====== TV stations that may be useful for meteor observations ====== This is a list of video carrier freq without nearby stations in Germany, Belgium, France, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands freq < 87MHz ==== Distant ==== with clock at 200MHz ^Freq ^ Nearest strong ^ Subband ^ |47.25 | Italy | 242 | |49.75 | Czech Rep | 255 | |53.793540 | Italy | 275 (from Casey Law)| |53.75 | Ireland | 275 | |59.25 | Czech Rep | 303 | |77.25 | Latvia | 396 | |82.75 | Italy | 424 | |85.25 | Estonia | 436 | ==== Nearby ==== with clock at 200MHz ^Freq^ Nearest strong ^ Subband ^ |48.25 | Germany | 247 | |55.25 | Germany | 283 | |60.50 | France | 310 | |62.25 | Germany | 319 | == Old List == 247,282,283, 319 == Long list of 12 == 242,247,255,275,282,283,303,319,395,423,436 == Short list of 9 subbands == 242,247,255,275,283,303,310,319,396