AACal 2012:

AA Calibration and Calibratability Meeting

12-13 July, 2012 - Novotel Amsterdam Airport Hotel, The Netherlands


Preliminary agenda


July 12


17:00 Opening (Arnold van Ardenne)
17:20 AAs and the SKA (Andre Gunst)
17:40 Overview of SKA aperture arrays (Jan Geralt bij de Vaate)
18:00 Overview and goal of the Calibration & Imaging Working Group (Keith Grainge)


18:20 Drinks
19:00 Dinner



July 13


09:00 Figures-of-merit for signal reconstructability (Tobia Carozzi)
09:30 System requirements derived from calibratability (Stefan Wijnholds)
10:00 SAGEcal and reduction of LOFAR data (Sarod Yatawatta)


10:30-11:00 Coffee break


11:00 StefCal (Stefano Salvini)
11:30 Redundancy calibration (Parisa Noorishad)
12:00 OSKAR (Fred Dulwich / Ben Mort)


12:30-13:30 Lunch break


13:30 Primary beams & radio interferometric imaging performance (Oleg Smirnov)
14:00 XArray (Nima Razavi-Ghods / Eloy de Lera Acedo)
14:20 Low order beam models (Christophe Craeye)
14:40 Characteristic Basis Function Patterns (TBC)


15:00-15:30 Break


15:30 Discussion: What are the open questions? What are the next steps to get to an instrument design?




Documents of this workshop can be found here.