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The first new receiver prototypes have been assembled for LOFAR2

Submitter: Albert van Duin
Description: As part of the LOFAR2 DUPLO project the receivers will be replaced. Prototype boards are made for test and verification purpose. A prototype board with the digital part of the receiver (RCU2_DIG) has been assembled (see picture).

Assembly was done on our Pick&Place machine in Dwingeloo, 462 components were automagically placed in the applied solder paste. First the bottom side components was placed (it has the fewest parts) and then soldered in our vapour phase oven. https://www.astron.nl/dailyimage/main.php?date=20170410
When that was done, the top side components were placed and soldered, while the components on the bottom side were hanging upside down. Fortunately they stuck to the PCB due to cohesion/adhesion, even when the solder on the bottom did melt again!

Also other prototype boards for LOFAR2 are scheduled for production the coming weeks.

Copyright: ASTRON
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