
This is an old revision of the document!

Release notes and instructions LOFAR Offline release 2.14.2

No instructions needed for this release.


  • #8832 - PyBDSM fails if new islands are found in PI image


  • #8412 - AWImager and AWImager2 now compile with wcslib >= 5.0
  • Various improvements to AWImager2 (not installed by default)


  • #8828 - BBS can now solve for a separate TEC for x and y (for investigations, default remains unchanged)


  • #8761 - SmartDemix broken if freqstep != demixfreqstep
  • #8374 - GainCal does not normalize phase of first station to 0 anymore
  • #8399 - When combining subbands, DPPP now checks whether the result is regular in frequency

Pipeline Framework

  • #8835 - Make pipeline node scripts identifiable
  • #8763 - Bugfix: startPython now contains pipeline logs
  • #4421 - Change location of pipeline log files (to /opt/lofar/var/log/)
  • Last modified: 2016-01-29 13:21
  • by Arno Schoenmakers