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The LOFAR Imaging Cookbook v.22

Submitter: Sarrvesh Sridhar
Description: Version 22.0 of the LOFAR Imaging Cookbook has been released on January 17, 2018.

Since the first version was published a few years ago, the LOFAR imaging cookbook has undergone significant changes. These reflect the significant changes that have been made to the telescope and the post-processing pipelines used to calibrate and image LOFAR data.

With this version, the Imaging Cookbook is available as a PDF and as a separate web site: https://support.astron.nl/LOFARImagingCookbook

The LOFAR Imaging Cookbook is edited by Sarrvesh Sridhar with contributions to individual chapters by many LOFAR users including G. van Diepen, T. J. Dijkema, F. de Gasperin, M. Iacobelli, A. Offringa, E. Orru, D. Rafferty, B. van der Tol, V. Vacca, R. van Weeren, W. Williams and S. Yatawatta.
Copyright: Sarrvesh Sridhar
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