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SKA LFAA scale model

Submitter: Jorrit Siebenga
Description: In November we updated the central hall general presentation showcase with a new scale model of a 1:87 scale SKA LFAA station. In an attempt to offer visitors a clearer understanding of completed, current and future projects that ASTRON is working on, supporting demonstration demos and/or models have proven to be a meaningful addition.

For this particular scale model, 768 (!) photo-etched 0.2mm nickel-silver alloy parts have been used, to create a realistic impression of an SKA LFAA station from a birds-eye perspective.

With a personal interest for scale modeling, it was a great pleasure to build such a detailed model within the ASTRON mechanical department. The inscription on the model text plate writes:

A Low Frequency Aperture Array station of 256 SKALA4 antennas. The LFAA of SKA1-Low will host 512 of such stations, each covering a 35 meter diameter, in which the antennas will be deployed in a semi-random configuration.
Copyright: ASTRON Mechanical Department
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