====== GetMS ====== This page contains downloads of the ''getms'' script that can be used to retrieve data from the WSRT archive. See [[wsrtinfo:wsrtarchive|this page]] for more information on the WSRT data archive. **Note:** Users that already used ''getms'' in the past should also follow the procedure to regain access to the archive with ''getms''. ===== Short description ===== The ''getms'' script allows users to download WSRT Measurement Sets (MS) from the archive (aliased as ''wsrtarchive.astron.nl'' in the DNS nameserver), based on sequencenumber or MS name. The script is a simple ''csh''-script that should run on most flavours of Unix/Linux and MacOS. It uses the ''rsync''-tool to get the data. If this is not available on your system it will try to use ''scp''. ===== Getting access ===== Users must be granted access to get to the archival data. Access can be granted by Arno Schoenmakers or the RO admins (roadmin@astron.nl). To get access, a public ssh key, generated on your own system is needed; we recommend using a passphrase-less key. You can generate ssh-keys with the tool ''ssh-keygen''. The public key (usually the content of the file $''HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'' or ''id_dsa.pub'' created by ssh-keygen) should be mailed to us, so we can add it to the archive system. This key usually looks something like this: ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALnrC54bjck4jJZ2mhnifrZKvmcvmESyS7k9xrIamuiCEWxgUbMF6bhPYRPdbskLyUsNlc 2qC5xV0cUDtpniSaf3+427GaX+uFWW3ABMmBbwfybZDOAc6fpbb7qMRWM4Y3a2ss2T1CiZD7TfN1xy+IS2dP9BnLER6fbWvDa t991AAAAFQDD/SqEzP3ryFhxOBrLhJBcLf9rtQAAAIBKh4mTNGk/7dPKdSpfJh5yw28SP1hRITdGmNAJBlMC09u7983Wr3e6uS 6OzJYTR0d6MHYqACuO+ix0Q4uHPaBD56h6lIBNXukeJC/zysumXgvk+daFJW2bJvGMzOGknlKhgEplyLvW/UonzQ9SZIKkAGPr jz9qMI3r9daVXc/VCQAAAIEAqtmvnjqidev3UJdXiJsRHrFKS37GYpt4Wp21GeFvsPNFokGbW/jVVk/nm0FSJzeJJrTIRcwZOC 6yw7X+L5txwHQORApk8tN0OCGuamg+SXpP/4UqAtKWoSrdmNBqYw8rTbnXxqrCHxRu3noE2AHxD7Ej80moTPtSx541UdWn08E= dsa-key-20100104 After we have done that, you should try connecting to the archive host with: ssh inspect@wsrtarchive.astron.nl uptime If this works without providing a password or passphrase, ''getms'' will also work. Type ''getms -h'' for more help and instructions. ===== Download ===== Get the file below, save it on your local host as ''getms'' and make sure it is executable. Then it should work fine... * {{public:swdownloads:getms.csh|getms.csh, 1.17, 2013-03-19}}