User Software :: CR-Tools :: Installation on OpenSUSE


Installation on OpenSUSE 11.2

After installing all required yast-packages (see below) the recent version of CR-Tools (#3852 as of 13.12.2009, without startools or GUI) installed without additional intervention. (Needs to be checked with a clean system! AH)

The rough steps:

  1. Install the following packages via yast:
    • Select “Patterns” and install the following:
      • C/C++ Development
      • Python Development
      • Tcl/Tk Development
    • Select “Search” and install the following packages:
      • gcc-fortran
      • lapack
      • python-devel
      • fftw3-devel
      • gsl-devel
      • libqt4-devel
      • libqt4-devel-doc
  2. Get the sourcecode from the subversion repository:
    cd <your path> ;svn co usg
  3. Add the …/usg/release/bin directory to your path (e.g. with bash):
    echo "export LOFARSOFT=<your path>/usg" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo ". $LOFARSOFT/devel_common/scripts/" >> ~/.bashrc
  4. Build the stuff:
     cd <LOFARSOFT>/usg/build; ./bootstrap; make cr 

Installation on OpenSUSE 10.3/11.1

In general the installation on a plain OpenSUSE 10.3 works without much trouble. (Update 28. Mar. 2008:) The recent version of the cr-tools require root, which needs to be istalled “by hand”. Also the libgfortran symlink still needs to be set. But both issues are considered minor.

The detailed steps:

  1. If you installed it from DVD, make sure that also the “Main OSS” software repository is added in yast, as some packages are not on the DVD.
  2. Install the following packages via yast:
    • Select “Patterns” and install the following:
      • C/C++ Development
      • Python Development
      • Tcl/Tk Development
    • Select “Search” and install the following packages:
      • gcc-fortran
      • lapack
      • python-devel
      • fftw3-devel
      • gsl-devel
      • libqt4-devel
      • libqt4-devel-doc
  3. As root: go to /usr/lib and make a symlink from to
    cd /usr/lib; ln -s

    (Adjust this to the exact name of the installed libgfortran.)

  4. Install the ROOT package manually (e.g. to /opt/root)
  5. If you want to have the GUI, then you also need to install mathgl manually.
    • I (Andreas H.) think (i.e. I might be wrong!) I managed this by:
      1. downloading mathgl-1.8.tar.gz
      2. ./bootstrap
      3. cmake .
        (note the “.”)
      4. ccmake .
        and switching on enable-qt
      5. make
      6. make install
  6. Get the sourcecode from the subversion repository:
    cd <LOFARSOFT> ;svn co usg
  7. Add the …/usg/release/bin directory to your path (e.g. with bash):
    echo "export LOFARSOFT=<your path>" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo ". $LOFARSOFT/devel_common/scripts/" >> ~/.bashrc
  8. Build the stuff:
    cd <LOFARSOFT>/usg/build; ./bootstrap; make cr

    (Note: You get several warnings: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ Just ignore them…)

  9. If you want the GUI, then you need to switch it on manually:
    1.  cd <LOFARSOFT>/usg/build/cr; make edit_cache
    2. switch on CR_WITH_GUI, configure (press “c”), generate (press “g”)
    3.  make install 

      And pray that it works…

User SoftwareCR-Tools