  • 30-11-2011
  • The extended radio emission of the gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057
  • Javier Moldon
  • 29-11-2011
  • A heart transplant for ZIMPOL
  • Johan Pragt
  • 28-11-2011
  • HBA embedded element patterns
  • Dion Kant
  • 25-11-2011
  • Forming up to 450 Tied-Array Beams
  • Jan David Mol, Jason Hessels, John Romein
  • 24-11-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Towards the ultra-precise determination of spacecraft state vectors- Dmitry Duev (JIVE/Moscow State University)
  • colloquium
  • 23-11-2011
  • The adventures of the SKAnimals
  • Megan Argo
  • 22-11-2011
  • Atlas3D and the importance of galaxy environment
  • Paolo Serra
  • 21-11-2011
  • Just another day out of the office
  • Paul Boven, Emmy Boerma & Stefan Wijnholds
  • 18-11-2011
  • High resolution radio snapshots
  • Adam Deller
  • 17-11-2011
  • Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions for Radio Astronomical Source Modeling
  • Parisa Noorishad and Sarod Yatawatta
  • 16-11-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Design and Study on Moon-based Very Low Frequency Radio Interferometer (Linjie Chen, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen/JIVE)
  • colloquium
  • 15-11-2011
  • Microwave meets milling
  • Johan Pragt
  • 14-11-2011
  • 250th student for the ASTRON RF-course
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 13-11-2011
  • Nijmegen Astronomers observed close fly-by of large asteroid 2005 YU55
  • Sander ter Veen
  • 11-11-2011
  • NWO Director General visits ASTRON
  • Michael Garrett
  • 10-11-2011
  • Today's colloquium: The coupling between accretion processes and ejection mechanisms in accreting compact objects (Paolo Soleri, University of Groningen)
  • Colloquium
  • 09-11-2011
  • Millisecond pulsar formation for 12-year-olds
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 08-11-2011
  • Flashing new "DC free" control firmware
  • Menno Norden
  • 07-11-2011
  • Meet EMMA
  • EMMA team
  • 04-11-2011
  • An ASTRON Poster Montage
  • Joeri van Leeuwen & Roelof Kiers
  • 03-11-2011
  • Today's colloquium: On growth and form - radio galaxy morphologies and the ATLBS radio continuum survey (Lakshmi Saripalli, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore)
  • Colloquium
  • 02-11-2011
  • Nikta Amiri got her PhD
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 01-11-2011
  • Scattering and absorption analysis of radomes using the Method of Equivalent Dipole Moments (MEDM)
  • Majid Naeem
  • 31-10-2011
  • First KVN-EVN real-time e-VLBI fringes
  • Mark Kettenis
  • 28-10-2011
  • The ATA Fly's Eye Survey for Fast Radio Transients
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 27-10-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Secular evolution of galaxies (Francoise Combes, Observatoire de Paris)
  • colloquium
  • 26-10-2011
  • UniBoard receives samples from ADU at 800 MSps
  • Eric Kooistra on behalf of the APERTIF digital team
  • 25-10-2011
  • Today's Extra Colloquium: The Antikythera Mechanism Decoded (Mike Edmunds, Cardiff University)
  • colloquium
  • 24-10-2011
  • Raymond Oonk successfully defends his PhD thesis on cool gas in clusters
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 21-10-2011
  • Five!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 20-10-2011
  • Today's colloquium: The multiphase extraplanar medium in spiral galaxies (George Heald, ASTRON)
  • Colloquium
  • 19-10-2011
  • 127 Tied-Array Beams from the LOFAR Superterp Stations
  • The LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 18-10-2011
  • Public observatory Zwolle now open for business.
  • Annette de Boer
  • 17-10-2011
  • Netherlands Committee for Astronomy (NCA) - changing of the guard.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 14-10-2011
  • Direction-dependent calibration in EVLA observations at 8.4 GHz
  • Ian Heywood
  • 13-10-2011
  • Todays colloquium: Star clusters - links between stellar and galactic astrophysics (Soeren Larsen)
  • Adam Deller
  • 12-10-2011
  • Heavens above - spectacular aerial images of the LOFAR core region!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 11-10-2011
  • Visit primary teachers ASTRON in Dwingeloo, September 28, 2011
  • Annette de Boer
  • 10-10-2011
  • Medical design engineer in Vietnam
  • Leon Hiemstra
  • 07-10-2011
  • Jupiter with 16 inch telescope
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 06-10-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: The appearance and spin evolution of strongly magnetic stars - Caroline D'Angelo (UvA)
  • colloquium
  • 05-10-2011
  • First detection of water at z=3.9 in a lensed QSO
  • Alicia Berciano Alba
  • 04-10-2011
  • SKA Founding Board at London Heathrow.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 03-10-2011
  • Aperture Array Noise Temperature Measurements
  • Bert Woestenburg, Laurens Bakker
  • 30-09-2011
  • Tripole antenna in LOFAR CS011
  • Linjie Chen, Menno Norden
  • 29-09-2011
  • Todays colloquium: Atomic gas and star formation in the faintest dwarfs (Sambit Roychowdhury)
  • Colloquium organisers
  • 28-09-2011
  • No radio emission from SN2011fe in M101
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 27-09-2011
  • 3-dimensional sketch of the massive protostar NGC7538-IRS1.
  • Gabriele Surcis
  • 26-09-2011
  • Just another Day at the Office
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-09-2011
  • The LOFAR core and the Drentse Monden
  • Hans van der Marel
  • 22-09-2011
  • Today's colloquium: Radio relics- probes of galaxy cluster mergers (Reinout van Weeren, Leiden Observatory)
  • colloquium
  • 21-09-2011
  • A third VENI grant!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 20-09-2011
  • Aperture Array Noise Temperature Measurements
  • Bert Woestenburg, Laurens Bakker
  • 19-09-2011
  • An Impostor among Radio Galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 16-09-2011
  • Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
  • Jan Noordam
  • 15-09-2011
  • LOFAR@home
  • Wim Apon
  • 14-09-2011
  • LOFAR detects ionospheric wave
  • Ilse van Bemmel
  • 13-09-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: A quest for cold gas at high-z (R. Srianand, IUCAA, Pune, India)
  • colloquium
  • 12-09-2011
  • SARA case: understanding space-time with pulsars.
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 11-09-2011
  • A different view of M27
  • Albert van Duin
  • 09-09-2011
  • CoDR SKA Dish Array subsystem
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 08-09-2011
  • Mission Possible
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 07-09-2011
  • WSRT goes optical
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 06-09-2011
  • RFI at high time resolution
  • Paolo Serra and the Apertif team
  • 05-09-2011
  • First Real-Time e-VLBI Fringes with the SFXC Software Correlator
  • Mark Kettenis
  • 04-09-2011
  • LOFAR superterp
  • Peter Bennema
  • 02-09-2011
  • The nearest Type 1a supernova in decades
  • Albert van Duin and Ger de Bruyn
  • 01-09-2011
  • Detecting fast radio transients with the VLBA
  • Adam Deller
  • 31-08-2011
  • Rotation Measure Gradient Reversals in 0716+714.
  • Ronan Murphy
  • 30-08-2011
  • The EVN TOG (Technical & Operations Group)
  • Bob Campbell
  • 29-08-2011
  • Radio Astronomy needs Industry
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 26-08-2011
  • HI observations of cool-core galaxy clusters
  • Raymond Oonk, Dyas Utomo, Raffaela Morganti (ASTRON)
  • 25-08-2011
  • Noise Coupling in Aperture Arrays as a Function of Frequency
  • Bert Woestenburg, Laurens Bakker
  • 24-08-2011
  • Radio Emission from a Shock Heated Region Detected through SZE
  • Michael Wise
  • 23-08-2011
  • RadioNet FP7 judged excellent
  • Michael Garrett
  • 22-08-2011
  • Simulation of heat exchange
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 19-08-2011
  • Looking for radio pulsars around sub-luminous B dwarfs
  • Thijs Coenen, Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 18-08-2011
  • Perseid radio echoes
  • Pieter-Tjerk de Boer
  • 17-08-2011
  • SSEC @ Int. SKA Forum 2011
  • Michael Garrett
  • 16-08-2011
  • Summer students 2011: Lars Floer
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 15-08-2011
  • Noise Coupling Effects in Aperture Arrays
  • Bert Woestenburg, Laurens Bakker
  • 12-08-2011
  • Perseid meteor shower (as seen by a radio telescope)
  • Megan Argo
  • 11-08-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: The Arecibo Zone of Avoidance Survey (Travis McIntyre, Arecibo Observatory)
  • colloquium
  • 10-08-2011
  • Changing of the Guard
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-08-2011
  • Spectral implications of the Smilde tower collapse
  • Hans van der Marel
  • 08-08-2011
  • Cresent Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 05-08-2011
  • A grand day out
  • Kristine Yun
  • 04-08-2011
  • Colours in the summer sky
  • Albert van Duin
  • 02-08-2011
  • ASTRON @Lofardag 2011
  • Michael Garrett
  • 01-08-2011
  • Jubilee Pieter Jager
  • Anne Veendijk
  • 29-07-2011
  • Aperture Array Noise Temperature as a function of Scan Angle
  • Bert Woestenburg, Laurens Bakker, Marianna Ivashina
  • 28-07-2011
  • Summer Student Garden Party - 2011.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 27-07-2011
  • 19 Times the Fun
  • The LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 25-07-2011
  • VV124: a galaxy re-born
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 22-07-2011
  • Launch RadioAstron (2)
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 21-07-2011
  • Spektr-R - RadioAstron Observatory in orbit
  • Willem Baan & Lout Sondaar
  • 20-07-2011
  • Final resting place
  • Derek McKay-Bukowski
  • 19-07-2011
  • Hoogersmilde Communication Tower Fire & Collapse as seen by LOFAR
  • Heino Falcke
  • 18-07-2011
  • Cygnus Soap Bubble
  • Albert van Duin
  • 15-07-2011
  • The AGN component in deep radio fields: the Lockman Hole project
  • Gabriele Guglielmino, Isabella Prandoni, Raffaella Morganti
  • 14-07-2011
  • LOFAR HBA tile installation begins at KAIRA
  • Derek McKay-Bukowski
  • 13-07-2011
  • First LOFAR cosmic ray detection
  • Sander ter Veen
  • 12-07-2011
  • 13 TFLOPS at 2400 Watt
  • John Romein
  • 11-07-2011
  • THACO: A Test Facility for Characterizing the Noise Performance of Active Antenna Arrays
  • Bert Woestenburg
  • 08-07-2011
  • LOFAR DAY, Exloo, 10 July 2011
  • peter bennema
  • 07-07-2011
  • The Next Generation of LOFAR Users
  • Jason Hessels
  • 06-07-2011
  • Combiboard AAVS /SKA-NN
  • Sieds Damstra
  • 05-07-2011
  • A new record: 2 Gbit/s fringes between Shanghai and Kunming
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 04-07-2011
  • Tsunami alarm!
  • Hanno Holties
  • 01-07-2011
  • Jaap Bregman's party
  • Truus van den Brink-Havinga
  • 30-06-2011
  • The International LOFAR Telescope has come of age
  • Rene Vermeulen
  • 29-06-2011
  • Visit students 'Natuurkunde Olympiade’, June 8th
  • Annette de Boer
  • 28-06-2011
  • István Fejes (1939-2011)
  • Willem Baan
  • 27-06-2011
  • Solar Sound Ensemble
  • Paul Boven
  • 24-06-2011
  • Foreground conference 2011, Zadar, Croatia
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 23-06-2011
  • Today's Colloquium (4PM!): HI properties of massive galaxies
  • Colloquium
  • 22-06-2011
  • Retuning Hubble's fork
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 21-06-2011
  • ASTRON/JIVE MTB outing 2011
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 20-06-2011
  • Monitoring the water maser in MG J0414+0534
  • John McKean
  • 17-06-2011
  • LOFAR roll out in Onsala Sweden
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 16-06-2011
  • Today's colloquium: FUV emission in Brightest Cluster Galaxies (Raymond Oonk, ASTRON)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 15-06-2011
  • Herschel OT2 Announcement of Opportunity released!
  • Alicia Berciano Alba
  • 14-06-2011
  • Arise Heino Falcke - Spinoza winner 2011
  • Michael Garrett
  • 13-06-2011
  • Supernovae in M51
  • Albert van Duin
  • 10-06-2011
  • Gravitational lensing of a bright submillimetre galaxy
  • John McKean
  • 09-06-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: How massive is the Great Attractor?
  • Colloquium
  • 08-06-2011
  • Summer student lectures 2011
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 07-06-2011
  • And the winner is..... Lava Sulayman!
  • Annette de Boer
  • 06-06-2011
  • LOFAR Low Band Antenna (LBA) installation at Juelich international station, 20th April 2011
  • Charlotte Sobey
  • 03-06-2011
  • In Memoriam: Prof. dr. Koos Duppen (1953-2011)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 01-06-2011
  • A real-time experience with the EVN at JIVE
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 31-05-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: The complex gas environment of Active Galactic Nuclei: emission and absorption in the X-ray band - Elisa Constantini (SRON)
  • colloquium
  • 30-05-2011
  • UniBoard shipping now!
  • Andre Gunst
  • 27-05-2011
  • The 4th East Asia VLBI Workshop
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 26-05-2011
  • Today's colloquium: A slice of PSRPI: mapping the Galactic distribution of pulsars (Adam Deller, ASTRON)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 25-05-2011
  • Galactic HI cloud "Dolphin"
  • Yurii Pidopryhora
  • 24-05-2011
  • Digitizing SRZM/ASTRON History
  • André van Es
  • 23-05-2011
  • Stargazing near the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Roy Smits
  • 20-05-2011
  • Jaap, ah Jaap!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 19-05-2011
  • The sunny smiles of the EVN directors at Torun, Poland
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 18-05-2011
  • Encouraging Collaboration by leveling IPR barriers
  • Jaap D. Bregman
  • 17-05-2011
  • Excursion primary school ‘de Kloostertuin’
  • Annette de Boer
  • 16-05-2011
  • A game of Baseball
  • Roy Smits
  • 13-05-2011
  • Air-borne broadband interference detection by LOFAR
  • Hans van der Marel/Olaf Wucknitz
  • 12-05-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: The Australian SKA Pathfinder - status update (Carole Jackson, CSIRO)
  • Colloquium
  • 11-05-2011
  • 60 years of Dutch HI
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 10-05-2011
  • What does an astronomer look like?
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 09-05-2011
  • Girls Day 2011
  • Annette de Boer
  • 06-05-2011
  • The Daily Image goes Social
  • Roy Smits
  • 05-05-2011
  • Russian and Dutch students at ASTRON
  • Johan Pragt
  • 04-05-2011
  • 1/4 AAVS / SKA-NN TILE
  • Sieds Damstra / AAVS TEAM
  • 03-05-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Galaxy Dissection: The Detailed Mass Budget of UGC 463 (Kyle B. Westfall, Kapteyn)
  • Colloquium
  • 02-05-2011
  • Royal Honours for Thijs van der Hulst
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 30-04-2011
  • An Oranje Zonnetje on April 30th
  • Madroon, E. J.
  • 29-04-2011
  • ALMA invites proposals for Early Science Observations
  • Alicia Berciano Alba
  • 28-04-2011
  • Today's colloquium: Time variability and X-ray spectra: probe of the inner accretion disc in compact objects (Mariano Mendez, University of Groningen)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 27-04-2011
  • Wide-field Imaging on a GPU
  • Panos Labropoulos & Vamsi Krishna Veligatla
  • 26-04-2011
  • The last thing(s) lucky low frequency photons see
  • George Heald and Olaf Wucknitz
  • 25-04-2011
  • The Birds
  • Gyula I.G. Jozsa
  • 24-04-2011
  • Solar Energy
  • Henri Meulman
  • 22-04-2011
  • Redundant baseline data in LOFAR
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 21-04-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Studying the dark hearts of luminous infrared galaxies with Herschel
  • Colloquium
  • 20-04-2011
  • CEP 2.0 cluster
  • Chris Broekema
  • 19-04-2011
  • Asteroid 9497 "Dwingeloo"
  • Albert van Duin
  • 18-04-2011
  • Stars in their eyes (Take 2) - Leiden MSc Class of 2010
  • Michael Garrett
  • 17-04-2011
  • A Sign! At last!
