Table of Contents

TV stations that may be useful for meteor observations

This is a list of video carrier freq without nearby stations in Germany, Belgium, France, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands freq < 87MHz


with clock at 200MHz

Freq Nearest strong Subband
47.25 Italy 242
49.75 Czech Rep 255
53.793540 Italy 275 (from Casey Law)
53.75 Ireland 275
59.25 Czech Rep 303
77.25 Latvia 396
82.75 Italy 424
85.25 Estonia 436


with clock at 200MHz

Freq Nearest strong Subband
48.25 Germany 247
55.25 Germany 283
60.50 France 310
62.25 Germany 319
Old List

247,282,283, 319

Long list of 12


Short list of 9 subbands
