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250th student for the ASTRON RF-course

Submitter: Ronald Halfwerk
Description: This week, ASTRON welcomed the 250th student for its 3-day course on Applied Radio-Frequency Technology. For several years now, ASTRON/ATH has offered this course to B.Sc. & M.Sc. ingenieurs, most of whom are employed by Dutch SMEs. The course is given by ASTRON ingenieurs, and includes theory and hands-on training.

During a small ceremony, ASTRON’s director of R&D Dr. Albert-Jan Boonstra memorized the history of the course. It started in March 2002 and is offered twice a year. The lucky 250th participant, Mr Rémon Wilms from Agentschap Telecom, was ‘distinguished’ with some typical ASTRON-style goodies. The picture shows the ceremony, as well as some moments during the hands-on training, where students are exercising the lessons learned about the Smith-chart, IP2 IP3 and noise figures from an example LNA.

Of course, the success of the course critically depends on the commitment and dedication of ASTRON ingenieurs Laurens Bakker (teaching RF fundamentals), Bert Woestenburg (RF-systems), Jan-Wim Eikenbroek (Communication Systems), Wim van Cappellen (Antennas), Jürgen Morawietz and Mark Ruiter (hands-on training), Harm-Jan Stiepel (guided tour to the WSRT, an ultimate RF-system) and Renate van Dalen (administrative support).

The date of the next course (which is given in the Dutch language) can be found here
Copyright: fotos: R. Halfwerk
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