  • Madroon, E. J.
  • 16-04-2011
  • Oh Deer!
  • Henri Meulman
  • 15-04-2011
  • The Netherlands signs up for SKA
  • Michael Garrett
  • 14-04-2011
  • Today's colloquium: The first year of science with VLT/X-shooter
  • Colloquium
  • 13-04-2011
  • Observing pulsars and fast transients with LOFAR
  • Ben Stappers
  • 12-04-2011
  • "Soviet Man in Space"
  • Tom Oosterloo (with thanks to Vlad Kondratiev)
  • 11-04-2011
  • SMF demonstration
  • SMF team
  • 10-04-2011
  • Spaghetti Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 08-04-2011
  • ASTRON/NOVA at the Fotonica Evenement
  • Peter Maat, Ronald Halfwerk, Klaas Dijkstra, Ramon Navarro
  • 07-04-2011
  • Evolution and luminosity functions of sub-mJy radio sources
  • Colloquium
  • 06-04-2011
  • Test-station for Galileo validation at WSRT
  • SMF team
  • 05-04-2011
  • Crab giant radio pulses: are they coincident with Fermi photons?
  • Vlad Kondratiev
  • 04-04-2011
  • UniBoard is in production
  • Corina Vogt, Arpad Szomoru
  • 01-04-2011
  • Spring Time
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 31-03-2011
  • Today's colloquium: Direct imaging of protoplanetary disks in scattered light
  • Colloquium
  • 30-03-2011
  • Prospects for accurate distance measurements of pulsars with the SKA
  • Roy Smits
  • 29-03-2011
  • Galactic fog towards the Perseus cluster
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 28-03-2011
  • First sunrise of spring 2011 over the WSRT
  • Harm Munk
  • 25-03-2011
  • The formation of the eccentric-orbit millisecond pulsar J1903+0327 and the origin of single millisecond pulsars
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 24-03-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Advances in Galactic Cartography- Robert A. Benjamin (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
  • Colloquium
  • 23-03-2011
  • Double vision for EMBRACE
  • EMBRACE team
  • 22-03-2011
  • In Memoriam: Rad (1929-2011)
  • Richard Strom
  • 21-03-2011
  • How wet is it here?
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 18-03-2011
  • Cygnus A at 239 MHz with LOFAR
  • John McKean
  • 17-03-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Potentially hazardous near Earth Asteroids - a clear and present danger (Karel A. van der Hucht, SRON)
  • Colloquium
  • 16-03-2011
  • First probe of ionospheric RM variability with LOFAR
  • Michael Bell
  • 15-03-2011
  • Marathon e-VLBI run
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 13-03-2011
  • Vague Feelings of Guilt
  • Madroon, E. J.
  • 11-03-2011
  • Ian Heywood
  • 10-03-2011
  • Today's Colloquium:Optical atomic clock signals through optical fiber networks - Jeroen Koelmeij (LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • Colloquium
  • 09-03-2011
  • Work in Progress
  • Juergen Morawietz
  • 08-03-2011
  • Foreground Conference 2011
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 07-03-2011
  • A Binary Pulsar Discovery by Volunteer Computing
  • Joeri van Leeuwen and Jason Hessels
  • 04-03-2011
  • First global e-VLBI experiment reveals relativistic jet in a Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 03-03-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Neutrinos on the Rocks
  • Colloquium
  • 02-03-2011
  • Radar image of the moon made with the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Pieter-Tjerk de Boer
  • 01-03-2011
  • Visit of students applied physics from Enschede
  • Annette de Boer
  • 28-02-2011
  • Presentatie Cascaderunshirt 2011
  • Cascaderun
  • 25-02-2011
  • M42 from Mound Ewer
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 24-02-2011
  • Maciej Serylak succesfully defends PhD thesis on radio pulsars with WSRT
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 23-02-2011
  • A UniBoard-based Phase 1 SKA Correlator and Beamformer
  • Arpad Szomoru
  • 22-02-2011
  • Art of Noise: In Visible Silence
  • Paul Riemers, Ronald Halfwerk
  • 21-02-2011
  • Receding horizons behind LOFAR station FR606
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 18-02-2011
  • LOFAR Pulsar Data Joins Archive Flow to Grid
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, Hanno Holties
  • 17-02-2011
  • Today's colloquium: Storage in astronomy - beyond the limits of bandwidth, capacity, and location (Ari Mujunen, Aalto University)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 16-02-2011
  • First Pulsar Polarisation Profiles with LOFAR
  • Charlotte Sobey, Aristeidis Noutsos, Joris Verbiest, Masaya Kuniyoshi, LOFAR PWG
  • 15-02-2011
  • Lord Rosse, Birr Castle and I-LOFAR
  • Ger de Bruyn, Michiel Brentjens and George Heald
  • 14-02-2011
  • A sky image from LOFAR station FR606 in Nançay
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 11-02-2011
  • There is no such a thing as a boring galaxy!
  • Raffaella Morganti for the Atlas3D team
  • 10-02-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: Quantifying HI Morphology
  • Colloquium
  • 09-02-2011
  • Partial Solar Eclipse, January 4, 2011
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Michiel Brentjens
  • 08-02-2011
  • Lightpath connection beats Superman
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 07-02-2011
  • First LOFAR Tied-Array Beam Achieved
  • The LOFAR Pulsar Working Group and
  • 06-02-2011
  • Lofar is Fun!
  • Lofar is Fun!
  • 04-02-2011
  • Let's dance!
  • Ilse van Bemmel, Cyril Tasse
  • 03-02-2011
  • Today's Colloquium (Peter Frick): Wavelets and Faraday Rotation Measure Synthesis
  • Colloquium
  • 02-02-2011
  • First Light Online Coherent Dedispersion with LOFAR
  • Jason Hessels, John Romein, Jan David Mol, LOFAR PWG
  • 01-02-2011
  • Photonic Tile
  • Peter Maat
  • 31-01-2011
  • The Active Sun
  • Albert van Duin
  • 28-01-2011
  • LOFAR HBA tiles undergoing winter testing in Finnish Lapland
  • Thomas Ulich & Corina Vogt
  • 27-01-2011
  • Westerbork Observatory donated its Mark4 VLBI backend to the Yunnan Astronomical Observator, China
  • Jun Yang
  • 26-01-2011
  • Astronomy at the Weekendschool in Groningen
  • Roy Smits
  • 25-01-2011
  • Today's colloquium: The LOFAR Epoch of Reionization experiment data model: simulations, calibration and inversion (Panos Labropoulos, ASTRON)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 24-01-2011
  • First SFXC correlation of a millisecond pulsar VLBI experiment at JIVE
  • Jun YANG
  • 21-01-2011
  • Modeling the Invisible Interstellar Medium
  • Jo-Anne Brown, Cameron Van Eck and Marijke Haverkorn
  • 20-01-2011
  • Radio and X-ray absorption in compact radio galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti & Luisa Ostorero
  • 19-01-2011
  • Today's Homework: LOFAR Pulsar Data Reduction
  • Jason Hessels
  • 18-01-2011
  • Today's Colloquium: LOFAR's UHEP mode, NuMoon, and the global search for extremely energetic cosmic particles (Clancy James, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
  • Colloquium
  • 17-01-2011
  • Live LOFAR observing at AAS2011 (video)
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, George Heald, Michiel Brentjens, Michael Wise
  • 14-01-2011
  • Hanny van Arkel visits the ASTRON stand in Seattle
  • Hanny van Arkel
  • 13-01-2011
  • Today's colloquium: Early Science Opportunities with ALMA (Michiel Hogerheijde, Allegro - ALMA Regional Center Node in NL)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 12-01-2011
  • Training day...
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 11-01-2011
  • ASTRON booth and Lofar model at the AAS in Seattle
  • Raffaella Morganti on behalf of the AAS expedition team
  • 10-01-2011
  • The Balance of Power in the Interstellar Medium
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 07-01-2011
  • Quasars at the Cosmic Horizon
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 06-01-2011
  • In Memoriam: Seungyoup Chi, 1974-2011
  • Alicia Berciano, Edo Loenen, Roberto Pizzo, Peter Barthel & Michael Garrett
  • 05-01-2011
  • In Memoriam: Seungyoup Chi, 1974-2011.
  • Alicia Berciano, Edo Loenen, Roberto Pizzo, Peter Barthel & Michael Garrett
  • 04-01-2011
  • ASTRON news enters its 7th year
  • Femke Boekhorst, Raffaella Morganti & Michael Garrett
  • 03-01-2011
  • Onwards into 2011
  • Your AJDI editors
  • 31-12-2010
  • New SKA Science Animation
  • Michael Garrett
  • 30-12-2010
  • A pretty Site
  • Teenage Mawuto
  • 27-12-2010
  • Marijke triumphs at National Science Quiz!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 26-12-2010
  • Ons Marijke
  • Jan Noordam
  • 25-12-2010
  • Happy Holidays from JIVE
  • JIVE
  • 24-12-2010
  • We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 22-12-2010
  • Simultaneous multi-beam observations with the LOFAR low band
  • Tom Hassall and the LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 21-12-2010
  • Journey across a Floating World
  • Madroon, E. J.
  • 20-12-2010
  • Earthballs teach kids about Universe
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 17-12-2010
  • Work starts on Onsala's LOFAR station
  • Robert Cumming
  • 16-12-2010
  • educational visit secondary school
  • Annette de Boer
  • 15-12-2010
  • In Memoriam: John Baldwin (1931-2010)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-12-2010
  • EMBRACE detects its first pulsar
  • The EMBRACE Team
  • 13-12-2010
  • First detection of the Crab Pulsar in LOFAR Low Band
  • Tom Hassall & LOFAR PWG
  • 10-12-2010
  • First light for the French LOFAR station FR606 in Nançay
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 09-12-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Close to a supermassive black hole: the clumpy torus and the IMF
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 08-12-2010
  • In Memoriam: Adriaan Blaauw, 1914-2010
  • Hugo van Woerden, Tom Oosterloo
  • 07-12-2010
  • Lifting the veil on millisecond pulsars in our Galaxy
  • Jason Hessels
  • 06-12-2010
  • Bringing European Outreach people together in Bologna
  • Corina Vogt
  • 03-12-2010
  • Snow, ice, ... and no inauguration. But a webpage!
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 02-12-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Uncovering the origins of spiral structure via measurement of radial variation in pattern speeds (Sharon Meidt, MPIA)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 01-12-2010
  • Int. SKA Forum 2010 - the movie
  • Michael Garrett
  • 30-11-2010
  • First detection of polarization in LOFAR imaging data
  • Anna Scaife, Ger de Bruyn, and George Heald
  • 29-11-2010
  • Magazine published covering International SKA Forum 2010
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 26-11-2010
  • Pulsar correlation with the SFXC software correlator.
  • Aard Keimpema and Mark Kettenis
  • 25-11-2010
  • LOFAR lightning protection strategy presented at EMC 2010 Wroclaw
  • Menno Norden
  • 24-11-2010
  • Today's Colloquium by Ron Ekers (CSIRO, Australia): The Australia Telescope 20GHz blind survey of the Southern Sky
  • Mehreen Mahmud
  • 23-11-2010
  • DIGESTIF Simultaneously Observes Pulsars 7 Full Moons Apart
  • Joeri van Leeuwen, Jason Hessels, Wim van Cappellen and APERTIF Team
  • 22-11-2010
  • A grant to study the role of neutral hydrogen in the life of early-type galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 19-11-2010
  • In Memoriam: Roel van Dalen (1948-2010)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 18-11-2010
  • The e-VLBI Zoo
  • Zsolt Paragi, Kristine Yun
  • 17-11-2010
  • The last HBA tile
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 16-11-2010
  • Today's Colloquium: 3D numerical simulations of magnetic field evolution in barred and spiral galaxies
  • Colloquium
  • 15-11-2010
  • A sensitivity boost for LOFAR
  • Jason Hessels en Stefan Wijnholds
  • 13-11-2010
  • Nothing Gold Can Stay
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-11-2010
  • Leave Some Room for Dessert: DIGESTIF Observes its First Pulsar
  • Wim van Cappellen, Jason Hessels, Joeri van Leeuwen, APERTIF Team
  • 11-11-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Supermassive black holes in galaxies: singles, binaries, and escapees
  • Colloquium
  • 10-11-2010
  • The SKA Science & Engineering Commitee - meeting at RAL
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-11-2010
  • Astron Solar telescope
  • Albert van Duin
  • 05-11-2010
  • LED works at 40K
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 04-11-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Mapping the Milky Way with VLBI Astrometry (Andreas Brunthaler, MPIfR)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 03-11-2010
  • MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey
  • Neeraj Gupta
  • 02-11-2010
  • MeerKAT time for a Fornax HI survey!
  • Paolo Serra
  • 01-11-2010
  • Will he now discover heaven?
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 30-10-2010
  • M57 with 40 cm F/5 telescope
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 29-10-2010
  • Open Day 2010 big success
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 28-10-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Gravitational Wave Detection Through Pulsar Timing (Joris Verbiest, MPIfR)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 27-10-2010
  • JENAM 2010
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 26-10-2010
  • Visit to CSIRO and the ASKAP site
  • Laurens Bakker
  • 25-10-2010
  • Cold gas in massive early-type galaxies: The case of NGC 1167
  • Christian Struve
  • 22-10-2010
  • 40 years WSRT (1970-2010)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 21-10-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Turbulent ISM, reconnection diffusion and star formation (Alexander Lazarian, University of Wisconsin)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 20-10-2010
  • High dynamic range polarisation imaging with an old telescope
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 19-10-2010
  • First NEXPReS Board meeting held at JBCA
  • Kristine Yun
  • 18-10-2010
  • WSRT@40: the improvements for spectral-line work
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 17-10-2010
  • Earthstar mushroom, Geastrum triplex
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 15-10-2010
  • The EVN directors meet at the site of the shiny Svetloe Telescope
  • Huib Jan van Langevelde
  • 14-10-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Planetary Science with LOFAR and more
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 13-10-2010
  • A busy summer!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 12-10-2010
  • A Grandparent of the EVN is Honoured
  • Tony Willis, Andrew Gray and Olwen Gendall
  • 11-10-2010
  • Disastrous test flight of red and white rocket.
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 10-10-2010
  • 101010b (42)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 08-10-2010
  • WSRT@40 - publish and be damned!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 07-10-2010
  • Today’s Nova School Colloquium: Apertif
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 06-10-2010
  • LOFAR UK608 at dusk
  • Derek McKay-Bukowski
  • 05-10-2010
  • Fresh project leader AAVS is confronted with new ideas!
  • Marco Drost
  • 04-10-2010
  • The EVN Symposium 2010, Manchester, UK
  • Stephen Bourke, Mehreen Mahmud
  • 03-10-2010
  • Spelevaren
  • Bert Poot
  • 01-10-2010
  • Cryogenic CTE and IoR measurements
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 30-09-2010
  • Goodbye to All That
  • Jan Noordam
  • 29-09-2010
  • Basking in Reflected Glory
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-09-2010
  • Today’s Colloquium: A decelerating jet observed in the X-ray transient XTE J1752-223
  • Jun Yang
  • 27-09-2010
  • LOFAR-UK Chilbolton Station Officially Opened
  • Karen Masters
  • 24-09-2010
  • Galactic collisions fuel the most powerful objects in the Universe
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 23-09-2010
  • Witnessing the formation of a warp
  • Gyula I.G. Jozsa
  • 22-09-2010
  • WSRT@40: a record of dynamic range
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 21-09-2010
  • ISKAF2010 Proceedings now online
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 20-09-2010
  • LOFAR images of 3C465
  • Neal Jackson, for the Imaging Busy Week 7 team
  • 17-09-2010
  • Goodbye, Laurentiu, and thank you
  • Jan Noordam
  • 16-09-2010
  • Today's Colloquium: "Cosmological 21cm experiments: Searching for a needle in a haystack" by Vibor Jelic (ASTRON)
  • Vibor Jelic
  • 15-09-2010
  • Pancake Day
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-09-2010
  • Decelerating jet in a newly discovered Galactic black hole transient
  • Jun Yang
  • 12-09-2010
  • In Memoriam: Ernst Raimond (1932-2010)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-09-2010
  • Agencies SKA Group @ISKAF2010
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-09-2010
  • Redundancy of LOFAR HBA station visibilities
  • Parisa Noorishad
  • 08-09-2010
  • Hanny's Voorwerp in National Geographic
  • Hanny van Arkel
  • 07-09-2010
  • A Canadian in Dwingeloo
  • Marijke Haverkorn, Madroon
  • 06-09-2010
  • Witch Broom
  • Albert van Duin
  • 03-09-2010
  • Invitation to the world premiere of Hanny's Voorwerp - the comic!
