ASTRON JIVE Daily Image Archive

Select month of 2022: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
  • 31-05-2022
  • EVN Users' Training Event
  • B. Marcote
  • 30-05-2022
  • LOFAR2.0 Dwingeloo Test Station opening event
  • Arno Schoenmakers
  • 26-05-2022
  • ICD LOFAR Field Trip
  • Johan Pragt & Lonneke Kerkhoff
  • 24-05-2022
  • LOFAR 2.0 Dwingeloo Test Station First Fringes
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 23-05-2022
  • The quiet Sun image in multiple frequencis
  • A deep look at the Sun in the full radio window
  • 20-05-2022
  • EXPOWER’s Ice Breaker: 'Unleashing the power of exponential functions'
  • David Prinsloo, Annie Cuyt (University of Antwerp)
  • 19-05-2022
  • Colloquium: The fast rotating and not-so-turbulent discs of high-redshift galaxies
  • Filippo Fraternali
  • 16-05-2022
  • Dandelion
  • Denis schrama
  • 12-05-2022
  • Colloquium: Raining onto Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes
  • Massimo Gaspari
  • 09-05-2022
  • A new HBA LOFAR 2.0 tile in Dwingeloo
  • Sjouke Kuindersma, Zabet Ahmadi, Mark Ruiter
  • 05-05-2022
  • [Thursday 5 May] EVN Seminar: Intermediate-mass black holes in the era of radio astronomy
  • Benito Marcote (on behalf of the EVN Seminars O.C.)
  • 04-05-2022
  • Scaled LOFAR map
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema
  • 03-05-2022
  • EVN Users' Training Event
  • Benito Marcote
  • 02-05-2022
  • First public images of MIRI
  • Lars Venema