====== LOFAR Docker Images ====== We offer the LOFAR software as Docker images, allowing anyone to run our software using the same configuration, without having to build it. Our images can be browsed at https://hub.docker.com/r/lofar/. ====== LOFAR Interferometry Post-Processing Software ====== To run the lofar pipeline software, you need to: - Install and configure [[https://docs.docker.com/engine/getstarted/|Docker]] on your computer (Mac/Linux/Windows) - Download and start the LOFAR image by running: docker run -it --rm -u $UID -e USER -e HOME -v $HOME:$HOME lofar/lofar-pipeline:LOFAR-Release-2_19 To list all available versions, go to https://hub.docker.com/r/lofar/lofar-pipeline/tags/. - You now have the LOFAR software available at your finger tips, and your home directory available. You can run for example: you@3617438dfc63:/$ NDPPP Usage: DPPP [-v] [parsetfile] [parsetkeys...] parsetfile: a file containing one parset key=value pair per line parsetkeys: any number of parset key=value pairs, e.g. msin=my.MS or: you@3617438dfc63:/$ long_baseline_pipeline.py /opt/lofar/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lofarpipe/support/utilities.pyc : Using default subprocess module! Usage: /opt/lofar/bin/long_baseline_pipeline.py [options] Results: or one of our dependencies: you@3617438dfc63:/$ /opt/aoflagger/bin/aoflagger AOFlagger 2.8.0 (2016-06-21) command line application This program will execute an RFI strategy as can be created with the RFI gui and executes it on one or several observations. Author: André Offringa (offringa@gmail.com) Usage: ./aoflagger [options] [ [..]] ... ====== LOFAR Pulsar Post-Processing Software ====== To run the lofar pipeline software, you need to: - Install and configure [[https://docs.docker.com/engine/getstarted/|Docker]] on your computer (Mac/Linux/Windows) - Download and start the LOFAR image by running: docker run -it --rm -u $UID -e USER -e HOME -v $HOME:$HOME lofar/lofar-pulp:LOFAR-Release-2_19 To list all available versions, go to https://hub.docker.com/r/lofar/lofar-pulp/tags/. - You now have the LOFAR pulp software available at your finger tips, and your home directory available. You can run for example: you@3617438dfc63:/$ pulp.py Usage: pulp.py <--id ObsID> [-h|--help] [OPTIONS] ====== Q&A ====== ===== Installation ===== === Q: Where can I find a list of available LOFAR software versions? === A: For ''lofar-pipeline'', surf to [[https://hub.docker.com/r/lofar/lofar-pipeline/tags/]]. For ''lofar-pulp'', surf to [[https://hub.docker.com/r/lofar/lofar-pulp/tags/]]. === Q: What is included in the image? === We put the following in our ''lofar-pipeline'' image: * LOFAR Pipeline Framework & Recipes * NDPPP * AWImager * AOFlagger * DAL2 * Casacore + casarest + python-casacore ===== Running the software ===== === Q: I can't see my data or parset? === Once you have the Docker image up and running, you will need some data to work on, and likely a parset with configuration settings. If you've put both in your home directory, they're immediately available when running with the commands described on this page. If not, you can use additional [[https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#/volume-shared-filesystems|''-v'']] parameters to make more directories available in your Docker container. === Q: I get "Illegal instruction" when running some of the software? === A: The LOFAR software is compiled for a 2015-era processor (Intel Xeon E5-2603v3 to be exact) for performance reasons, and uses CPU instructions not available on older machines. Please run our images on a newer machine, or [[#development_extending_the_software|rebuild the Docker images from scratch]]. ===== Development (extending the software) ===== === Q: How do I obtain your Dockerfiles? === A: By running: svn co -N https://svn.astron.nl/LOFAR/branches/LOFAR-Release-2_19/ cd LOFAR-Release-2_19 svn up CMake mkdir -p build/gnu_opt && cd build/gnu_opt cmake ../.. -DBUILD_PACKAGES=Docker -DUSE_LOG4CPLUS=OFF -DUSE_CASACORE=OFF && make -j 16 install which will put the Dockerfiles in subdirectories in ''LOFAR-Release-2_19/build/gnu_opt/installed/share/docker''. === Q: How do I build your Docker images from scratch? === A: By obtaining the Dockerfiles (see above), and running: # load LOFAR environment variables, used to determine tags etc source installed/lofarinit.sh # build all LOFAR images, in the order required by their interdependencies docker-build-all.sh === Q: How do I add files/modifications permanently? === A: The best way to add stuff to our images is by creating a new image based on ours. To do so, create a directory containing the files you want to add. Add to this directory a ''Dockerfile'' that describes your extension, for example: FROM lofar-pipeline:LOFAR-Release-2_19 COPY my_extension /opt/my_extension Finally, you run docker build -t myimage:mytag directory/ where ''directory'' is the directory containing the Dockerfile, and ''myimage:mytag'' is the name and tag of your new image (instead of ''lofar-pipeline:LOFAR-Release-2_19''). See also the [[https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/|Docker manual]] on how to make and use Dockerfiles. === Q: How do I add initialisation stuff? (PYTHONPATH, etc) === A: Our Docker images execute ''/opt/bashrc'' upon entry, which in turn reads and sources all the files in ''/opt/bashrc.d/'' in order. You can thus add bash files to this directory that contain your initialisation statements, f.e. a file called ''20-myextension'' containing ''export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/my_extension''. Note: if you add eggs to the image, you need to put the egg //filename// to the PYTHONPATH. It is not enough to add the directory containing the egg.