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LOFAR e-learning course

Submitter: Emma van der Wateren
Description: SDCO is excited to introduce the new e-learning course designed for new users of LOFAR. Whether you are considering using LOFAR data, writing a proposal, or simply interested in low-frequency science, radio data, or our amazing instrument, check out our e-learning

The course begins with a brief introduction to radio waves and the history of radio astronomy. It covers various emission mechanisms of radio waves and identifies sources that produce these types of emissions. You will also find an introduction to radio interferometry, including a tutorial on Fourier transforms and an overview of very long baseline interferometry. The course then explores numerous LOFAR science cases, such as lightning, pulsars, cosmic rays, galaxies, the epoch of reionisation, and many more. Finally, it delves into the specifics of LOFAR, explaining the stations, the signal path, data processing, and data retrieval. Each chapter ends with a quiz to test your knowledge.

The current e-learning material is just the beginning. We plan to expand and enhance the material by adding more videos and tutorials on e.g. calibration and polarisation, as well as showcasing planned improvements to our instrument as we transition to LOFAR2.0.

The LOFAR e-learning course is a prerequisite for the LOFAR Data School (LDS). The last LDS participants were very satisfied with it.

Currently, you can access the course at elearning-astron.nl, but it will be migrated to elearning.astron.nl soon.

The LOFAR e-learning course was created by Emma van der Wateren, with significant contributions from Irene Bonati, Elise Brouwer, Olaf Wempe, David McKenna, Lotte Stienstra, Manu Orru, and Marco Iacobelli. Many astronomers from within and outside ASTRON shared their expertise and materials to help make this course possible.
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