====== WSRT stop-day activities 8 June 2021 ====== \\ ^ Coordinator | Walter | roadmin@astron.nl | ^ Software Support | n/a | n/a | ^ Science, Operations and Support | Manu Orru |orru@astron.nl | ^ Observer | Richard Blaauw | observer@astron.nl | ==== Actions ==== * Operator will stop Apertif software before 08:00 LT * Update & reboot of all listed WSRT and DWG systems (Walter and Teun)[[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kub84wpTDOCPX8R2JrnqcYl2x1kxKTh0R3BuVgqIrCE/edit#gid=73826342| WSRT Stop day checklist and System Overview]] * ALTA system migration from dop812/dop813 to dop825/dop826 (Hanno, Roy, Nico, Mike) Note: * Spacewalk VM (wop76) will be updated before stop-day (Walter) * Perform update of test systems: dop375, dop445, dop818, wop78 before the stop-day (Walter) * Perform update of test hypervisors: dop212, wop85 (ZFS/KVM) before the stop-day (Walter) * Update Dell BIOS and firmware on hypervisor servers (dsu tool) ==== Stop Day Procedure ==== :!: The stop-day procedures can be found [[engineering:stop_day_procedures|on this page]] :!: