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A Room with a View in Westerbork

Submitter: Hiddo Hanenburg
Description: Digestif is an experimental Focal Plane Array (FPA) antenna for the Westerbork telescope. It is a step towards the Apertif project, which aims at replacing the receivers in all 14 dish antennas with FPA's. This greatly increases the field-of-view of the WSRT, and thus the survey speed.
The FPA concept is an important candidate technology for the future Square Km Array (SKA). Therefore, some of the main contributors to SKA in Australia and South Africa have expressed interest in Apertif.
The picture gives an unusual view at tree-top level, from the prime focus box of a WSRT antenna. The Digestif experiments will re-use the data-processing system of the Initial Test Station of LOFAR, which has recently been dismanteled.
Copyright: Hiddo hanenburg
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