  • Hanny van Arkel
  • 02-09-2010
  • Hosting SKA CALIM 2010
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-09-2010
  • Tracing Energetic Particles in a Magnetosphere
  • Trevor Sloughter
  • 31-08-2010
  • Hartebeesthoek's successful return to EVN observations
  • Bob Campbell
  • 30-08-2010
  • Summer student project: Local analogs of Lyman Break galaxies
  • Rachael Alexandroff
  • 27-08-2010
  • Array noise temperature when scanning the sky with APERTIF tile as aperture array
  • Laurens Bakker, Bert Woestenburg
  • 26-08-2010
  • CALIM 2010 Image of Cygnus A from the EVLA
  • Sarod Yatawatta (RuG/ASTRON), Tony Willis (DRAO) and Rick Perley (NRAO)
  • 24-08-2010
  • Summer student project: WSRT observations of Giant Radio Galaxy 4C73.08
  • Rurong Chen
  • 23-08-2010
  • Cygnus A at 240 MHz with LOFAR
  • John McKean, Louise Ker & Reinout van Weeren
  • 20-08-2010
  • Home PCs find new pulsar in Arecibo data; WSRT follows up.
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-08-2010
  • Gravitational lensing by a group of galaxies
  • John McKean
  • 18-08-2010
  • HALOGAS team meeting in Dwingeloo
  • George Heald
  • 17-08-2010
  • Today's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 16-08-2010
  • LOFAR sound bites
  • Michael Garrett
  • 13-08-2010
  • Ghosts of Selfcal Past
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 12-08-2010
  • Today's summer student lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 11-08-2010
  • Fritz Comics
  • René Gießübel
  • 10-08-2010
  • Summer student project: HI accretion in NGC 1003
  • John Allan
  • 09-08-2010
  • Nulling Phenomena in PSR B1112+50
  • Vishal Gajjar
  • 06-08-2010
  • Aperture array demonstrates system noise temperatures below 50 K
  • Bert Woestenburg, Laurens Bakker
  • 05-08-2010
  • A Rogues Gallery
  • Oleg Smirnov & Ger de Bruyn
  • 04-08-2010
  • Riding the Dust Devil
  • Marchel Gerbers, Jan Noordam
  • 03-08-2010
  • Today's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 02-08-2010
  • Välkommen till Rödjorna
  • Tom, Raffaella, Serena, Luca
  • 30-07-2010
  • Hans' Surprise
  • Oleg Smirnov & Ger de Bruyn
  • 29-07-2010
  • In Memoriam: Don Backer (1943 - 2010)
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 28-07-2010
  • A Pelican in Moonlight
  • Albert van Duin
  • 27-07-2010
  • Today's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 26-07-2010
  • In Memoriam: Titus Spoelstra (1944-2010)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-07-2010
  • Observing Jupiter
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier (for the LOFAR Planet Working Group)
  • 22-07-2010
  • First resolved LOFAR image of the Sun
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 21-07-2010
  • Observing with Multiple LOFAR Station Beams (or "Twee vliegen in één klap")
  • Jason Hessels on behalf of the LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 20-07-2010
  • Today's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 19-07-2010
  • ASTRON MTB outing 2010
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 16-07-2010
  • Rubicon awards for two ASTRON scientists
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 15-07-2010
  • Farewell Friso
  • Yvonne Kool
  • 14-07-2010
  • In Memoriam: Jaap Tinbergen (1934-2010)
  • Lars Venema, Jan Willem Pel
  • 13-07-2010
  • Today's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 12-07-2010
  • The Lion of Zwiggelte turns 70
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-07-2010
  • Illuminating Hanny's Voorwerp: a closer look at the centre of IC 2497
  • Gyula Jozsa, Mike Garrett
  • 08-07-2010
  • Today´s colloquium: Tomography of galaxy clusters through low-frequency radio polarimetry (Roberto Pizzo, ASTRON)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 07-07-2010
  • Space Based Ultra Long Wavelength Radio Observatory (SURO)
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 06-07-2010
  • Today's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 05-07-2010
  • Dedication of the LOFAR station in Tautenburg
  • Matthias Hoeft (TLS), Corina Vogt
  • 04-07-2010
  • Temporary Accomodation
  • Madroon, E. J.
  • 02-07-2010
  • Her Majesty the Queen arriving by helicopter at the LOFAR opening, as seen from pulse triggers on LOFAR station CS021
  • Arthur Corstanje
  • 01-07-2010
  • Today´s colloquium: Extragalactic HI Surveys- Current Status and Future Prospects (Trish Henning, University of New Mexico)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 30-06-2010
  • Return of the Native
  • Michael Garrett
  • 29-06-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Interferometric Imaging and Direction Dependent Effects (S. Bhatnagar, NRAO)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 28-06-2010
  • M51 observations with two young Dutch radio telescopes
  • George Heald
  • 27-06-2010
  • This week's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 25-06-2010
  • The origin of giant intergalactic gas rings
  • Paolo Serra
  • 24-06-2010
  • LOFAR 12-hr Simultaneous Imaging and Timing Observation of a Pulsar
  • Anastasia Alexov
  • 23-06-2010
  • LOFAR image of Abell 2256
  • Reinout van Weeren
  • 22-06-2010
  • Today's colloquium: The turbulent interstellar medium: confluence of observations and numerical simulations (Snezana Stanimirovic, U. of Wisconsin)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 21-06-2010
  • Tomorrow's Summer Student Lecture
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 20-06-2010
  • Benign Imperialism
  • Madroon, E. J.
  • 18-06-2010
  • LOFAR explained
  • Jan Noordam
  • 17-06-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Black Holes and Dark Matter in Nearby Galaxies (Karl Gebhardt, Univ. of Texas)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 16-06-2010
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 15-06-2010
  • First LOFAR LBA Installed at Chilbolton (UK)
  • Karen Masters
  • 13-06-2010
  • Queen Beatrix switches on LOFAR
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 12-06-2010
  • Beatrix opens LOFAR
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 11-06-2010
  • ISKAF2010 opened
  • ASPO
  • 10-06-2010
  • A New Golden Age for Radio Astronomy
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 09-06-2010
  • Queen's Commissioner visits EMBRACE
  • Truus van den Brink-Havinga
  • 08-06-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Starburst galaxies and radio supernovae: The central kpc of M82 (Rob Beswick, Jodrell Bank)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 07-06-2010
  • Many LOFAR and WSRT talks at NAC
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 04-06-2010
  • Open Day at the HIT
  • Ronald de Wild
  • 03-06-2010
  • Today's colloquium: passive spectrum use and upcoming changes in the spectrum environment
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 02-06-2010
  • Mounting a big dish
  • Giuseppe Cimo'
  • 01-06-2010
  • High resolution observations with LOFAR
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 31-05-2010
  • Saturn 'spokes' animation
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 28-05-2010
  • APERTIF fully funded!!!
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 27-05-2010
  • Today´s colloquium: The centers of galaxies (S. Tremaine, Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 26-05-2010
  • The orientation of the LBA dipoles is correct
  • Wijnholds, Norden, Gerbers
  • 25-05-2010
  • The Road Ahead
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 21-05-2010
  • LOFAR GeoMorphology
  • Jan Noordam
  • 20-05-2010
  • RadioNet & the Mammoth Sardinian Radio Telescope
  • Michael Garrett
  • 19-05-2010
  • Cascaderun 2010
  • Roelof Kiers
  • 18-05-2010
  • Today´s colloquium: Measuring the masses of millisecond pulsars: new constraints on the equation of state (Paulo Freire, Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 17-05-2010
  • A dwarf nova in outburst
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 13-05-2010
  • LOFAR: the movie
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-05-2010
  • The APERTIF team: living the high life in Utah
  • George Heald
  • 11-05-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Population synthesis of common-envelope mergers on the giant branches (M. v. d. Sluys, University of Alberta)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 10-05-2010
  • Eduardo Rubio Herrera defends Westerbork pulsar thesis
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 07-05-2010
  • Hoog, Sammy, kijk omhoog
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 06-05-2010
  • Enlighten Your Research Award
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 05-05-2010
  • Roe Deer Exploring Astron
  • Eim Mulder
  • 04-05-2010
  • Girlsday
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-05-2010
  • OR-elections
  • Michel Arts
  • 30-04-2010
  • A. H. de Voogt (r.) and J. H. Oort (from 1957 film by H. Kleibrink)
  • Richard Strom
  • 29-04-2010
  • "The Dads" Rescue Astronomers
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 28-04-2010
  • Jan Hendrik Oort, born 28 April 1900 in Franeker
  • Richard Strom
  • 27-04-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Tracking Jupiter at microwave frequencies after the 2009 impact (Shinji Horiuchi, NASA DSN/CSIRO)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 26-04-2010
  • Ich bin ein Leienaar
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-04-2010
  • PGMS: constraining the polarized Galactic foreground
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 22-04-2010
  • An HI absorbing circumnuclear disk in Cygnus A
  • Christian Struve
  • 21-04-2010
  • Luctor et Emergo
  • Peter Bennema
  • 20-04-2010
  • Is the orientation of LBA dipoles correct?
  • Jana Köhler, Matthias Hoeft, Olaf Wucknitz
  • 19-04-2010
  • The Galaxy comes into focus
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 16-04-2010
  • Finding galaxies
  • Paolo Serra
  • 15-04-2010
  • Today´s colloquium: Strong gravitational lensing in the radio domain (A. Berciano Alba, ASTRON)
  • Alicia Berciano Alba
  • 14-04-2010
  • Electrifying VLBI
  • Arpad Szomoru
  • 13-04-2010
  • Jan Veldkamp, born 13 April 1909 in Groningen
  • Richard Strom
  • 12-04-2010
  • SKA, the movie (Take 2)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-04-2010
  • How much gas do you need to make a radio galaxy?
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 08-04-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Universe Awareness for Young Children - A big impact on small children (C. Ödman , UNAWE)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 07-04-2010
  • ASTRON & NWO organise International SKA Forum 2010
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 06-04-2010
  • The Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 02-04-2010
  • Unveiling the secrets of Centaurus A
  • Christian Struve, Tom Oosterloo, Raffaella Morganti
  • 01-04-2010
  • Symbiosis
  • Madroon, E. J.
  • 31-03-2010
  • Tomorrow's colloquium: VLBI observations of the CSS 3C48 and five GPS sources (Tao An, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 30-03-2010
  • Presidential visit to EMBRACE in Moura
  • ASPO
  • 29-03-2010
  • The Multiple Personalities of the UniBoard
  • Team UniBoard
  • 26-03-2010
  • Pulsar Busy Week 7: Moving Towards an Automated Pulsar Pipeline
  • Jason Hessels (LOFAR Pulsar Working Group)
  • 25-03-2010
  • First lightning detection by LOFAR
  • Sander ter Veen
  • 24-03-2010
  • Three Rubies and their Ladies
  • Marja Carnal
  • 23-03-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Exoplanet Atmospheres: from Discovery to Characterization and Beyond (S. Seager, MIT)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 22-03-2010
  • A four-leaf clover for APERTIF
  • Wim van Cappellen (APERTIF team)
  • 20-03-2010
  • Herre Rinia (2nd from right), born 20 March 1905 in Kornwerd, Friesland
  • Richard Strom
  • 19-03-2010
  • LOFAR's First Millisecond Pulsar
  • Tom Hassall (LOFAR Pulsar Working Group)
  • 18-03-2010
  • Today's colloquium: X-ray synchrotron and H-alpha emission from supernova remnant shock fronts (J. Vink, Utrecht University)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 17-03-2010
  • AAVP Kick-off
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 16-03-2010
  • HALOGAS survey data collage
  • George Heald (for the HALOGAS team)
  • 15-03-2010
  • Floating island
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 12-03-2010
  • Pierre Auger EMC test at Astron
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 11-03-2010
  • Cornelis Jan Bakker, born 11 March 1904 in Amsterdam
  • Richard Strom
  • 10-03-2010
  • Milestone for GALSEE-SMF
  • H. van der Marel
  • 09-03-2010
  • Cheese!
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 08-03-2010
  • SecretaryConsultation
  • Marja Carnal
  • 05-03-2010
  • A room temperature LNA with < 10 K noise temperature
  • Roel Witvers, Bert Woestenburg, Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 04-03-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Resolving the dusty cores of nearby AGN with mid-infrared interferometry (Konrad Tristram, MPIfR)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 03-03-2010
  • Delay/fringe rate mapping on a German LOFAR baseline
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 02-03-2010
  • A galaxy that was not there
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 01-03-2010
  • Looking beyond 3C61.1
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 26-02-2010
  • METIS and MICADO at the at the European – Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT).
  • Gabby Kroes
  • 25-02-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Pulsar Wind Nebulae Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum (Mallory Roberts, Eureka Scientific)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 24-02-2010
  • Heavenly bodies
  • Michael Garrett
  • 23-02-2010
  • Direction-Dependent Effects: Caught in the Wild!
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 22-02-2010
  • LOFAR Single Station Meeting
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 21-02-2010
  • LOFAR Winter BBQ
  • Lars Baehren
  • 19-02-2010
  • Magnetic control of massive stellar appetites
  • Huib Jan van Langevelde
  • 18-02-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way (Sungsoo Kim, Kyung Hee University, Korea)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 17-02-2010
  • The latest sporting craze - Supernova blast-wave surfing!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 16-02-2010
  • Netherlands Astronomical Society @ ASTRON
  • NAC
  • 15-02-2010
  • "Luxury" Problems of High Dynamic-Range Imaging
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 12-02-2010
  • Marcel Gilles Jozef Minnaert, born 12 February 1893 in Bruges, Belgium
  • Richard Strom
  • 11-02-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Mining the SDSS for BL Lac Objects (Richard Plotkin, Amsterdam)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 10-02-2010
  • Women in physics and astronomy
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 08-02-2010
  • High-resolution LOFAR image of 3C61.1
  • Reinout van Weeren (Sterrewacht Leiden)
  • 05-02-2010
  • First imaging results from EMBRACE
  • Stefan Wijnholds on behalf of the EMBRACE-team
  • 04-02-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Gamma-ray pulsars and their nebulae with Fermi (D. Smith, Bordeaux-Gradignan)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 03-02-2010
  • The first remote LOFAR busy week
  • George Heald and Ger van Diepen
  • 02-02-2010
  • Last week's colloquium: The Sources of Ionisation for the Gas in Early-type Galaxies (Marc Sarzi, Hertfordshire)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 01-02-2010
  • Measuring magnetic fields in the inner Milky Way
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 29-01-2010
  • Parkes rocks!
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 28-01-2010
  • A supernova faster than the others: the EVN+GBT array detects a mildly-relativistic outflow
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 27-01-2010
  • The Int. LOFAR Telescope (ILT) - a new chapter in Europe's successful collaboration in radio astronomy.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 26-01-2010
  • Spot the difference
  • Stefan Wijnholds on behalf of the EMBRACE-team
  • 25-01-2010
  • First light for the international LOFAR station in Potsdam
  • Prof. Gottfried Mann on behalf of the Astrophysikalische Institute Potsdam
  • 22-01-2010
  • Westerbork working hard during the Christmas holidays!
