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The Rise of ILOFAR

Submitter: Joe Mcauley
Description: In unseasonably favourable weather, the footprint for the latest LOFAR station (IE613) emerges from the ground at Birr Castle, Ireland. The ground levels are being raised by local contractors, Conneeley Building & Civil Engineering, to counter risks to the arrays posed by flooding. Deployment of the antennas is scheduled to commence in spring 2017 after a pause for winter. IE613, when operational, will extend the LOFAR baseline to ~1950kms. Commissioning is expected to be completed in early autumn of 2017.
The build can be followed at http://www.lofar.ie and http://www.twitter.com/i_lofar

Image by Joe McCauley, 10 Nov. 2016
Copyright: School of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
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