ASTRON JIVE Daily Image Archive

Select month of 2022: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
  • 30-08-2022
  • Cygnus-A
  • Albert van Duin
  • 29-08-2022
  • Testing Radio Continuum Emission As a Star Formation Tracer in Dwarf Galaxies
  • Vasu Dipakkumar Pipwala
  • 24-08-2022
  • The anisotropy of the diffuse radio background
  • Fraser J Cowie
  • 23-08-2022
  • Saturn near opposition
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 22-08-2022
  • Perseids 2022
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 19-08-2022
  • A field trip for the summer students
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 18-08-2022
  • Going home
  • Eric Muires
  • 17-08-2022
  • Absolute calibration of an LBA dipole
  • Cristina-Maria Cordun
  • 16-08-2022
  • Forecasting Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) by combining SXR and low frequency radio observations
  • Liam Clarke
  • 15-08-2022
  • Summer Student Project: HI gas in the heart of 3C 84
  • Claire Cook
  • 12-08-2022
  • ASTRON livens up exhibition of Nebra sky disc
  • Frank Nuijens
  • 10-08-2022
  • WSRT at dawn
  • Lute van de Bult
  • 08-08-2022
  • Strong RFI source found nextdoor
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema, Michiel Brentjens, Albert van Duijn
  • 01-08-2022
  • 15th EVN Symposium & Users' Meeting
  • Benito Marcote on behalf of the LOC