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Bob Ross Moment

Submitter: Paula Fusiara
Most of you probably know who Bob Ross was… Maybe some of you even tried to paint something in the style of the famous painter and art instructor…I’ve always wanted to…

I’ve never done it before, well not until last Friday when I was putting the second layer of chalkboard paint on the wall close to the kitchen on the 1st floor - the vibrant kitchen/office at ASTRON…I heard the inner voice, the Bob Ross voice in me has awaken and I’ve just had my very first Bob Ross moment: why paint everything black for the sake of a chalkboard if we can make it a happy and vibrant chalk board, a super space vibrant chalkboard… and the Bob Ross in me was unstoppable from that moment on:

here a little happy green gas cloud wants to merge with the turquoise gas cloud.. just look how easy it is, add red here, pink there, dark blue over there and now just blend with a sponge, ah there you go, just add a touch of a small little energetic highlight there, and a small sparkle of joy- the ejection of light up here, but just a tiny one not to overwhelm, and still there was something missing… a planet- check, galaxies – check, nebula – check, stars – check, well, the black hole did not want to be a part of the vibrant chalkboard, it refused to be painted... maybe because it slurps all the energy and it did not want to slurp all the joy and vibrant energy from this space? ...but funny that while working on this project, creativity is unstoppable and all kinds of ideas started popping up, and there was this one little funny/naughty idea that the inner voice immediately started giggling upon…

wondering whether you’re going to find it :) Take a guess

Had a lot of fun making this project happen, and I hope that your creativity will thrive for now you’ve got a vibrant spot to go wild with your ideas, to write/draw them, share and discuss them with your colleagues.

May the vibrant creative force be with you! (and Bob Ross too ;-))

oh, and by the way, in case you happen to be at ASTRON late in the evening, or at night when all the lights are out - enjoy as the chalkboard should glow in the dark ;-)
Copyright: Paula Fusiara
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