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SKA Founding Board at London Heathrow.

Submitter: Michael Garrett
Description: Last week, the SKA Founding Board and other officers of the SKA met nearby London Heathrow. On the agenda was the establishment of the new SKA legal entity, the governance of the new organisation, the site selection process, the recruitment of the interim and permanent director, resourcing the PEP (Pre-construction Execution Plan), the oversight of the the SPO (SKA Project Office) implementation in the UK, and the SPDO to SPO staff transition. In addition, our very own Michiel van Haarlem was appointed as Executive Officer to the Founding Board.

In summing up the meeting, FB chair John Womersley was able to conclude that progress had been made on almost all fronts! The meeting was held in a windowless room but with the sun splitting the trees outside, most of the participants were not that unhappy! The board expects to meet again in early November.
Copyright: ASTRON
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