Table of Contents

LOFAR Status Meetings

LOFAR Status Meetings (LSM), presenting updates of the status of the telescope and discussing recent developments, are held monthly at ASTRON. The meetings are also broadcast via Vidyo to everyone interested.

Please use a headset and please mute the microphone in the Evo session as long as you do not want to raise a question or say something.

Programme and Presentations

LSM Archive2016201520142013201220112010200920082007

15 Dec 2011
A. Polatidis Observatory Update
J. Mckean LOFAR Observations of Cygnus A
A. Karastergiou ARTEMIS, a stand alone backend for LOFAR stations
J. Hessels Summary of Pulsar Busy Week #15
30 Nov 2011
M. Wise Observatory Update
A. Asgekar Radio Recombination Lines in Cas A
R. Oonk, R. van Weeren Radio Recombination Lines in Cas A (summary slide)
16 Nov 2011
A. Polatidis Observatory Update
N. Ebbendorf Rollout update and HBA repair status &
G. Heald Update on MSSS
H. van der Marel RFI measurements of windmill farms (no slide presentation)
02 Nov 2011
A. Polatidis Observatory Update
R. Fallows Recent LOFAR Interplanetary Scintillation observations
S. ter Veen Update from the Cosmic Rays KSP
19 Oct 2011
A. Polatidis Observatory Update
Robert Pizzo Results from the Imaging Busy Week #12
Ger de Bruyn Noise and delay analysis of 30min HBA-low observation of 3C295
Jason Hessels Update on tied-array observations with the super-terp
28 Sep 2011
A. Polatidis Observatory Update
Ashish Asgekar Dynamic spectra from LOFAR data
Vibor Jelic 7-beam mosaic observation of the ELAIS field
13 Jul 2011
A. Polatidis Observatory Update
15 Jun 2011
Polatidis Observatory update
Anderson HBA system at Effelsberg and self-produced RFI
Labropoulos Deep wide-field observations with LOFAR
Horneffer Results from the Magnetism KSP Busy Week, June 6-10, 2011
18 May 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory Update
Roberto Pizzo Results of the latest imaging busy week
Jason Hessels Update on the tied-array pulsar survey
Anastasia Alexov Status of the LOFAR Data Formats
04 May 2011
Ashish Asgekar Observatory update
Clancy James CR KSP status update
Ger de Bruyn HBA monitoring of 3C196 (project LEA128)
Ger de Bruyn Noise estimates on CS and RS baselines
Hans van der Marel Air-borne broadband interference detection by LOFAR (part 2)
20 Apr 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Chris Broekema Update on cluster upgrade
Jason Hessels The latest pulsar busy week results
06 Apr 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Andreas Horneffer (live from Newcastle) News from the polarisation busy week
Maaijke Mevius Study of short time noise pulses
Jason Hessels Update on pulsar observations
23 Mar 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Olaf Wucknitz Polarisation of the crab pulsar on long baselines & Wideband RFI from airplanes?
09 Mar 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Chris Broekema Status update: CEP II
Clancy James Update CR activities
Panos Lampropoulos LEA128 processing on the LOFAR EoR GPU cluster
23 Feb 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Chris Broekema Status update: CEP II
Arno Schoenmakers LOFAR issue tracker
Andre Offringa 4 and 8 bit modes
Olaf Wucknitz Long-baseline observations of the Crab
09 Feb 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Mike Bell Results from the polarisation busy week
Roberto Pizzo Update on results of imaging busy week(s)
Ilse van Bemmel Calibration transfer test
26 Jan 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Chris Broekema Progress Installation of CEP phase II cluster
Olaf Wucknitz Subarcsec Images with LOFAR
Jason Hessels Recent results from the pulsar busy week(s)
Ger de Bruyn LEA128 data analysis
Panos Labropoulos The EoR GPU cluster - movies can be found here
12 Jan 2011
Antonis Polatidis Observatory update
Ger de Bruyn Recent data analysis from the project LEA128