  • Raffaella Morganti & George Privon
  • 21-01-2010
  • Today's colloquium: The stellar populations and structure of the Milky Way analogue galaxy NGC 891 (Marina Rejkuba, ESO)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 20-01-2010
  • Snowball Diplomacy
  • Kristine Yun
  • 19-01-2010
  • UvA Students Brave the Snow to Learn About LOFAR and Radio Astronomy
  • Jason Hessels
  • 18-01-2010
  • Dr. Berciano Alba I presume?
  • Michael Garrett
  • 15-01-2010
  • The start of the Building Offensive
  • Hervé Jamin
  • 14-01-2010
  • Today's colloquium: Crab giant pulses: from radio to gamma-rays (V. Kondratiev, ASTRON)
  • Vladislav Kondratiev
  • 12-01-2010
  • LOFAR Roll out
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 11-01-2010
  • The New Year Speeches
  • Jan Noordam
  • 08-01-2010
  • e-MERLIN - Brotherly love!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 07-01-2010
  • A Rose in Winter
  • Albert van Duin
  • 06-01-2010
  • 11000001
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 29-12-2009
  • Promises to keep
  • Michael Garrett
  • 25-12-2009
  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 24-12-2009
  • Receiving Homage
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-12-2009
  • Cassiopeia A seen through LOFAR
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 22-12-2009
  • The Crab Pulsar with LOFAR
  • Tom Hassall (LOFAR Pulsar Working Group)
  • 21-12-2009
  • EXPReS project hailed as Extraordinarily Successful
  • Kristine Yun
  • 18-12-2009
  • MICADO the movie
  • Marco Drost
  • 17-12-2009
  • Sisterly Fringes
  • Jan Noordam
  • 16-12-2009
  • The importance of LOFAR HBA station calibration
  • Jason Hessels (LOFAR Pulsar Working Group)
  • 15-12-2009
  • Today's colloquium: The disc-jet coupling in X-ray binary systems (V. Tudose, ASTRON)
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 14-12-2009
  • WSRT graces Mayor
  • Peter Bennema
  • 12-12-2009
  • Watching LOFAR Grow Up
  • George Heald on behalf of the LOFAR collaboration
  • 11-12-2009
  • Arie Doorduin retires
  • Sjouke, Bauke, Gijs and Andre G.
  • 10-12-2009
  • Today's colloquium: The Astrobiological Implications of Near-Earth Asteroids (A. Harris, Berlin)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 09-12-2009
  • A prestigious grant for Marijke!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 08-12-2009
  • Star Trails and the Dwingeloo 25m
  • George Privon
  • 07-12-2009
  • New information panels at the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 04-12-2009
  • Aql X-1 in outburst
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 03-12-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Maser measurements of magnetic fields during Massive Star-formation (W. Vlemmings, Argelander Institut)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 02-12-2009
  • Come rain, come shine...
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 01-12-2009
  • From Dwingeloo with Love
  • Ian Heywood
  • 30-11-2009
  • SKA NL Industry Day
  • ASTRON SKA Programme Office
  • 27-11-2009
  • Twinkle twinkle little star
  • Tom Oosterloo & Paolo Serra
  • 26-11-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Pulsar science with the SKA (Roy Smits, ASTRON, U. of Manchester)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 25-11-2009
  • Exploring the Nature of the Rotating Radio Transients
  • Patrick Lazarus and Jason Hessels
  • 24-11-2009
  • LOFAR Low frequency all-sky snapshot image
  • Sef Welles
  • 23-11-2009
  • Ramesh Karuppusamy succesfully defends PhD thesis
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 20-11-2009
  • METIS at the European – Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT).
  • Gabby Kroes
  • 19-11-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Galaxy interactions and their impact on the observed properties of galaxies (P. di Matteo, Paris)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 18-11-2009
  • The LBA and HBA LOFAR Sky Above Effelsberg
  • James M Anderson
  • 17-11-2009
  • VVD Senate fraction visits Dwingeloo and Westerbork
  • Paul Boven
  • 16-11-2009
  • SPHERE-ZIMPOL first planet detected in the lab
  • Johan Pragt
  • 13-11-2009
  • International LOFAR Station Tautenburg completed
  • Annette Haas (on behalf of the Thuringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg Team)
  • 12-11-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Stars under stress - new results from neutron star seismology (Anna L. Watts, University of Amsterdam)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 11-11-2009
  • LOFAR stamp
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-11-2009
  • Galaxy Zoo at ASTRON
  • Hanny van Arkel
  • 09-11-2009
  • First fringes of EMBRACE
  • Stefan Wijnholds on behalf of the EMBRACE team
  • 06-11-2009
  • Onderzoek van de Melkweg (1980)
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 05-11-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Space Weather - An Applications Perspective (A. Glover, ESA)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 04-11-2009
  • Full-sky imaging with a single LOFAR baseline
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 03-11-2009
  • First e-VLBI with Badary
  • Arpad Szomoru
  • 02-11-2009
  • Acoustic quality of the anechoic chamber
  • Johan Pragt
  • 30-10-2009
  • Drifting with LOFAR
  • Ben Stappers
  • 29-10-2009
  • Today's Colloquim: Searching for Helical Magnetic Fields in AGN (Mehreen Mahmud, JIVE)
  • Mehreen Mahmud
  • 28-10-2009
  • A Radio Rosette nebula?
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 27-10-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Wideband Very Low Noise Amplifiers and Antenna Feeds (S. Weinreb, CALTECH)
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 26-10-2009
  • SPHERE-ZIMPOL aligned by team from ESO-Paranal and NOVA-ASTRON
  • Johan Pragt
  • 23-10-2009
  • LOFAR Pulsar Busy Week 4: Add it up!
  • Jason Hessels on behalf of the LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 22-10-2009
  • ASTRON "lucky bags" go down well with visitors from OCW
  • Michael Garrett
  • 21-10-2009
  • A Party for Richard Strom!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 19-10-2009
  • Lowest frequency LOFAR observation so far
  • Sarod Yatawatta and John McKean
  • 18-10-2009
  • Bezoek aan de Eemshaven 2009
  • Bert Poot
  • 17-10-2009
  • Bezoek aan de Eemshaven 2009
  • Bert Poot
  • 16-10-2009
  • The eventful life of elliptical galaxies
  • Paolo Serra
  • 15-10-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Aspects of precision polarimetry in radio astronomy (A. Carozzi, Glasgow)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 14-10-2009
  • DARIS 5-Star satellite configuration : Relative Orbits
  • Raj Thilak Rajan, Albert Jan Boonstra on behalf of the DARIS Team
  • 13-10-2009
  • X-shooter available for science
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 12-10-2009
  • The shape of things to come
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 11-10-2009
  • Liefhebbers instappen. 2009
  • Bert Poot
  • 09-10-2009
  • MCCT SKADS Workshop Nancay: Towards 3rd Generation Calibration
  • Steve Torchinsky
  • 08-10-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Determining the mass loss limit for close-in exoplanets (H. Lammer, Graz)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 07-10-2009
  • UNAWE - inspiring children with the wonders of the Universe!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 06-10-2009
  • X-shooter last minute repair
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 05-10-2009
  • ASKAP gets animated with Swinburne Astronomy Productions
  • Michael Garrett
  • 04-10-2009
  • Helix nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 02-10-2009
  • LOFAR fringes on long baselines
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 01-10-2009
  • Richard Strom 65 yr
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 30-09-2009
  • We'll make you an offer you can't refuse...!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 29-09-2009
  • We like to be on top of things
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 28-09-2009
  • World famous, not only in Dwingeloo
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 25-09-2009
  • Sensitivity of APERTIF front-end prototype makes sense!
  • APERTIF team
  • 24-09-2009
  • Today's colloquium: GASS in the lower Milky Way halo (N. McClure-Griffiths, ATNF)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 23-09-2009
  • Altered Images - new views of SKA
  • Michael Garrett
  • 22-09-2009
  • Visitors from Papenburg
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 21-09-2009
  • The Flux Lords
  • Jan Noordam
  • 18-09-2009
  • LOFAR superterp, as it will Never Be Seen again
  • Peter Bennema
  • 17-09-2009
  • An unequal pair
  • Nancy Irisarri
  • 16-09-2009
  • Seismic Interferometry Works!
  • Guy Drijkoningen (TU Delft)
  • 15-09-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Contemplating the Low Mass Star Formation Road Map to ALMA (D. Johnstone, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 13-09-2009
  • Prototype APERTIF ready for mounting
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 11-09-2009
  • LOFAR LBA image of the 3C196 field
  • George Heald on behalf of the Imaging Busy Week I Team
  • 10-09-2009
  • Today's colloquium: De spacegirls en de CanSat competitie (The Spacegirls, Assen)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 09-09-2009
  • Stars in their eyes!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 08-09-2009
  • Today's colloquium: High-Resolution Modelling of the Interstellar Medium in Spiral Galaxies (M. de Avillez, Evora)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 07-09-2009
  • Square Kilometre Array (SKA) timeline update
  • Michael Garrett
  • 04-09-2009
  • First Remote Astronomical Observations with Effelsberg LOFAR
  • James M Anderson
  • 03-09-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Dark matter in early-type galaxies: mapping dark haloes with integral-field spectrography (A.-M. Weijmans, Leiden)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 02-09-2009
  • HBA First Light at Effelsberg
  • James M Anderson
  • 01-09-2009
  • Twittering Antennas
  • Stefan Wijnholds on behalf of the LOFAR beam team
  • 31-08-2009
  • Five Dutch LOFAR stations online
  • Andre Gunst
  • 28-08-2009
  • BBS Global Gain Solutions
  • George Heald on behalf of the Imaging Busy Week I Team
  • 27-08-2009
  • Dislocaciones - Pictures at an Exhibition
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 26-08-2009
  • Today's colloquium: "The next 25 years of computer architecture?" (Peter Hofstee, IBM)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 25-08-2009
  • Apertif team
  • 24-08-2009
  • Modeling the Neutral Hydrogen of UGC 09519
  • Phil Cigan
  • 21-08-2009
  • Pulsar First Light for the LOFAR Low-Band Antennas
  • Jason Hessels on behalf of the LOFAR Pulsar and HPC Groups
  • 20-08-2009
  • LOFAR wide-field imaging with only 3 baselines !
  • Ger de Bruyn for the LOFAR calibration team
  • 19-08-2009
  • The intricacies of phased array telescopes
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 18-08-2009
  • ASTRON & RadioNet @ IAU XXVII General Assembly
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 17-08-2009
  • Ambassadors visit to ASTRON and JIVE
  • Michael Garrett
  • 14-08-2009
  • ASTRON borrel at the IAU!
  • Raffaella Morganti & Andre van Es
  • 13-08-2009
  • The Artist's Eye
  • Jan Noordam
  • 12-08-2009
  • First Tip/Tilt mirror prototype cryogenicly operational
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 11-08-2009
  • Summer Student Lecture
  • Valeriu Tudose
  • 10-08-2009
  • First fringes to the Miyun 50m radio telescope
  • Jun Yang
  • 07-08-2009
  • Digestif Active Element Test Box
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 06-08-2009
  • Samba kicks-off IAU carnival!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 05-08-2009
  • World Famous in Dwingeloo
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 04-08-2009
  • Summer Student Lecture
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 03-08-2009
  • Dragon's Teeth
  • Dion Kant
  • 31-07-2009
  • Optical Beamforming
  • Peter Maat
  • 30-07-2009
  • Completion of the First International LOFAR Station
  • James M Anderson
  • 29-07-2009
  • Status of the LOFAR station roll-out
  • Andre Gunst
  • 28-07-2009
  • Summer Student Lecture
  • Guiseppe Cimo
  • 26-07-2009
  • Play Ball!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 24-07-2009
  • 3500 EMBRACE elements in position!
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 23-07-2009
  • LOFAR HBA Progress at Effelsberg
  • James M Anderson
  • 22-07-2009
  • 1964: Questions in dutch parliament about Benelux cross antenna
  • Michel Arts
  • 21-07-2009
  • Summer Student Lecture
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 20-07-2009
  • EMBRACE Radôme Nançay
  • R.H.vandenBrink
  • 17-07-2009
  • ASTRON-built 2-PAD array under test
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 16-07-2009
  • Images from first LOFAR fringes
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 15-07-2009
  • LOFAR Polarization Busy Week
  • George Heald on behalf of the Polarization Busy Week Team
  • 14-07-2009
  • First Fringes for LOFAR!
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 13-07-2009
  • ASTRON astronomers make light work of pulsars!
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 12-07-2009
  • Harry for Ever
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-07-2009
  • EMBRACE in full-steam roll-out
  • EMBRACE team
  • 09-07-2009
  • Power, Responsibility, Leadership.
  • Harry van der Laan
  • 08-07-2009
  • Our Space Girls have won!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 07-07-2009
  • ASTRON/JIVE Summer student lectures 2009
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 06-07-2009
  • An Instant Classic
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-07-2009
  • Hanny's first scientific publication
  • Gyula I.G. Jozsa
  • 02-07-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Energy release and particle acceleration in solar flares and coronal mass ejections (L. Fletcher, Glasgow University)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 01-07-2009
  • The 8th International e-VLBI Workshop, Madrid, June 22-26
  • Harro Verkouter
  • 29-06-2009
  • Building CS302 - the first LOFAR station: V. Placement of the cabinets
  • LOFAR Roll Out Team (submitted by Michiel van Haarlem)
  • 26-06-2009
  • the Arecibo Science Advocacy Partnership
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 25-06-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Five years of Saturn lightning observations with Cassini (G. Fischer, IWF Graz)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 24-06-2009
  • First fringes to the new Kunming 40-m radio telescope
  • Jun YANG
  • 22-06-2009
  • Building CS302 - the first LOFAR station: IV. Placing the High Band Antennas
  • LOFAR Roll Out Team (submitted by Michiel van Haarlem)
  • 21-06-2009
  • The ASTRON kaboutertjes
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 19-06-2009
  • Pulsar Busy Week 3: Pulsar observations with the first full LOFAR station, CS302
  • LOFAR Pulsar Working Group and ASTRON High-Performance Computing Group
  • 18-06-2009
  • Today's colloquium: The direct detection of exo-planets (R. Waters, Amsterdam)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 17-06-2009
  • ASTRON patent paves the way to SKA
  • Jaap D.Bregman
  • 16-06-2009
  • AstroFest 2009
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 15-06-2009
  • Building CS302 - the first LOFAR station: III. Placing the Low Band Antennas
  • LOFAR Roll Out Team (submitted by Michiel van Haarlem)
  • 12-06-2009
  • First LOFAR TBB busy week
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier for the LOFAR TBB team
  • 11-06-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Harry van der Laan: SRZM 1967 - 1987: Exciting but turbulent years.
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 10-06-2009
  • Dwarf and lonely: a serendipitous HI discovery
  • Paolo Serra
  • 09-06-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Studying Fundamental Physics with Radio Astronomy (M. Kramer , Bonn)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 08-06-2009
  • Building CS302 - the first LOFAR station: II. Digging trenches and laying cables
  • LOFAR Roll Out Team (submitted by Michiel van Haarlem)
  • 05-06-2009
  • Building CS302 - the first LOFAR station: I. Flattening the field and setting out antenna positions
  • LOFAR Roll Out Team (submitted by Michiel van Haarlem)
  • 04-06-2009
  • An exploding star in an "exploding" galaxy
  • Andreas Brunthaler; Heino Falcke
  • 03-06-2009
  • The new DROP cluster
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 02-06-2009
  • Panoramic Radio Astronomy conference begins!
