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"Detailed studies of low-redshift AGN" Meeting in Ireland

Submitter: Sean Mooney
Description: In June, the "Detailed studies of low-redshift AGN" working group met for three days at University College Dublin, Ireland. One day of the meeting was held at the Irish LOFAR station situated on the grounds of Birr Castle. This image was taken in front of the Leviathan of Parsonstown, a historic 1.8m reflecting telescope also on the grounds of Birr Castle. It was the largest telescope in the world from 1845-1917.

This meeting followed on from past meetings at ASTRON (Daily Image 23-02-2015) and Cambridge (Daily Image 02-02-2016). The LOFAR working group on nearby AGN has been an active part of the LOFAR Survey Key Science Project since Cycle 0, but the group has grown in size since then. This meeting was held to discuss the data reduction, analysis, and interpretation for both single object studies and population studies.

New and experienced members alike presented their latest results, with plenty of time for discussion with the rest of the group about tackling any challenges outlined. There were sessions on the LOFAR Surveys, machine learning, ancillary data, and more.

The meeting was beneficial and served to strengthen ties within the group, and these meetings are likely to be a regular fixture going forward.
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