===== LOFAR Status Meeting :: 09 Dec 2009 ===== ==== Notes from the meeting ==== == LOFAR roll-out update (G. Heald) == * new CEP connections for a couple of stations * team to install station electronics in Potsdam * all superterp stations validated! * position of station available through GoogleMaps -> link to be placed at one of the LOFAR pages == Observatory status update (M. Brentjens) == * entire super terp connected -> pointing will be verified today * no know electric fences at this moment * CS030 RCU 78 HBA signal is very bad * list nodes are phased out * lifs nodes are phased out * network modification completed, still resolving fall-out * estimated life-time of observations approx. 4--6 weeks, given the growing size of data-sets * solved issues: * MAC/SAS instability * RSP command dropped * discrete jumps in HBA power and RMS (possibly related to bad RCU in CS030) == Wijnholds - Status HBA station calibration == * three-level approach - characterization of the tiles - station level - array calibration -> selfcal at CEP * redundancy calibration * redundant baselines measure the same visibilities