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WSRT stop-day activities March 12, 2019

Coordinator Teun Grit
Software Support Arno Schoenmakers
Science, Operations and Support Boudewijn Hut
Vanessa Moss
Observer Richard Blaauw


  • Update & reboot of all systems (incl LCU's and both data writers) (Teun and Jasmin)
  • CentOS 7 systems will be updated to 7.6 and rebooted using SpaceWalk (Jasmin & Teun)
  • SLES11_SP4 systems will be updated by Teun and Jasmin
  • We will update lcu-rt2 first, then test it and then update the rest of the lcu's
  • Jasmin will update & reboot ALTA systems (Dwingeloo)
  • Jenkins: update plugins (TBD)


  • Test update of hypervisor wop61 before th stopday (DMZ kernel module)
  • Stop Virtualbox on alta2 befor you start updating / rebooting
  • Put Ubuntu repository GPG keys in place before stop-day
  • Do not update ZFS replica's until all works
  • Spacewalk VM will be updated before stop-day

GPG key update:

 sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys <list of keys>


The results can be found in this Google Spreadsheet

Have a look at the minutes of the review meeting

:!: The stop-days procedure can be found on this page :!:

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