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50 years Westerbork Radio Observatory. A continuing Journey to Discoveries and Innovations

Submitter: Arnold van Ardenne
Description: Last week the formal start of 12 Westerbork dishes in the widefield era started with the "Apertif" festivities in Westerbork.
This occasion also marked the end of the use of all Westerbork dishes as 14 single pixel dishes using the "Westerbork 2000" system.

The rich history of the WSRT of course can not be left unmarked and initiated by the ASTRON MT, has now been captured in the book "50 years Westerbork Radio Observatory. A continuing Journey to Discoveries and Innovations". This 350 pages book was presented at the Apertif occasion by Arnold van Ardenne as chief editor besides co-editors Richard Strom and Steve Torchinsky. It is dedicated to Ger de Bruyn whose untimely passing away last year, left a hole as champion user, science visionary and great personality. Among the books 18 chapters is a chapter which largely captures Ger's "personal discovery table" ranging form 1970 to 2015 in which year 12 of the 14 Westerbork dishes were prepared for Apertif. The exciting 50 years Westerbork journey is described and well illustrated by the over 50 authors also making it a "peoples achievement book".

For those who were closest involved besides the editors, i.e. Truus van den Brink, Frank Nuijens and Harm Jan Stiepel and of course the publisher who "shaped the book"" in its present nice form, we are proud to present it to all contributors, ASTRON employees and those who were present at the Apertif opening!
Copyright: ASTRON
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