export parameters

Parameter solutions of a calibrator observation can be used to correct a target observation. Usually these parameter solutions have to be exported (transferred) from the parmdb of the calibrator observation to another parmdb to make the solution time independent by reducing the time axis to a single value. However, if the calibator and target are observed at the same time (with different beams), it is possible to directly use the calibrator solution parmdb as input for the correction of the target.

There are two programs available:

parmexportcal can be run like:

parmexportcal param1=value param2=value ...

Running it with the -h option shows the available parameters and their possible default values.

Parameter type default description
in string Name of the input parmdb.
out string Name of the output parmdb.
append bool false Append to the output parmdb?
type string keep How to write output: keep=same as input, polar=ampl/phase, complex=real/imag
skiplast bool True Ignore last time solution (which can be bad)?
phaseindex integer -1 >=0 means take phase at given index
zerophase bool false Make all output phases zero?
amplperc float 10. Print warning if an amplitude deviates more than this percentage from the median amplitude.