~~NOTOC~~ ====== User Software :: CR-Tools :: Installation on OpenSUSE ====== __TOC__: * [[#Installation on OpenSUSE 11.2]] * [[#Installation on OpenSUSE 10.3/11.1]] ==== Installation on OpenSUSE 11.2 ==== After installing all required yast-packages (see below) the recent version of [[public:user software:CR-Tools]] (#3852 as of 13.12.2009, without startools or GUI) installed without additional intervention. (Needs to be checked with a clean system! AH) The rough steps: - Install the following packages via yast: * Select "Patterns" and install the following: * C/C++ Development * Python Development * Tcl/Tk Development * Select "Search" and install the following packages: * gcc-fortran * lapack * python-devel * fftw3-devel * gsl-devel * libqt4-devel * libqt4-devel-doc - Get the sourcecode from the subversion repository:cd ;svn co http://usg.lofar.org/svn/code/trunk usg - Add the ''.../usg/release/bin'' directory to your path (e.g. with bash): echo "export LOFARSOFT=/usg" >> ~/.bashrc echo ". $LOFARSOFT/devel_common/scripts/init.sh" >> ~/.bashrc - Build the stuff: cd /usg/build; ./bootstrap; make cr ==== Installation on OpenSUSE 10.3/11.1 ==== In general the installation on a plain OpenSUSE 10.3 works without much trouble. (Update 28. Mar. 2008:) The recent version of the cr-tools require root, which needs to be istalled "by hand". Also the ''libgfortran'' symlink still needs to be set. But both issues are considered minor. The detailed steps: - If you installed it from DVD, make sure that also the "Main OSS" software repository is added in yast, as some packages are not on the DVD. - Install the following packages via yast: * Select "Patterns" and install the following: * C/C++ Development * Python Development * Tcl/Tk Development * Select "Search" and install the following packages: * gcc-fortran * lapack * python-devel * fftw3-devel * gsl-devel * libqt4-devel * libqt4-devel-doc - As root: go to ''/usr/lib'' and make a symlink from ''libgfortran.so'' to ''libgfortran.so.2.0.0'': cd /usr/lib; ln -s libgfortran.so.?.0.0 libgfortran.so (Adjust this to the exact name of the installed libgfortran.) - Install the [[http://root.cern.ch|ROOT]] package manually (e.g. to ''/opt/root'') * E.g by: downloading ''ftp://root.cern.ch/root/root_v5.22.00.source.tar.gz'', and then unpacking, ''./configure'', ''make'', and ''make install'' - If you want to have the GUI, then you also need to install [[http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/|mathgl]] manually. * I (Andreas H.) think (i.e. I might be wrong!) I managed this by: - downloading [[http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=mathgl&filename=mathgl-1.8.tar.gz&use_mirror=surfnet|mathgl-1.8.tar.gz]] - ''./bootstrap'' - ''cmake .'' \\ (note the ".") - ''ccmake .'' \\ and switching on ''enable-qt'' - ''make'' - ''make install'' - Get the sourcecode from the subversion repository:cd ;svn co http://usg.lofar.org/svn/code/trunk usg - Add the ''.../usg/release/bin'' directory to your path (e.g. with bash): echo "export LOFARSOFT=" >> ~/.bashrc echo ". $LOFARSOFT/devel_common/scripts/init.sh" >> ~/.bashrc - Build the stuff: cd /usg/build; ./bootstrap; make cr (Note: You get several warnings: ''warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’'' Just ignore them...) - If you want the GUI, then you need to switch it on manually: - cd /usg/build/cr; make edit_cache - switch on ''CR_WITH_GUI'', //configure// (press "c"), //generate// (press "g") - make install And pray that it works... \\ ---- <- [[public:user software:User Software]] • [[public:user software:CR-Tools]]