ASTRON JIVE Daily Image Archive

Select month of 2014: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
  • 28-02-2014
  • Ghostbusted
  • Trienko Grobler, Ridhima Nunhokee & Oleg Smirnov
  • 27-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Harvesting ALFALFA: The Faint End of the Galaxy Luminosity Function
  • John Cannon (Macalester College)
  • 26-02-2014
  • LOFAR HBA repair
  • Marchel Gerbers
  • 25-02-2014
  • Im Memoriam Lambert Nieuwenhuis (1946-2014)
  • Bert Woestenburg et al
  • 24-02-2014
  • Olympic Excitement in Dwingeloo
  • Madroon E.J.
  • 21-02-2014
  • Low Noise Tile
  • Roel Witvers, Mark Ruiter, Bert Woestenburg
  • 20-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The Galactic Center Weather Forecast
  • Monika Moscibrodzka (Nijmegen University)
  • 19-02-2014
  • Optical spectra from the millisecond pulsar triple system
  • Anne Archibald
  • 18-02-2014
  • Changing your profile
  • Erwin de Blok
  • 17-02-2014
  • PhD thesis defence of Gregory Hellbourg (Orleans)
  • Albert-Jan Boonstra
  • 14-02-2014
  • Cobalt sees a Pulsar
  • Michiel Brentjens
  • 13-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: The Use of the Moon as a Particle Detector
  • Justin Bray (University of Southampton)
  • 12-02-2014
  • Extra Colloquium Today: The Virtual Observatory and Why It Matters To You
  • Markus Demleitner (Universitaet Heidelberg)
  • 11-02-2014
  • First Results from the APERTIF ALPHA-3 Correlator
  • Gijs Schoonderbeek for the APERTIF team
  • 10-02-2014
  • Storm-damaged HBA tile in transit
  • Marchel Gerbers, Nico Ebbendorf
  • 07-02-2014
  • Of Beams and Blue Ribands
  • Oleg Smirnov & Rick Perley
  • 06-02-2014
  • Today's Colloquium: Searching for protoclusters in the far-infrared with Herschel/SPIRE
  • Emma Rigby (Leiden Observatory)
  • 05-02-2014
  • What does the presence of grating lobes do to your effective area - part II
  • Michel Arts & Stefan Wijnholds
  • 04-02-2014
  • Crippled by unenlightened Nature
  • Daniela Mikkers & Ronald Halfwerk
  • 03-02-2014
  • Winter Wildlife in the LOFAR Core
  • Marchel Gerbers