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News Overview

Surprise discovery provides new insights into stellar deaths

Astronomers made a surprise discovery when they found that one supernova explosion was actually a star being pulled apart by a supermassive black hole.

Published by the editorial team, 14 June 2018

First SKA-Low Prototype Station Completed On Site

A complete prototype station of antennas for the future SKA-low telescope has been completed and is being tested at the SKA site in Western Australia.

Published by the editorial team, 24 May 2018

Dutch radio antenna to depart for the Moon on Chinese mission

On 21 May 2018*, the Chinese space agency will launch the relay satellite Chang’e 4 to an orbit behind the Moon.

Published by the editorial team, 17 May 2018

ASTRON Hackathon addresses big data challenges

The new era of radio astronomy we are entering involves solving the most pressing data challenges in IT.

Published by the editorial team, 3 May 2018

Emily Petroff nominated for New Scientist Science Talent 2018

Emily Petroff, astronomer of the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy ASTRON, is one of the contenders for the title New Scientist Science Talent 2018

Published by the editorial team, 24 April 2018

Dutch antenna on Chinese satellite to the Moon

In May, a Dutch radio antenna on a Chinese satellite will be launched to other side of the Moon.

Published by the editorial team, 18 April 2018

LOFAR crosses the Alps; Italy joins

Today, 16 April 2018, Italy officially became a member of the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT).

Published by the editorial team, 16 April 2018

Girlsday 2018

On April 12, 2018, 32 high school girls visited ASTRON for the annual Girlsday.

Published by the editorial team, 13 April 2018

ASTRON develops heart of new supercomputer for world’s largest radio telescope

ASTRON has developed the heart of the new supercomputer for SKA, the future largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world.

Published by the editorial team, 6 April 2018

ASTRON once again assessed as world leading

ASTRON has been evaluated as excellent in all categories of NWO’s 2017 evaluation process.

Published by the editorial team, 8 March 2018

The Square Kilometre Array for development

“The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is an excellent tool to drive development in South Africa”, stated Naledi Pandor.

Published by the editorial team, 28 February 2018

Astronomer Joeri van Leeuwen receives Vici grant

Astronomer Joeri van Leeuwen of ASTRON receives a Vici grant of 1.5 million euros to hunt for the source of gravitational waves.

Published by the editorial team, 23 February 2018
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