===== Data Processing School :: Exercise CR1 =====
^ Source directory | /data/lofarschool/data/Exercise-CR1 |
^ Contact person | Andreas Horneffer, Lars Bähren |
==== Context ====
This exercise demonstrates the usage of the DataReader and its ability to abstract the file format from the user.
=== Prerequisite ===
* Some C/C++ programming.
* Installed USG software ([[public:User Software:CR-Tools]] package)
* Successful completion of [[Exercise CR0]]
==== Description ====
In this exercise you use the [[public:User Software:cr-tools:DataReader]] to open different types of files with time-series data and make some simple plots.
==== Files & Directories ====
|-- 2006.02.23.04:02:50.283.event
|-- rw_20071121
| `-- rw_20071121_000001_0100.dat
`-- rw_20080701_162002_0109.h5
And the ''exercise_cr1'' executable.
==== Step-by-step instructions ====
- Execute the ''exercise_cr1'' executable
* This produces some output and some plots in postscript files
- Check in the source code how this is done.
- Modify the source, compile it, and see what it does.
* Check the documentation of the [[http://usg.lofar.org/doxygen/classCR_1_1DataReader.html|DataReader]] to, e.g., change the block-size, block number, or plot different data.
==== Example outputs ====
The unmodified ''exercise_cr1'' executable should produce the following output and six postscript files:
(horneffer)lioff024> ./exercise_cr1
Loading LOPES event.
genOutput: Observatory: LOPES
Date: 1140667370
Filesize: 65536
plotting voltage, #xpoints:65536 #ypoints:65536
plotting FFT, #xpoints:32769 #ypoints:32769
Loading raw tbbctl data.
genOutput: Observatory: LOFAR
Date: 1195603201
Filesize: 2048000
plotting voltage, #xpoints:2048000 #ypoints:2048000
plotting FFT, #xpoints:1024001 #ypoints:1024001
Loading LOFAR hdf5 data.
-- nof dipole datasets = 1
-- sample frequencies = [200]
-- Setting up DataIterator objects ...
-- Setting up header record ...
genOutput: Observatory: LOFAR
Date: 1214929202
Filesize: 2048000
plotting voltage, #xpoints:2048 #ypoints:2048
plotting FFT, #xpoints:1025 #ypoints:1025
==== Bug Reports ====
//If you are experiencing trouble getting the exercise to work, this is the place to leave a note about it.//