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First correlation between LOFAR CS010 and Nancay

Submitter: Jean-Mathias Griessmeier (for the LOFAR-Nancay correlation team)
Description: At low frequencies (< 40MHz), Jupiter is one of the brightest sources in the sky. The interaction of Jupiter with its satellite Io produces a very intense radio emission with a complicated fine-structure, which is ideal for testing the LOFAR system. As previously reported (daily image of 23-05-2008: http://www.astron.nl/dailyimage/main.php?date=20080523 ), LOFAR observed this emission in a coordinated campaign with the Nancay Decametric Array in April 2008.

This figure shows the dynamic spectra recorded by both instruments (at a resolution of 0.8 ms, 156 kHz). Although the collecting area of both telescopes (and thus their sensitivity) was different, and even though interference was strong (horizontal lines in the right image), both radiotelescopes show the same fine-structure in the emission. Left plot: Nancay data. Right plot: LOFAR (CS010) data.
Copyright: ASTRON
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