  • Paolo Serra
  • 01-06-2009
  • VIPS@Exloo
  • Michael Garrett
  • 29-05-2009
  • LOFAR from an airplane
  • Peter Bennema
  • 28-05-2009
  • Today's colloquium: An Automated Design-flow for FPGA-based Sequential Simulation, Pascal Wolkotte, U.Twente / Alcatel-Lucent
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 27-05-2009
  • The Nature of LOFAR
  • Michael Garrett
  • 26-05-2009
  • Westerbork Observes the Eclipses in a Unique Millisecond Pulsar Binary System
  • Jason Hessels, Joeri van Leeuwen, and Ben Stappers
  • 25-05-2009
  • Discovery of a Missing Link
  • Joeri van Leeuwen and Jason Hessels
  • 21-05-2009
  • PhD position in Galactic Magnetism and Radio Astronomy
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 20-05-2009
  • Astron turns 60
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 19-05-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Array processing and its application to radio astronomy (A. Leshem, Bar Ilan)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 18-05-2009
  • LOFAR et Emergo
  • Peter Bennema
  • 15-05-2009
  • B2 0722+30: A classical radio source hosted by a disc galaxy
  • Bjorn Emonts (ATNF)
  • 14-05-2009
  • Cyclostationary Spatial Filtering of Interference in LOFAR
  • Rym Feliachi and Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 13-05-2009
  • ASTRON builds one of UK SKADS arrays
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 12-05-2009
  • LOFAR station 302
  • Jan Noordam
  • 11-05-2009
  • The CART Mk2
  • Jan Kragt
  • 08-05-2009
  • ASTRON tweets!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 07-05-2009
  • Detection of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar
  • Tom Hassall
  • 06-05-2009
  • Distributed Aperture Array for Radio Astronomy In Space, DARIS
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 05-05-2009
  • De Bouw van een Radiotelescoop (1957)
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 04-05-2009
  • Control signaling of the LOFAR High Band Antenna tile
  • Eric Kooistra
  • 30-04-2009
  • Girls Day ASTRON&JIVE 2009
  • Boekhorst
  • 29-04-2009
  • European Pulsar Timing Array Members at ASTRON to Plan the Next Big "LEAP" in Pulsar Science
  • Jason Hessels
  • 28-04-2009
  • Contenda Forrest
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 27-04-2009
  • MeqTrees version 1.0 released
  • Jan Noordam for the MeqTrees team
  • 24-04-2009
  • RadioNet FP7 Kicks Off
  • André van Es
  • 23-04-2009
  • ASTRON at 60 - the digital celebration!
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 22-04-2009
  • Tomorrow's colloquium: The surprising Sun: Does the Sun have a subsolar metallicity? (M. Asplund, MPA)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 21-04-2009
  • A closer look at the Moon with lucky imaging
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 20-04-2009
  • Waste not, want not - a 327 MHz VLBA Survey
  • Michael Garrett
  • 19-04-2009
  • Spies everywhere....
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 17-04-2009
  • Veder prize-giving at ASTRON
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 16-04-2009
  • Today's Colloquium: Cryo-cooling (ter Brake, Twente)
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 15-04-2009
  • Pulsars & Ponies
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 14-04-2009
  • "High precision radio pulsar timing" doctorate granted
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 11-04-2009
  • The radio sky above LOFAR
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 10-04-2009
  • Easter
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 09-04-2009
  • Today's colloquium: what's happening in our backyard?
  • Robert Langenhuysen & Paul Boven
  • 08-04-2009
  • Radio, optical and UV light: how to turn a simple galaxy into a puzzle
  • Paolo Serra
  • 07-04-2009
  • More HALOGAS survey - UGC 2082
  • Gyula Jozsa
  • 06-04-2009
  • Introducing the WSRT HALOGAS Survey
  • George Heald
  • 05-04-2009
  • Buy them a drink sometime...
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 03-04-2009
  • 100 Hours of Astronomy
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 02-04-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Internal structure of galaxies along the red sequence (D. Krajnovic, Oxford)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 30-03-2009
  • The SEFD of Digestif
  • George Heald for the Apertif team
  • 27-03-2009
  • The classic warp of NGC 5907 revisited
  • Elizaveta Rastorgueva & Tom Oosterloo
  • 24-03-2009
  • Testing the second generation hextile
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 23-03-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Random fluctuations in the diffuse interstellar medium (A. Fletcher, Newcastle)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 20-03-2009
  • LOFAR station surface map
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 19-03-2009
  • Today's colloquium: High Precision Radio Pulsar Timing (G. Janssen, Amsterdam)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 18-03-2009
  • SPHERE, the VLT planet finder
  • Johan Pragt
  • 17-03-2009
  • Goodbye to Eva
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 16-03-2009
  • RFI in Portugal?
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 13-03-2009
  • Pulsar Busy Week 2
  • LOFAR Pulsar and High-Performance Computing Groups
  • 12-03-2009
  • Installation of the data network hardware at the LOFAR Central Processor completed
  • Peter Maat
  • 11-03-2009
  • Temporary Storage of the HBA-Tiles
  • Henri Meulman
  • 10-03-2009
  • MICADO Phase A
  • R.H.vandenBrink
  • 09-03-2009
  • 92nd meeting of the ASTRON board
  • Michael Garrett
  • 06-03-2009
  • HBA-Tile production at the LOFAR Assembly Unit
  • Henri Meulman
  • 05-03-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Strong Gravitational Lens Modeling: The Structure & Evolution of Early-type Galaxies to z=1 and beyond (L. Koopmans, Groningen)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 04-03-2009
  • Announcement: 8th International e-VLBI Workshop
  • Kristine Yun
  • 03-03-2009
  • WSRT finds supermassive binary black hole?
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 02-03-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Magnetic fields during high-mass star formation (Wouter Vlemmings)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 27-02-2009
  • First correlation between LOFAR CS010 and Nancay
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier (for the LOFAR-Nancay correlation team)
  • 26-02-2009
  • The X-shooter NIR spectrometer leaves for Paranal
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 25-02-2009
  • Molding the LBA-LNA
  • Henri Meulman
  • 24-02-2009
  • Three decades of gravitational lenses
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 23-02-2009
  • Wildlife on the LOFAR Core
  • Henri Meulman
  • 20-02-2009
  • First synthesis image using an FPA compound beam
  • Wim van Cappellen, George Heald, and Marianna Ivashina for the Apertif team
  • 19-02-2009
  • Placing the EMBRACE backend container
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 18-02-2009
  • Workshop on snow-planet interaction
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 17-02-2009
  • EMBRACE Centre Board
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 16-02-2009
  • LOFAR assembly unit
  • Henri Meulman
  • 13-02-2009
  • LOFAR Data Processing School
  • Lars Bahren
  • 12-02-2009
  • Goodbye THEA
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 11-02-2009
  • Successful tied-array beamforming
  • Pulsar & HPC teams
  • 10-02-2009
  • Scanning the sky with Digestif
  • George Heald for the Apertif team
  • 09-02-2009
  • The Parkes Galactic Meridian Survey (PGMS)
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 06-02-2009
  • First images made with the FABRIC software correlator
  • Yurii Pidopryhora
  • 05-02-2009
  • Today's colloquium: "Centaurus A - the nearest AGN" (by Frank Israel, Leiden)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 04-02-2009
  • First synthesis image Digestif & WSRT
  • Apertif team
  • 03-02-2009
  • e-VLBI kick-off at the IYA 2009 a great success
  • Paul Boven
  • 02-02-2009
  • 400 mm F/5 telescopes finished
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 30-01-2009
  • Full Wave EM simulation of a 7x8x2 Vivaldi Antenna Array
  • Oleg Iupikov, Rob Maaskant and Marianna Ivashina
  • 29-01-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Young Supernovae in Arp 299 and Related Starbursts (J. Ulvestad, NRAO)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 28-01-2009
  • Kickstarting the LOFAR LCUs
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 27-01-2009
  • ASTRON MT meets SAC
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 26-01-2009
  • EMBRACE Hexbox
  • Embrace Team
  • 23-01-2009
  • Simulated Cosmology
  • Tony Willis
  • 22-01-2009
  • Today's colloquium: The first stages of planet formation: how to grow from small to large (C.Ormel, MPIA Heidelberg)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 21-01-2009
  • Tribute to Peter Nijkamp
  • Michael Garrett
  • 20-01-2009
  • Three is a crowd
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 16-01-2009
  • Undergraduate Students Observe Pulsars with LOFAR
  • Jason Hessels
  • 15-01-2009
  • 2009: the International Year of Astronomy
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 14-01-2009
  • Tomorrow's Colloquium: Millisecond Pulsars (J. Hessels)
  • Jason Hessels
  • 13-01-2009
  • ASTRON colored the European Microwave Week 2008
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 12-01-2009
  • LofarTafel - sensing the Universe
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-01-2009
  • Dr Rense's Spiral - The Official Version
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 08-01-2009
  • Today's colloquium: Chemistry and Excitation of Molecular Gas in the Planetforming Region of Young Circumstellar Disks (Rowin Meijerink)
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 07-01-2009
  • NGC 1167: Interacting with its neighbour?
  • Christian Struve
  • 06-01-2009
  • LOFAR configurations - take two
  • Michael Garrett
  • 05-01-2009
  • Hydrogen in the Galactic plane by CAMRAS
  • Paul Boven
  • 02-01-2009
  • Hanny's Voorwerp seen from Beilen
  • Albert van Duin
  • 01-01-2009
  • Seasons greetings from Astron and Jive
  • Astron
  • 31-12-2008
  • Alien Ice
  • Jan Noordam
  • 30-12-2008
  • Icy Exloo 2008
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-12-2008
  • Born: The new AAVP logo
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 22-12-2008
  • WSRT time around the clock
  • Gyula I.G. Jozsa, Rene Vermeulen
  • 19-12-2008
  • Water in the early Universe
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 18-12-2008
  • Today's colloquium: New Insights into the Physics of Stellar Flares (R. Osten)
  • Griessmeier
  • 17-12-2008
  • The 2008 Great World Wide Star Count
  • Marijke Haverkorn
  • 16-12-2008
  • First fringes DIGESTIF - MFFE
  • APERTIF team (Wim van Cappellen)
  • 15-12-2008
  • Dedication of the eSMA
  • Huib Jan van Langevelde
  • 12-12-2008
  • The Spindle Unwound
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 11-12-2008
  • Girl Power
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 10-12-2008
  • Na zdorovje!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-12-2008
  • Radio observations of Hanny's Voorwerp and IC 2497
  • G.I.G. Jozsa, M.A. Garrett, T.A. Oosterloo, H. Rampadarath
  • 08-12-2008
  • LOFAR's first HBA station track
  • Joeri van Leeuwen for the pulsar working group
  • 06-12-2008
  • Panoramic Radio Astronomy
  • George Heald
  • 05-12-2008
  • The mysticism of Sinterklaas
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 04-12-2008
  • Today's colloquium: Between Stars and Planets: Simulation of Particle and Energy Transport by the Cosmic Plasma (U. Motschmann, TU Braunschweig)
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 03-12-2008
  • Venus occulted
  • Albert van Duin
  • 02-12-2008
  • A Successful Pulsar Busy Week for LOFAR
  • Jason Hessels on behalf of the LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
  • 01-12-2008
  • Hanny's Gebeurtenis
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-11-2008
  • The ultimate e-EVN milestone: 1 Gbps observations
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 27-11-2008
  • Hanny van Arkel - This week's colloquium speaker!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 25-11-2008
  • Checkmate!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 24-11-2008
  • 3C196 and the A-team
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 21-11-2008
  • The protection of Earth-like exoplanets against galactic cosmic rays
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 20-11-2008
  • EVN directors high in the sky
  • Huib Jan van Langevelde
  • 19-11-2008
  • Unshrouding LOFAR's station vision
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 18-11-2008
  • TADU operational
  • Arie Doorduin
  • 17-11-2008
  • Comparing faces: ASTRON & JIVE staff of 1980 and 2008
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 14-11-2008
  • Connecting Oases of Knowledge
  • Alister Bailey
  • 13-11-2008
  • Today's colloquium: Dark matter and modified dynamics: observational clues (G. Gentile)
  • Griessmeier
  • 12-11-2008
  • Microstrip phased-array antennas and printed reflectarrays
  • Marianna Ivashina
  • 11-11-2008
  • First pulsar detection by CAMRAS
  • Paul Boven
  • 10-11-2008
  • ASTRON/JIVE Open Day: A Big Succes
  • Harm Jan Stiepel
  • 07-11-2008
  • Goodbye Titus and Henny
  • Jan Noordam
  • 06-11-2008
  • Today's colloquium: Radio telescopes rooted in Miyun observatory: past, present and future (B. Peng)
  • J.-M. Griessmeier
  • 05-11-2008
  • The hot and cold outflows in NGC 3079
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 04-11-2008
  • A useful tool for RFI mitigation
  • Peter Fridman
  • 03-11-2008
  • Sucking Up (to) the Sun
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 31-10-2008
  • ITR's and NOTES Distribution
  • Roelof Kiers
  • 30-10-2008
  • Newest ASTRON astronomer wins CAGS08 award
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 29-10-2008
  • Big is Beautiful: e-VLBI with and without Effelsberg
  • Michael Garrett
  • 28-10-2008
  • 60 years ago: the first meeting of the SRZM board
  • Richard Strom
  • 27-10-2008
  • Marianna Ivashina
  • 24-10-2008
  • Measured DIGESTIF scanning compound beam
  • APERTIF team (Wim van Cappellen)
  • 23-10-2008
  • Today's colloquium: The trial and transport of cosmic metals
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 22-10-2008
  • WoW: Westerbork on the Web, a database of reduced WSRT data
  • Lilith Grassi & Raffaella Morganti
  • 20-10-2008
  • LOFAR receiver unit in production
  • Menno Norden
  • 18-10-2008
  • The lopsided HI disk of UGC 11891
  • George Heald
  • 16-10-2008
  • Today's colloquium: Planet formation (J. Blum)
  • J.-M. Griessmeier
  • 15-10-2008
  • Astrophysics in the E-LOFAR era
  • Lars Bähren, Corina Vogt, Michiel van Haarlem
  • 14-10-2008
  • Measured DIGESTIF beam patterns
  • APERTIF team (Wim van Cappellen)
  • 10-10-2008
  • Home sweet home: Aziz in Sweden!
  • Margreet Bakker (Avenance)
  • 09-10-2008
  • Today's colloquium: Observing in the far-infrared: Herschel-HIFI and beyond
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 07-10-2008
  • Production LOFAR cable assemblies
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 06-10-2008
  • LBA-LNA under test
  • Henri Meulman
  • 02-10-2008
  • Today's colloquium: Stellar Winds and Mass Loss: mechanisms, stellar evolution, interstellar medium (H. Lamers, Utrecht)
  • Griessmeier
  • 01-10-2008
  • The Medusa galaxy merger
  • Eva Juette
  • 30-09-2008
  • 400 years of the telescope
  • Michael Garrett
  • 29-09-2008
  • LOFAR RF station at Chios (Greece)
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 25-09-2008
  • Today's colloquium: Effects of internal geomagnetic variations on the Earth’s space environment and the middle atmosphere
  • Griessmeier
  • 23-09-2008
  • Ship Ahoy!
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 22-09-2008
  • Capped
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 17-09-2008
  • LOFAR concentrator node building installed
  • Andre Gunst
  • 16-09-2008
  • EMBRACE tile under test
  • Steve Torchinsky
  • 15-09-2008
  • The LOFAR LBA-LNA in production
  • Henri Meulman
  • 12-09-2008
  • Final touches of the ASTRON huisstijl!
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 11-09-2008
  • Cosmic Bullseye!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 10-09-2008
  • Tomorrow's colloquium: Radio pulsars and instrument innovation for supernovae/gravitational-wave research
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 09-09-2008
  • Making an Impact in Chicago
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 08-09-2008
  • The LOFAR Central Core in Exloo
  • Peter Bennema
  • 07-09-2008
  • The LOFAR superterp from the air
  • Peter Bennema, Jan Noordam
  • 05-09-2008
  • A Summer in Drenthe
  • Paolo Serra
  • 04-09-2008
  • Colloquium September 4, 2008 by A. Marecki (Torun CfA): "Post-active galaxies - more ubiquitous than we thought before"
  • Antonis Polatidis
  • 03-09-2008
  • Bye, Bye, Pavilion Zuid
  • Lars Bähren
  • 02-09-2008
  • Has anyone ever told galaxies that "good fences make good neighbours"?
  • Paolo Serra
  • 01-09-2008
  • TADUmax fringes
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 29-08-2008
  • The advantages of moving to Germany
  • Madroon E.J., Ranting.
  • 26-08-2008
  • New telescope?
