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Show people about astronomy: Start with young people!

Submitter: Annette de Boer
Description: A group of very enthousiastic children from primary school ‘de Kloostertuin’ in Assen has visited ASTRON on 23 February. At school, these very bright children had been working on an astronomy project, and now they had the chance to put it all into practice.

As soon as they entered the building, they brought a cheerful atmosphere. Everybody was smiling and the ASTRON employees who were involved in the programme were beaming because it was great fun to entertain these young and enthousiastic kids.

The children had an interactive programme which consisted of measuring the thickness of their hair, trying to find radio music with a High Band Lofar Antenna and a frequency analyzer, finding out what liquid nitrogen can do to a balloon, and learning all about the Dwingeloo Telescope.

They also watched a presentation by one of our astronomers, Jason Hessels, and they learned that an astronomer has to be really good at multitasking. Jason was not only giving a presentation, but at the same time he was watching his measurements with the Green Bank telescope in America.

The young scientists knew a lot about astronomy. They asked about Hawking radiation and other phenomena which most of ASTRON staff had never heard of at that age. Some of the children were very confident about their future: they knew they would become astronomers. Let’s hope we will meet them here at ASTRON again someday!
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