ASTRON JIVE Daily Image Archive

Select month of 2022: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
  • 27-09-2022
  • Unstuck in time in a ticking cosmos
  • Jason Hessels
  • 26-09-2022
  • Astron/Kapteyn student Nika Jurlin defends her thesis
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 22-09-2022
  • Introducing... Dr. Kenzie!
  • Jason Hessels (promotor), also on behalf of copromotors Benito Marcote and Zsolt Paragi
  • 21-09-2022
  • Deep learning in high angular-resolution radio interferometry
  • Samira Rezaei
  • 19-09-2022
  • How ARTS Finds FRBs - II: Intertwined Beamforming & Dedispersion
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 16-09-2022
  • Cabinet roof tops
  • Ronald Schrik
  • 15-09-2022
  • Colloquium: The birth and death of massive galaxies: insights from strong gravitational lensing and ALMA
  • Hannah Stacey
  • 14-09-2022
  • Four months of DTS…!
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 12-09-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 team achieves digital beamforming
  • Arno Schoenmakers, on behalf of the LOFAR2.0 Development team