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WSRT stop-day activities April 30, 2019

Coordinator Jasmin Klipic
Software Support Arno Schoenmakers
Science, Operations and Support Vanessa Moss
Observer Richard Blaauw


  • Operator will stop Apertif software before 08:00; Telescopes in manual stow position (Operator)
  • ✔ Update & reboot of all CentOS and Ubunutu-14 systems (incl LCU's and both data writers) (Teun and Jasmin)(since UB14 is out of support it will be the last update)
  • ✔ Test wop64 for WinCC compatibility, first.
  • ✔ Jenkins: update plugins (TBD)
  • ✔ Artifactory: update to latest version


  • ✔ Test update of lcu-rt0 befor the stop-day (Friday)
  • Stop Virtualbox on alta2 befor you start updating / rebooting (do we touch it? SKIP!)
  • Put Ubuntu repository GPG keys in place before stop-day
  • ✔ Migration of ZFS-DKM to ZFSK-KMOD (wop63,wop75,wop85)
  • ✔ Do not update ZFS replica's until all works
  • ✔ Spacewalk VM will be updated before stop-day


The results can be found in this Google Spreadsheet

Have a look at the minutes of the review meeting

:!: The stop-days procedure can be found on this page :!:

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