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This page contains downloads of the getms script that can be used to retrieve data from the WSRT archive. See this page for more information on the WSRT data archive.

Short description

The getms script allows users to download WSRT Measurement Sets (MS)from the archive (currently in D'loo, aliased as in the DNS nameserver), based on sequencenumber or MS name.

The script is a simple csh-script that should run on most flavours of Unix/Linux and MacOS. It uses the rsync-tool to get the data. If this is not available on your system it will try to use scp.

Users must be granted access to get to the archival data. Access can be granted by Arno Schoenmakers or Teun Grit.

To get access, a public ssh key, generated on your own system is needed; we recommend using a passphrase-less key. You can generate ssh-keys with the tool ssh-keygen.

The public key should be mailed to us, so we can add it to the archive system. After that, you should try connecting using

ssh uptime

If this works without providing a password or passphrase, getms will also work.

Type getms -h for more help and instructions.


Get the file below, save it on your local host as getms and make sure it is executable. Then it should work fine…

QR Code
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