====== WSRT stop-day activities July 02, 2019 ====== \\ ^ Coordinator | Jasmin Klipic | roadmin@astron.nl | ^ Software Support | Roy de Goei| goei@astron.nl | ^ Science, Operations and Support | Emanulea Orru |orru@astron.nl | ^ Observer | J.Sluman| observer@astron.nl | ==== Actions ==== * ✔ Operator will [[https://www.astron.nl/wsrt/wiki/doku.php?id=apertif:observing_apertif#stop_monitoring_and_control_software|stop Apertif software]] before 08:00; Telescopes in manual stow position (Operator) * ✔ Update & reboot of all CentOS systems (also ARTS0!!!) * ✔ Reboot Ubunutu-14 systems (incl LCU's and both data writers) * ✔ Test wop64 for WinCC compatibility, first. * ✔ Jenkins: update plugins * ✔ Reboot ALTA Production Storage and Nodes (count with 1h downtime) * ✔ Reduce snmpd logging verbosity (change -Lsd to -LSwd in /etc/default/snmpd, remove -Lf /dev/null) * ✔ adjust wcudata1/wcudata2 for max performance and deacivate cpu scaling Note: * ✔ Test update/reboot of lcu-rt0/wop61/wop78 before the stop-day (Friday) * ✔ Stop Virtualbox on alta2 before you start updating / rebooting * ✔ Spacewalk VM will be updated before stop-day ==== Results ==== The results can be found in [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16XJz7pnsxyXeYIsIaVFb6IUtdRMHjXh9YSs81EdExOQ/edit#gid=0|this Google Spreadsheet]] Have a look at the [[stopday_300419_review|minutes of the previews review meeting]] :!: The stop-days procedure can be found [[engineering:stop_day_procedures|on this page]] :!: