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WSRT stop day review meeting 21-11-2018

Muller room 10:30

Present: AS, BH, RB, JK, RB

Subjects: 1. Progress overview. a. Detailed overview (machine based) b. Subsystem overview (swap pages, 2 collums) See google sheet stopday 14-11-18 2. ZFS update issues. ZFS not part of kernel. When using kdms, a manual rebuild action is required. When using kmod this should work more smoothly. 3. Before the stopday: Test update a CentOS hypervisor (wop61) 4. Matplotlib was postponed (not well tested). Was updated later (20-11-2018) 5. Virtualbox should be stopped on alta2 before updates start 6. All GPG keys should be in place before updates start 7. Lcu-rt0 became lcu-rt6. Several adjustments needed (casacore,pyrap). Supervisor status was not updated in Zabbix. Note we were waiting for a new release. 8. Use for communication with users 2x!!! 9. Supervisor starts too early, should wat for NFS. Fixed a few days later by Teun 10. Wait with repolica’s before production is ready. Order in procedure! 11. Arno: checklist went well. Missing was Jenkins slaves up. (The home of Jenkins was moved) 12. Alta: Ingest not configured properly. Test for apertif→ alta needed. 13. 1,5 day needed 14. Wop76 update before wop63 15.

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