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WSRT stop-day activities 20 April 2021

Coordinator Walter
Software Support n/a n/a
Science, Operations and Support Manu Orru
Observer Jurjen Sluman


  • Operator will stop Apertif software before 08:00
  • Update & reboot of all systems (incl LCU's and both data writers) (Walter and Jasmin) System Overview


  • Spacewalk VM will be updated before stop-day (Walter)
  • Test update of lcu-rt0, dop70, wop78 before the stop-day (Walter)
  • Test update of hypervisor wop85 (ZFS/KVM) before the stopday (Walter)
  • Stop Virtual-box on alta2 before you start updating / rebooting (Jasmin)

Stop Day Procedure

:!: The stop-days procedure can be found on this page :!:

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