ILT-TO meeting

6 and 7 November 2019

Hoofddorp - Schiphol

Venue, accommodation and logistics


The ILT Technical Operations meeting 2019 will take place at the van der Valk hotel in Hoofddorp - Schiphol, The Netherlands. The conference hotel is located near Schiphol airport. It is a fully equipped and comfortable hotel.


The address of the workshop venue is:
Rijksweg A4 nr. 3
2132 MA Hoofddorp-Schiphol
Tel.: +31 252 67 53 35


How to reach van der Valk hotel Hoofddorp - Schiphol:
From Amsterdam Schiphol airport you can take the shuttle service to the hotel.

If you travel by car you can find the route descriptions here.



Hotel reservation

Participants are requested to make their own hotel reservation and pay for their room themselves.
You can book a room by van der Valk with the reference code: ILT-TO meeting ASTRON 6&7 November 2019.




Dinner will be provided by the hosting ILT station, including the opening drink. Following drinks will be for your own expense. Dinner will take place in the restaurant of hotel van der Valk. If you want to join, please mention this at registration.


If you have any additional questions please send an e-mail to to the attention of Marleen Rohmensen.




