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Female visitor programme

Submitter: Raffaella Morganti
Description: Isabella Prandoni is the first visitor as part of our Helena Kluyver female visitor programme (see Daily Image 31-1-08). Isabella is a staff astronomer at the Institute of Radioastronomy in Bologna and she is an expert on radio and optical deep surveys. Her main scientific interest is the understanding of the faint radio population, a mix of star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN). She is particularly interested in the physical and evolutionary properties of the low-luminosity AGN component.

Isabella has led the Australia Telescope ESO Slice Project (ATESP) survey undertaken with ATCA, the largest existing 1.4 GHz mosaic sensitive to sub-mJy fluxes (26 sq. degr. with 80 microJy rms), part of which (1 sq. degr.) has been later followed up at 5 GHz. She has also been actively involved in the optical (I-band) ESO Imaging Survey (EIS), when she was at ESO, and later she collaborated to the multi-color (UBVRIJK) ESO Deep Public Survey (DPS).

Isabella is Project Scientist of the Italian SRT (Sardinia Radio Telescope), a new 64-m
dish, able to operate from 0.3 to 100 GHz, which will become on-line in 2010. Recently she has been appointed as member of the Scientific Council of INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics).

At ASTRON, she will be working on two well-known deep fields, the Lockman Hole and the First Look Survey, using WSRT and GMRT data, and exploiting the available multiwavelength information (optical, FIR, etc.). This work is mainly aimed at studying the radio spectral properties of the faint AGN population, in order to disentangle different accretion regimes. This also represents preparatory work for what we will be able to do in more detail with Lofar.

Isabella will also give a lecture for the summer students on July 29th. Please join in if you are interested in the topic.

We hope she will be the first of a long series of female visitors. Just to remind you: everybody at Astron (not only women!) can suggest candidate visitors. Guidelines can be found at the web site: http://www.astron.nl/p/HK
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