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The Leiden Radio Astronomy class of 2017

Submitter: Huib van Langevelde
Description: The Leiden Radio Astronomy course for Master students is a serious business. It takes 14 lectures to follow the waves through the processing chain, from currents in the antennas to carefully calibrated images, and then to interpret these in terms of astrophysical processes.

In addition the students get tutorials in casa and defining radio observations. Next they work on assignments in which they process and interpret a real (unpublished) astronomical data set. This year's edition was covered by the baseline between Huib_I & Huib_J in order to get full coverage. In addition there was teaching assistance by Josh & Jit and a number of ASTRON staff provided guest lectures. This did get the students to the (almost) final stage on June 1: the Drenthe field trip of radio facilities.

Thanks everybody for the help and students, all the best with your studies!
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