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Butterfly effect on International Women's Day

Submitter: Paula Fusiara
Description: 1. It is Friday.

2. It is International Women's Day.

3. And our office needs to be cleared out so that our very old 20+ year old carpet can go and R.I.P. on Tuesday.

YES, you guessed it right we are getting a new, FRESH carpet YAY! (but this is not a present because of the International Women's Day).

You're busy packing all your stuff into 2 boxes, not that much work, but then when you open up the cabinets... many fossil leftovers of several former ASTRON engineers come to light... Some (read: 'many'[sic!]) 'interesting' peculiarities were found here and there in & on top of the cabinets. What do you do... hmmm... 3 options to choose: 1. Throw away, 2. Pack & store, 3. Give away...

Then there is this email that has just arrived to those very few mailboxes within R&D dep., topic: International Women's day, and the message saying:

"I'd like to use this opportunity to say that I very much appreciate working with you!
You just make the difference"

And your day, all of a sudden, rollercoasters into a different dimension, your electrons get excited and spark joy which you want to share with others :) How? The pictures say it all.

Together with Elfi we took the peculiarities and just went on a quest to spark some joy and put some very hard working men colleagues in the spotlights, it's International Women's Day after all ;-)

Smiles popped up on more faces today.
And you? Have you sparked some joy lately?

Thanks Koos for inspiration:)
Copyright: Paula Fusiara & Elfi Dijkstra
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