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New all-sky map shows magnetic fields at highest precision

With a unique new all-sky map scientists have made significant progress toward measuring the magnetic field structure of the MW in unprecedented detail.

Published by the editorial team, 6 December 2011

Grants for ASTRON & JIVE Summer Student Programme 2012

The 2012 Summer Research Programme of ASTRON and JIVE enables astronomy students to spend the summer at the Dwingeloo Observatory.

Published by the editorial team, 24 November 2011

Youngest supernova ever imaged just after explosion

Dead but still kicking: youngest supernova imaged just after explosion

Published by the editorial team, 23 November 2011

International partners join forces for SKA telescope

International partners join forces and agree on funding for detailed final design of Square Kilometre Array telescope

Published by the editorial team, 23 November 2011

Water vapour reveals how stars form around black hole

A team led by astronomer Paul van der Werf has discovered that a black hole in the young universe is surrounded by a large disk of gas and dust.

Published by the editorial team, 19 October 2011

Prestigious research grant for young ASTRON researcher

The NWO has awarded 159 young, recently promoted researchers, among whom dr. Adam Deller (ASTRON) a Veni grant.

Published by the editorial team, 18 October 2011

World’s largest radio telescope bigger with Swedish LOFAR station

On Monday, Sweden’s Minister for Education and Research, Jan Björklund, will open Onsala Space Observatory’s newest telescope.

Published by the editorial team, 20 September 2011

God is an eJ

“God is an Ej. Not a Dj! Not a Vj!! Welcome in the information Universe where God runs the show as an e-J.

Published by the editorial team, 26 August 2011

LOFAR telescope shines at Noorderzon Festival

Between 18 and 28 August, the LOFAR telescope will be part of a show at the famous Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival in Groningen, the Netherlands.

Published by the editorial team, 19 August 2011

ATLAS3D project: Replacing handle of Hubble’s tuning fork

A team of 25 astronomers has shown that many presumed spheroid galaxies are in fact spiral galaxies.

Published by the editorial team, 20 June 2011

Heino Falcke receives highest Dutch scientific award

Prof.Heino Falcke, Professor of Astroparticle Physics and Radio Astronomy at RadboudUniversity Nijmegen, received a Spinoza prize on Monday 6 June.

Published by the editorial team, 7 June 2011

LOFAR makes deeper images of Universe than ever before

A team led by astronomers at ASTRON and the Kapteyn Institute have used LOFAR to make the deepest wide-field images in the spectrum around 150 MHz.

Published by the editorial team, 1 June 2011
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