  • 25-08-2008
  • Afscheid Bert Geerken
  • Michael Garrett
  • 22-08-2008
  • LOFAR at the YERAC
  • Christian Struve
  • 21-08-2008
  • (partial) lunar eclipse 16/8/2008
  • Harro Verkouter
  • 18-08-2008
  • Pictures of an Exhibition
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 15-08-2008
  • Improving seeing with Lucky Imaging
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 13-08-2008
  • First fringes with the Blue Gene/P correlator
  • John Romein
  • 12-08-2008
  • Galileo / GALSEE linear to circular polarity converter
  • Frans Schreuder
  • 10-08-2008
  • The Sun doing a flyby
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Michiel Brentjens
  • 08-08-2008
  • Venus Express @ Metsahovi
  • Dmitry Duev
  • 07-08-2008
  • Dwingeloo 1 & 2 revisited (again)
  • Tom Oosterloo & Gyula Jozsa
  • 06-08-2008
  • What is feeding the monster in Centaurus A?
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 05-08-2008
  • SKA - the movie!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 04-08-2008
  • Bob's Yearly Smile
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-08-2008
  • Drifting lazily on a summer afternoon
  • Paul Boven
  • 31-07-2008
  • Astrofest 2008
  • Giuseppe Cimo
  • 30-07-2008
  • Maternity Leave
  • Marja Carnal en Patricia Breman
  • 29-07-2008
  • Female visitor programme
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 28-07-2008
  • EMBRACE Centre Board
  • Sieds Damstra, Erik van der Wal, Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 25-07-2008
  • Watching a galaxy forming
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 24-07-2008
  • Hexboard environmental testing
  • Embrace Team
  • 23-07-2008
  • LOFAR sub-rack
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek
  • 22-07-2008
  • ASTRON presents new logo
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 21-07-2008
  • Bird's Eye View of the Super Terp
  • Peter Bennema
  • 18-07-2008
  • Hextile
  • Embrace Team
  • 17-07-2008
  • LOFAR field work has started
  • Peter Bennema
  • 16-07-2008
  • A touch of Color
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 15-07-2008
  • I can see for miles and miles!
  • Mike Garrett
  • 14-07-2008
  • Blazar in galaxy Markarian 501
  • Albert van Duin
  • 11-07-2008
  • e-EVN detection of the candidate radio counterpart of a gamma-ray source
  • Alfonso Trejo and Zsolt Paragi
  • 10-07-2008
  • All the colors of the rainbow, and then some
  • Paul Boven
  • 09-07-2008
  • A CART without a Horse
  • Dean Chalmers and Tony Willis
  • 08-07-2008
  • 7th international e-VLBI workshop, Shanghai
  • Charles Yun
  • 07-07-2008
  • On the Move
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 04-07-2008
  • Hup LOFAR hup!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 03-07-2008
  • Our Core Business
  • Jan Noordam
  • 02-07-2008
  • The first LOFAR board in production!
  • Menno Norden, Gijs Schoonderbeek, Adriaan Renting
  • 01-07-2008
  • Saving the Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Paul Boven and Lars Bahren
  • 30-06-2008
  • Lenticulars over CASLEO
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 27-06-2008
  • Mown around HBA
  • R.H.vandenBrink
  • 26-06-2008
  • Aziz on the Moon
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 24-06-2008
  • Fine feathered friends!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 22-06-2008
  • Sunny Future
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 20-06-2008
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 17-06-2008
  • Low-frequency pulsar science
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 16-06-2008
  • Norwegian ambassador visits ASTRON & JIVE
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-06-2008
  • SETI experts descend on Dwingeloo
  • Michael Garrett
  • 11-06-2008
  • Quasar near the edge of the visible Universe
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 10-06-2008
  • PrepSKA - the SKA just got serious!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 09-06-2008
  • The Yebes 40-m Telescope joins the European VLBI Network
  • Stefanie Muehle
  • 06-06-2008
  • ALMA Band 9: Production of 208 mirrors started
  • Johan Pragt
  • 05-06-2008
  • Final IAP Drenthe progress meeting
  • IAP Drenthe
  • 04-06-2008
  • Eva und Marcus
  • Corina Vogt
  • 03-06-2008
  • Hands-on RF
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 02-06-2008
  • Turning soil for EMBRACE at WSRT
  • Arnold van Ardenne
  • 30-05-2008
  • Live demo of e-VLBI from four continents
  • Kristine Yun
  • 29-05-2008
  • FLOWPAD^3 passive demonstrator ready
  • RaYmond van den Brink
  • 28-05-2008
  • A Consummate Insider
  • Jan Noordam
  • 27-05-2008
  • The right tool for the right job
  • Peter Fridman
  • 25-05-2008
  • First meeting of the SKA Science & Engineering Committee
  • Michael Garrett
  • 23-05-2008
  • LOFAR/CS1 observes Jupiter in outburst
  • Casey Law
  • 22-05-2008
  • Highly recycled pulsar discovered -- culprit unknown
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 21-05-2008
  • Royal attention for LOFAR
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 20-05-2008
  • The Crab Pulsar and Nebula
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-05-2008
  • Traditional wedding ceremony in Pakistan. Engagement of Shafaat Ali and Nida.
  • Marianna Ivashina
  • 16-05-2008
  • The Dwingeloo Radio Telescope moves again
  • Paul Boven
  • 15-05-2008
  • In Search of Failure and Serendipity
  • Jan Noordam and Vincent Icke
  • 14-05-2008
  • The second Giove-B spectrum recorded by the WSRT
  • Hans van der Marel and Koos Kegel
  • 13-05-2008
  • The first Giove-B spectrum recorded by the WSRT
  • Hans van der Marel
  • 07-05-2008
  • NAC 1941 (the first)
  • OC NAC 2008
  • 06-05-2008
  • ASTRON/JIVE, c'est une famille
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-05-2008
  • The father of radio astronomy in the Netherlands?
  • Richard Strom
  • 29-04-2008
  • LOFAR weekly status meeting
  • Jan Noordam
  • 28-04-2008
  • Our (step-) sister institute in Munich
  • Jean-Mathias Griessmeier
  • 25-04-2008
  • Single Pulses from Pulsar B0329+54 with LOFAR HBAs
  • Jason Hessels (with B. Stappers, R. Karuppusamy, & J. Masters)
  • 24-04-2008
  • MIRI_Deck of Leicester University: final and crucial production by ASTRON
  • Johan Pragt
  • 23-04-2008
  • The Foundation is 59 years old
  • Richard Strom
  • 22-04-2008
  • CascadeRun 2008
  • CascadeRun-Team
  • 21-04-2008
  • A Student LOFAR Antenna
  • Ralph Spencer
  • 18-04-2008
  • X-Shooter left the building
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 17-04-2008
  • Gas in gas-poor galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti & Tom Oosterloo
  • 15-04-2008
  • Embrace Hex-board
  • Erik van der Wal
  • 14-04-2008
  • Twin Quasar
  • Albert van Duin
  • 11-04-2008
  • EXPReS sluit je aan
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 09-04-2008
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 08-04-2008
  • Effelsberg joins the e-EVN
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 07-04-2008
  • Driving Down the Differences
  • Tony Willis
  • 04-04-2008
  • Parbhu
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-04-2008
  • EXPReS style
  • Kristine Yun
  • 02-04-2008
  • Centaurus A: Infall or a circumnuclear disk?
  • Christian Struve
  • 01-04-2008
  • ASTRON scoops the Higgs!
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 31-03-2008
  • Founding fathers in Veldhoven
  • Michel Arts
  • 28-03-2008
  • A polar ring of neutral hydrogen around an Atlas3D galaxy
  • Paolo Serra
  • 27-03-2008
  • FPA Jigsaw puzzle
  • APERTIF team (Wim van Cappellen)
  • 26-03-2008
  • Easter 2008
  • Paul Boven
  • 24-03-2008
  • ASTRON signs agreement concerning finance of LOFAR area
  • Femke Boekhorst
  • 21-03-2008
  • X-Shooter: Mission accomplished
  • Rik ter Horst/ Ramon Navarro
  • 20-03-2008
  • From the Horsehead nebula to Horseshoes
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 19-03-2008
  • Citius, Altius, Fortius
  • Apertif team
  • 18-03-2008
  • RadioNet-FP7: Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe
  • Michael Garrett
  • 17-03-2008
  • Towards a Common Language
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-03-2008
  • Come NAC with us!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-03-2008
  • Second astronomical image with an FPA
  • Tom Oosterloo (for the APERTIF team)
  • 12-03-2008
  • One week of TBB data.
  • Andreas Horneffer
  • 11-03-2008
  • EXPReS, a global leader in Bled
  • Kristine Yun
  • 10-03-2008
  • Twinkle, twinkle little star
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 07-03-2008
  • Human Capital
  • Jan Noordam
  • 06-03-2008
  • New Astron Tool
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 05-03-2008
  • First astronomical image with an FPA
  • Tom Oosterloo (for the APERTIF team)
  • 04-03-2008
  • Owl Clan
  • Nico Vermaas
  • 01-03-2008
  • Missing magnetic fields in NGC 6946
  • George Heald
  • 29-02-2008
  • Bedrijfs Hulp Verlening
  • Sjouke Kuindersma
  • 28-02-2008
  • Simultaneous overlapping FPA beams in a deep dish
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 27-02-2008
  • LOFAR as a passive radar
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 26-02-2008
  • Heart of Gold
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 25-02-2008
  • MIRI Spectrometer Main Optics Flight Model Vibration Test
  • Michael Meijers
  • 22-02-2008
  • Cross over Leyden
  • Roelof Kiers
  • 21-02-2008
  • Deep LOFAR HBA Image
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 20-02-2008
  • Pioneers in international Business
  • Ronald Halfwerk
  • 19-02-2008
  • A New Dawn
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 15-02-2008
  • Farewell to Hayley and Cormac
  • Huib Jan van Langevelde & Bob Campbell
  • 14-02-2008
  • LOFAR image with HBA tiles
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 13-02-2008
  • LOFAR HBA Tile in Action
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 11-02-2008
  • A dream has come true...
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 06-02-2008
  • e-EVN observes gamma binary LSI +61 303 in MAGIC collaboration campaign
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 05-02-2008
  • EXPReS Progress and Board Meetings
  • Kristine Yun
  • 04-02-2008
  • Obscured Galaxy IC342
  • Albert van Duin
  • 31-01-2008
  • More women at ASTRON!?
  • Raffaella Morganti (for the Diversity Committee)
  • 30-01-2008
  • First LOFAR PhD thesis
  • Lars Bähren
  • 29-01-2008
  • ESKAC - e pluribus unum!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 28-01-2008
  • Firmware update of all LOFAR receiver units
  • Andre Gunst, Gijs Schoonderbeek, Menno Norden and Marchel Gerbers
  • 25-01-2008
  • Richard Schilizzi - the Dwingeloo years.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 24-01-2008
  • First laboratory light of JWST-MIRI
  • Rieks Jager
  • 23-01-2008
  • "The Bug" has been squashed!
  • Michiel Brentjens (On behalf of the CS-1 commisioning team)
  • 22-01-2008
  • To infinity and beyond (2007 version)
  • Tom Oosterloo (for the AstroGroup)
  • 21-01-2008
  • Rainy days
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 16-01-2008
  • E-LOFAR calibration challenges - the cruel sea ?
  • Michael Garrett
  • 15-01-2008
  • Food for the monster?
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 14-01-2008
  • X-shooter NIR Spectrograph Mirror 6
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 11-01-2008
  • Search for Exoplanets
  • Ronald Roelfsema
  • 10-01-2008
  • Sources from the DEVOS survey
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 09-01-2008
  • DIGESTIF preview
  • Tom Oosterloo en Oleg Smirnov
  • 08-01-2008
  • North America nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 07-01-2008
  • HAST
  • Henri Meulman
  • 04-01-2008
  • e-VLBI Observing Opportunities with the EVN
  • Kristine Yun
  • 03-01-2008
  • fractional sampling rate conversion system implementation in WSRT
  • Ronald de Wild
  • 02-01-2008
  • Striding into 2008
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 31-12-2007
  • Skating into 2008
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 24-12-2007
  • Seasons greetings from Astron and Jive
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 23-12-2007
  • Skating on Thin Ice
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 21-12-2007
  • SMO twin joined together
  • Gabby Kroes
  • 20-12-2007
  • Magnetic Field Structure in NGC 4569
  • George Heald
  • 19-12-2007
  • LOFAR weathers the elements
  • Menno Norden
  • 18-12-2007
  • X-shooter First Light
  • Ramón Navarro
  • 17-12-2007
  • LOFAR HBA tiles are moved apart
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 14-12-2007
  • eVLBI: First real-time1Gb/s fringes
  • Paul Boven
  • 13-12-2007
  • Dag Ria
  • Marja Carnal
  • 12-12-2007
  • FLOWPAD^3 Flexible Antenna Plating at MECO Equipment Engineers
  • Bernard Enthoven
  • 11-12-2007
  • First Ground-Layer Adaptive-Optics System for General Astronomical Observations
  • Ton Schoenmaker
  • 10-12-2007
  • ASTRON’s ultimate responsibility to provide MIRI the best focus
  • Ad Oudenhuysen
  • 07-12-2007
  • MIRI SMO Flight Model Integration
  • Gabby Kroes and Sandra Eggens
  • 06-12-2007
  • The ROCR
  • Hanno Holties
  • 05-12-2007
  • And they all came to Amsterdam...
  • Lars Bähren
  • 04-12-2007
  • Progress on X-Shooter
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 03-12-2007
  • PV & Treasure Mountain
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 30-11-2007
  • LOFAR Snapshot Movie
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 29-11-2007
  • The NorthStar family
  • Hanno Holties
  • 28-11-2007
  • Cabaret!
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 27-11-2007
  • The PHAD Comes to Life!
  • Tom Burgess and Tony Willis
  • 23-11-2007
  • Large Antenna Array Simulations
  • Rob Maaskant
  • 22-11-2007
  • One working LOFAR HBA tile!
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 21-11-2007
  • Sometimes seeing nothing is the best.
