ASTRON JIVE Daily Image Archive

Select month of 2018: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
  • 30-03-2018
  • Another RadioLife (and LOFAR) thesis!
  • Raffaella Morganti
  • 29-03-2018
  • Colloquium - Cold gas in the center of radio-loud galaxies: New perspectives on triggering and feedback from HI absorption surveys and molecular gas.
  • Filippo Maccagni
  • 28-03-2018
  • "No exceptions"
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 27-03-2018
  • Prospects of a future LOFAR station in Spain
  • Carla Baldovin
  • 26-03-2018
  • Life-cycle workshop 2018
  • Raffaella Morganti, Joe Callingham for the LOC
  • 22-03-2018
  • AstroFest 2018
  • Gemma Janssen
  • 21-03-2018
  • Strong Gravitational Lensing
  • Albert van Duin
  • 20-03-2018
  • Discovery of a Highly Relativistic Double Neutron Star
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 19-03-2018
  • Today's colloquium: VLBI scintillometry
  • Ue-Li Pen
  • 16-03-2018
  • The LAB
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 15-03-2018
  • Today's colloquium: Blunders and Failures
  • Jan Noordam
  • 14-03-2018
  • EDU robotics
  • Monique Sluiman
  • 13-03-2018
  • Close-up of the Moon
  • Rik ter Horst
  • 12-03-2018
  • First time cool & right, right?:)
  • Paula Fusiara
  • 09-03-2018
  • Successful review of DISPERSE project
  • Peter Maat
  • 08-03-2018
  • Colloquium - Galaxy clustering in the near- and far-infrared
  • William Cowley
  • 07-03-2018
  • ARGO: the Apertif Radio - Gravitational wave Observatory
  • Joeri van Leeuwen
  • 06-03-2018
  • Putting the Dwingeloo telescope to use: a Bright Pulsar Survey
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema & Cees Bassa
  • 05-03-2018
  • The (nearly) infinite possibilities of 3d printing
  • Jorrit Siebenga
  • 02-03-2018
  • AJDI Awards 2017
  • Carole Jackson & Francisco Colomer
  • 01-03-2018
  • Today's colloquium - Radio galaxies: Models and Reality
  • Martin Hardcastle