AENEAS Consortium Agreement (CA)

The AENAES CA ca-731016-aeneas-final-2.pdf was sent for signatures to the partners on 14 February 2017.

The signed consortium agreement with all signatures is available since 21 December 2017.

After approval of the AENEAS General Assembly, CINECA (Italy) joined the AENEAS project on 18 June 2018 as an External Partner with INAF as the Sponsoring partner. Signed CINECA AENEAS External Partner Request form: cineca_aeneas_external_partner_form_signed.pdf

partner nr.partner name signed date
24 VUW 18-12-2017
28 RDA 17-08-2017
25 CSIR 13-04-2017
8 MPIfR 28-03-2017
19 SNIC 22-03-2017
9 Jülich 14-03-2017
22 CSIRO 10-03-2017
23 AARNET 09-03-2017
27 NRF 08-03-2017
16 NWO-I 07-03-2017
2 UMAN 07-03-2017
10 SKAO 06-03-2017
1 ASTRON 01-03-2017
15 GRNET 01-03-2017
21 UNIGE 01-03-2017
20 EPFL 01-03-2017
17 JIVE 27-02-2017
6 GÉANT 27-02-2017
14 CNRS 23-02-2017
4 INAF 22-02-2017
13 IT 22-02-2017
18 ILT 22-02-2017
3 UCAM 22-02-2017
12 CSIC 20-02-2017
7 16-02-2017
5 Chalmers 16-02-2017
11 STFC 15-02-2017
26 UCT 15-02-2017