User Software :: CR-Tools :: Installation on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

Revised installation notes

Installation on the MacBook Pro — Arthur Corstanje, March 27, 2009

The old guide can be found below with some additional data but is mostly obsolete. As I had to find out how to install, I executed things in a different order; here's what I think it should be. The installation procedure should some time be checked from scratch.

  1. Start with the notes in section Mac OS X 10.4: That means running fink configure to activate the unstable repository. After that, check/edit

    so it will contain

    Trees: local/main unstable/main unstable/crypto
    SelfUpdateMethod: cvs
    SelfUpdateTrees: 10.4

    Alternatively, use FinkCommander from the start. It has a GUI and possibly some progress bar, which may save hours in what follows. Then you can also edit these configs in a non-typo-sensitive way…

  2. fink selfupdate, fink index, fink scanpackages.
  3. check your shell profile for the /sw/bin/; it should have a command to execute this.
  4. get the USG repository, do bootstrap (see instructions above).
  5. run a fix script for qt4-mac, which is described at
  6. Download a newer version of X11, v2.3.0, the PyQt appears to need that. Found at: Note that Heino Falcke didn't need to do that (?).
  7. Then, make fink-packages. Some notes about this (Lars?):
    • This action takes, well, some time… I estimate a total of ~10 CPU-hours flat-out. Meanwhile, it asks for user input at totally unpredictable times (2 minutes to 3 hours interval).
    • Being asked for passwords can be disabled by running sudo make fink-packages, which I did. Being asked for installing dependent packages can be disabled by a command-line option of fink, but I didn't attempt to put that into the USG's makefile.
    • I'm not sure Fink will always take the binary distributions if they exist. Heino says it took him much less time. In the /sw/etc/fink.conf file, include the following (not yet tested):
      UseBinaryDist: true

      This could save a whole day.

  8. Check your active Python version. On a terminal run python –version. It should say 2.6.x. If not, change your path in your .profile so /sw/bin appears before /usr/bin.
    • if that doesn't help, go to /sw/bin and find python2.6. Make a symlink:
      sudo ln -s python2.6 python
    • check again in a new terminal window
  9. I did install the py25-packages listed in the old instructions, but they should not be needed.
  10. make root in usg/build. This didn't work for me but apparently Lars has fixed that. Takes an hour to compile…
  11. check corresponding lines in $PATH and $ROOTSYS, and/or .profile, if not present, add them (see ROOT installation instructions, no. 4 for Mac OS X).
  12. alternatively install root from its own svn. Don't forget the make install. I did, and I apparently managed to get a working cr/gui without it.
    • make -j 4 cuts running time in half by enabling multithreading. Don't do make -j 4 install, that will fail and ruin your build (and there goes another hour). Instead just make install.
  13. Now go for a
    make cr

    in usg/build. It should complete…

  14. Build and install MathGL :
    make mathgl
  15. ccmake cr from /usg/build. Enable GUI, then generate, exit.
  16. Run yet another
    make cr

    in order to build CR-Tools with now MathGL support enabled.

  17. From download and install graphviz. It has a Mac OS X installer that does its job in under a minute.
  18. From GUI directory run python -i If it fails on mathgl not found, add the following to PYTHONPATH:
      export PYTHONPATH = /usg/release/lib/python2.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

    Also check that a mathgl library actually sits there.

  19. Now you should have a working GUI

Old installation notes

This just first describes what I (Sander ter Veen) did and what I find missing. I hope it doesn't miss any steps and we can later out distill an easier version. BE CAREFUL with the use of SUDO as it may install in different places.

- Install from the Mac OS DVD the developer packages.

 This will install GCC version 4.0.1 and Python 2.5.1

- Install Fink from Take the latest Intel Binary. Fink is the svn of the Mac to install packages.

I used GCC version 4.0.1, I think there is no need to install a newer GCC version and some installation flags will not work.

We need to change some settings so we can install packages marked unstable, but still needed for USG.

New in fink-0.26: If you run

  fink configure 

one of the questions will ask whether you want to turn the unstable trees on. You will need to run

  fink selfupdate; fink index; fink scanpackages 

afterward. Note: you must have either rsync or cvs updating turned on to get new package descriptions.

- You need some default libraries which normally are allready installed on linux. Install GTK+ (1.2.10) and GTK+2 (2.6.10-1003), mysql (5.0.27-1001), GSL (1.9-1), pkgconfig (0.23-1), XML Library with fink.

 fink install GTK+
 fink install GTK+2
 fink install mysql
 fink install gsl
 fink install pkgconfig
 sudo fink install libxml

Initially I also installed the following packages, but now the USG software will do that for you. flex (2.4.5a), bison (2.0.-12), qt4, SWIG, FFTW3

 fink install flex
 fink install bison
 fink install atlas
 fink install qt4-mac
 fink install swig
 fink install fftw3

I am not sure if you need all of the general libraries, but there was some logging about them and it's good to have them anyways.

- MAYBE USG CAN DO THIS STEP FOR YOU ALSO: After installing fftw3 and libxml you can install root with svn:

  svn co root

Set the ROOT environment variables:

# ~/.bachrc or ~/.profile
export ROOTSYS=/opt/root
export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH

restart your terminal (or start another one) go to root directory

./configure macosx
make install

- Now you are ready for the USG software. Get the binary from:

svn co usg 

and follow the general instructions about configuring, making and building.

That is make the path LOFARSOFT to your lofarsoft directory:

cd usg
export LOFARSOFT=`pwd`
. devel_common/scripts/

To make it more permanent add to ~./profile

 export LOFARSOFT=<path to to root of the USG code tree>
. devel_common/scripts/

Then execute

 cd $LOFARSOFT/build

Test if the qt4 installation works:

 make fink-qt4-mac   

If qt4 didn't install it is due to a new X11 version which has suspended some files. Follow the instruction on this page to fix it:

Then install the other fink packages:

 make fink-packages

This also asks to remove hdf5 if you had that installed, but you will need to remove hdf5-bin first.

fink remove hdf5-bin

However I used python 2.5.1 in which case you need:

 fink install numpy-py25
 fink install pyqt4-py25
 fink install sip-py25

After this you are ready to

 make cr

Additional information:

If it complains about numpy not being up to date. It needs verson 1.1 and you have 1.0.1, then check your PYTHONPATH in env. Mine looks like


But if you use python 2.6 then replace 2.5 by 2.6. You can change it by adding to your ~/.profile file the line

 export PYTHONPATH=$LOFARSOFT/usg/release/lib/python/:/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages:/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyQt4/

I have succesfully (at least it says 100% built cr) the USG software on a Mac with the use of Python 2.5.1 and GCC version 4.0.1

You may have to reinstall or bootstrap again after you have installed all the finkpackages. At least I did several reinstallments before I got it working. And before this you may also need to execute:

make blitz

On my machince GCC and Python can be found in /usr/bin/ . Newer installations wil be in /usr/local/bin . If you want to use those put this (or the appropriate directory) earlier in the path.

My path is:


my ~./profile file:

export ROOTSYS=/opt/root
export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH
test -r /sw/bin/ && . /sw/bin/
export LOFARSOFT=/Users/STV/Astro/Programming/usg
. $LOFARSOFT/devel_common/scripts/
PS1=["\t"]"\[\033[1;37m\]\h:\W>\[\033[0m\] "

User SoftwareCR-Tools