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NWO TOP grant for Prof. Dr. Tom Oosterloo to search for the darkest galaxies

Prof. Dr. Tom Oosterloo has been awarded a prestigious TOP grant from NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

Published by the editorial team, 1 December 2014

LOFAR discovers largest carbon atoms outside our Milky Way

An international team of astronomers has for the first time discovered the largest carbon atoms outside our Milky Way with the LOFAR radio telescope.

Published by the editorial team, 29 October 2014

Swirling Electrons in the Whirlpool Galaxy

The whirlpool galaxy Messier 51 (M51) is seen from a distance of approximately 30 million light years.

Published by the editorial team, 21 August 2014

NASA’s Fermi Finds A ‘Transformer’ Pulsar

In late June 2013, an exceptional binary containing a rapidly spinning neutron star underwent a dramatic change in behaviour never before observed.

Published by the editorial team, 23 July 2014

Radio-burst discovery deepens astrophysics mystery

Brief pulse detected by Arecibo telescope appears to come from far beyond our galaxy

Published by the editorial team, 11 July 2014

Astronomers find supermassive black hole blasting molecular gas at one million kilometers per hour from a galaxy

New research has solved a long-standing mystery surrounding the evolution of galaxies, which deepens our understanding of the future of the Milky Way.

Published by the editorial team, 8 July 2014

Nomination Christiaan Huygens Science Award 2014 for Stefan Wijnholds

Stefan Wijnholds, working as a researcher at ASTRON, has been nominated for the Christiaan Huygens Science Award 2014.

Published by the editorial team, 1 July 2014

12 M€ for Netherlands contribution to design of the Square Kilometre Array

A consortium consisting of ASTRON and several Dutch Universities has been awarded 12M€ for their participation in the design of the SKA.

Published by the editorial team, 1 July 2014

Three new Polish antenna stations for LOFAR telescope

Today, ASTRON and the Polish LOFAR consortium POLFAR signed a contract for the construction of three new antenna stations for the ILT in Poland.

Published by the editorial team, 11 June 2014

First Light for SPHERE Exoplanet Imager

SPHERE has been installed on ESO’s VLT at the Paranal Observatory in Chile and has achieved first light.

Published by the editorial team, 5 June 2014

Collaboration is key for SKA pre-construction

ASTRON has been working with representatives of the NRC and CSIRO to undertake a collaborative measurement programme as part of SKA pre-construction work.

Published by the editorial team, 3 June 2014

Order of the Star of Italy for Prof. Morganti

Prof. Raffaella Morganti, has received a knighthood awarded to her by President Giorgio Napolitano and presented to her by Dr. Francesco Azzarello.

Published by the editorial team, 3 June 2014
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