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public:usermeeting [2008/06/13 07:38] hannoholtiespublic:usermeeting [2008/11/11 16:08] (current) hannoholties
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 ====== WSRT User Meeting June 4th 2008 ====== ====== WSRT User Meeting June 4th 2008 ======
 +===== Minutes =====
 +{{:public:usersmeeting:minutes_wsrt_users_mtg_4_june_2008.pdf|Minutes WSRT Users Meeting}}
 ===== Venue ===== ===== Venue =====
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 [[http://www.regardz.nl]] [[http://www.regardz.nl]]
-{{:public:regardz_amersfoort_map.pdf|Regardz map}}+{{:public:usersmeeting:regardz_amersfoort_map.pdf|Regardz map}}
 ===== Documents ===== ===== Documents =====
-  * {{:public:usersmeeting:agenda.pdf|Agenda}} +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:apertif-usersmeeting.pdf|Apertif discussion Document}}
-  * {{:public:apertif-usersmeeting.pdf|Apertif discussion Document}}+
 ===== Presentations ===== ===== Presentations =====
-1030-1035 Welcome, agenda (Vermeulen)+1030-1035 Welcome, {{:public:usersmeeting:agenda.pdf|agenda}} (Vermeulen)
-1035-1050 Report from the WSRT Programme Committee chairman (Verheijen) +1035-1050 {{:public:usersmeeting:verheijenusersmeeting_04jun2008.pdf|Report from the WSRT Programme Committee chairman}} (Verheijen) 
 1055-1300 Views and perspectives on the future course for the WSRT 1055-1300 Views and perspectives on the future course for the WSRT
-1055-1110 Introduction (Vermeulen) +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:wsrt-users-meeting-2008-intro_vermeulen.pdf|Introduction}} (Vermeulen) 
-- 1115-1130 WSRT in perspective of EVN2015 vision (van Langevelde) +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:wsrt_evn_2015_langevelde.pdf|WSRT in perspective of EVN2015 vision}} (van Langevelde) 
-- 1135-1200 European Pulsar Timing Array and WSRT pulsar capabilities +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:wsrt_pulsars.pdf|WSRT pulsar capabilities}} and {{:public:usersmeeting:european_pulsar_timing_array.pdf|European Pulsar Timing Array}}  (Karuppusamy, Hessels
-  (Hessels, Karuppusamy) +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:usermeetingapertifoosterloo.pdf|Prospects for a Focal Plane Array: Apertif}} (Oosterloo)
-- 1205-1235 Prospects for a Focal Plane Array: Apertif (Oosterloo) +
- +
-- 1240-1300 Open for reactions and discussion+
 1300-1400 LUNCH 1300-1400 LUNCH
-1400-1420 Demonstrations of online interfaces for user project tracking and data/archive access (Holtiest.b.d.)+1400-1615 WSRT projects: recent science highlights and ambitions for the future 
 +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:wsrtusers_gentile.pdf|The very extended rotation curve of NGC 3741}} (Gentile) 
 +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:cappellari2008_wsrt.pdf|Gas and the formation of early-type galaxies: SAURON + WSRT}} (Cappellari) 
 +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:grbs_strom.pdf|Gamma-Ray Bursts}} (Strom) 
 +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:wsrt_in_the_e-evn.pdf|WSRT for EVN calibrationpolarization, transients}} (Paragi) 
 +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:wsrt_polarization.pdf|WSRT Polarisation imaging}} (Katgert) 
 +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:large_surveys_heald.pdf|Future Large Surveys with the WSRT}} (Heald) 
 +  * {{:public:usersmeeting:apertif-june08-rottgering.pdf|APERTIF and continuum surveys}} (Rottgering; late contribution)
-1425-1600 WSRT projects: recent science highlights and ambitions for the future +1615-1630 TEA
- - 1425-1440 The very extended rotation curve of NGC 3741 (Gentile) +
- - 1445-1500 The SAURON Survey (Cappellari) +
- - 1505-1520 Gamma-Ray Bursts (Strom) +
-- 1520-1535 WSRT Polarisation imaging (Katgert) +
-- 1540-1545 WSRT for EVN calibration, polarization, transients (Paragi) +
-- 1550-1600 Future Large Surveys with the WSRT (Heald)+
-1600-1615 TEA +1630-1655 Open forum: short contributions, general discussion
- +
-1615-1655 Open forum: short contributions, general discussion+
 1655-1700 Summary (Vermeulen) 1655-1700 Summary (Vermeulen)
 +1700-1720 {{:public:usersmeeting:presentation_hah_04062008.pdf|WSRT online interfaces}} (Holties, moved to end of meeting)

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