====== Public area ====== This is the public area of the WSRT Operations Wiki. ===== WSRT Information sources ===== * [[http://www.astron.nl/radio-observatory/astronomers/wsrt-astronomers|WSRT home page (for astronomers)]] ===== CRAFT ===== * [[craft:start|CRAFT information]] ===== Meetings ===== * [[http://www.lofar.org/operations/doku.php?id=public:ocmminutes|Minutes from the Observation Coordination Meetings (in the LOFAR Wiki)]] * [[usermeeting|WSRT User Meeting]] ===== Software downloads ===== * [[public:swdownloads:start|Downloads of software for users]] ===== Linux Login Environment ===== * [[http://www.lofar.org/operations/doku.php?id=public:lle| The Linux login environment manual]] ===== VNC access ===== This section describes a VNC setup for the WSRT. * [[public:vnc-usage| Graphical display using VNC ]] ===== VPN access ===== Astron employees can request VPN access. The procedure is explained in [[https://intranet.astron.nl/diensten/ict/manuals-and-documents/vpn-user-manual/vpn-user-manual|the VPS user manual]] See also [[https://bien.nl/linux_voor_de_beginnende_beheerder-VPN.blog|Dutch explanation VPN]] ===== Presentation help ===== ==== Presentations and presentation templates ==== * Some [[wsrtsystem:presentations|WSRT presentations and templates]] that can be used to extract diagrams or pictures, or make a presentation look good (restricted!).