  • Andreas Horneffer
  • 20-11-2007
  • Classic Beauty
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 19-11-2007
  • X-Shooter Camera assembly
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 17-11-2007
  • Rampant Symbolism
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 16-11-2007
  • Meni MIDI Mici
  • Walter Jaffe
  • 15-11-2007
  • The LOFAR sky from Effelsberg
  • Peter Mueller and Stefan Wijnholds
  • 14-11-2007
  • EMBRACE project team
  • 13-11-2007
  • Cosmic Bluebottle
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 12-11-2007
  • X-shooter Extreme-Light-Weight Balance Arm
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 09-11-2007
  • 24
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 08-11-2007
  • EMBRACE project team
  • 07-11-2007
  • 35 years of Jaap Bregman
  • Jan Noordam
  • 06-11-2007
  • The dark galaxy that isn't
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 05-11-2007
  • X-shooter prisms mounted in their housing
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 02-11-2007
  • Valorisatie
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 01-11-2007
  • Hiep Hiep Harvey
  • Jan Noordam
  • 31-10-2007
  • "Houston, we have no problems"
  • Hanno Holties
  • 29-10-2007
  • Opening of WRC2007
  • CRAF
  • 26-10-2007
  • ET phone home!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 25-10-2007
  • Orionid meteor
  • Albert van Duin
  • 24-10-2007
  • The Look and Feel of LOFAR
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Jan Noordam
  • 23-10-2007
  • ASTRON/JIVE Open Dag 2007
  • Lars Bähren
  • 22-10-2007
  • Radio jets and gas: they don't go well together
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 21-10-2007
  • The Dwingeloo Telescope - a top monument
  • Mark Bentum
  • 18-10-2007
  • eVLBI around the world
  • Paul Boven
  • 16-10-2007
  • Appealing Peeling
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 15-10-2007
  • MIRI folding flat
  • Menno de Haan
  • 12-10-2007
  • Sunset
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 11-10-2007
  • Dwingeloo 1 revisited
  • Albert van Duin
  • 10-10-2007
  • Jeanette Roorda
  • 09-10-2007
  • The many lives of radio galaxies
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 08-10-2007
  • Radio Sky on three days with LOFAR
  • V.N.Pandey, Joris van Zwieten, Ger de Bruyn, Marcel Loose & Ronald Nijboer
  • 05-10-2007
  • LOFAR on the Moon
  • Heino Falcke
  • 04-10-2007
  • Measured DIGESTIF FPA Element patterns
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 03-10-2007
  • Corrector lens in D-box
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 02-10-2007
  • Small galaxies are cooler than people think
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 27-09-2007
  • The Pelican Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 26-09-2007
  • Alignment verification of MIRI's Spectrometer Main Optics
  • Ad Oudenhuysen
  • 25-09-2007
  • Multi Culti
  • Jan Noordam
  • 24-09-2007
  • X-Shooter Prisms
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 21-09-2007
  • ET phone home!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 20-09-2007
  • Pioneering PFA's
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 19-09-2007
  • Near and Far
  • Albert van Duin
  • 18-09-2007
  • Chinese-Australian-European e-VLBI fringes
  • Kristine yun
  • 17-09-2007
  • Prof. Ronald Bracewell (1921-2007)
  • Michael Garrett
  • 15-09-2007
  • Bezoek aan Beeld en Geluid_3
  • BertPoot
  • 14-09-2007
  • Explaining the SMART-1 diffraction patterns
  • Sergei Pogrebenko
  • 13-09-2007
  • The dark side of SAURON
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 12-09-2007
  • Shapelets to the rescue
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 11-09-2007
  • BHV practice
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 10-09-2007
  • The humble HBA groundplane
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 09-09-2007
  • Bezoek aan Beeld en Geluid_1
  • Bert Poot
  • 08-09-2007
  • Bezoek aan Beeld en Geluid_2
  • Bert Poot
  • 07-09-2007
  • X-Shooter D-box
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 06-09-2007
  • What you see depends on where you stand
  • Gabriele Surcis & Hayley Bignall
  • 05-09-2007
  • LOFAR highband antennas in action
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 04-09-2007
  • PHAROS team inspecting the Lovell dish
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 03-09-2007
  • First light DIGESTIF
  • Wim van Cappellen, Tom Oosterloo
  • 31-08-2007
  • Miniaturization of electronic components
  • Henri Meulman
  • 30-08-2007
  • Boolardy
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 29-08-2007
  • Darts anyone?
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 28-08-2007
  • eVLBI fringes from down under
  • Zsolt Paragi (for Arpad Szomoru)
  • 27-08-2007
  • MIRI Gravity Release Test
  • Michael Meijers
  • 24-08-2007
  • Dwingeloo 1 Galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 23-08-2007
  • Lang zal ze leven... - the Lovell telescope at 50.
  • Michael Garrett
  • 22-08-2007
  • HI Absorption in 3C433
  • George Privon
  • 21-08-2007
  • The soft underbelly of a LOFAR HBA
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 20-08-2007
  • Perseids over Dwingeloo
  • Paul Boven
  • 17-08-2007
  • Pushchino SKADS simulation meeting
  • Jan Noordam
  • 16-08-2007
  • Ruysdael over LOFAR CS10
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 15-08-2007
  • Sensing the atmosphere above La Palma
  • Ton Schoenmaker
  • 13-08-2007
  • Interacting Antennas
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 12-08-2007
  • Don't Panic!
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 10-08-2007
  • Peeling the A-team
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 09-08-2007
  • Italian interest in LOFAR HBA
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 08-08-2007
  • LOFAR station work
  • Marchel Gerbers / Henri Meulman
  • 07-08-2007
  • The first 512 Mbps e-EVN image from six stations
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 06-08-2007
  • The innards of a LOFAR HBA element
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 05-08-2007
  • While you were sleeping
  • Tony Willis
  • 03-08-2007
  • Summertime @ ASTRON
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 02-08-2007
  • The EMBRACE design team beats management bet!
  • Klaas Visser
  • 01-08-2007
  • The future look of reflector telescopes?
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 31-07-2007
  • The march of the generations
  • Jan Noordam
  • 30-07-2007
  • Grote Reber ceremony
  • Mike Garrett
  • 29-07-2007
  • recycling and shielding
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 27-07-2007
  • Prototype composite dishes at HartRAO, South Africa (left) and HIA, Canada (right) .
  • Colin Greenwood
  • 26-07-2007
  • Grote Reber - ASTRON salutes an early pioneer of radio astronomy
  • Michael Garrett
  • 25-07-2007
  • First production tile of the MWA
  • Bob Sault & Jan Noordam
  • 24-07-2007
  • Evolution of a LOFAR HBA antenna
  • Henri Meulman
  • 23-07-2007
  • Dwingeloo Telescoop elevates again !
  • Mark Bentum
  • 20-07-2007
  • LOFAR HBA test field
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 19-07-2007
  • What Dunnit?
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 18-07-2007
  • ESD on LOFAR HBA Front-end Receiver
  • Henri Meulman
  • 17-07-2007
  • Cosmic Ray sensor
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 16-07-2007
  • Butterfly Nebula and Gamma Cygni
  • Albert van Duin
  • 13-07-2007
  • Visualizing LOFAR data
  • Joe Masters
  • 12-07-2007
  • O tempora, O mores...
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 11-07-2007
  • X-Shooter Collimator and Dispersion boxes
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 10-07-2007
  • Come rain, come shine...
  • Anton Smit
  • 09-07-2007
  • Kabouter Plop
  • R.H. van den Brink
  • 06-07-2007
  • 40 Years of Very Long Baseline Interferometry
  • Michael Garrett
  • 05-07-2007
  • LOFAR Core Station CS1 spectral occupancy statistics
  • Albert Jan Boonstra and Harmen Jeurink
  • 04-07-2007
  • Disco Sky
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 03-07-2007
  • First Detection of a Pulsar with CS1
  • Ramesh Karuppusamy & Ben Stappers
  • 02-07-2007
  • The best things are transient
  • Giuseppe Cimo and Hayley Bignall
  • 29-06-2007
  • Radio polarimetry in 2.5D
  • Drs Brentjens
  • 28-06-2007
  • First Light X-Shooter
  • Ramon Navarro
  • 27-06-2007
  • A local boy makes good
  • Madroon, E.J.
  • 26-06-2007
  • Satellites over Borger-Odoorn
  • Albert Jan Boonstra and Harmen Jeurink
  • 25-06-2007
  • EMBRACE amplifier chip works!
  • Mark Ruiter
  • 22-06-2007
  • Disseminating knowledge through SKADS
  • A. van Ardenne
  • 21-06-2007
  • Simulating the effective area of a LOFAR high band antenna
  • Michel Arts
  • 20-06-2007
  • A summer planetary nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 19-06-2007
  • MIRI Verification Model Integration
  • Michael Meijers
  • 18-06-2007
  • FAST
  • Nico Ebbendorf
  • 15-06-2007
  • Last trip of VLBI tapes
  • Jan Buiter
  • 14-06-2007
  • Where is Cygnus?
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Jan Noordam
  • 13-06-2007
  • Entering the 4C catalog
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Jan Noordam
  • 12-06-2007
  • ducati - campione del mondo superbike
  • Pieter Benthem
  • 11-06-2007
  • 70 nm Low Noise Amplifier
  • Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
  • 07-06-2007
  • Daily Image on the Big Screen
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 06-06-2007
  • placement of the first LOFAR HBA antennas on CS10
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 05-06-2007
  • Cosmic drizzle
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 04-06-2007
  • Telescope console
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 01-06-2007
  • FPA's in the focus
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 31-05-2007
  • 'First Light' of GLAS on La Palma
  • Ton Schoenmaker
  • 29-05-2007
  • Ventspils Radio Telescope
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 24-05-2007
  • placement of the first HBA tiles on a LOFAR core station
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 23-05-2007
  • Where is Cygnus A?
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Ger de Bruyn
  • 22-05-2007
  • Astrophysics in the LOFAR era
  • Lars Bähren
  • 21-05-2007
  • ASTRON bestuur bid farewell to Harvey and Eugene
  • Mike Garrett
  • 16-05-2007
  • ITS becomes DIGESTIF
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 15-05-2007
  • Our Volleyball Heroes
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 14-05-2007
  • FUFA project closure
  • Koos Kegel
  • 09-05-2007
  • A triplet in Leo
  • Albert van Duin
  • 07-05-2007
  • A Room with a View in Westerbork
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 04-05-2007
  • Photofinish
  • Paul Boven
  • 03-05-2007
  • JCMT receiver cabin
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 02-05-2007
  • First light on the EXPReS network
  • Paul Boven
  • 01-05-2007
  • Whirlpool Galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 27-04-2007
  • 28 April: Jan Oort's birthday
  • Richard Strom
  • 26-04-2007
  • Curtain for the LOFAR Initial Test Station (ITS)
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 25-04-2007
  • The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, it is in ourselves...
  • Hayley Bignall
  • 24-04-2007
  • Polarised Radio Emission from a Magnetar
  • Ben Stappers
  • 23-04-2007
  • Stichting Radiostraling Zon en Melkweg (SRZM) founded 23 April 1949
  • Richard Strom
  • 20-04-2007
  • Where is Cas A?
  • Sarod Yatawatta & Jan Noordam
  • 19-04-2007
  • JIVE/ASTRON Running Team
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 18-04-2007
  • MIDIR high-resolution spectrometer for the mid-infrared
  • Ton Schoenmaker
  • 17-04-2007
  • April 17, opening of the Dwingeloo telescope
  • Richard Strom
  • 12-04-2007
  • The sun rising above the HBAs in Exloo
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 11-04-2007
  • Stellar Nursery
  • Albert van Duin
  • 10-04-2007
  • JWST MIRI Spectrometer Main Optics under optical testing
  • Rieks Jager
  • 04-04-2007
  • Sproing!
  • Mona Moren, Eloy Acedo
  • 03-04-2007
  • The shadow of a mountain
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 02-04-2007
  • PV visit to KNMI in De Bilt
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 30-03-2007
  • LOFAR goes international
  • Menno Norden
  • 29-03-2007
  • HBA in the air!
  • Marco Drost
  • 28-03-2007
  • Looking at the heart of radio galaxies
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 27-03-2007
  • The methanol belt of Cepheus
  • Kalle Torstensson and Huib van Langevelde
  • 26-03-2007
  • A large neighbour galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 23-03-2007
  • First Light on RxWB
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 22-03-2007
  • The complex behaviour of LADS
  • Hayley Bignall
  • 21-03-2007
  • Worldwide Public GPS Receivers
  • James M Anderson
  • 20-03-2007
  • U Herculis, it still moves (at a distance of 266pc)!
  • Wouter Vlemmings and Huib van Langevelde
  • 19-03-2007
  • Waving goodbye to Dysi
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 16-03-2007
  • Science in Action
  • Sergei Pogrebenko
  • 15-03-2007
  • High energy emission from magnetars
  • Hayley Bignall
  • 14-03-2007
  • Perfect Fit
  • Juergen Morawietz
  • 13-03-2007
  • EMBRACE Centre Board
  • Sieds Damstra
  • 12-03-2007
  • A Galaxy and a Planetary Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 08-03-2007
  • A galaxy being blown apart
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 07-03-2007
  • Alcoholic masers wear polaroid sunglasses
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 06-03-2007
  • CSO: an eSMA partner telescope
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 02-03-2007
  • Sculpting the FPA beamshapes
  • Tony Willis
  • 01-03-2007
  • To infinity and beyond......
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 28-02-2007
  • The DIGESTIF focal plane array demonstrator
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 27-02-2007
  • Fire Alarm at ASTRON/JIVE
  • Juergen Morawietz
  • 26-02-2007
  • 2nd Generation WHAT antennas at the WSRT
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 23-02-2007
  • Box for X-shooter cold optics
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 22-02-2007
  • Opening the lid on Arecibo
  • Michael Garrett
  • 21-02-2007
  • Fossil gas disks
  • Morganti & Oosterloo
  • 20-02-2007
  • First 512 Mbps e-EVN image
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 19-02-2007
  • Leo T: an obscure neighbour
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 16-02-2007
  • M33, the Pinwheel Galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 15-02-2007
  • Code Reuse Happens (sometimes)
  • Tony Willis
  • 14-02-2007
  • Participating EXPReS Telescopes
  • Kristine Yun
  • 13-02-2007
  • European Extremely Large Telescope
  • Ton Schoenmaker
  • 12-02-2007
  • WSRT detecting single stars
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 09-02-2007
  • Cadeau voor Minister Maria van der Hoeven
  • Sjouke Kuindersma
  • 08-02-2007
  • Impressions of the Girls Day
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 07-02-2007
  • Impressions of the Girls Day
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 05-02-2007
  • WSRT heartbeat
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 02-02-2007
  • Pavement Pizza
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 01-02-2007
  • LOFAR Interference Detection Study
  • Mona Moren, Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 31-01-2007
  • First prism for X-Shooter
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 30-01-2007
  • Continuing galaxy formation
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 29-01-2007
  • Prototype Embrace Tile.
  • Parbhu Patel
  • 26-01-2007
  • The spiral of Dr Rense
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 25-01-2007
  • Temperature influence on LOFAR HBA frontend
  • Henri Meulman / Marchel Gerbers
  • 24-01-2007
  • X-Shooter mirror being polished
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 23-01-2007
  • Bandwith comparison
  • Paul Boven
  • 22-01-2007
  • Storm at the WSRT 18 January 2007
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 19-01-2007
  • The smallest galaxies
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 18-01-2007
  • Skating with the Stars
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 17-01-2007
  • Time as perceived by Wubbo Ockels
  • Hayley Bignall
  • 16-01-2007
  • MeqTrees beamformer in action
  • Tony Willis
  • 15-01-2007
  • Dark gas clouds exist?
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 12-01-2007
  • A warm view through the VLT
  • Ton Schoenmaker
  • 11-01-2007
  • New Year in the Lockman Hole
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 10-01-2007
  • Supercavities in Hydra A
  • Michael Wise
  • 09-01-2007
  • Pacman Nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 08-01-2007
  • 5-axis milling machine
  • Johan Pragt
  • 04-01-2007
  • The WSRT, fulfilling the responsibility to awe.
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 03-01-2007
  • 24 hours of LOFAR CS8 fringes at 60 MHz
  • Ger de Bruyn, for the LOFAR CS1-team
  • 22-12-2006
  • Naughty or Nice ? - We wish you a merry Christmas!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 21-12-2006
  • Radio-seeing at the GMRT?
  • Amitesh Omar
  • 20-12-2006
  • Hans van Someren Greve 65 jaar geworden
  • Harm-Jan Stiepel
  • 19-12-2006
  • The great Andromeda galaxy
  • Albert van Duin
  • 18-12-2006
  • 6th RadioNet Board meeting, Westerbork, 28.11.2006
  • Leonid Gurvits
  • 14-12-2006
  • The End of the Analog Era
  • Pieter Donker, Hans van der Marel
  • 13-12-2006
  • Veil Nebula NGC6992
  • Albert van Duin
  • 12-12-2006
  • NGC6946
  • Albert van Duin
  • 11-12-2006
  • Field of Dreams
  • Michael Garrett
  • 05-12-2006
  • Sinterklaas visits Astron/Jive
  • Martin Leeuwinga
  • 01-12-2006
  • Huygens team wins NASA Team Achievement Award 2006
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 30-11-2006
  • Serendipity at Work
  • Sarod Yatawatta and Jan Noordam
  • 29-11-2006
  • Krakelingen-2
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 28-11-2006
  • B33, the Horsehead nebula
  • Albert van Duin
  • 27-11-2006
  • The tail of the Medusa
  • Eva Manthey
  • 24-11-2006
  • M82 X-1
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 23-11-2006
  • Intermediate-mass black holes with the EVN
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 22-11-2006
  • EVN station is U.K.s number 1 landmark
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 21-11-2006
  • M81 and M82
  • Albert van Duin
  • 20-11-2006
  • Dwingeloo telescope in 3D
  • Henri Meulman
  • 17-11-2006
  • WSRT crew installing Focal Plane Array proto-type in the focus box
  • PHAROS team
  • 16-11-2006
  • Lonely outpost
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 15-11-2006
  • Focal Plane Array Simulation for the xNTD
  • Tony Willis
  • 14-11-2006
  • LOFAR spins off new business
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 13-11-2006
  • e-VLBI Comes of Age!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 10-11-2006
  • LOFAR backbone broken
  • Teun Grit & Mark Bentum
  • 09-11-2006
  • 175 years of James Clerk Maxwell
  • Michael Garrett
  • 08-11-2006
  • Find Best Focus
  • Ad Oudenhuysen
  • 07-11-2006
  • EXPReS Kickoff Meeting
  • Kristine Yun
  • 03-11-2006
  • Amplitude illumination of a WSRT dish with the Focal Plane Array
  • PHAROS team
  • 02-11-2006
  • UFOs Over Westerbork
  • Paul Kemper
  • 01-11-2006
  • An ionospheric amoeba
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 31-10-2006
  • The FAST 30 m demonstrator
  • Richard Strom
  • 30-10-2006
  • LOFAR imaging in a nutshell
  • Oleg Smirnov, Jan Noordam
  • 27-10-2006
  • A Gaussian Swallows a Focal Plane Array Beam
  • Tony Willis
  • 26-10-2006
  • A series of pretty patterns
  • Paul Kemper
  • 25-10-2006
  • ADASS XVI, the movie
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 24-10-2006
  • There is Light at the end of the Tunnel
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-10-2006
  • Karl Jansky's birthday
  • Richard Strom
  • 20-10-2006
  • The Dwingeloo 25 m dish after completion in 1956
  • Richard Strom
  • 19-10-2006
  • Millimetre Valley, Mauna Kea
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 18-10-2006
  • An alien flyover
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 17-10-2006
  • First international patent of ASTRON was granted.
  • Hendrik Jan Boer (Octrooimanager)
  • 16-10-2006
  • To the outer edge, and beyond...
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 15-10-2006
  • Open dag preparations
  • Lars Bähren
  • 13-10-2006
  • The way we were: EVN Symposium Torun - 1994 & 2006
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-10-2006
  • Westerbork SINGS
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 11-10-2006
  • Delivery of the JWST-MIRI Grating Wheel Assemblies
  • Gabby Kroes
  • 10-10-2006
  • Preparation of the LOFAR fields for the right vegetation
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 09-10-2006
  • Dwingeloo Sunset
  • Madroon, E.J
  • 06-10-2006
  • Test-mount for X-Shooter prism
  • Rik ter horst
  • 05-10-2006
  • First image of a proto-planetary disk around a star more massive than the Sun.
  • Jan-Willem Pel
  • 04-10-2006
  • The EVN Symposium, Torun, Poland
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 03-10-2006
  • The second LOFAR mini station comes to life
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 29-09-2006
  • Alignment inspection on the Spectrometer Main Optics of MIRI
  • Ad Oudenhuysen
  • 28-09-2006
  • JWST-MIRI-SMO Verification Model integration
  • Gabby Kroes en Sandra Eeltink
  • 26-09-2006
  • Flexible Antenna Plating
  • Bernard Enthoven
  • 25-09-2006
  • Every journey starts with a first step
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 22-09-2006
  • WMAP3 changes the reionization simulations
  • Garrelt Mellema
  • 21-09-2006
  • Protection
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 20-09-2006
  • Colleagues having a break during the gliding activity
  • Marjan Tibbe
  • 19-09-2006
  • Building the LOFAR stations CS1, CS8 and CS16
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 18-09-2006
  • First Fringes of LOFAR CS1 station
  • LOFAR Project
  • 15-09-2006
  • Old fashioned editor
  • Anton Smit
  • 14-09-2006
  • The Changing Spectrum
  • Pieter Donker & Rob Millenaar
  • 13-09-2006
  • I see no ships!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-09-2006
  • JIVE Party 2006
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 11-09-2006
  • Ochtend op het Dwingelderveld 7 september 2006
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 08-09-2006
  • It was fun with Smart-1
  • Sergei Pogrebenko
  • 05-09-2006
  • VALARRY (Vivaldi ALuminium ARRaY), a dual-polarized phased array.
  • RaYmond van den Brink / Rob Maaskant
  • 04-09-2006
  • Summer at the WSRT
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 01-09-2006
  • 55th anniversary of the discovery of the 21 cm HI line
  • Richard Strom
  • 31-08-2006
  • From our spies at the Prague Planet Protocol
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 30-08-2006
  • Scaleable pick-off technology for astronomy
  • RaYmond van den Brink
  • 29-08-2006
  • Internal networks in Blue Gene/L
  • Kjeld v.d. Schaaf
  • 28-08-2006
  • Debugging the cables from Exloo to Dwingeloo
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 25-08-2006
  • Hooking up the first LOFAR station
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 24-08-2006
  • THEA tile in focus
  • Wim van Cappellen
  • 23-08-2006
  • M51, the Wirlpool galaxy
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 22-08-2006
  • Placing the LOFAR CS1 Cabinet
  • Arie Huijgen
  • 21-08-2006
  • Wide-field high resolution VLBI imaging at 90 cm
  • Emil Lenc
  • 18-08-2006
  • LOFAR detects earthquake
  • Guy Drijkoningen
  • 17-08-2006
  • Low Cost Vivaldi Antennas for SKA
  • Andre van Houwelingen
  • 16-08-2006
  • Towards 2 million dynamic range
  • Ger de Bruyn
  • 15-08-2006
  • 2006 ASTRON/JIVE Summer Students
  • James M Anderson
  • 14-08-2006
  • One-armed bandit
  • Fritz Möller
  • 11-08-2006
  • cluster glaxies CL0024+1654
  • Filomena Volino
  • 10-08-2006
  • Death Valley Bear
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 09-08-2006
  • First fringes to Evpatoria (Ukraine)
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 08-08-2006
  • View out the window
  • Adriaan Renting/Yde Koopman
  • 04-08-2006
  • Passbands TADU filters
  • Arie Doorduin
  • 03-08-2006
  • Tied Array Distribution Unit (TADU) TOM board
  • Arie Doorduin
  • 02-08-2006
  • First light 2nd Proto LOFAR HBA
  • Henri Meulman
  • 01-08-2006
  • LOFAR outdoor cabinets visit Casbar Spain
  • Menno Norden
  • 31-07-2006
  • Laying the LOFAR foundations
  • Yde Koopman
  • 28-07-2006
  • Scale model
  • Sjouke Kuindersma
  • 27-07-2006
  • The MeqTree browser interface
  • Jan Noordam
  • 26-07-2006
  • Preparing the Lofarian fields
  • Yde Koopman
  • 25-07-2006
  • The WSRT test observations of Smart-1 spacecraft
  • Sergei Pogrebenko
  • 24-07-2006
  • Lofar HBA Frontend unit board
  • Klaas Dijkstra
  • 21-07-2006
  • Color image of the Galactic Centre region at 255 MHz
  • Subhashis Roy
  • 20-07-2006
  • Localized LNA cooling (in vacuum)
  • Frans Schreuder
  • 19-07-2006
  • The Nofiq sytem
  • Sjoerd Hoeijmakers
  • 18-07-2006
  • zonwering
  • Hiddo Hanenburg
  • 17-07-2006
  • Scaling laws for correlation and calibration
  • Martijn van Veelen
  • 14-07-2006
  • Next Generation Correlators Workshop
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 13-07-2006
  • WSRT and WHT working together
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 12-07-2006
  • Arpad Szomoru at the IDEA Awards
  • James M Anderson
  • 11-07-2006
  • Ionospheric Faraday Rotation Measure (RM)
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 10-07-2006
  • The Computerworld Honors Program 2006
  • Marianne de Vries
  • 07-07-2006
  • Dynamic spectrum from ITS observation of Lightnings
  • Lars Baehren
  • 06-07-2006
  • Young LOFAR Scientists Meeting
  • Corina Vogt
  • 05-07-2006
  • NorthStar spreads its wings
  • Hanno Holties
  • 04-07-2006
  • 4 July 1054: death of a star, birth of a mystery
  • Richard Strom
  • 03-07-2006
  • Geophysical Interferometry with LOFAR
  • Joris van Enst
  • 30-06-2006
  • Hail Heino!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 29-06-2006
  • Groepsfoto Radiosterrenwacht Westerbork
  • Jan-Pieter de Reijer
  • 28-06-2006
  • Fossil gas disk
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 27-06-2006
  • Multi-frequency CLAR simulation
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 26-06-2006
  • Effective area of 7x7 array of LOFAR high band elements
  • Michel Arts
  • 23-06-2006
  • Integration of the testcryostat
  • Eddy Elswijk
  • 22-06-2006
  • Leerbedrijf LOFAR
  • Eugene de Geus
  • 21-06-2006
  • In the footsteps of Peter the Great
  • Madroon, E.J
  • 20-06-2006
  • Picture from Sloan digital Sky Survey, called by EVN archive page at JIVE
  • Bauke Kramer
  • 19-06-2006
  • Europe looks for the Next Generation Space VLBI mission
  • Ian Avruch
  • 16-06-2006
  • Oranje Boven!
  • Michael Garrett
  • 15-06-2006
  • The Quantum Frontier of VLBI
  • Sergei Pogrebenko
  • 14-06-2006
  • Production of first series of the LOFAR Low Band LNA for CS1,2
  • Henri Meulman, Mark Ruiter
  • 13-06-2006
  • Radio Sources in Abell 2218
  • Michael Garrett
  • 12-06-2006
  • The Canes Venatici hunt for galaxies
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 08-06-2006
  • Spot the 7 differences
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 07-06-2006
  • X marks the spot
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 06-06-2006
  • SiO rings in AGB stars
  • Rebeca Soria Ruiz
  • 02-06-2006
  • e-VLBI test and science observations, 18th-19th May
  • Zsolt Paragi
  • 01-06-2006
  • Seeing an Einstein ring with VLBI
  • Olaf Wucknitz
  • 31-05-2006
  • The warped gas disk of NGC 5055
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 30-05-2006
  • LOFAR RFI measurements at Effelsberg
  • Rob Millenaar
  • 29-05-2006
  • Cinquante annees vous regardent
  • Stefan Wijnholds
  • 26-05-2006
  • iac06 students
  • Huib van Langevelde
  • 24-05-2006
  • The Discovery of Heaven
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 23-05-2006
  • Krakelingen
  • Sarod Yatawatta
  • 22-05-2006
  • JWST-MIRI Vibration Test
  • Michael Meijers
  • 19-05-2006
  • Star-birth in W3(OH)
  • Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • 18-05-2006
  • A large neutral gas cloud near the centre of the Virgo cluster
  • Tom Oosterloo
  • 17-05-2006
  • Correcting phase errors to get to a nJy sky
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • 16-05-2006
  • EMBRACE beamformer prototype chip
  • Kaston Leung
  • 15-05-2006
  • Harm-Jan Stiepel
  • 14-05-2006
  • Test Image: WHAT, Westerbork Highband Antenna Test
  • Adriaan Renting
  • 23-01-2006
  • Workshop on Next Generation Correlators
  • Kristine Yun
  • 03-11-2005
  • SKA meeting Poona (India)
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-04-2004
  • Hey , it works!
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-01-2003
  • JIVE Director with Cormac Reynolds
  • Kristine Yun
  • 23-09-1998
  • Official Opening of JIVE
  • Kristine Yun
  • 21-04-1997
  • ASTRON 01, the first custom designed RF-chip, 1997
  • Bert Woestenburg
  • 14-04-1997
  • Comet Hale-Bopp at twilight, photographed from Dwingeloo, April 1997
  • Richard Porcas
  • 23-01-1997
  • First fringes on the EVN correlator
  • Kristine Yun
  • 09-04-1996
  • 40th anniversary of Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Michel Arts
  • 14-09-1995
  • WSRT 25 Years
  • Jan Noordam
  • 03-03-1992
  • The AIPS++ Steering Committee visits Australia
  • Jan Noordam
  • 02-03-1992
  • Soft2000
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-11-1991
  • The AIPS++ Steering Committee visits Dwingeloo
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-09-1991
  • The real start of SKA
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-08-1990
  • Fietstocht 1990
  • Bert Poot
  • 19-06-1990
  • Fietstocht 1990
  • Bert Poot
  • 20-05-1990
  • A quiet place to design the SKA
  • Jan Noordam
  • 05-05-1990
  • Fietstocht 1990
  • Bert Poot
  • 02-03-1986
  • The GHRIL
  • Jan Noordam
  • 12-03-1984
  • Schottky mixer development for 350 GHz during the eighties
  • Bert Woestenburg
  • 20-01-1981
  • MASER 4 K closed cycle refrigerator
  • Bert Woestenburg
  • 15-11-1980
  • Overhandiging 5 GHz Maser
  • Bert Woestenburg
  • 13-11-1980
  • 5 GHz MASER
  • Bert Woestenburg
  • 09-09-1980
  • SRZM Werkgroep meets Dagelijks Bestuur in Dwingeloo
  • Jan Noordam
  • 02-03-1980
  • Breaching the DR 10.000 barrier
  • Jan Noordam
  • 06-12-1978
  • WSRT Program Committee
  • Jaap Bregman
  • 10-05-1978
  • The Year of the Lamb
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-01-1978
  • The 3m Solar Monitor
  • Jan Noordam
  • 23-12-1977
  • The Prime of Tony Willis
  • Jan Noordam
  • 10-06-1977
  • The great WSRT screwing project
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-04-1977
  • Tennis, anyone...?
  • Jan Noordam
  • 19-01-1975
  • Jan Hoek met de koffiekar
  • Bert Poot
  • 01-06-1974
  • Test DLB
  • Bert Poot
  • 30-04-1974
  • Crown-princessly visit to WSRT
  • Jaap Baars
  • 29-04-1974
  • Crown-princessly visit to WSRT
  • Jaap Baars
  • 03-01-1974
  • Test clipper DLB
  • Bert Poot
  • 01-09-1972
  • Development of cryogenic LNAs
  • Bert Woestenburg
  • 28-07-1972
  • Wadlopen Pieterburen
  • Bert Poot
  • 27-07-1972
  • Wadlopen
  • Bert Poot
  • 26-07-1972
  • Wadlopen
  • Bert Poot
  • 25-07-1972
  • wadlopen
  • Bert Poot
  • 24-07-1972
  • wadlopen Pieterburen
  • Bert Poot
  • 23-07-1972
  • Wadlopen bij Pieterburen
  • Bert Poot
  • 22-07-1972
  • Wadlopen
  • Bert Poot
  • 21-07-1972
  • Wadlopen pieterburen
  • Bert Poot
  • 02-03-1972
  • A very young Roelof Kiers
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-07-1971
  • Buiten werk
  • Nico Schonewille
  • 02-01-1970
  • Jumpertest
  • Bert Poot
  • 10-12-1969
  • Werkplaats gebouw 1960
  • Nico Schonewille
  • 09-12-1969
  • Plaatsing windmeter mast
  • Nico Schonewille
  • 20-09-1968
  • A Thin Red Line
  • Anke den Duyn
  • 23-05-1968
  • Prof. Muller kreeg een boek aangeboden.
  • Bert Poot
  • 20-01-1968
  • Han Priester aan de sigaar
  • Bert Poot
  • 02-03-1967
  • The WSRT being built, from the air
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-11-1966
  • Bouwhal 9 november 1966
  • Roelof Kiers
  • 02-03-1966
  • Early days of the WSRT, from the air
  • Jan Noordam
  • 09-12-1964
  • Schaatsen op meeuwenplas
  • Nico Schonewille
  • 01-01-1960
  • Green Flash
  • unknown
  • 02-03-1957
  • Two copies of the 25m Dwingeloo Telescope
  • Jan Noordam
  • 13-09-1955
  • De bouw van de grote Radiotelescoop te Dwingeloo
  • Roelof Kiers
  • 02-03-1955
  • Just before hoisting the Dwingeloo 25m Dish
  • Jan Noordam
  • 01-08-1954
  • The first 21cm receiver
  • Jan Noordam