Apertif Specification procedure

This only works for Arno!

Software locations

Using it

  • When using it, first source the file /home/arno/atdbspec/init.sh
  • Execute python atdb_parsets.py -h for help.
  • To run, an input csv-=file is needed that looks like this:
  • Transform this using atdb commands with: python atdb_parsets.py -f <inputfile.csv>
  • This will create a script like:
    # Script to create commands for Apertif ATDB
    # Automatic generation script by V.A. Moss 04/10/2018
    # Last updated by V.A. Moss 11/02/2019
    # Schedule generated: 2019-05-22 11:20:16.991464 UTC
    atdb_service --field_name=3C48 --field_ra=24.422081 --field_dec=33.159759 --field_beam=0 --starttime='2019-02-20 15:45:00' --endtime='2019-02-20 15:46:00' 
    --pattern=square_39p1 --observing_mode=imaging --integration_factor=30 --telescopes=23456789ABCD --central_frequency=1400 --data_dir=/data/apertif/ 
    --operation=specification --atdb_host=prod  --end_band=24
    atdb_service --field_name=3C48 --field_ra=24.422081 --field_dec=33.159759 --field_beam=2 --starttime='2019-02-20 15:48:00' --endtime='2019-02-20 15:49:00' 
    --pattern=square_39p1 --observing_mode=imaging --integration_factor=30 --telescopes=23456789ABCD --central_frequency=1400 --data_dir=/data/apertif/ 
    --operation=specification --atdb_host=prod  --end_band=24

What happens?

The script transforms the input file in to atdb commands that are added to an executable .sh script (see above). This script is uploaded to wcudata1 (for imaging) or arts0 for ARTS. This script can then be executed to send the specification to the ATDB (see http://atdb.astron.nl/atdb/).

When the time for starting has come (10 mins before); the ATDB will send a command to create a parset based on these specifications and will put the parset with a start_observation command on the Apertif bus.

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